111 resultados para split-step Fourier method


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A layer-by-layer (LbL) adsorption and polymerization method was developed for the controllable preparation of polypyrrole (PPy) nanoparticles within ultrathin films. By repetitive adsorption of pyrrole and subsequent polymerization with 12-molybdophosphoric acid, the polyelectrolyte multilayer films containing PPy nanoparticles were fabricated. UV-visible absorption spectrocopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cyclic voltammograras (CVs) were used to characterize the PPy nanoparticles and their multilayer thin films. UV-visible spectra indicate that the growth of PPy nanoparticles was regular and occurred within the polyelectrolyte films. The size of prepared PPy nanoparticles was found by TEM to increase with the increasing of polymerization cycles. The electrochemistry behavior of the multilayer thin films was studied in detail on ITO. The results suggest that the LbL adsorption and polymerization method developed herein provides an effective way to prepare PPy nanoparticles in the polymer matrix.


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Graft copolymerization in the molten state is of fundamental importance as a probe of chemical modification and reactive compatibilization. However, few grafting kinetics studies on reactive extrusion were carried out for the difficulties as expected. In this work, the macromolecular peroxide-induced grafting of acrylic acid and methyl methacrylate onto linear low density polyethylene by reactive extrusion was chosen as the model system for the kinetics study; the samples were taken out from the barrel at five ports along screw axis and analyzed by FTIR, H-1 NMR, and ESR. For the first time, the time-evolution of reaction rate, the reaction order, and the activation energy of graft copolymerization and homopolymerization in the twin screw extruder were directly obtained. On the basis of these results, the general reaction mechanism was tentatively proposed. It was demonstrated that an amount of chain propagation free radicals could keep alive for several minutes even the peroxides completely decomposed and the addition of monomer to polymeric radicals was the rate-controlled step for the graft copolymerization.


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A general procedure to determine the absolute configuration of cyclic secondary amines with Mosher's NMR method is demonstrated, with assignment of absolute configuration of isoanabasine as an example. Each Mosher amide can adopt two stable conformations (named rotamers) caused by hindered rotation around amide C-N bond. Via a three-step structural analysis of four rotamers, the absolute configuration of (-)-isoanabasine is deduced to be (R) on the basis of Newman projections, which makes it easy to understand and clarify the application of Mosher's method to cyclic secondary amines. Furthermore, it was observed that there was an unexpected ratio of rotamers of Mosher amide derived from (R)-isoanabasine and (R)-Mosher acid. This phenomenon implied that it is necessary to distinguish the predominant rotamer from the minor one prior to determining the absolute configuration while using this technique.


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In this work, we have developed a one-pot, morphology controlled epitaxial growth method to synthesize novel cactus-like ZnO in solution. Utilizing zinc acetate and hexamethylenetetramine as the precursors, ZnO nanorods synthesized in the first step remained in the solution, without any separation, served directly as the matrix for the epitaxial growth in the second step. Control experiments revealed that a proper mass of precursors added in the second step was crucial to form cactus-like ZnO. The as-synthesized ZnO was single crystalline and possessed three photoluminescence emissions centered at 390, 425 and 490 run. Finally, a possible mechanism for the epitaxial growth ZnO was proposed and discussed.


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Polyelectrolytes have been widely used as building blocks for the creation of thickness-controllable multilayer thin films in a layer-by-layer fashion, and also been used as flocculants or stabilizer of colloids. This paper reports novel finding that a kind of polyelectrolyte, polyamines, can facilely induce HAuCl4 to spontaneously form well-stabilized gold nanoparticles without the additional step of introducing a reducing reagent during the elevation of temperature, even at room temperature in some cases. The polymer chain-confined microenvironment and the acid-induced evolution of amide of such kind of polyelectrolyte solution play an important role in the nucleation and growth of gold nanoparticles. This method would not only be helpful to gain an insight into the formation of gold nanoparticles in polyelectrolyte systems, but also provide a novel and facile one-step polyelectrolyte-based synthetic route to polyelectrolyte protected gold nanoparticles in aqueous media for potential applications. More importantly, this strategy will be general to the preparation of other nanoparticles.


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A simple method for the fabrication of Pd nanoparticles is described. The three-dimensional Pd nanoparticle films are directly formed on a gold electrode surface by simple electrodeposition at -200 mV from a solution of 1 M H2SO4+0.01 mM K2PdCl4. X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy verifies the constant composition of the Pd nanoparticle films. Atomic force microscopy proves that the as-prepared Pd nanoparticles are uniformly distributed with an average particle diameter of 45-60 nm. It is confirmed that the morphology of the Pd nanoparticle films are correlated with the electrodeposition time and the state of the Au substrate. The resulting Pd-nanoparticle-film-modified electrode possesses high catalytic activity for the reduction of dissolved oxygen in 0.1 M KCl solution. Freshly prepared Pd nanoparticles can catalyze the reduction of O-2 by a 4-electron process at -200 mV in 0.1 M KCl, but this system is not very stable. The cathodic peaks corresponding to the reduction of O-2 gradually decrease with potential cycling and at last reach a steady state. Then two well-defined reduction peaks are observed at -390 and -600 mV vs. Ag/AgCl/KCl (sat.). Those two peaks correspond to a 2-step process for the 4-electron reduction pathway of O-2 in this neutral medium.


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This work is intended to provide a method for the preparation of maleic anhydride grafted syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS-g-MA). In particular, a novel solid reaction method by a radical grafting approach is investigated. The grafting reaction is performed at a solid state, where the syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) is swollen in solvent at relatively low temperature compared to the conventional melt modification method. The formation of sPS-g-MA is directly confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and by the morphology observation of sPS/polyamide-6 (Nylon6) blends, when sPS-g-MA is used as a reactive compatibilizer.


