476 resultados para Er:YAG Lasers


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A planar waveguide laser operating in a negative branch unstable resonator is Q-switched by an acoustooptic mod latorin anew configuration, providing effective, high-speed switching. The laser using a 200-mu m Nd:YAG core, face pumped by 10 laser diode bars, has produced 100-W output in a good beam quality at 100-kHz pulse rate, and 4.5 mJ at lower frequency with 15-ns pulse duration.


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报道了千瓦级激光二极管面阵抽运固体热容激光器的理论与实验研究, 分别采用Nd:YAG单板条和双板条串接的热容激光器, 利用热容激光器的理论计算模型计算了在一定的工作时间内激光输出特性, 并进行了实验验证。实验中采用的晶体尺寸均为59 mm×40 mm×4.5 mm, 对单板条进行抽运时平均功率大约为5.6 kW, 双板条串接时为11.2 kW, 重复频率为1 kHz, 占空比为20%。实验中观察了1 s的工作时间内脉冲能量输出的波动情况, 单板条时单脉冲能量输出最大为1.3 J, 在1 s后单脉冲能量输出


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寄生振荡的存在使得放大器在信号光到达之前消耗了大量的反转粒子数,降低了放大器的激光增益和储能效率,严重地影响了激光放大器的性能,尤其对高功率激光放大器。在理论分析和实验研究的基础上,以Nd∶YAG晶体板条为例,用8条半导体激光阵列对晶体进行双侧抽运,研究了高功率激光放大器的寄生振荡现象,分析了板条晶体寄生振荡产生的原因,并详细比较了晶体在不同的抽运功率和表面处理下的放大效果,得到了2倍的单程放大,当输入能量为140 mJ时,获得了278 mJ的激光输出。


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为了同时补偿固体增益介质的热致双折射及热透镜效应,进一步提高重复频率1 kHz激光二极管(LD)侧向抽运高平均功率电光调Q Nd:YAG激光器的输出功率,设计了一种完全消除热退偏损耗的双调Q开关谐振腔结构,此结构在传统调Q谐振腔的基础上沿着偏振片的退偏方向增加了一个调Q谐振支路,并使得激光从增益介质方向输出。实验结果表明,此激光器的单脉冲能量比单Q开关结构的非补偿腔输出能量高出74.7%。当侧面抽运的激光二极管输出脉冲能量达到307 mJ时,激光输出能量达到26.2 mJ,光-光转换效率为8.5%,光束发


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对多横模全固态激光器使用正交频率变换进行了分析,计算了频率转换效率与激光发散角的关系。使用双KTP晶体正交倍频的方法,对Nd∶YAG激光器输出的含有高阶横模的激光进行倍频实验研究。在1064 nm Nd∶YAG激光基波功率密度为121 MW/cm2时,其谐波转换效率达到75.5%。研究表明,对于光束质量较差的基波激光,采用正交频率变换的方式,适当选择晶体参数,同样可以获得较高效率的二次谐波输出。


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A series-parallel model is introduced to calculate the effective thermal conductivities of hollow claddings of photonic crystal fibers ( PCFs ). The temperature distribution and thermal-optical properties of PCF lasers are studied by solving the heat transfer equations. The average power scaling of the PCF lasers in respect of the thermal effects is also discussed. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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In this letter, we present an all solid-state, injection-seeded Ti:sapphire laser. The laser is pumped by a laser diode pumped frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser, and injection-seeded by an external cavity laser diode with the wavelength between 770 and 780 nm. The single longitude mode and the doubling efficiency of the laser are obtained after injection seeding. The experimental setup and relative results are reported. It is a good candidate laser source for mobile differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system.


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Output beam quality of edge pumped planar waveguide lasers with confocal unstable resonators is investigated by diffraction methods, taking into account gain saturation, asymmetric pumping, and beam interaction. The influences of pumping uniformity, doping concentration, cavity length and effective Fresnel number are analyzed with respect to output beam quality and pumping efficiency. It is found that good beam quality and high efficiency can be obtained with asymmetric pumping and optimized negative branch confocal unstable resonators. (c) 2005 The Optical Society of Japan.


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Using a quite uniformly side-around arranged compact pumping system, a high power Nd:YAG ceramic quasi-CW laser has been demonstrated with high optical-to-optical conversion efficiency over 50% for the first time. With 450 W quasi-CW stacked laser diode bars pumping at 808 run. 236 W Output at 1064 run was obtained and no saturation phenomena were observed.


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Phase locking of two fiber lasers is demonstrated experimentally by the use of a self-imaging resonator with a spatial filter. The high-contrast interference strips of the coherent beam profile are observed. The coherent output power of the fiber array exceeds 12W and the efficiency of coherent power combination is 88% with pump power of 60W. The whole system operates quite stably and, for the spatial filter, no thermal effects have been observed, which means that we can increase the coherent output power further by this method. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America


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Nd-doped phosphate glass belt lasers pumped by laser diodes are demonstrated. The Nd-glass belt with a large cross-section and a small Fresnel number is air-cooled to provide around 18-W continuous wave (CW) output power with a beam quality factor of My2


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By using quite uniformly nine-stacks side-around arranged compact pumping system, a high power Nd:YAG ceramic quasi-CW laser with high slope efficiency of 62% has been demonstrated. With 450 W quasi-CW stacked laser diode bars pumping at 808 nm, performance of the Nd: YAG ceramic laser with different output coupling mirrors has been investigated. Optimum output power of 236 W at 1064 nm was obtained and corresponding optical-to-optical conversion efficiency was as high as 52.5%. The laser system operated quite stably and no saturation phenomena have been observed, which means higher output laser power could be obtained if injecting higher pumping power. The still-evolving Nd: YAG ceramics are potential super excellent media for high power practical laser applications. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We investigate the lasing characteristics of a laser-diode-array side-pumped electro-optic Q-switched Nd:Y3Al5O12 ceramic laser operating at 1000 Hz pulse repetition rate. Using a YAG poltcrystalline rod with Nd3+ concentration at 1 at.% as the gain medium, pumping with 808 nm laser-diode-arrays, the Q-switched laser output at 1064 nm wavelength with 23 mJ pulse energy and less than 12 ns FWHM pulse width are obtained at a pumping power of about 400 W, the slope efficiency is around 15%, the output beam divergence angle is about 1.2 mrad.


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A phase-locking fibre laser array with up to 60 W of coherent output power based on two large-core fibre is reported. The slope efficiency of the in-phase mode is 37%. For two cases of spacings between the cores, steady high-contrast interference stripes are observed. When the whole system operates under a high pump power level, no thermal effects for the spatial filter have been observed, which means that we can increase the coherent output power further by increasing the individual fibre laser power.