113 resultados para virus mutant


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A novel method is reported for the detection of avian influenza virus subtype H5 using a biosensor based on high spatial resolution imaging ellipsometry (IE). Monoclonal antibodies specific to H5 hemagglutinin protein were immobilized on silicon wafers and used to capture virus particles. Resultant changes on the surface of the wafers were visualized directly in gray-scale on an imaging ellipsometry image. This preliminary study has shown that the assay is rapid and specific for the identification of avian influenza virus subtype H5. Compared with lateral-flow immunoassays, this biosensor not only has better sensitivity, but can also simultaneously perform multiplexed tests. These results suggest that this biosensor might be a valuable diagnostic toot for avian influenza virus detection. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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赤霉素是一种高效能的广谱植物生长调节剂,为五大植物激素之一,具有重要的生物学功能。目前利用赤霉素突变体研究生物合成途径和信号转导已经成为热点。 GA 20-氧化酶是GA生物合成中的一类关键酶,它位于GA合成途径的中心位置。本研究根据烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)GA 20-氧化酶基因序列,设计2对分别含有特定酶切位点的特异引物,以烟草基因组DNA为模板,扩增目的基因(约250 bp)片段。将正、反向目的片段分别插入中间载体的内含子两侧,再经BamH I和Sac I双酶切回收约700 bp的目的片段,插入到双元载体质粒p2355中,成功构建了含GA 20-氧化酶基因片段反向重复序列的植物表达载体p23700。分别将p2355质粒和p23700质粒导入根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)EHA105中并转化烟草叶片细胞,经卡那霉素选择培养,PCR及GUS组织染色鉴定,获得转基因烟草植株。以EHA105-p2355转化的烟草,获得41株转基因植株,均没有矮化表型;而以EHA105-p23700转化的烟草,获得转基因植株14株,其中具有矮化表型的烟草10株,表明反向重复序列转录产物能形成发夹RNA(hpRNA),产生小分子干扰RNA(small interferring RNA,简称siRNA),干扰目的基因的表达。 赤霉素含量测定表明矮化植株中赤霉素合成途径的最终产物GA3总含量明显低于野生型烟草植株。荧光定量PCR结果表明,矮化转基因烟草的GA 20-氧化酶基因表达量受到明显抑制,表达量明显低于野生型对照。同时对上游内根-贝壳杉合成酶(Ent-kaurene synthase,KS)基因,下游的GA-3β羟化酶基因进行了RT-PCR分析,结果显示上游基因的表达没有规律性变化,而下游基因表达量亦降低。上述结果表明,GA 20-氧化酶基因的表达被有效地干扰了,表达受到抑制,从而影响植株体内GA3的合成,影响植株的生长发育,导致植株矮化。并推测,GA 20-氧化酶基因受到抑制,可能影响下游基因的表达。并且通过干旱胁迫测试,发现矮化植株相对于野生型植株及不含干扰片段的转基因植株,对干旱的耐受力有了很大的提高,具有更强的耐受力。 研究结果为进一步进行相关研究奠定基础。 Gibberellin(GA) is an efficient plant growth regulator. As one of five major plant hormones, it plays an important biological function. Using GA mutant for investigating biosynthetic pathways and signal transduction has become high lights. GA 20-oxidase is a crucial enzyme involved in gibberellin biosynthesis. According to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) GA 20-oxidase enzyme gene sequence and based on binary vector p2355, we constructed a plant expression vector p23700, which habors an inverted repeat DNA fragment of GA 20-oxidase gene drivered by Cauliflower mosaic virus promtor (CaMV 35Sp). Binary plasmid p2355 had no inverted repeat DNA fragment of GA 20-oxidase gene. The vector p2355 and p23700 were introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 and tobacco leaf transformation was conducted. After selected by kanamycin and characterized by PCR and GUS hischemical reaction, transsgenic plants were obtained. Fourtheen transgenic plants, which were transformed by EHA105-p23700, were obtained. Among them, 10 were dwarf mutants. However, 41 transgenic plants with the same normal phenotype as wild type,which were transformed by EHA105-p2355, were obtained. Analysis of Gibberellin contents showed that it was lower in dwarf mutants than in normal phenotype plants. Moreover, comparing to normal phenotype plants including wild type and transgenic plants with no interference fragment, the drought tolerance of dwarf plants have greatly increased. And their proline content increased obviously after drought test. Fluorescence quantitative real time PCR (RT-PCR) showed that GA 20-oxidase gene expression was significantly inhibited in dwarf transgenic tobacco. Meanwhile, the expression of the upstream gene ent-kaurene synthase (KS) gene and downstream gene GA-3β hydroxylase gene was also detected by RT-PCR. The results presented that KS gene expression had no regular change while GA-3β hydroxylase gene expression reduced. It implied that inhibiting GA 20-oxidase gene probably reduce the expression of downstream genes. The results showed that the transcriptional products of the foreign inverted repeat fragment can form hairpin RNA (hpRNA) to induce RNAi. It presented that GA 20-oxidase gene expression was effectively interfered, resulting in reducing GA3 synthesis and inhibiting plant growth and development, then dwarf plants were produced. However, the dwarf plants had higher tolerance of drought.


