134 resultados para marginal zone


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The p-toluene sulfonic acid (MA) in phenol matrix was separated and determined by capillary electrophoresis with ultraviolet detector. the effect of the concentration and pH of the buffer on separation was investigated. Cinnamic acid has been chosen as the internal standard from four compounds, the calibration curves of PTSA in 50 mg/L phenol matrix were obtained with and without the internal standard. The linear range was from 1.25 to 12.5 mg/L and the correlation coefficient was 0.9999 for both curves. The limit of detection of PISA was 0.75 mg/L at 3 times of SIN. Finally, the concentration of PTSA in four synthesized samples was determined with method of standard additions, and the effect of matrix was discussed. The values of MA in these samples were 1.01, 0.94, 1.56 and 0.00 mg/L respectively.


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End-column amperometric detection of 6-mercaptopurine by capillary zone electrophoresis was described with high resolution and speed. The detection conditions were optimized and the electrochemical behavior was observed. Under the optimal conditions: detection potential of 1.2 V ( vs. Ag/AgCl), operating voltage of 15 kV, sample injection of 3 s at 15 kV and 10 mmol/l Na2HPO4 buffer, the detection limit for 6-MP was as low as 1 x 10(-7) mol/L and the linear range was from 5 x 10(-4) to 5 x 10(-6) mol/L with the relative coefficient of 0.995. The RSD of reproducibility for peak current and migration time was 2.5% and 1.2%, respectively. This method was utilized in assay real sample of human mine and bovine serum albumin containing 6-mercaptopurine.


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A rapid and sensitive detection method for the determination of 5-fluorouracil(5-FU) in real samples such as human urine and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was described. A carbon fiber microdisk electrode was used to perform end-column amperometric detection in capillary zone electrophoresis. The detection limit was as low as 2.5x10(-7) M and the wider linear range for the concentration was between 5x10(-6) and 1x10(-4) M with a correlation coefficient of 0.995.


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The plastic zone size and crack opening displacement of phenolphthalein polyether ketone (PEK-C) at various conditions were investigated. Both of them increase with increasing temperature (decreasing strain rate), i.e. yield stress steadily falls. Thus, the mechanism increasing the yield stress leads to increased constraint in the crack tip and a corresponding reduction in the crack opening displacement and the plastic deformation zone. The effect of the plastic deformation on the fracture toughness is also discussed.


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Fracture toughness values of phenolphthalein poly(ether ketone) (PEK-C) at 190 degrees C were determined by two different methods, i. e. the conventional crack growth method and the crack stress whitening zone method, which show consistent results. This indicates that the crack stress whitening zone method can be used to determine the crack initiation of some polymers for which the blunting line concept is unsuitable.


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A novel modified electrode dispersed with ultrafine platinum particles on the surface of a 30-mu m carbon fibre microelectrode was investigated as an amperometric detector in capillary zone electrophoresis (CEEC) for determining hydrazines. The unique cha


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Using satellite images taken on different dates, GIS analysis of aerial photos, bathymetric maps and other field survey data, tidal troughs and major sand ridges in the northern Jiangsu coastal area were contrasted. The results show that there have been three types of movement or migration of tidal trough in this area: (1) Periodic and restricted, this type of trough usually developed along the beaches with immobile gully head as a result of the artificial dams and the swing range increased from gully head to the low reaches, so they have been obviously impacted by human activity and have longer swing periods; (2) Periodic and actively, this kind of trough, which swung with a fast rate and moved periodically on sand ridges, were mainly controlled by the swings of the host tidal troughs and hydrodynamic forces upon tidal sand ridge and influenced slightly by human constructions; (3) Steadily and slowly, they are the main tidal troughs with large scale and a steady orientation in this area and have slow lateral movement. The differences in migration mode of tidal trough shift result in different rates of migration and impact upon tidal sand ridges. Lateral accumulation on current tidal trough and deposition on abandoned tidal troughs are the two types of sedimentation of the tidal sand ridges formation. The whole radial sand ridge was generally prone to division and retreat although sand ridges fluctuated by the analysis of changes in talwegs of tidal troughs and shorelines of sand ridges.


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Diatom data of 192 surface sediment samples from the marginal seas in the western Pacific together with modern summer and winter sea surface temperature and salinity data were analyzed. The results of canonical correspondence analysis show that summer sea-surface salinity (SSS) is highly positively correlated with winter SSS and so is summer sea-surface temperature (SST) with winter SST. The correlations between SSSs and SSTs are less positively correlated, which may be due to interactions of regional current pattern and monsoon climate. The correlations between diatom species, sample sites and environmental variables concur with known diatom ecology and regional oceanographic characters. The results of forward selection of the environmental variables and associated Monte Carlo permutation tests of the statistical significance of each variable suggest that summer SSS and winter SST are the main environmental factors affecting the diatom distribution in the area and therefore preserved diatom data from down core could be used for reconstructions of summer SSS and winter SST in the region.


