113 resultados para Feedlot runoff


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N, P and SiO3-Si in the Changjiang mainstream and its major tributaries and lakes were investigated in the dry season from November to December, 1997, and in the flood season in August and October, 1998. An even distribution of SiO3-Si was found along the Changjiang River. However, the concentrations of total nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, nitrate and total phosphorus, total particulate phosphorus increased notably in the upper reaches, which reflected an increasing impact from human activities. Those concentrations in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River were relatively constant. Dissolved N was the major form of N and the particulate P was the major form of P in the Changjiang River. The molar ratio of dissolved N to dissolved P was extremely high (192.5-317.5), while that of the particulate form was low (5.6-37.7). High N/P ratio reflected a significant input of anthropogenic N such as N from precipitation and N lost from water and soil etc. Dissolved N and P was in a quasi-equilibrium state in the process from precipitate to the river. In the turbid river water, light limitation, rather than P limitation, seemed more likely to be a controlling factor for the growth of phytoplankton. A positive linear correlationship between the concentration of dissolved N and the river's runoff was found, mainly in the upper reaches, which was related to the non-point sources of N. Over the past decades, N concentration has greatly increased, but the change of P concentration was not as significant as N. The nutrient fluxes of the Changjiang mainstream and tributaries were estimated, and the result showed that the nutrient fluxes were mainly controlled by the runoff, of which more than a half came from the tributaries. These investigations carried out before water storage of the Three Gorges Dam will supply a scientific base for studying the influences of the Three Gorges Dam on the ecology and environment of the Changjiang River and its estuary.


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Based on 1997-1998 field investigations in the Changjiang river mouth, rain sampling from the river's upper reaches to the mouth, historical data, and relevant literature, the various sources of Total Nitrogen (TN) and Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) in the Changjiang river catchment and N transport in the Changjiang river mouth were estimated. The export fluxes of various form of were mainly controlled by the river runoff, and the export fluxes of NO3-N, DIN and TN in 1998 (an especially heavy flood year) were 1438 103 tonnes (t) yr(-1) or 795.1 kg km(-2) yr(-1) 1746 10(3) t yr(-1) or 965.4 kg km(-2) yr(-1) and 2849 10(3) t yr(-1) or 1575.3 kg km(-2) yr(-1), respectively. The TN and DIN in the Changjiang river came mainly from precipitation, agricultural nonpoint sources, N lost from fertilizer and soil, and point sources of industrial waste and residential sewage discharge, which were about 56.2% and 62.3%, 15.4% and 18.5%, 17.1% and 14.4%, respectively, of the N outflow at the Changjiang river mouth; maximum transport being in the middle reaches.


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Systematic studies of the changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and their effects on phytoplankton over the last 30 years in the Bohai Sea are presented. The amount of sewage disposal, use of fertilizer and the Huanghe River runoff were found to have a significant influence on the DIN or DIP concentrations in the Bohai Sea over the last 30 years. Moreover, the changes in DIN and DIP resulted in changes in the limiting nutrients of phytoplankton in the Bohai Sea from nitrogen in the early 1980s to nitrogen-phosphorus in the late 1980s, and then to phosphorus after the 1990s. In addition, changes in nitrogen and phosphorus had a significant effect on the phytoplankton community structure. The half saturation constant (K (s)) was used to evaluate the effect of nutrients on the phytoplankton community structure in the Bohai Sea over the last 30 years. Cell abundance percentages of dominant phytoplankton species with high K (s) values for phosphorus and low K (s) values for nitrogen have decreased since the 1980s, while those of dominant phytoplankton species with low K (s) values for phosphorus and high K (s) values for nitrogen increased during this period.


