156 resultados para near optical axis


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Calculations of the electronic structure and the density of states of GaN with Mn are carried out by means of first-principles plane-wave pesudopotential method based on density functional theory. The results reveal a 100% spin polarized impurity band in band structure of Ga1-xMnxN due to hybridization of Mn 3d and N 2p orbitals. The material is half metallic and suited for spin injectors. In addition, a peak of refractive index can be observed near the energy gap. The absorption coefficient increases in the UV region with the increase of the Mn content.


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Employing the metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) technique, we prepare ZnO samples with different morphologies from the film to nanorods through conveniently changing the bubbled diethylzinc flux (BDF) and the carrier gas flux of oxygen (OCGF). The scanning electron microscope images indicate that small BDF and OCGF induce two-dimensional growth while the large ones avail quasi-one-dimensional growth. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman scattering analyses show that all of the morphology-dependent ZnO samples are of high crystal quality with a c-axis orientation. From the precise shifts of the 2 theta. locations of ZnO (002) face in the XRD patterns and the E-2(high) locations in the Raman spectra, we deduce that the compressive stress forms in the ZnO samples and is strengthened with the increasing BDF and OCGF. Photoluminescence spectroscopy results show all the samples have a sharp ultraviolet luminescent band without any defects-related emission. Upon the experiments a possible growth mechanism is proposed.


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Vanadium dioxide thin films were fabricated by ion beam sputtering on Si3N4/SiO2/Si after a post reductive annealing process in a nitrogen atmosphere. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were employed to analyze the effects of post annealing temperature on crystallinity, morphology, and composition of the vanadium oxide thin films. Transmission properties of vanadium dioxide thin films were measured by Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The results showed that the as-deposited vanadium oxide thin films were composed of non-crystalline V2O5 and a tetragonal rutile VO2. After annealing at 400 degrees C for 2 h, the mixed phase vanadium oxide (VOx) thin film changed its composition and structure to VO2 and had a (011) oriented monoclinic rutile structure. When increasing the temperature to 450 degrees C, nano VO2 thin films with smaller grains were obtained. FT-IR results showed that the transmission contrast factor of the nano VO2 thin film was more than 0.99 and the transmission of smaller grain nano VO2 thin film was near zero at its switched state. Nano VO2 thin film with smaller grains is an ideal material for application in optical switching devices.


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In this paper, a mini-staged multi-stacked quantum cascade laser structure with a designed wavelength of 4.7 mu m is presented. By introducing five 0.5 mu m thick high thermal conductivity InP interbuffer layers, the 60-stages active region core of the quantum cascade laser is divided into six equal parts. Based on simulation, this kind of quantum cascade laser with a 10 mu m ridge width gives nearly circular two-dimensional far-field distribution (FWHM = 32.8 degrees x 29 degrees) and good beam quality parameters M-2 = 1.32 x 1.31 in the fast axis (growth direction) and the slow axis (lateral direction). Due to the enhancement of lateral heat extraction through the interbuffer layers, compared to the conventional structure, a decrease of about 5-6% for the maximum temperature in the active region core of the mini-staged multi-stacked quantum cascade laser with indium-surrounded and gold-electroplated packaging profiles is obtained at all possible dissipated electrical power levels.


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ZnO films have been fabricated on (0 0 1), (0 1 1) and (1 1 1) SrTiO3 (STO) substrates by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). It is interesting that the ZnO films on (0 0 1) and (0 1 1) STO substrates show polar and semipolar orientations, which are different from previous reports, while the same growing direction of polar ZnO with previous results is found on (1 1 1) STO. For the atomic arrangements, two orthogonal domains and a single domain are observed on (0 0 1) and (1 1 1) STO, respectively. Photoluminescence spectra show that every sample has a sharp near-band-edge emission peak at about 3.28 eV without any deep-level emission band between 1.5 and 2.8 eV, implying a high optical quality. A violet emission around 3.0 eV is observed only in ZnO films on (0 0 1) and (0 1 1) STO substrates grown at 600 degrees C, which is discussed briefly. Additionally, the semipolar ZnO does not weaken the emission efficiency along with the reduction in the polarization effect compared with polar ZnO. These results show that high-quality polar and semipolar ZnO films can be grown on STO substrates by MOCVD.


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We demonstrate the fabrication and characterization of photonic-crystal distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser emitting at 4.7 mu m. The tilted rectangular-lattice PCDFB structure was defined using a multi-exposure of two-beam holographic lithography. The devices exhibit the near-diffraction-limited beam emission with the full width at half maximum of the far-field divergence angles about 4.5 degrees and 2.5 degrees for stripe widths of 55 mu m and 95 mu m, respectively. Single-mode emission with a side mode suppression ratio of approximate to 20 dB is achieved in the temperature range (80-210 K). The single-facet output power is above 1 W for a 95 mu m x 2.5 mm laser bar at 85 K in pulsed operation. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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AlInGaN quaternary epilayers with varying In mole fraction were investigated using triple-axis x-ray diffraction and photoluminescence measurements. The indium compositional fluctuation is enhanced with increasing In mole fraction, whereas the mosaicity of the AlInGaN epilayers is determined through the GaN template quality. Based on the analysis of the temperature dependence of the PL peak position, it is found that the localization effect strengthens with increasing In mole fraction due to the larger fluctuations of the In distribution. Increasing the influence of the localized state results in increasing the emission intensity and FWHM with the In content.