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This study investigates the distribution of black carbon (BC) and its correlation with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (I PAH) pound in the surface sediments of China's marginal seas. BC content ranges from < 0.10 to 2.45 mg/g dw (grams dry weight) in the sediments studied, and varied among the different coastal regions. The Bohai Bay sediments had the highest BC contents (average 2.18 mg/g dw), which comprises a significant fraction (27%-41%) of the total organic carbon (TOC) preserved in the sediments. In comparison, BC in the surface sediments of the North Yellow Sea, Jiaozhou Bay, East China Sea and the South China Sea is less abundant and accounted for an average of 6%, 8%, 14% and 5%, respectively, of the sedimentary organic carbon pool. The concentration of I PAH pound in the surface sediments ranges from 41 to 3 667 ng/g dw and showed large spatial variations among the sampling sites of different costal regions. The Bohai Bay has the highest I PAH pound values, ranging from 79 to 3 667 ng/g dw. This reflects the high anthropogenically contaminated nature of the sediments in the bay. BC is positively correlated to TOC but a strong correlation is not found between BC and I PAH pound in the surface sediments studied, suggesting that BC and PAHs preserved in the sediments are derived from different sources and controlled by different biogeochemical processes. Our study suggests that the abundance of BC preserved in the sediments could represent a significant sink pool of carbon cycling in China's marginal seas.


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The onshore-offshore deep seismic experiment was carried out for the first time and filled the blankness of the seismic surveys in the transition area between South China and northeastern South China Sea. The seismic data were analyzed and processed. The different seismic phases were identified and their travel time arrivals were modeled by ray-tracing to study the P-wave velocity crustal structure of this area. The crustal structure of this area is the continental crust. The crust thickness is gradually decreasing southward along the on-shore-offshore seismic line. The low-velocity layer (5.5 similar to 5.9 km (.) s(-1)) exists generally in the middle crust (about 10.0 similar to 18.0km)with about 2.5 similar to 4.0 km thickness, which is also thinning seaward. No obvious high-velocity layer appears in the lower crust. The Binhai (littoral) fault zone is a low velocity zone, which is located about 35km southeast to the Nan'ao station and corresponding to the gradient belt of gravity & magnetism anomalies. The depth of the fault zone is close to the Moho discontinuity. The littoral fault zone is a boundary between the normal continental crust of South China and the thinned continental crust of the sea area.


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With the rapid development of satellite observations, we can use the altimetry geoid to study submarine tectonics and geodynamics. On the basis of the 4' x 4' geoid undulation calculated from altimeter data of Geosat, ERS-1/2 and Topex/Poseidon on the West Pacific, located between 0degreesN similar to 45degreesN, 100degreesC similar to 150degreesE, Bouguer, Glenni and isostatic geoid undulation are obtained from correction of gravitational potential of the global topography and isostacy. Moho discontinuity depth is inversed by the Glenni geoid undulation, and the stress field from small-scale mantle convection is reasonably calculated from the isostatic geoid undulation. The results show that within the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, short-wavelength lineations of the geoid undulation are parallel or cross to magnetic lineations and rifting ridges. The Moho depth of marginal sea basins becomes shallow southward, and its values are similar to that of the Philippine Sea. These facts show that strength of tectonic activities are almost the same on the both sides of the Ryukyu-Taiwan-Philippine are. Various kinds of tectonic features with different driving mechanisms of small-middle and large-scale of mantle convection, however, display a special pattern of tectonics and geodynamics of the continental marginal seas distinguished from oceans and continents.


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We analyze the distribution of temperature and heat flow of the sea floor sediment in the area of East China Sea slope and West basin area of the Okinawa Trough. Based on the Sonar Buoy and OBS data, 6 velocity layers are recognized, each of which has velocity of 1.8(1.8 similar to 2.2) km/s,2.2(2.0 similar to 2.5)km/s,2.8 (2.7 similar to 3.2)km/s,3.4 similar to 3.6km/s,4.2(4.1 similar to 4.7)km/s and 5.1km/s, respectively. The upper velocity layer of 1.8 similar to 2.2 km/s corresponds to the Quaternary sediment stratum. The layer with velocity 3.4 similar to 4.2km/s is the Pliocene sediment stratum. The area that is suitable for stable existence of gas hydrate by the temperature and pressure is 70,000km(2) about 1/10 the total area of East China Sea. The thickness of the stability zone ranges from 400m (Middle Part of Okinawa Trough) to 1100m (North and South Part of Okinawa Trough). The Quaternary and Pliocene layers are suitable for stable exitence of gas hydrate. According to the tectonic stability and heat flow, the north part and south part of the Okinawa Trough are the most perspective area for the gas hydrate explorations.


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Terrigenous components were separated from the bulk sediment of Core A7 from the Okinawa Trough and Core A37 from the Ryukru Trench and grain-size distributions of these sub-samples were analyzed. Based upon an analysis of the grain-size data of the two sedimentary sequences, grain-size populations are identified to be sensitive to sedimentary environmental changes. The modal values and size ranges of the two main grain-size populations in Core A7 are evidently different from those of Core A37, indicating the spatial variability of sediment sources and transport processes between the two places. The downcore variations in the content of the environmentally sensitive grain-size populations reveal that during the accumulation of sedimentary material the environment remained relatively stable at the site where Core A7 was collected, except for the apparent events for the formation of two turbidite layers and a volcanic ash layer. However, the sedimentary sequence of Core A37 shows six sedimentary cycles, indicating a highly variable sedimentary environment at this location.