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A novel method using LB films as precursors to prepare pure inorganic ordered film with periodic structure was developed. Surfactant-stabilized SnO2 nanoparticulate organosols and TiO2 nanoparticulate organosols were prepared and used as spreading solutions. Using LB technique, the good film-forming ability of the surfactant-stabilized SnO2 nanoparticles and TiO2 nanoparticles was confirmed by the determination of the pi -A isotherms. The surfactant-stabilized SnO2 and TiO2 nanoparticulate monolayers were fabricated on the water surface and then were transferred to solid substrates (CaF2, quartz, silicon, and so on) alternately, layer-by-layer. Then the as-deposited alternate LB film was treated at different temperatures. The as-deposited alternate LB film and the treated film were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, UV visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that our method was successful. The as-deposited alternate LB film formed a periodic structure with a long spacing of 6.5 nm that was composed of SnO2 nanoparticles, TiO2 nanoparticles, and arachidic acid. The treated film composed of SnO2 nanoparticles and TiO2 nanoparticles formed a pure inorganic periodic structure with an ordered distance of 5.4 nm. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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A new nickel (II)-cyanometallates modified on glassy carbon electrode was prepared by a new method and studied by cyclic voltammetry and in situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroelectrochemistry. It was found that the NiHCF film existed in two forms: Ni2Fe(II)-(CN)(6) and M2NiFe(II)(CN)(6), Fe(CN)(3)(6-) codeposited in the NiHCF film existing in free cation or bridged-bond state depended on the property of the cations in electrolyte: in NaCl and LiCl solution, it is in bridges-bonded, but in HCl and KCl, it is free.


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A process for in situ synthesis of terbium complex with salicylic acid by a two-step sol-gel method in silica matrix has been proposed. The luminescence properties of the silica gels codoped with terbium and salicylic acid have also been discussed with respect to that of the gel doped with terbium and that of pure terbium complex with salicylic acid.


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This paper introduces a new method to estimate the diffusion coefficient and transference number of a salt or an electroactive ion in a solution with little or no supporting electrolyte. The above two parameters can be obtained from a single potential step experiment without previous knowledge of either one. It would appear that the method could also be used in the study of ion transport in a high viscosity solvent or a solid electrolyte. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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In chain molecules of 1, 2-PBD, there are two kinds of gauche arrangements, which is the cause of making the spectrum of the secondary carbon in main chain of the polymer split. In such a complex system, the gauche arrangements of the secondary carbon and the tertiary carbon occupy an important position. Hence, the contribution of the tertiary carbon to the chemical shifts of the secondary carbon has a decisive effect on the sequence structure distribution. In comparison the contribution of vinyl groups is ...


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The rate constant of very fast chemical reaction generally can be measured by electrochemical methods, but can not by the thin layer electrochemical methods because of the influence of diffusion effect. Long optical path length thin layer cell (LOPTLC) with large ratio of electrode area to solution volume can be used to monitor the fist chemical reaction in situ with high sensitivity and accuracy. It enable the adsorption spectra to be measured without the influence of diffusion effect. In the present paper, a fast chemical reaction of Alizarin Red S (ARS) with its oxidative state has been studied. The reaction equilibrium constant (K) under different potentials can be determined by single step potential-absorption spectra in LOPTLC. An equilibrium constant of 7.94 x 10(5) l.mol(-1) for the chemical reaction has been obtained from the plot of lgK vs. (E - E-1(0)'). Rate constant (k) under different potentials can be measured by single step potential-chronoabsorptiometry. A rate constant of 426.6 l.mol(-1).s(-1) for the chemical reaction has been obtained from the plot of lgK vs. (E - E-1(0)') with (E - E-1(0)') = 0.


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A fractional-step method of predictor-corrector difference-pseudospectrum with unconditional L(2)-stability and exponential convergence is presented. The stability and convergence of this method is strictly proved mathematically for a nonlinear convection-dominated flow. The error estimation is given and the superiority of this method is verified by numerical test.


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A suitable method for the pretreutment of dissolved nitrate samples in seawaters for nitrogen isotopic analysis was established. First, the seawater samples were processed by removing nitrite and amonium. Then Devard's alloy was added in sample for conversion of dissolved nitrate to ammonium. The sample was distilled, and then the ammonium condensate was collected with zeolite. after distillation, the collected condensate was filtered and prepared for determining nitropic values. Some tests of the method were conducted. The distillation condition, the influence of salinity on nitrogen isotopic analysis, absorption of ammonium onto zeolite and an improved method on a large volume of seawater were discussed in this study. The results showed that the distillation step had an average recovery of (104.9 +/- 4.2) % (n = 6) when distillating every 300 mL aliquot of the sample under a strong alkaline condition with 0.5 g devard's alloy and a distillation time of 30 min. The nitrogen isotopic fractionation decreased markedly when salinity was increased from 0% to 0.5%; further increase(1% - 3.5%) showed little effect. The adsorption rate of ammonium onto zeolite had a high yield of (95.96 +/- 1.08) % (n = 6) in average. An improved collection method was used to process a large volume of seawater with several distillations, and had good effect on analysis. The method had been applied to analyze water samples collected from Changjiang estuary. The analytical results indicate that the method is suitable for delta N-15 analysis of dissolved nitrate in seawaters. The present method could provide valuable information about the source and cycle mechanism of dissolved nitrogen in estuary waters.