119 resultados para Fast Rayleigh Fading


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Propylamine has been selected to investigate the isotope effect of a fast deuteron transfer reaction by ultrasonic relaxation method. Ultrasonic absorption coefficients of propylamine in heavy water (D2O) at 25 degrees C in the concentration range from 0.0107 to 0.6300 mol dm(-3) have been measured by pulse and resonance methods over the frequency range from 0.8 to 220 MHz. A Debye-type single relaxation absorption has been observed in the solution. From the dependence of the ultrasonic relaxation parameters on the concentration and solution pH, the source of the observed relaxation has been attributed to a perturbation of the chemical equilibrium associated with the deuteron transfer reaction. The rate and equilibrium constants have been determined by the measurement of the deuteroxyl ion concentration dependence of the relaxation frequency. Also the standard volume change of the reaction has been determined from the concentration dependence of the maximum absorption per wavelength and the adiabatic compressibility has been calculated from the density and the sound velocity in the solution. These results have then been compared with those obtained for propylamine in light water (H2O). The forward rate constant is greater and the reverse rate constant is smaller in DO than in H2O. The standard volume change for deuteron transfer is greater than that for proton transfer reaction, and the adiabatic compressibility shows a similar trend. These data support an argument that there exists a stronger hydrogen bond in D2O than in H2O. The difference of the stability in the intermediate states, R-ND3+... OD- and R-NH3+... OH-, has also been considered from the results of the isotope effects.


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The rate constant of very fast chemical reaction generally can be measured by electrochemical methods, but can not by the thin layer electrochemical methods because of the influence of diffusion effect. Long optical path length thin layer cell (LOPTLC) with large ratio of electrode area to solution volume can be used to monitor the fist chemical reaction in situ with high sensitivity and accuracy. It enable the adsorption spectra to be measured without the influence of diffusion effect. In the present paper, a fast chemical reaction of Alizarin Red S (ARS) with its oxidative state has been studied. The reaction equilibrium constant (K) under different potentials can be determined by single step potential-absorption spectra in LOPTLC. An equilibrium constant of 7.94 x 10(5) l.mol(-1) for the chemical reaction has been obtained from the plot of lgK vs. (E - E-1(0)'). Rate constant (k) under different potentials can be measured by single step potential-chronoabsorptiometry. A rate constant of 426.6 l.mol(-1).s(-1) for the chemical reaction has been obtained from the plot of lgK vs. (E - E-1(0)') with (E - E-1(0)') = 0.


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Dilution experiments were performed to examine the growth and grazing mortality rates of picophytoplankton (< 2 mu m), nanophytoplankton (2-20 mu m), and microphytoplankton (> 20 mu m) at stations in the Chesapeake Bay (CB), the Delaware Inland Bays (DIB) and the Delaware Bay (DB), in early spring 2005. At station CB microphytoplankton, including chain-forming diatoms were dominant, and the microzooplankton assemblage was mainly composed of the tintinnid Tintinnopsis beroidea. At station DIB, the dominant species were microphytoplanktonic dinoflagellates, while the microzooplankton community was mainly composed of copepod nauplii and the oligotrich ciliate Strombidium sp. At station DB, nanophytoplankton were dominant components, and Strombidium and Tintinnopsis beroidea were the co-dominant microzooplankton. The growth rate and grazing mortality rate were 0.13-3.43 and 0.09-1.92 d(-1) for the different size fractionated phytoplankton. The microzooplankton ingested 73, 171, and 49% of standing stocks, and 95, 70, and 48% of potential primary productivity for total phytoplankton at station CB, DIB, and DB respectively. The carbon flux for total phytoplankton consumed by microzooplankton was 1224.11, 100.76, and 85.85 mu g C 1(-1) d(-1) at station CB, DIB, and DB, respectively. According to the grazing mortality rate, carbon consumption rate and carbon flux turn over rates, microzooplankton in study area mostly preferred to graze on picophytoplankton, which was faster growing but was lowest biomass component of the phytoplankton. The faster grazing on Fast-Growing-Low-Biomass (FGLB) phenomenon in coastal regions is explained as a resource partitioning strategy. This quite likely argues that although microzooplankton grazes strongly on phytoplankton in these regions, these microzooplankton grazers are passive.


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As the most spectacular and youngest case of continental collision on the Earth, to investigate the crust and mantle of Tibetan plateau, and then to reveal its characters of structure and deformation, are most important to understand its deformation mechanism and deep process. A great number of surface wave data were initially collected from events occurred between 1980 and 2002, which were recorded by 13 broadband digital stations in Eurasia and India. Up to 1,525 source-station Rayleigh waveforms and 1,464 Love wave trains were analysed to obtain group velocity dispersions, accompanying with the detail and quantitative assessment of the fitness of the classic Ray Theory, errors from focal and measurements. Assuming the model region covered by a mesh of 2ox2o-sized grid-cells, we have used the damped least-squares approach and the SVD to carry out tomographic inversion, SV- and SH-wave velocity images of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings are obtained, and then the radial anisotropy is computed from the Love-Rayleigh discrepancy. The main results demonstrate that follows, a) The Moho beneath the Tibetan Plateau presents an undulating shape that lies between 65 and 74 km, and a clear correlation between the elevations of the plateau and the Moho topography suggests that at least a great part of the highly raised plateau is isostatically compensated. b) The lithospheric root presents a depth that can be substantiated at ~140 km (Qiangtang Block) and exceptionally at ~180 km (Lhasa Block), and exhibits laterally varying fast velocity between 4.6 and 4.7 km/s, even ~4.8 km/s under northern Lhasa Block and Qiangtang Block, which may be correlated with the presence of a shield-like upper mantle beneath the Tibetan Plateau and therefore looked as one of the geophysical tests confirming the underthrusting of India, whose leading edge might have exceeded the Bangong-Nujiang Suture, even the Jinsha Suture. c) The asthenosphere is depicted by a low velocity channel at depths between 140 and 220 km with negative velocity gradient and velocities as low as 4.2 km/s; d) Areas in which transverse radial anisotropy is in excess of ~4% and 6% on the average anisotropy are found in the crust and upper mantle underlying most of the Plateau, and up to 8% in some places. The strength, spatial configuration and sign of radial anisotropy seem to indicate the existence of a regime of horizontal compressive forces in the frame of the convergent orogen at the same time that laterally varying lithospheric rheology and a differential movement as regards the compressive driving forces. e) Slow-velocity anomalies of 12% or more in southern Tibet and the eastern edge of the Plateau support the idea of a mechanically weak middle-to-lower crust and the existence of crustal flow in Tibet.