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To study the influence of Hypericum perforatum extract (HPE) on piglets infected with porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRSV), enzyme-labeled immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and cytopathic effect (CPE) were used to determine in vitro whether HPE could induce swine pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAMs) to secrete IFN-gamma, and whether PRRSV titers in PAMs were affected by the levels of HPE-induced IFN-gamma. HPE (200 mg kg(-1)) was administrated by oral gavage to piglets infected with the PRRSV in vivo to observe whether HPE affected the viremia, lung viral titers, and weight gain of piglets infected with PRRSV. The results showed that HPE was capable of inducing PAMs to produce IFN-gamma in a dose dependent manner and HPE pretreatment was capable of significantly reducing PRRSV viral titers in PAMs (P<0.01). Administration of HPE to the PRRSV-infected animals significantly (P<0.05) reduced viremia over time as compared with the PRRSV-infected animals. But there was not significant decrease in lung viral titers at day 21 post-infection between the HPE-treated animals and the PRRSV-infected control piglets. There were no significant differences in weight gain over time among the HPE-treatment animals, the normal control, and the HPE control animals. The PRRSV-infected animals caused significant (P<0.01) growth retardation as compared with the HPE controls and the normal piglets. It suggested that HPE might be an effective novel therapeutic approach to diminish the PRRSV-induced disease in swine.


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利用100MeV/u的12C6+离子束辐照酵母Saccharomyces cerevsiea YY,选育出一株高产突变菌株C03A,考察C03A发酵过程中不同温度、pH、糖汁浓度对发酵的影响。通过正交实验确定最佳发酵条件为:糖汁浓度24%、温度35℃、pH5.0。在10L发酵罐实验中,C03A发酵速率相对原始菌株高,36h发酵完全,比原始菌株缩短12h;发酵产酒率达到13.2%(V/V),比原始菌株高1.6%(V/V)。


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Layer-by-layer assembly technique was used to construct ultrathin film of cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) by electrostatic interactions, and the film was employed as a precursor on which an OF8T2 film was deposited by spin coating. Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) was observed and improved for the OF8T2 film. Compared with OF8T2 film on quartz, the introduction of CPMV nanoparticles reduced the threshold and loss, and remarkably increased the net gain. The threshold, loss, and gain reached 0.05 mJ/ pulse, 6.9 cm(-1), and 82 cm(-1), respectively. CPMV nanoparticles may enormously scatter light, resulting in a positive feedback, thus the ASE is easily obtained and improved.


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The structural stability and redox properties of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c and its mutant, F82H, were studied by surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) spectroscopy. Phenylalanine, which exists at the position-82 in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c, is replaced by histidine in the mutant. The SERRS spectra of the proteins on the bare silver electrodes indicate that the mutant possesses a more stable global structure with regard to the adsorption-induced conformational alteration. The redox potential of the mutant negatively shifts by about 400 mV, relative to that of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c. This is ascribed to axial ligand switching and higher solvent accessibility of the heme iron in the mutant during the redox reactions.