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The influence of low-temperature AlN buffer layer thickness on GaN epilayer was investigated by triple-axis X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence measurements. A method was proposed to measure the screw and edge dislocation densities by XRD. It was found that the buffer layer thickness was a key parameter to affect the quality of GaN epilayer and an appropriate thickness resulted in the best structural and optical properties except the lateral grain size. After the thickness exceeding the appropriate value, the compressive stress in the epilayer decreased as the thickness increased, which led to the redshift of the near-band edge luminescence. The experimental results showed the buffer layer thickness had more influence on edge dislocation than screw type and the former was perhaps the main source of the yellow band. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) are grown by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition on (0001) sapphire substrates. Triple-axis X-ray diffraction (TXRD) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra are used to assess the influence of trimethylgallium (TMGa) flow on structural defects, such as dislocations and interface roughness, and the optical properties of the MQWs. In this paper, a method, involving an ! scan of every satellite peak of TXRD, is presented to measure the mean dislocation density of InGaN/GaN MQWs. The experimental results show that under certain conditions which keep the trimethlyindium flow constant, dislocation density and interface roughness decrease with the increase of TMGa flow, which will improve the PL properties. It can be concluded that dislocations, especially edge dislocations, act as nonradiative recombination centres in InGaN/GaN MQWs. Also noticed is that changing the TMGa flow has more influence on edge dislocations than screw dislocations.


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AlInGaN quaternary epilayers have been grown with various TMGa flows by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition to investigate the influence of growth rate on the structural and optical properties. Triple-axis X-ray diffraction measurements show AlInGaN epilayers have good crystalline quality. Photolummescence (PL) measurements show that the emission intensity of AlInGaN epilayers is twenty times stronger than that of AlGaN epilayer with comparable Al content. V-shaped pits are observed at the surface of AlInGaN epilayers by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). High growth rate leads to increased density and size of V-shaped pits, but crystalline quality is not degraded. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The optical properties of quantum rods in the absence and presence of the magnetic field are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The two-dimensional (2D) and 1D transition dipoles of wurtzite quantum rods are investigated. It is found that the transition dipoles change from 2D to 1D as the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid increases, in agreement with the experimental results. The linear polarization factors of optical transitions of quantum rods with critical aspect ratio are zero at every orientation of the wave propagation. So quantum rods with critical aspect ratio have isotropic transition dipoles. Due to the 2D or 1D transition dipoles, the linear polarization factors of optical transitions of quantum rods change from negative or positive values to zero as the orientation of the wave propagation changes from the x axis of the crystal structure to the z axis, in agreement with the experimental results. Under magnetic field applied along the z axis of the crystal structure, the negative linear polarization factors in the 2D transition dipole case decrease as the magnetic field increases, while under magnetic field applied along the x axis, the negative linear polarization factors increase as the magnetic field increases. The antisymmetric Hamiltonian is very important to these effects of the magnetic field. It is found that quantum rods with a given radius at a given temperature have dark excitons in a range of aspect ratio. The dimensions along the x, y axes of the crystal structure play opposite roles to the dimension along the z axis on the dark exciton phenomenon. Dark excitons become bright under appropriate magnetic field.


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In this paper, recent progresses in optical analysis of dislocation-related physical properties in GaN-based epilayers are surveyed with a brief review. The influence of dislocations on both near-band edge emission and yellow luminescence (YL) is examined either in a statistical way as a function of dislocation density or focused on individual dislocation lines with a high spatial resolution. Threading dislocations may introduce non-radiative recombination centers and enhance YL, but their effects are affected by the structural and chemical environment. The minority carrier diffusion length may be dependent on either dislocation density or impurity doping as confirmed by the result of photovoltaic spectra. The in situ optical monitoring of the strain evolution process is employed during GaN heteroepitaxy using an AIN interlayer. A typical transition of strain from compression to tension is observed and its correlation with the reduction and inclination of threading dislocation lines is revealed. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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C-axis-orientated ZnO thin films were prepared on glass substrates by pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) technique in an oxygen-reactive atmosphere, using a metallic Zn target. The effects of growth condition such as laser energy and substrate temperature on the structural and optical properties of ZnO films had been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission spectra and room-temperature (RT) photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The results showed that the thickness, crystallite size, and compactness of ZnO films increased with the laser energy and substrate temperature. Both the absorption edges and the UV emission peaks of the films exhibited redshift, and UV emission intensity gradually increased as the laser energy and substrate temperature increased. From these results, it was concluded that crystalline quality of ZnO films was improved with increasing laser energy and substrate temperature. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.N. All rights reserved.


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An electroabsorption modulator with large optical cavity was designed and fabricated successfully. Both the simulated and experimental results show that, the larger optical cavity structure introduced could obviously improve the optical profile of EA modulator, the traditional elliptical near-field spot becomes more rounded, so it will match better with the optical fiber and is beneficial for raising the coupling efficiency.


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Enhanced near-infrared photoluminescence (PL) from sulfur-related isoelectronic luminescent centers in silicon was observed from thermally quenched sulfur-implanted silicon in which additional copper or silver ions had been coimplanted. The PL from the sulfur and copper coimplanted silicon peaked between 70 and 100 K and persisted to 260 K. This result strongly supports the original conjecture from the optical detection of magnetic resonance studies that the strong PL from sulfur-doped silicon comes from S-Cu isoelectronic complexes [Frens , Phys. Rev. B 46, 12316 (1992); Mason , ibid. 58, 7007 (1998).]. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.