122 resultados para 88-PCM-01
以奥利亚罗非鱼(Oreochromis aureus)为实验对象,设计了3种不同的摄食类型,分别是鲜活饵料组、饥饿3周后饱食投喂组和人工饲料组。鲜活饵料组投喂冰冻赤子爱胜蚓,利用蚯蚓体内丰富的营养成分和活性物质,以期获得奥利亚罗非鱼良好的生长状况;饥饿后饱食组是指饥饿3周后,以人工饲料饱食投喂2周,用于研究饥饿与补偿生长获得快速生长时血液理化指标的变化情况;人工饲料组作为对照组。纯淡水条件下养殖,水温25±2℃。测定了奥利亚罗非鱼在3种摄食类型饲喂下某些血液生理生化指标变化的情况,并将指标变化情况与增重率做相关性分析,试图找出能够反映奥利亚罗非鱼生长性能的血液生理生化指标。 研究结果表明,奥利亚罗非鱼在饥饿3周后获得了补偿生长,补偿生长时的增重率和特定生长率显著高于人工饲料组(P<0.05),高于鲜活饵料组,但差别不显著;相关性分析研究表明血清总蛋白、胆固醇、四碘甲状腺原氨酸(T4)与增重率极显著相关(P<0.01),血红蛋白显著相关(P<0.05),红细胞、白细胞、碱性磷酸酶高度相关(相关系数为0.580、0.551和0.557),因此,建议血清总蛋白、胆固醇和血红蛋白可作为能够反映罗非鱼生长性能的新指标。 根据序列设计引物,PCR反应条件:变性温度:95 ℃,3 min;退火温度:57℃,20 sec;延伸温度:72℃,5 min,共36个循环,从牙鲆、黑鲪和鲈鱼中克隆出胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-Ⅰ)部分序列,首次证实了IGF-Ⅰ在3种海水鱼中的存在。 利用蛋氨酸与ZnSO4•7H2O,在pH 5.5、80℃下,反应1小时,采用蛋氨酸与硫酸锌2:1的配料比,合成出了产物蛋氨酸螯合锌,蛋氨酸螯合锌外观白色,粉状,室温下微溶于水,不溶于乙醇,并用原子吸收光谱法测定其含锌量为15%,螯合率为88.2%。
本研究利用AFLP和微卫星标记,以海湾扇贝杂交F1为作图群体,构建了海湾扇贝的遗传连锁图谱,并对壳色决定基因和与生长性状相关的QTL进行了定位。 共用55对AFLP引物组合对亲本和88个子代个体进行扩增,共得到了2424个位点,多态性位点为392个,占所有标记的16.17%。其中,母本标记121个,父本标记196个,共有标记75个。经卡方检验,共有331个标记(84.4%)符合孟德尔分离比,61个标记(15.6%)出现偏分离现象。偏分离标记中,36个(59%)为纯合子缺失。从35对微卫星引物中筛选出了10对多态性引物,得到了5个母本标记和6个父本标记。另外,将表现为质量性状的壳色标记作为形态标记一同进行连锁图谱构建。 分别利用母本和父本标记构建了海湾扇贝雌性和雄性连锁图谱。其中,共有包括109个AFLP标记、5个微卫星标记和1个壳色标记组成了雌性图谱的框架图,分布于16个连锁群。图谱总长度为338.8cM,平均间隔为5.29cM,图谱覆盖率为65.82%。雄性连锁图谱框架图共定位了186个标记,包括181个AFLP标记、5个微卫星标记,壳色标记未实现定位。图谱包括17个连锁群,总长度为780.3cM,平均间隔为6.56cM,图谱覆盖率为78.11%。通过SSR12位点的定位结果,可以将雌性图谱第7连锁群与雄性图谱17连锁群对应起来。 壳色标记定位在了雌性图谱第九连锁群上,说明橙色基因位点为杂合。我们将壳色基因命名为Orange1,两个标记——F1f335和D8f420与这一基因之间图距为0。在家系和群体中初步验证,这两个标记与壳色基因紧密或完全连锁。 共定位了16个与生长相关的QTL,它们分布于雌性图谱的2、3、5连锁群和雄性图谱的4、5、6、7、8连锁群上。每个QTL均发现了与其图距非常接近的分子标记(0.01-2.51%)。其中壳长、壳高、壳宽三个长度指标QTL成簇分布或部分重叠,可一同作为选择性指标,壳重和全湿重QTL位点也比较相近。只有软体部重位点单独分布,可能具有相对独立的遗传基础。
本研究运用RAPD和ISSR两种分子标记技术,对采自山东半岛4个不同地理位置的鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)和海黍子(S. muticum)种群进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究,从而对其种群间的地理隔离、基因流动水平及其影响因素做出估计和判断,为马尾藻自然资源的保护和开发提供依据。在室内对鼠尾藻有性生殖幼苗的早期发育和生长进行了研究,了解其繁殖生物学特性,为鼠尾藻人工种苗的培育提供依据。主要研究结果如下: 对4个鼠尾藻(S. thunbergii)地理种群的遗传多样性研究中,筛选出了28条RAPD 引物和19条ISSR引物,分别扩增产生了174和125个位点。