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Our goal was to determine the effect of diets with different crude protein (CP) contents and metabolizable energy (W) levels on daily live-weight gain, apparent digestibility, and economic benefit of feedlot yaks on the Tibetan plateau during winter. Yaks were either 2- or 3-years old and randomly selected from the same herd. The 3-year-olds were placed into one of two experimental groups (A and B) and a control (CK1), and the two-year-olds were placed into one of three experimental groups (C, D and E) and a control (CK2) (N per group = 5). Yak in the control groups were allow graze freely, while those in the experimental groups yaks were fed diets higher in contains crude protein and metabolizable energy through a winter period inside a warming shed. Results indicated that live-weight gain of treatment groups was higher than their respective controls during experiment, and that daily live-weight gain of every 10 days among different treatments was significant difference (P < 0.05). In addition, apparent digestibility of different diets was linearly and positively related to feedlotting time, and feed conversion efficiency for A, C, D and E groups was quadratically related to feedlotting time (P < 0.01), however, feed conversion efficiency for B group was linearly and positively related to feedlotting time (P < 0.05). The economic benefit was 1.15 for A, 1.89 for B, 1.16 for C, 1.54 for D, and 4,52 for E. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Groundwater basin is important for water supply in northern China. The paper took the Jingsheng Basin in Lingshi County, Shanxi Province as a case to study the basin groundwater system by numerical modeling. The hydrogeological characteristics were analysed basing on the field investigation, and a three-dimensional groundwater flow model was established to describe the groundwater flow system in the Jingsheng groundwater basin. The boundary of the model was determined by using geophysics and GIS data, and the lumped parameter model of runoff was used to depict the transform between the surface water and groundwater, and the groundwater dating data was used to calibrate the model. All these methods were used to improve the model. The Software Visual MODFLOW 2000 was applied to set up the numerical groundwater flow model. The groundwater flow pattern in the average year, the high-water year and the low-water year were simulated respectively by the model. Some new cognition to the groundwater movement in Jingsheng Basin was obtained in the paper. The difficult problems were resolved when using the conventional and theoretical analysis to forecast and appraise the exploitation of the groundwater, and supplies the instructional technology base for the reasonable exploitation and optimization collocation. The numerical model will improve evaluation of the basin groundwater resources.


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The aim of this study is to increase the precision of groundwater modeling. The way is use the distributed model calculate the mountain basin groundwater lateral discharge and the river runoff. With appropriate technique help, the groundwater model can couple the distributed model results. This paper’s study object is makeing the distributed hydrological model HEC-HMS coupled to the popular groundwater model Visual MODFLOW. The application example is Jiyuan basin which is a typical basin of North China. HEC-HMS can calculate the surface runoff and subsurface runoff at mountain-pass. The subsurface runoff can turn to recharge well straightly. The water level - runoff course and Trial method is used to back analyze the parameters of surface runoff to Visual MODFLOW. So the distributed hydrological model can coupled to the groundwater model. The research proved that base on couple the distributed surface water model the groundwater model’s results are notability improved. The example is Jiyuan basin where use the distributed model coupled to the groundwater model. On the base of the coupled model applied to Jiyuan basin groundwater modeling. The paper estimates the groundwater change in the study area. Then, by use the water resources integrated planning results, the article calculate the basin groundwater can be development and utilization quantity and potential.


