129 resultados para 512


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In this paper, four new species of malacocarpic Sargassum are described: S. fuliginosoides Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its discoid holdfast, the presence of the bulbs on the basal parts of the primary branches and very thick, lanceolate leaves. S. gemmiphorum Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its conical holdfast, usually branched axis and very long, narrow, thin, denticulate leaves. S. shandongense Tseng, Zhang et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its discoid holdfast, flattened primary branches, its leaves mostly entire or wavy at the margins and its racemose to paniculate receptacles. S. qingdaoense Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of the glandular dots on the ultimate branches and elongated lanceolate, acute, mostly wavy leaves.


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A detailed study of materials from our herbarium shows the presence of two species of Gelidiella and three species of Pterocladiella, including two new records and a new species. Previously recorded species include G. acerosa and P. capillacea. G. bornetii and P. caerulescens are new records for China and P. yinggehaiensis is believed to be a new species. This new species is characterized by its small thalli, 1.5-2 cm high, that are more densely branched on the middle to upper parts for one half their lengths. These characteristics are so distinctive that they can be used to separate this species readily from other species now reported in this genus.


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以2-(2-(10-蒽基)-萘[2,3-d]咪唑)-乙基-对甲苯磺酸酯(ANITS)作为柱前衍生化试剂,在Eclipse XDB-C8色谱柱上,梯度洗脱实现了20种游离脂肪酸(FFA)衍生物的完全基线分离.90℃下在DMF溶剂中以K2CO3作催化剂,选取衍生试剂摩尔数为脂肪酸的7倍,衍生反应40 min可获得稳定的荧光产物.激发和发射波长分别为250 nm和512 nm.采用大气压化学电离源(APCI)正离子模式,实现了油菜蜂花粉中游离脂肪酸的质谱鉴定.所有脂肪酸的线性相关系数均大于0.9999, 检出限为24.76~98.79 fmol.


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由于青藏高原的地貌效应,第四纪冰期气候的反复变化应对现今该地区生物的地理分布及其居群遗传结构产生重大影响.本文对这一地区特有分布物种祁连圆柏Juniperus przewalskii Kom.整个分布区内20居群392个个体的trnT-trnF序列变化进行了研究;共发现3种单倍型(haplotype),构成两种地理区域:高原台面上的居群主要固定HapA,而HapA、HapB和HapC在高原边缘居群均有分布.所有居群总的遗传多样性HT=0.511,GST=0.847.在低海拔的高原边缘,Hap A、Hap B和Hap C高频率固定在不同的居群中,表明可能存在多个不同的避难所,居群反复缩小和扩张的瓶颈效应造成了遗传多样性的丢失.而边缘的一个居群含有两种相似单倍型频率则可能是冰期后迁移融合而成或者该居群在冰期经受的瓶颈作用更弱.高原台面东部间断分布的居群只固定Hap A,表明它们可能经历了冰期后共同的回迁过程和由此产生的奠基者效应.我们的研究结果表明祁连圆柏在冰期可能存在多个避难所,瓶颈效应和奠基者效应造成了这些居群现在的遗传多样性分布式样.


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对祁连山海北高寒草甸地区近夏至日微气象观测分析表明: (1) 14:00 (北京时,下同) 太阳总辐射瞬时值最高可达1061 W·m-2 , 净辐射、反射辐射、光合有效辐射和紫外辐射分别为670、218、380 和168 W·m-2 , 分别约为太阳总辐射的58 %、20 %、36 %和14 % , 6 月下旬日平均反射率约为0. 22 ; (2) 土壤热通量、感热通量和潜热通量瞬时值最大分别为91、274 和362 W·m-2 , 相应占净辐射的比例为20 %、38 %和42 %; (3) 地—气温度在一定范围的水平和垂直方向变化较为剧烈, 大气逆温约出现于20 :00 至次日11 :00 , 午夜01 :00 最强; (4)风速阵性强, 有显著日变化的时间性分布。


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Two new species, Saxifraga xiaozhongdianensis J. T. Pan and S. ludingensis J. T. Pan, from the Saxifragaceae in China are described and illustrated. Of these, S. xiaozhongdianensis is endemic to Zhongdian, Yunnan, and is related to S. brachyphylla Franchet. It differs from S. brachyphylla in the sepals adaxially dark brown glandular-villose and the petals basally subauriculate. Saxifraga ludingensis occurs in Luding, Sichuan, and is very similar to S. egregioides J. T. Pan and S. stellariifolia Franchet. It differs from S. egregioides in the stems brown glandular-villose, the cauline leaves adaxially brown glandular-villose, the sepals spreading in anthesis and abaxially brown glandular-villose, and the petals 5-veined. It differs from S. stellariifolia in the leaves cordate and abaxially glabrous, the sepals abaxially brown glandular-villose, and the petals 4-callose and 5-veined. Saxifraga xiaozhongdianensis and S. ludingeasis are apparently endemic to western China and belong to Saxifraga sect. Ciliatae Haworth, emend. J. T. Pan.