选用的三种不同指标,即多态位点比率(P%,percentage of polymorphic loci),平均预期杂合度(H,the expected heterozygosity)和 Shannon's 信息多样性指数(I,Shannon's information index),均可反映出鼠尾藻种群内部的遗传多样性呈较低水平。而群体间遗传距离(D,Nei’s unbiased genetic distance)矩阵和固定化指数(FST,the fixation index)矩阵均反映出群体间高度的遗传分化。通过分子变异分析(AMOVA,Analysis of molecular variance)来区分来自种群内部和种群之间的遗传变异,揭示出多数的遗传变异(57.57% 或59.52%)来自于鼠尾藻种群之间。另外,Mantel分析表明,4个鼠尾藻种群间的遗传分化与地理距离呈正相关(r>0.5),遵循传统的IBD(isolation by distance)模式,UPGMA(unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages)聚类分析也反映出相似的结果。 对4个海黍子(S. muticum)地理种群遗传结构的研究中,筛选出的24条RAPD 引物和19条ISSR引物分别扩增出164和122个位点。遗传多样性评估结果表明,海黍子种群内部存在较低或者中等水平的遗传多样性,而D矩阵和FST 矩阵均显示种群间存在高水平的遗传分化。并且,发现D和FST 矩阵在RAPD和ISSR分析中均具有高且显著的相关性。AMOVA分析显示,种群之间的遗传变异高于种群内部。Mantel分析和UPGMA聚类分析均发现海黍子种群间的遗传分化遵循IBD模式,即与地理隔离呈正相关(r>0.6)。 并且,RAPD和ISSR分析的结果高度一致(r>0.9,P<0.05),均揭示4个海黍子种群之间存在高度的遗传分化。 对鼠尾藻有性生殖幼苗早期生长发育的研究结果表明,其早期发育过程属于马尾藻科(Sargassaceae)中典型的“8核1卵”型。在一定条件下培养两个月后,产生了1~2个小叶,幼苗的长度达2~3毫米。生长实验发现,温度(10, 15, 20, 25℃)和光照强度(9, 18, 44, 88 µEm-2s-1)对培养第一周幼苗的生长均有显著的影响(ANOVA, P<0.01)。在两个月的培养中,幼苗对温度和光强的耐受范围较宽,在10℃~25℃,9~88 µEm-2s-1条件下均可生长,最适温度和光强为25℃,44 µEm-2s-1;低温(10℃)对幼苗的生长有显著抑制。不同光质对幼苗生长的影响显著(P<0.01),相同光强条件下,蓝光和白光相比较,蓝光显然不能满足鼠尾藻幼苗早期生长的需要。
Partial pressure of CO2 (pCO(2)) was investigated in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary, Hangzhou Bay and their adjacent areas during a cruise in August 2004, China. The data show that pCO(2) in surface waters of the studied area was higher than that in the atmosphere with only exception of a patch east of Zhoushan Archipelago. The pCO(2) varied from 168 to 2 264 mu atm, which fell in the low range compared with those of other estuaries in the world. The calculated sea-air CO2 fluxes decreased offshore and varied from -10.0 to 88.1 mmol m(-2) d(-1) in average of 24.4 +/- 16.5 mmol m(-2) d(-1). Although the area studied was estimated only 2 x 10(4) km(2), it emitted (5.9 +/- 4.0) x 10(3) tons of carbon to the atmosphere every day. The estuaries and their plumes must be further studied for better understanding the role of coastal seas playing in the global oceanic carbon cycle.