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The UV-visible, circular dichroism (CD), and resonance Raman (RR) spectra of the wild type yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (WT) and its mutant F82H in which phenylalanine-82 (Phe-82) is substituted with His are measured and compared for oxidized and reduced forms. The CD spectra in the intrinsic and Soret spectral region, as well as RR spectra in high, middle, and low frequency regions, are discussed. From the analysis of the spectra, it is determined that in the oxidized F82H the two axial ligands to the heme iron are His-18 and His-82 whereas in the reduced form the sixth ligand switches from His-82 to Met-80 providing the coordination geometry similar to that of WT. Based on the spectroscopic data, the conclusion is that the porphyrin macrocycle is less distorted in the oxidized F82H compared to the oxidized WT. Similar distortions are present in the reduced form of the proteins. Frequency shifts of Raman bands, as well as the decrease of the or-helix content in the CD spectra, indicate more open conformation of the protein around the heme. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Rabies virus was used as the antigen to immunize laying chickens. Anti-rabies virus immunoglobulin Y(IgY) was isolated from yolks of the eggs laid by these chickens using a two-step salt precipitation and one-step gel filtration protocol. The purified IgY was reduced with dithiothreitol, and heavy chains (HC) and light chains (LC) were obtained. In addition, the purified IgY was digested with pepsin and the fragment with specific antigen binding properties (Fab) was produced. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS), the average molecular weights of IgY, HC, LC, and Fab were determined as 167 250, 65 105, 18 660, and 45,359 Da, respectively. IgY has two structural differences compared with mammalian IgGs. First, the molecular weight of the heavy chain of IgY is larger than that of its mammalian counterpart, while the molecular weight of the light chain of IgY is smaller. Second, upon pepsin digestion, anti-rabies virus IgY is degraded into Feb, in contrast to mammalian IgG, which has been reported to be degraded into F(ab')(2) under the same conditions. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The worldwide shrimp culture is beset with diseases mainly caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and suffered huge economic losses, which bring out an urgent need to develop the novel strategies to better protect shrimps against WSSV. In the present study, CpG-rich plasmid pUC57-CpG, plasmid pUC57 and PBS were employed to pretreat shrimps comparatively to evaluate the protective effects of CpG ODNs on shrimps against WSSV. The survival rates, WSSV copy numbers, and antiviral associated factors (Dicer, Argonaute, STAT and ROS) were detected in Litopenaeus vannamei. There were higher survival proportion, lower WSSV copy numbers, and higher mRNA expression of Dicer and STAT in pUC57-CpG-pretreatment shrimps than those in pUC57- and PBS-pretreatment shrimps after WSSV infection. The Argonaute mRNA expression in pUC57-CpG-, pUC57- and PBS-pretreatment shrimps after WSSV infection was significantly higher than that of shrimps post PBS stimulation on the first day. The ROS levels in pUC57-CpG-pretreatment shrimps post secondary stimulation of PBS were significantly higher than those post WSSV infection on the first day. These results together demonstrated that pUC57-CpG induced partial protective immunity in shrimps against WSSV via intermediation of virus replication indirectly and could be used as a potential candidate in the development of therapeutic agents for disease control of WSSV in L. vannamei. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a major shrimp pathogen that has a widespread negative affect on shrimp production in Asia and the Americas. It is known that WSSV infects shrimp cells through viral attachment proteins (VAP) that bind with shrimp cell receptors. However, the identity of both WSSV VAP and shrimp cell receptors remains unclear. We used digoxigenin (DIG)labeled shrimp hemocyte and gill cell membranes to bind to WSSV proteins immobilized on nitrocellulose membranes, and 4 putative WSSV VAP (37 kDa, 39 kDa and 2 above 97 kDa) were identified. Mass spectrometric analysis identified the 37 kDa putative VAP as the product of WSSV gene VP281.


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White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) was specifically detected by PCR in Penaeus merguiensis hemocytes, hemolymph and plasma. This suggested a close association between the shrimp hemolymph and the virus. Three types of hemocyte from shrimp were isolated using flow cytometry. Dynamic changes of the hemocyte subpopulations in P. merguiensis at different times after infection were observed, indicating that the WSSV infection selectively affected specific subpopulations. Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and a Wright-Giemsa double staining study of hemocyte types further confirmed the cellular localization of the virus in the infected hemocytes. Electron microscopy revealed virus particles in both vacuoles and the nucleus of the semigranular cells (SGC), as well as in the vacuoles of the granular cells (GC). However, no virus could be detected in the hyaline cells (HC). Our results suggest that the virus infects 2 types of shrimp hemocytes-GCs and SGCs. The SGC type contains higher virus loads and exhibits faster infection rates, and is apparently more susceptible to WSSV infection.


