200 resultados para 7140-216
Tungsten wires were introduced into a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system as a catalyzer: we name this technique 'hot-wire-assisted PECVD' (HW-PECVD). Under constant deposition pressure (p(g)), gas flow ratio and catalyzer position, the effects of the hot wire temperature (T-f) on the structural properties of the poly-Si films have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Compared with conventional PECVD, the grain size, crystalline volume fraction (X-e) and deposition rate were all enhanced when a high T-f was used. The best poly-Si film exhibits a preferential (220) orientation, with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 0.2 degrees. The Si-Si TO peak of the Raman scattering spectrum is located at 519.8 cm(-1) with a FWHM of 7.1 cm(-1). The X-c is 0.93. These improvements are mainly the result of promotion of the dissociation of SiH4 and an increase in the atomic H concentration in the gas phase. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
本文应用经典生物分类、数量分类与排序(TWINSPAN, DCA)、相似性系数、多样性指数等方法,对新疆三工河流域苔醉植物物种多样性及生态学进行了较全面、系统的研究。在详细的野外标本采集、鉴定和样方调查的基础上,提供了完整的三工河流域苔鲜植物名录,计36科91属216种(变种、变型),包括1新疆新记录属和1新疆新记录种,并将该流域苔醉植物地理成分划分为8种成分,其中以北温带成分占绝对优势,占总种数的63.88%。采用相似性系数和物种多样性指数定量分析了该流域苔醉植物物种多样性的特点,提出山地森林带为该地区苔鲜植物多样性的分布中心,是苔醉植物多样性保护的关键地区。在目前资料基础上,对新疆阿尔泰山、天山和昆仑山苔醉植物区系间的相似性进行了定量研究,提出新疆天山可能是阿尔泰山和昆仑山苔鲜植物区系的联系纽带。同时,将该流域苔鲜植物分为树生、石生、石面薄土生等6种苔醉植物群落。通过苔醉植物生活型分析,反映了该流域独特而复杂的苔鲜植物多样性特点,其生活型可划分为:漂浮型、石生固着型、附生固着型、水生根着型、中生根着型和旱生根着型等类型。分析了苔醉植物垂直分布特征,首次将数量分类(TWZNSPAN)和排序(DCA)方法用于中国干旱区苔醉生态分析,将该地区苔鲜植被分为6个主要群落类型。通过定量分析说明,决定上述苔鲜植物群落类型分布的环境因子主要是土壤含水量和降水量。此外,还对该流域古尔班通古特沙漠南缘土壤结皮中苔鲜进行了研究。结果表明,该地区参与土壤结皮的有4种苔鲜植物并分析了其耐早和分布特性。研究发现该地区苔鲜结皮呈层片分布规律。