Suspended particulate matter (SPM), sediments and clams were collected at three sites in Jiaozhou Bay to assess the magnitude of trace metal pollution in the area. Metal concentrations in SPM (Cu: 40.11-203; Zn: 118-447; Pb: 50.1-132; Cd: 0.55-4.39; Cr: 147.6-288; Mn: 762-1670 mu g/g), sediments (Cu: 17.64-34.26; Zn: 80.79-110; Pb: 24.57-49.59; Cd: 0.099-0.324; Cr: 41.6-88.1; Mn: 343-520 mu g/g) and bivalves (Cu: 6.41-19.76; Zn: 35.5-85.5; Pb: 0.31-1.01; Cd: 0.51-0.67; Mn: 27.45-67.6 mu g/g) are comparable to those reported for other moderately polluted world environments. SPM showed a less clear pattern. Metal concentrations in sediments displayed a clear geographical trend with values increasing with proximity to major urban centers. The clams (on dry weight) showed a complex pattern due to the variability introduced by age-related factors. Cd showed an apparent reverse industrial trend with higher concentrations in clams collected at distant stations. Zn, Pb and Mn showed no clear geographical pattern, whereas Cu increased in the clams collected in the most industrialized area. In addition, the bioaccumulation factors (BAF) were calculated. The result indicated that the studied Ruditapes philippinarum in Jiaozhou Bay possessed different bioaccumulation capacities for Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb and Mn, and Cd, Zn had a relatively high assimilation of those metals from sediment particles. A significant relationship with clam age was observed for Zn (positive) and Cu (negative) suggesting different physiological requirements for both metals with age. Trace metal concentrations measured in the tissue of the investigated clam were in the range considered safe by the WHO for human use.
In this study, the antioxidant activity of proteins isolated from jellyfish, Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye (R. esculentum), was determined by various antioxidant assays, including superoxide anion radical-scavenging, hydroxyl radical-scavenging, total antioxidant activity, reducing power and metal chelating activity. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), alpha-tocopherol, vitamin C and mannitol were used as standards in those various antioxidant activities. The crude protein (CP) and the protein fractions isolated by Sephadex chromatography, first peak (FP) and second peak (SP), had very low reductive power and metal chelating abilities compared to EDTA, but they showed strong scavenging effects on the superoxide anion radical, hydroxyl radical and varying total antioxidant activity. FP and SP exhibited stronger scavenging effects on the superoxide anion radical than BHA, BHT or a-tocopherol. The EC50 values of FP and SP were 6.12 and 0.88 mu g/ml, respectively, while values EC50 of BHA, BHT and alpha-tocopherol were 31, 61 and 88 mu g/ml, respectively. CP, FP and SP showed far higher hydroxyl radical-scavenging activities than did vitamin C or mannitol. The EC50 values of CP, FP and SP were 48.76, 45.42 and 1.52 mu g/ml, but EC50 values of vitamin C and mannitol were 1907 and 4536 mu g/ml, respectively. In a beta-carotene-linoleate system, SP and CP showed antioxidant activity, but lower than BHA. Of the three samples, SP had the strongest antioxidant activity. So, SP may have a use as a possible supplement in the food and pharmaceutical industries. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Superoxide dismutases are an ubiquitous family of enzymes that function to efficiently catalyze the dismutation of superoxide anions. Two unique and highly compartmentalized bay scallop Argopecten irradians superoxide dismutases: MnSOD and ecCuZnSOD, have been molecularly characterized in our previous study. To complete characterize the SOD family in A. irradians, a novel intracellular copper/zinc SOD from the A. irradians (Ai-icCuZnSOD) was obtained and characterized. The full-length cDNA of Ai-icCuZnSOD was 1047 bp with a 459 bp open reading frame encoding 152 amino acids. The genomic length of the Ai-icCuZnSOD gene was about 