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The free living conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda was treated with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine to induce pigmentation mutants. The artificial green pigmentation mutant of P. yezoensis conchocelis, which was composed entirely of green cells, was isolated through visualization with the unaided eye. The acquired green conchocelis was further developed into a green gametophytic blade. This mutant was relatively stable in color in both gametophytic blade and conchocelis phases. The gametophytic blade mutant was successively cultivated for commerce at some Porphyra farms in Rudong, China, and few wild type or sectorially variegated gametophytic blade occurred, indicating that the green mutant has commercial value. The green mutant was characterized as having lower phycoerythrin and higher phycocyanin content, and SDS-PAGE suggested that phycoerythrin was missing the gamma-subunit in comparison to the wild type. The wild type and the green mutant showed a clear difference in 02 evolution rates in white, green, yellow, and red light, which might be due to the qualitative and quantitative changes of phycoerythrin, and the quantitative difference of phycocyanin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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MicroRNAs (miRNA) that are around 22 nucleotides long non-protein-coding RNAs, play key regulatory roles in plants. Recent research findings show that miRNAs are involved in plant defense and viral offense systems. Advances in understanding the mechanism of miRNA biogenesis and evolution are useful for elucidating the complicated roles they play in viral infection networks. In this paper a brief summary of evolution of plant anti-virus defense is given and the function of miRNAs involved in plant-virus competition is highlighted. It is believed that miRNAs have several advantages over homology-dependent and siRNA-mediated gene silencing when they are applied biotechnologically to promote plant anti-virus defense. miRNA-mediated anti-virus pathway is an ancient mechanism with a promising future. However, using miRNAs as a powerful anti-virus tool will be better realized only if miRNA genomics and functions in plant viral infection are fully understood.


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The esrB gene of Edwardsiella tarda, which encodes a regulator protein of the type III secretion system, was mutated by the unmarked deletion method and reintroduced by allelic exchange into the chromosome of E. tarda LSE40 by means of the suicide vector pRE 112. The LSE40 esrB mutant was highly attenuated when inoculated intraperitoneally into turbot Scophthamus maximus L., showing a 50% lethal dose of 10(8.1) cfu/fish. The esrB mutants were not recoverable from the internal organs at 14 days post-inoculation. Vaccination with a single dose of 10(5)-10(7) cfu/fish of the esrB mutant elicited significant protection against the wildtype strain of E. tarda LSE40 (relative percentage survival > 50%). The protection correlated well with the antibody titres in the serum of vaccinated fish. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using a C30 column was developed for the simultaneous determination of astaxanthin, astaxanthin monoesters and astaxanthin diesters in the green algae Chlorococcum sp., Chlorella zofingiensis, Haematococcus pluvialis and the mutant E1, which was obtained from the mutagenesis of H. pluvialis by exposure to UV-irradiation and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) with subsequent screening using nicotine. The results showed that the contents of total astaxanthins including free astaxanthin and astaxanthin esters ranged from 1.4 to 30.9 mg/g dry biomass in these green algae. The lower total astaxanthin levels (< 2 mg/g dry biomass) were detected in the green algae Chlorococcum sp. and C. zofingiensis. The higher total astaxanthin levels (> 16 mg/g dry biomass) were found in the green alga H. pluvialis and its mutant E1. It is notable that the mutant E1 is found to have considerably higher amounts of total astaxanthin (30.9 mg/g) as compared to the wild strain of H. pluvialis (16.1 mg/g). This indicates that UV-irradiation and EMS compound mutagenesis with subsequent screening using nicotine is an effective method for breeding of a high-producing astaxanthin strain of H. pluvialis. In addition, the green alga C. zofingiensis had a remarkably higher percentage of astaxanthin diesters (76.3% of total astaxanthins) and a remarkably lower percentage of astaxanthin monoesters (18.0% of total astaxanthins) in comparison with H. pluvialis (35.5% for diesters and 60.9% for monoesters), the mutant E1 (49.1% and 48.1%) and Chlorococcum sp. (18.0% and 58.6%).