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The Xinli mine area of Sanshandao mine is adjacent to the Bohai Sea and its main exploitable ore deposit occurs in the undersea rock mass. The mine is the biggest undersea gold mine of China after production. The mine area faces a latent danger of water bursting, even sudden seawater inrush. There is no mature experience in undersea mining in China so far. The vein ore deposit is located in the lower wall of a fault; its possible groundwater sources mainly include bittern, Quaternary pore water and modern seawater. To ensure the safety of undersea mining, to survey the flooding conditions of the ore deposit using proper measures and study the potential seawater inrush pattern are the key technical problems. With the Xinli mine area as a case study, the engineering geological conditions of the Xinli mine area are surveyed in situ, the regional structural pattern and rock mass framework characteristics are found out, the distribution of the structural planes are modeled by a Monte Carlo method and the connectivity coefficients of rock mass structural planes are calculated. The regional hydro-geological conditions are analyzed and the in-situ hydro-geological investigation and sampling are performed in detail, the hydrochemistry and isotopes testing and groundwater dynamic monitoring are conducted, the recharge, runoff, discharge conditions are specified and the sources of flooding are distinguished. Some indices are selected from the testing results to calculate the proportion of each source in some water discharge points and in the whole water discharge of the Xinli mine area. The temporal and spatial variations of each water source of the whole ore deposit flooding are analyzed. According to the special project conditions in the Xinli mine area, the permeability coefficient tensors of the rock mass in Xinli mine area are calculated based on a fracture geometry measurement method, in terms of the connectivity and a few hydraulic testing results, a modified synthetic permeability coefficient are calculated. The hydro-geological conceptual and mathematical model are established,the water yield of mine is predicted using Visual Modflow code. The spreading law of surrounding rock mass deformation and secondary stress are studied by numerical analysis; the intrinsic mechanism of the faults slip caused by the excavation of ore deposit is analyzed. The results show that the development of surrounding rock mass deformation and secondary stress of vein ore deposit in the lower wall of a fault, is different from that in a thick-big ore deposit. The secondary stress caused by the excavation of vein ore deposit in the lower wall of a fault, is mainly distributed in the upper wall of the fault, one surface subsidence center will occur. The influences of fault on the rock mass movement, secondary stress and hydro-geological structures are analyzed; the secondary stress is blocked by the fault and the tensile stress concentration occurs in the rock mass near the fault, the original water blocking structure is destructed and the permeable structure is reconstructed, the primary structural planes begin to expand and newborn fissures occur, so the permeability of the original permeable structure is greatly enhanced, so the water bursting will probably occur. Based on this knowledge, the possible water inrush pattern and position of the Xinli mine area are predicted. Some computer programs are developed using object-oriented design method under the development platform Visual Studio.Net. These programs include a Monte Carlo simulation procedure, a joint diagrammatizing procedure, a structural planes connectivity coefficient calculating procedure, a permeability tensor calculating procedure, a water chemical formula edit and water source fixture conditions calculating procedure. A new computer mapping algorithm of joint iso-density diagram is raised. Based on the powerful spatial data management and icon functions of Geographic Information System, the pit water discharge dynamic monitoring data management information systems are established with ArcView.


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The loess-paleosol sequence in China is one of the best archives for studying paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic processes. The loess deposits in the coast of the Bohai Sea are suitable for the study of aridification in the northern China during glacial periods (fig.2-1). In this paper, stratigraphy was correlated by using magnetic susceptibility, grain size, and thermoluminence (TL) and accelerater mass spectrometer (AMS) ~(14)C ages. Based on the loess records, an interpretation has been made for paleoenvironmental changes on the coast of the Bohai Sea during the last glacials. The results of magnetic susceptibility, grain size, biostratigraphy, TL and ~(14)C dating, suggest that the loess-paleosol sequence in the coast of the Bohai Sea is discontinuous. The loess deposits correlated with the marine δ~(18)O stage 2 are usually absent in some profiles. Also, the thickness of the loess deposits in the same period varied significantly in different sections. In the coast of the Bohai Sea, the higher magnetic susceptibility corresponds to the finer grain size, consistent with the results of the Loess Plateau. It is indicated that the changes in magnetic susceptibility and grain size may record the paleoclimatic fluctuations of the last glacial. Although the loess deposits during the last glacial have been slightly altered by slope runoff, they have still remained main characters as the representative loess deposits of the Loess Plateau. During the last glacial, the less accumulation rate in the coast of the Bohai Sea is similar to that of the desert-loess transition zone in the northwestern Loess Plateau, and the all section contain high concentrations of sand (>60μm), indicate that the aridification in the Bohai Sea occurred during the glacial. But the changes in sand content of loess deposits along a north-south transect of the Bohai Sea and the changes of magnetic susceptibility implicate that desertification might not occur in the shelf of the Bohai Sea during the last glacial. The frequent fluctuations of summer monsoon during the marine δ~(18)O stage 4 are demonstrated by magnetic susceptibility, frequency-dependent susceptibility and the abundance of foraminifera. 46 genera, 71 species of foraminifera were identified from 138 loess samples. Almost all of the foraminifera are present in the last glacial loess, but the distribution patterns of foraminifera show significant temporal changes. The results of magnetic susceptibility, grain size and XRD indicate that not only sea-level changes had influences on foraminifera abundance, but also variations in sediment flux by rivers when sea-level drops might control the abundance of foraminifera. In addition, the diversity and exquitability of the foraminifera suggest that the frequent fluctuations of foraminifera fossil abundance during the marine δ~(18)O stages could be partly attributed to leaching. In summary, the changes in foraminifera of abundance related to the paleoclimatic variations, and the aridification extends to the coast of the eastern China during the last glacial.