4279 bp containing 4 exons and 3 introns. The promoter region containing many putative transcription factor binding sites were analyzed. Furthermore, quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis indicated that the highest expression of the Ai-icCuZnSOD was detected in gill and the expression profiles in hemocytes of bay scallops challenged with bacteria Vibrio anguillarum and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were different. The result presented an increased expression after injection with LPS whereas no significant changes were observed after V. anguillarum injection. A fusion protein containing Ai-icCuZnSOD was produced in vitro. The rAi-icCuZnSOD is a stable enzyme, retaining more than 80% of its activity between 10 and 60 degrees C and keeping above 88% of its activity at pH values between 5.8 and 9. Ai-icCuZnSOD is more stable under alkaline than acidic conditions. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to optimize the cryopreservation protocols for the sperm of red seabream, Pagrus major. The 2-mL cryovials and programmable freezer were employed for cryopreservation. Six extenders, six cryoprotectants in various concentrations ranging from 6 to 20% (v/v), four cooling rates, and three thawing temperatures were evaluated by postthaw sperm motility and fertility. The ratio of sperm to egg for postthaw sperm fertilization trials was experimentally standardized and was optimal at 500:1. The best motility of postthaw sperm (79.4 +/- 4.7% to 88.6 +/- 8.0%), fertilization rates (89.6 +/- 2.9 to 95.6 +/- 1.9%), and hatching rates (85.3 +/- 5.1% to 91.4 +/- 4.3%) were achieved when Cortland extender, dimethyl sulfoxide (15, 18, and 20%) or ethylene glycol (9, 12%) as cryoprotectants, 20 C/min as the cooling rate, and 40 C as the thawing temperature were employed. Moreover, the results on embryonic development were not significantly different between cryopreserved sperm and fresh sperm during incubation process. In conclusion, these methods of cryopreservation of red seabream sperm are suitable for routine aquaculture application and preservation of genetic resources.
Based on the knowledge of the heme biosynthetic and metabolic pathway and the structures of biliverdin and protoporphyrin, experiments were carried out to compare the difference between the total quality of eggshell pigments in blue-shelled eggs and brown-shelled eggs from the same population (Dongxiang, China) and to analyze the correlation between the quantity of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the 2 kinds of eggshells. It was found that there was no significant difference between the total quantity of eggshell pigments in Dongxiang blue-shelled eggs and Dongxiang brown-shelled eggs (P = 0.9006), and a highly significant positive correlation between the quantity of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in blue eggshells (P < 0.01) and a significant positive correlation between the quantity of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in brown eggshells (P < 0.05). These results suggested that eggshell protoporphyrin and eggshell biliverdin probably derived from common precursor material.
With increasing applied voltage, three types of anodic coatings, passive film, micro-spark ceramic coating and spark ceramic coating were made by micro-arc oxidization (MAO) technique on AZ91D magnesium alloy in alkali-silicate solution. The structure, composition characteristics and the electrochemical properties of coatings were also studied with SEM, XRD and EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) technique, respectively. It is found that the electrochemical properties are closely related to the structure and composition characteristics of the anodic coatings. At the same time, the characteristics of the three types of anodic coatings differ significantly, among them, the micro-spark ceramic coating, prepared in the voltage range of 170similar to220V exhibits compact, homogeneous structure and highest corrosion-resistance.