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Surface wave propagation in the anisotropic media and S-wave splitting in China mainland are focused in this M.S. dissertation. We firstly introduced Anderson parameters in the research of surface wave propagation in the anisotropic media were deduced, respectively. By applying the given initial model to the forward calculation of Love wave, we compared dispersion curves of Love wave in the anisotropic media with the one in the isotropic media. the results show that, although the two kind of results are similar with each other, the effect of anisotropy can not be neglected. Furthermore, the variation of anisotropy factors will result in the variation of dispersion curves, especially for high-mode one. The method of grid dispersion inversion was then described for further tectonic inversion. We also deduced inversion equation on the condition that the layered media is anisotropic, and calculated the phase-velocity partial derivatives with respect to the model parameters, P- and S-wave velocities, density, anisotropic parameters for Rayleigh wave and Love wave. Having analyzed the results of phase-velocity partial derivatives, we concluded that the derivatives within each period decreased with the depth increasing, the phase-velocity of surface wave is sensitive to the S-wave velocities and anisotropic factors and is not sensitive to the densities of layers. Dispersion data of Love wave from the events occurred during the period from 1991 to 1998 around the Qinghai and Tibet Plateau, which magnitudes are more than 5.5, have been used in the grid dispersion inversion. Those data have been preprocessed and analyzed in the F-T domain. Then the results of 1°*1° grid dispersion inversion, the pure path dispersion data, in the area of Qianghai and Tibet Plateau were obtained. As an example, dispersion data have been input for the tectonic inversion in the anisotropic media, and the results of anisotropic factors under the region of Qianghai and Tibet Plateau were initially discussed. As for the other part of this dissertation. We first introduced the phenomena of S-wave splitting and the methods for calculation the splitting parameters. Then, We applied Butterworth band-pass filter to S-wave data recorded at 8 stations in China mainland, and analyzed S-wave splitting at different frequency bands. The results show the delay time and the fast polarization directions of S-wave splitting depend upon the frequency bands. There is an absence of S-wave splitting at the station of Wulumuqi (WMQ) for the band of 0.1-0.2Hz. With the frequency band broaden, the delay time of S-wave splitting decreases at the stations of Beijing (BJI), Enshi (ENH), Kunming (KMI) and Mudanjiang (MDJ); the fast polarization direction at Enshi (ENH) changes from westward to eastward, and eastward to westward at Hailaer (HIA). The variations of delay time with bands at Lanzhou (LZH) and qiongzhong (QIZ) are similar, and there is a coherent trend of fast polarization directions at BJI, KMI and MDJ respectively. Initial interpretations to the results of frequency band-dependence of S-wave splitting were also presented.


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NaA zeolite membrane was successfully synthesized on the porous alpha-Al2O3 support by microwave heating. The synthesis of NaA zeolite membrane in the microwave field only needs 15 min and the synthesis time is 10 times shorter than that by conventional heating. SEM characterization indicates that the zeolite crystals in the NaA zeolite membrane synthesized by microwave heating are uniform in size; the membrane thickness is about 4 mu m and is thinner than that of the NaA zeolite membrane synthesized by conventional heating. Gas permeation studies indicate that the permeances of the NaA zeolite membrane synthesized by microwave heating are 3-4 times higher than those of the NaA zeolite membrane synthesized by conventional heating, while their permselectivities are comparable.


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High-speed capillary electrochromatography was developed on both short and long packed columns with 2 mu m non-porous ODS as the stationary phase. Factors that affect the analysis time of samples, such as voltage, electrolyte concentration, pH and organic modifier concentration in the mobile phase, were studied systematically. Fast analysis of aromatic compounds within 13 seconds was realized with column efficiency of 573,000 plates/m and a R.S.D.% of the retention times of all components in 8 consecutive injections below 1.0%. which demonstrated the high efficiency and high reproducibility of such a technique. In addition, DNPH derived aldehydes and ketones in both standards and environmental samples were separated with high speed.


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We report a study on resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization photoelectron spectroscopy (REMPI-PES) involving the fast predissociative (A) over tilde state of ammonia, using nano- and femtosecond lasers. The multiphoton scheme involves (1 + 1), (2 + 2), (2 + 2) + 1 and (2 + 2) + 2 photon processes. We have found a progression of stretching vibrations nu(1) in the PE spectrum when pumping NH3 (A) over tilde upsilon(2) = 0, 1 and 3 as intermediate states. The stretching vibration intensity distributions in the photoelectron spectrum are calculated by using the Chebychev method of the wavepacket propagation. The femtosecond spectrum shows a similar feature to the nanosecond spectrum. However, high laser power also causes band broadening and shifting effect as well as above threshold multiphoton ionization.