472 resultados para excitation spectra


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The brightness of a particular harmonic order is optimized for the chirp and initial phase of the laser pulse by genetic algorithm. The influences of the chirp and initial phase of the excitation pulse on the harmonic spectra are discussed in terms of the semi-classical model including the propagation effects. The results indicate that the harmonic intensity and cutoff have strong dependence on the chirp of the laser pulse, but slightly on its initial phase. The high-order harmonics can be enhanced by the optimal laser pulse and its cutoff can be tuned by optimization of the chirp and initial phase of the laser pulse.


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Fluorescence spectra of Nd: YVO4 under excitation of a continuous wave (CW) diode laser and a femtosecond laser at 800nm were investigated. It was found that Nd: YVO4 shows different upconversion and downconversion luminescencent behaviors when excited by the diode laser and the femtosecond laser. The dependence of the upconversion luminescence intensity on the pump power of the femtosecond laser was discussed. The populations of the upper energy levels for upconversion and downconversion luminescence were calculated based on the Bloch equations. The calculations agree well with the experimental results. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Using a omega-3 omega combination scenario, we investigate the absolute phase control of the spectra effects for ultrashort laser pulses propagating in a two-level medium. It is found that the higher spectral components can be controlled by the absolute phases. In particular, different absolute phase combinations can lead to the buildup or split of the even harmonics. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report a method for the selective introduction of fluorescent Ag nanoclusters in glass. Extinction and photoluminescence spectra show that a fraction of the Ag atoms are generated through femtosecond laser induced multiphoton reduction and then aggregate to form Ag nanoclusters after heat treatment. Red luminescence from the irradiated region is observed under blue or green laser excitation. The fluorescence can be attributed to interband transitions within Ag nanoclusters. This method provides a novel route to fabricate fluorescent nanomaterials in 3D transparent materials. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of alcohol solution on single human red blood Cells (RBCs) was investigated using near-infrared laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS). In our system, a low-power diode laser at 785 nm was applied for the trapping of a living cell and the excitation of its Raman spectrum. Such a design could simultaneously reduce the photo-damage to the cell and suppress the interference from the fluorescence on the Raman signal. The denaturation process of single RBCs in 20% alcohol solution was investigated by detecting the time evolution of the Raman spectra at the single-cell level. The vitality of RBCs was characterized by the Raman band at 752 cm(-1), which corresponds to the porphyrin breathing mode. We found that the intensity of this band decreased by 34.1% over a period of 25 min after the administration of alcohol. In a further study of the dependence of denaturation on alcohol concentration, we discovered that the decrease in the intensity of the 752 cm(-1) band became more rapid and more prominent as the alcohol concentration increased. The present LTRS technique may have several potential applications in cell biology and medicine, including probing dynamic cellular processes at the single cell level and diagnosing cell disorders in real time. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley T Sons, Ltd.


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We have investigated the spectra of the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) when a cell is filled with a buffer gas. Our theoretical results show that the buffer gas can induce a narrower spectra line and steeper dispersion than those of the usual EIT case in a homogeneous and Doppler broadened system. The linewidth decreases with the increase of the buffer gas pressure. This narrow spectra may be applied to quantum information processing, nonlinear optics and atomic frequency standard.


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We investigate the energy spectrum of ground state and quasi-particle excitation spectrum of hard-core bosons, which behave very much like spinless noninteracting fermions, in optical lattices by means of the perturbation expansion and Bogoliubov approach. The results show that the energy spectrum has a single band structure, and the energy is lower near zero momentum; the excitation spectrum gives corresponding energy gap, and the system is in Mott-insulating state at Tonks limit. The analytic result of energy spectrum is in good agreement with that calculated in terms of Green's function at strong correlation limit.


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We have experimentally studied the parametric excitation of Rb-87 atoms in a quadrupole-Ioffe-configuration trap. The temperature of an atomic cloud and number of trapped atoms versus time and modulation frequency of the parametric excitation field have been measured. We also noticed that the contribution of atomic collisions to the energy distributions can not be ignored in the case of weak excitation, which results in a lower temperature of the atomic cloud than by Gehm [Phys. Rev. A 58, 3914 (1998)] predicted.


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Fluorescence of Tm3+/Er3+ codoped bismuth-silica (BS) glasses and the sensitization of Ce3+ are investigated. It shows that Ce3+ codoping with Tm3+/Er3+ in BS glasses results in a quenching of Tm3+ ion emission from F-3(4) to the H-3(6) level. Consequently, the 1.47 mu m emission occurs after the population inversion between the H-3(4) and F-3(4) levels. Furthermore, the codoped glasses show the broad emission spectra over the whole S and C bands with full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) up to about 119nm, as it combines 1.55 mu m emission band of Er3+ with 1.47 mu m emission band of Tm3+ under 800nm excitation.