The unique geologic, geomorphic and climatic conditions of southeast Tibet have made the region to develop the multi-style and frequently occurring geologic hazards, especially the collapses and landslides and debris flows along the section of Ranwu-Lulang in Sichuan-Tibet highway. However, most of those geologic hazards have close relationship with the loose accumulations. That is, the loose accumulations are the main carrier of most geologic hazards. Thereof, the huge-thick accumulations along the highway is regarded as the objective in the thesis to study the geologic background, hazarding model and mitigation methods comprehensively, based on the multi-disciplinary theories and former materials. First of all, in the paper, based on field engineering geologic investigations, the genetic type and the characteristics of spatiotemporal distribution of the huge-thick loose accumulations along the highway, have been analysized from the factors of regional geology and geomorphy and climate, as well as the coupling acting of those factors with inoculation and eruption of the loose accumulations geologic hazards. The huge-thick loose accumulations has complex genetic types and specific regulations of spatiotemporal distribution, closely controlled by the outer environment of the region. The accumulations are composed of earth and boulder, with disorder structure and poor sorting, specific forming environments and depositing conditions. And its physical and mechanic properties are greatly distinguished from rock and common earth inland. When Sichuan-Tibet highway was firstly constructed along the north bank of Purlung Tsangpo River, the huge-thick loose accumulations was cut into many high and steep slopes. Through the survey to the cut-slopes and systematic investigation to their failures, the combination of height and angle of the accumulations slope has been obtained. At the same time, the types of genetic structure of those cut-slopes are also analysized and concluded, as well as their failure models. It is studied in the paper that there are piaster, duality, multielement and complexity types in genetic structure, and rip-dump-repose, rip-shear-slip and weathering-flake types in failure models. Moreover, it is briefly introduced present engineering performance methods and techniques dealing with the deformation and failure of the accumulations cut-slope. It is also suggested that several new techniques of slope enforcement and the method of landslide and rockfall avoiding should be applied. The research of high and steep cut-slope along the highway has broadened the acknowledgement of the combination of cut-slope height and angle. Especially, the dissertation also has made the monographic studies about the geologic background and hazarding models and prevention methods of some classic but difficult accumulations geologic hazards. They are: (1) Research of the engineering geologic background of the 102 landslide group and key problems about the project of tunnel. The 102 landslide group is a famous accumulational one composed of glacial tills and glaciofuvial deposit. The tunnel project is a feasible and optional one which can solve the present plight of “sliding after just harnessing” in the 102 section. Based on the glacial geomorphy and its depositing character, distribution of seepage line, a few drillhole materials and some surveying data, the position of contact surface between gneiss and accumulations has been recognized, and the retreating velocities of three different time scales (short, medium and long term) have been approximately calculated, and the weathering thickness of gneiss has also been estimated in the paper. On the basis of above acknowledgement, new engineering geomechnic mode is established. Numerical analysis about the stability of the No.2 landslide is done by way of FLAC program, which supplies the conclusion that the landslide there develops periodically. Thereof, 4 projects of tunnel going through the landslide have been put forwards. Safety distance of the tunnel from clinohefron has been numerically analysized. (2) Research of the geologic setting and disaster model and hazard mitigation of sliding-sand-slope. From the geologic setting of talus cone, it is indicated that the sliding-sand-slope is the process of the re-transportation and re-deposit of sand under the gravity action and from the talus cone. It is the failure of the talus cone essentially. The layering structure of the sliding-sand-slope is discovered. The models of movement and failure of the sliding-sand-slope has been put forwards. The technique, “abamurus+grass-bush fence+degradable culture pan”, is suggested to enforcement and green the sliding-sand-slope. (3) Characteristics and hazarding model and disaster mitigation of debris flow. The sources of solid material of three oversize debris flows have been analysized. It is found that a large amount of moraine existing in the glacial valley and large landslide dam-break are the two important features for oversize debris flow to be taken place. The disaster models of oversize and common debris flows have been generalized respectively. The former model better interpret the event of the Yigong super-large landslide-dam breaking. The features of common debris flow along the highway section, scouring and silting and burying and impacting, are formulated carefully. It is suggested that check dam is a better engineering structure to prevent valley from steeply scouring by debris flow. Moreover, the function of check dam in enforcing the slope is numerically calculated by FLAC program. (4) Songzong ancient ice-dammed lake and its slope stability. The lacustrine profile in Songzong landslide, more than 88 meters thick, is carefully described and measured. The Optical Simulated Luminescence (OSL) ages in the bottom and top of the silty clay layer are 22.5±3.3 kaB.P., 16.1±1.7 kaB.P., respectively. It is indicated by the ages that the lacustrine deposits formed during the Last Glacial Maximum ranging from 25ka B.P. to 15ka B.P. The special characteristics of the lacustrine sediment and the ancient lake line in Songzong basin indicated that the lacustrine sediment is related to the blocking of the Purlung Tsangpo River by the glacier in Last Glacial Maximum from Dongqu valley. The characteristics of the lacustrine profile also indicate that the Songzong ice-dammed lake might run through the Last Glacial Maximum. Two dimensional numerical modeling and analysis are done to simulate the slope stability under the conditions of nature and earthquake by FLAC program. The factor of safety of the lacusrtine slope is 1.04, but it will take place horizontal flow under earthquake activity due to the liquefaction of the 18.33 m silt layer. The realign to prevent the road from landslide is suggested.