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The disjunct distribution of forests in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and adjacent Helan Shan and Daqing Shan highlands provides an excellent model to examine vegetation shifts, glacial refugia and gene flow of key species in this complex landscape region in response to past climatic oscillations and human disturbance. In this study, we examined maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (nad1 intron b/c and nad5 intron 1) and paternally inherited chloroplast DNA (trnC-trnD) sequence variation within a dominant forest species, Picea crassifolia Kom. We recovered nine mitotypes and two chlorotypes in a survey of 442 individuals from 32 populations sampled throughout the species' range. Significant mitochondrial DNA population subdivision was detected (G(ST) = 0.512; N-ST = 0.679), suggesting low levels of recurrent gene flow through seeds among populations and significant phylogeographical structure (N-ST > GST, P < 0.05). Plateau haplotypes differed in sequence from those in the adjacent highlands, suggesting a long period of allopatric fragmentation between the species in the two regions and the presence of independent refugia in each region during Quaternary glaciations. On the QTP platform, all but one of the disjunct populations surveyed were fixed for the same mitotype, while most populations at the plateau edge contained more than one haplotype with the mitotype that was fixed in plateau platform populations always present at high frequency. This distribution pattern suggests that present-day disjunct populations on the QTP platform experienced a common recolonization history. The same phylogeographical pattern, however, was not detected for paternally inherited chloroplast DNA haplotypes. Two chlorotypes were distributed throughout the range of the species with little geographical population differentiation (G(ST) = N-ST = 0.093). This provides evidence for highly efficient pollen-mediated gene flow among isolated forest patches, both within and between the QTP and adjacent highland populations. A lack of isolation to pollen-mediated gene flow between forests on the QTP and adjacent highlands is surprising given that the Tengger Desert has been a geographical barrier between these two regions for approximately the last 1.8 million years.


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A sensitive method for the determination of free fatty acids using 2-(2-(anthracen-10-yl)-1H-naphtho[2,3-dimidazol-1-yl) ethyl-p-toluenesuIfonate (ANITS) as tagging reagent with fluorescence detection has been developed. ANITS could easily and quickly label fatty acids in the presence of the K2CO3 catalyst at 90 degrees C for 40 min in N,N-dimethylformamide solvent. From the extracts of rape bee pollen samples, 20 free fatty acids were sensitively determined. Fatty acid derivatives were separated on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C8 column by HPLC in conjunction with gradient elution. The corresponding derivatives were identified by post-column APCI/MS in positive-ion detection mode. ANITS-fatty acid derivatives gave an intense molecular ion peak at mlz [M+H](+); with MS/MS analysis, the collision-induced dissociation spectra of m/z [M+H](+) produced the specific fragment ions at mlz [M-345](+) and mlz 345.0 (here, m/z 345 is the core structural moiety of the ANITS molecule). The fluorescence excitation and emission wavelengths of the derivatives were lambda(ex) = 250 nm and lambda(em) = 512 nm, respectively. Linear correlation coefficients for all fatty acid derivatives are > 0.9999. Detection limits, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 : 1, are 24.76-98.79 fmol for the labeled fatty acids.


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介绍了中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所自行研制的多机构复合智能移动机器人CLIMBER的系统构成、硬件结构和软件系统 ,着重介绍了CLIMBER机器人的机构复合方法和避障控制算法。


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面对传统遗传算法在解决一些复杂问题时所存在的收敛慢或早熟等困难 ,基于仿人理性决策原则 ,提出一种具有更丰富进化含义的进化算法——理性遗传算法 .其通过遗传信息的反馈或理性规则的建立来指导遗传操作的进行 ,从而将种群内部知识与经验的继承和学习更有效地结合在遗传算法之中 .相对于传统遗传算法 ,较好地解决了多机器人确知环境下协调运动规划问题 .理论分析和仿真实验结果都是令人鼓舞的 .


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本文以国家“863”计划支持项目“机器人模块化体系结构设计”(编号2007AA041703)为依托,针对模块化机器人研究的难点和热点问题,在广泛调研模块化机器人国内外研究现状的基础上,研究开发了一套关节型模块化机器人样机。本文主要包括以下四方面的工作:1 模块库的建立及拓扑构型研究;2 运动学的研究;3 模块结构设计;4 实验研究。具体工作如下: 分析了模块化与重构性两个概念的区别与联系,在分析一般机电产品的库设计的基础上阐述了面向功能的模块化机器人模块划分原则。在此基础上,建立了含有五种单元模块的模块库,并对其可实现构型进行了拓扑分析。最后,从拓扑构型分析结果中挑选出了20种代表性构型,为基于任务的构型选择奠定了基础。 对关节型模块化机器人的运动学进行了研究,提出了一种新的坐标系建立方法,建立了各模块的运动学变换矩阵,采用运动旋量的指数积公式实现了正运动学分析的模块化,并推导出正运动学公式。对于逆运动学问题,根据推导出的正运动方程和微分运动学公式建立了逆运动学数学模型,并用牛顿—拉夫逊迭代法得出逆运动学迭代公式。 分析了一个六自由度关节型机器人的危险工况,从而确定了机器人运动时各关节所需的最大功率。以此为基础,确定了三种不同功率的旋转模块Rl、Rm、Rs和一个移动模块Tl,并根据功率的计算结果为各模块进行了电机和减速器等器件的选型。最后,以旋转模块Rl为例详细介绍了模块的结构设计过程。 通过软件平台的搭建,对前面章节的拓扑构型的实现及运动学算法进行了仿真验证。通过该软件平台,可以任意选择第二章分析出的拓扑构型,并可以自动生成运动学正解。后以一个六自由度构型为例进行了轨迹规划,验证了软件平台的构型选择,运动学正逆解算法等功能。该仿真中使用的插补算法,既能保证末端执行器的期望路径,又可以实现关节角的平滑过渡。


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