114 resultados para Clientes OPC DA e AE
Twenty-seven Porphyra lines, including lines widely used in China, wild lines and lines introduced to China from abroad in recent years, were screened by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique with 120 operon primers. From the generated RAPD products, 11 bands that showed stable and repeatable RAPD patterns amplified by OPC-04, OPJ-18 and OPX-06, respectively were scored and used to develop the DNA fingerprints of the 27 Porphyra lines. Moreover, the DNA fingerprinting patterns were converted into computer language expressed with two digitals, 1 and 0, which represented the presence (numbered as 1) or absence (numbered as 0) of the corresponding band, respectively. Based on the above results, computerized DNA fingerprints were constructed in which each of the 27 Porphyra lines has its unique fingerprinting pattern and can be easily distinguished from others. Software named PGI (Porphyra germplasm identification) was designed for identification of the 27 Porphyra lines. In addition, seven specific RAPD markers from seven Porphyra lines were identified and two of them were successfully converted into SCAR (sequence characterized amplification region) markers. The developed DNA fingerprinting and specific molecular markers provide useful ways for the identification, classification and resource protection of the Porphyra lines.
自动化装配与检测技术是先进制造技术的一个重要组成部分,广泛应用于电子、电气、机械、汽车以及其他高科技行业,是提高生产效率,提高产品质量,保证产品质量稳定性、减轻工人劳动强度、提升企业市场竞争能力的重要手段。装配与检测生产线监控系统采用计算机进行数据采集、数据分析和数据处理,从而达到生产监控管理功能。本文主要针对装配与检测自动化生产线的监控系统并侧重质量监控系统进行了研究、设计和实现。 本论文主要从设备与产品质量监控的理论分析、功能模块设计和监控系统实现三个方面对装配与检测生产线监控系统进行研究。 对设备的监控主要包括设备操作流程提示、操作失误提示、生产线类型设置、故障信息提示、安全提示、调度管理和数据管理。设备监控系统硬件结构由管理层、监控层和设备层三层结构组成,本文对这三层结构的功能及特点分别进行了分析。装配与检测生产线监控系统对产品质量监控理论分为两个部分:一是统计过程控制;二是测量系统分析。统计过程控制通过分析生产过程中产品的参数对装配与检测生产线的故障进行实时监控,并且对评价生产线质量能力的过程能力指数进行监控。测量系统分析通过对生产线中各测量传感器和测量仪器的测量数据进行分析,评价各测量设备的误差是否符合生产要求。 论文通过实际项目研究分析,总结出实现该类监控系统的基本模块,并实现了其中的四个模块,即数据采集模块、数据库系统模块、质量监控模块、人机界面模块。数据采集模块设计了四种与底层设备通讯的方式:串口、OPC、调用ActiveX控件和DDE。数据库系统模块完成数据的存储查询、图表的存储和查询、测试数据的存储与查询。质量监控模块设计了统计过程控制子模块、测量系统分析重复性与再现性子模块。人机界面模块提供了开发流程图的方法。 论文的最后以两个实际项目为背景,应用本论文对设备和产品质量监控的理论分析和开发的基本功能模块来快速地开发具有设备和质量监控功能的装配与检测生产线监控系统。
托辊在国民经济的各行各业扮演着十分重要的角色,尤其在矿业生产的输送过程中,托辊更是发挥着巨大的作用。本项目旨在为托辊的自动化装配线提供整套控制执行系统。本文根据沈阳机床集团所提出的装配线控制要求,在查阅大量相关文献基础上,分析了托辊装配的整个工艺过程,结合先进制造的理念和技术,研究设计出包括制造过程底层信息系统在内的装配线控制系统。本文主要完成了以下研究工作及相关的创新性成果: 系统的供配电设计。根据设备的配电要求及相关规范,对整套控制系统的供配电进行合理的设计。 整条装配线的协调控制及信息系统设计与实现。结合目前广泛采用的工业现场总线技术,设计了整套分层控制及信息系统。整套系统分为三层,在顶层设计有监控系统,该系统通过以太网与下层的单台机床控制器进行信息互换。通过OPC技术将底层控制器采集到的现场信息在上位机上以友好的图文界面显示出来,供操作人员监控。同时还将每台机床的相关信息及以往报警历史按时间进行归档,形成现场装配过程信息备份,供上层的分析与决策系统使用。 现场每台机床采用独立的现场控制器进行控制。因为整条装配线被设计定位为柔性装配线,所以在机床控制上采用了伺服控制技术,以实现针对不同装配产品型号对托辊的支撑及夹具进行准确定位。控制器采用集逻辑、工艺、伺服控制于一体的西门子SIMOTION控制器。该控制器完成整个机床的动作及工艺控制,同时在现场每台机床控制器都配备一个触摸屏作为现场级人机界面,供机床现场调试和人机交互之用。 论文从整体上阐述了装配线控制系统的整体架构,并结合在线检测机床对机床的控制进行了讨论,从多方面体现出该控制及信息系统的完整性和先进性。 该项目开发的托辊装配线控制及信息系统旨在实现托辊安全、快速地自动化装配。并以单台机床单元控制器为主体通过现场总线技术为上层信息管理系统提供信息接口,为整条线的管理功能智能化扩展提供一个良好的平台。
The magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling is mainly manifested by the trans- porting processes of energy into the ionosphere , the energy is carried by solar wind and firstly accumulate at the magnetosphere, and the coupling processes also significantly include the interaction between the magnetosphere and ionosphere for mass and energy. At the quiet condition, energy is delivered by the large-scale convection of the geomagnetic field; the huge energy from solar wind bulk will be injected into and consumed at the near magnetosphere and ionosphere by the geomagnetic storm and substorm activities. Aurorae and FACs (Field-aligned currents) are the important phenomena in the coupling processes. In the present work, firstly, we analyze the activity characteristics of auroral precipitating particle, secondly, we study the distribution characters of large-scale field aligned currents (LS FACs) at storm-time using the observations from different satellites at different altitudes. Finally, we investigate the evolution of the geomagnetic field configuration at the nightside sector on the onset of the expansion phase in a substorm event, the substorm event happened at 0430UT to 0630UT on 8th Nov. 2004. The main results as follows: At the first, the data of the estimated power input (EPI) of auroral particles from NOAA/POES (Polar orbiting environmental satellite) for some 30 years have been analyzed. The variation tendencies of the EPI generally coincide with aa, AE and Dst indices. The annual variation of EPI shows equinox peaks and an asymmetric-activity with a higher peak in the winter-hemisphere than in the summer-hemisphere. The diurnal UT variations are different from north and south hemisphere: for north hemisphere, the peak appears at 1200UT, and the relative deviation is 22% to the daily average of the north hemisphere. For south hemisphere, the maximal deviation is 22% at 2000UT. So the diurnal variation of EPI is more dominant than the annual variation which maximal deviation is 3% to 12% for different seasons. Studies on correlations of the hourly average of EPI, Pa, with AE and Dst indices show a correlation coefficient