根据对高青-平南断裂带两侧的气藏进行气体组分及碳同位素地球化学分析发现:两侧分布的是不同的气体类型,南侧主要是以甲烷为主的烃类气藏,其CH4含量在88.83%-99.26%之间,碳同位素值为-55.17‰~ -35.00‰之间,结合该地区的地质特征认为该区CH4气藏为混合气藏,其来源主要有3种:油型伴生气、幔源岩浆脱气以及CO2还原气。而北侧主要是以CO2为主的非烃类气藏,其CO2含量在60.72%-99.99%之间,碳同位素值为:9.8‰-3.41‰,3He/4He值主要在4.45×10^-6~6.35×10^-6之间,主要是幔源-岩石化学成因的混合气。通过分析两侧气体组分及碳同位素特征,初步判断高青-平南断裂带两侧烃类气体形成于同一时期,主要可能是早期强烈的岩浆喷发后形成,而高青地区的二氧化碳气藏主要是由后期的岩浆脱气形成。两类气藏组分差异的最主要原因是由后期的岩浆活动影响造成.
During the past 11 years, with the rapid development of the Internet, more and more psychologists began to realize and take advantage of it, which led to a growing number of psychological test administrated on the internet for data collection. But there were some controversy about the reliability and representatively of this new method. To examine the applicability of the Online Survey and how different types of scales used on the internet, we first reversed the measurement instrument, then from three different levels to investigate the equivalence of online survey and paper-and-pencil assessment, namely, sample level, scale level and item level. Both Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory were used to analyze the invariance of different types of scale applicability on the internet. The main conclusions of this study could be drawn as follows: 1. In the sample-based study, self-select sample of the online survey was compared to the random sampled sample of paper-and-pencil assessment. The results showed there were no gender difference between them (p>0.05), but the online survey sample was characterized with high qualifications, high-income and younger features (88% of the sample with post-secondary education or above, and 71% aged 20 -29 years). There were significant differences on the scores of all scales between online survey and paper-and-pencil assessment (p<0.01). With demographic controlled, there was no significant difference on the variable of Neurotic between different surveys (p>0.05). 2. With in-group design, it was proved equivalence of the scale of BI (Attitude toward Brand Importance), BT (Attitude toword Brand Switcher), Extraversion, and Conscientiousbess in the compared study in the reliability, construct validity and average scores. 3. On the item level, the results based on the Item Response Theory analysis showed that 2PLM is appropriate for personality and attitude scales. With regard to personality scale, there emerged some items with DIF in the dimensions of Openness to the experience subscale and Agreeable subscale. However, there were no significant differences about the test function. 4. Exploring the psychometrics properties of answer formats of five-, six-, seven-, ten-points, it was showed that different measurement validity between online survey and paper-and-pencil test. It was also described the lower reliability and validity of six-point scale. In conclusion, the results support the application of personality scale online, but for attitude scale, we need to choose prudently.