r=0.74 of Pa and AE, and r=-0.55 of Pa and Dst. The hourly EPIs for north and south polar regions, NPa and SPa, show a north-south asymmetry with a higher correlation of SPa and AE (or Dst). Time delays of EPI with respect to magnetic indices are examined, the maximum correlation coefficient of Pa with AE (r=0.78) occurs when the time delay =0, suggesting a synchronous activity of auroral electrojet and auroral precipitating particles, while =1-2h, the correlation coefficient of Pa with Dst is maximum (r=0.57), suggesting that the activity of auroral particle precipitating may influence the ring current on some extent. Sencondly, we use the high-resolution magnetic field vector data of the CHAMP satellite to investigate the distribution of large-scale FACs during the great magnetic storm on 7th to 8th Nov. 2004. The results show that, whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, the number and density of large-scale FACs during the main-phase are more and bigger than these during the recover-phase, and the number of large-scale FACs in morning sector obviously is more than that in afternoon sector. In terms of the magnetic indices, we find that large-scale FACs in morning sector significantly affected by the substorm activities, while in afternoon sector the large-scale FACs mainly indicate the fluctuations of the ring-current in storm time. Accordingly to the former studies, similarly, we find that in the morning sector, the scale of the large-scale FACs move to the high-latitude region, and in the afternoon sector, large-scale FACs distinctly expand to the low-latitude region. During the time periods that the NOAA/POES auroral precipitating particle power data temporally correspond to the large-scale FACs, the more the power of auroral particle is, the more and bigger the number and density of FACs are. At the same time, we use the magnetic field vector data of POLAR obtain a good form of region 1, region 2, and three pieces of cusp FACs during a single transit at 1930UT-2006UT on 07th. And the characteristics of simultaneous electric field and energy particles observations on Polar are coincide with the five FACs pieces. Finally, by means of the observation of Cluster 4 and Goes 10、 Goes 12, we analyze the evolution process of the change of the magnetic field configuration at night sector at the expansion phase of a substorm event which happened during 0430UT to 0630UT on 8th Nov. 2004, we find that the times of the beginning of the polarizations of magnetic field are observed from Goes 10 to Goes 12 then to Cluster 4. So, at the synchronous orbit ( 6.6 RE) to 10RE distance scale of the neutral sheet, the current disruption spread tailward. Simultaneously, the strengthen of the FACs deduced from these satellites’ magnetic field observations are almost consistent with the times of polarizations, as well as the high energy particles injection and the electric field dominant variation. The onset times determined by the magnetic field polarizations from these satellites are all ahead of the onset time that confirmed from the auroral electrojet indices. So, these characters of different observations can be used as the criterions to determine the onset time for the substorms of such type as we studied.
Through the statistical analysis of the geomagnetic data from BMT in 2005, we get the period and frequency characteristic of Pc6 micropulsation in Beijing area. Pc6 micropulsation is a frequently occurred phenomenon in geomagnetism but we still do not have adequate knowledge to it. In this paper, we found that the periods of Pc 6 micropulsation focus on 10 to 30 minutes. They do not have distinct seasonal variation but obtain a little lower occurrence in the winter than other seasons. Then we analysis the geomagnetic data of BMT from 1998 to 2006, which is a solar activity cycle and get some results about the relationship between Pc6 micropulsation and solar activities. In this way, we discuss more about the origin and evolvement mechanism of the Pc6 micropulsation. When the solar is more active than usual years, there are more occurrences of Pc6 micropulsaton observed. The occurrence of Pc6 micropulsation is associated with geomagnetic index. With the increase of AE and Kp index, there are more occurrences of Pc6 micropulsation. Furthermore, we make use of the Doppler data from Peking University in 2005 make a comparative research between TID events and Pc6 micropulsation. There are 42 events can satisfy our request during Dec.23, 2004 to Mar.11, 2006. After the data analysis, we can draw a fundamental conclusion that there are positive links between Pc6 micropulsation and TID event. Moreover, when TID and Pc6 micropulsation occur simultaneously, their occurrences have a positive relationship with AE and Kp index. So we suppose there might be the same source of Pc6 micropulsation and TID event. Finally, we make use of two meridian geomagnetic stations network which has a distance about 1700 km to investigate the transmission characteristic of Pc6 micropulsation when Pc6 micropulsation and TID happened together. We found at that time Pc6 micropulsation is a local phenomenon.