107 resultados para contour tracing


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The real media always attenuate and distort seismic waves as they propagate in the earth. This behavior can be modeled with a viscoelastic and anisotropic wave equation. The real media can be described as fractured media. In this thesis, we present a high-order staggered grid finite-difference scheme for 2-D viscoelastic wave propagation in a medium containing a large number of small finite length fractures. We use the effective medium approach to compute the anisotropic parameters in each grid cell. By comparing our synthetic seismogram by staggered-grid finite-difference with that by complex-ray parameter ray tracing method, we conclude that the high-order staggered-grid finite-difference technique can effectively used to simulate seismic propagation in viscoelastic-anisotropic media. Synthetic seismograms demonstrate that strong attenuation and significant frequency dispersion due to viscosity are important factors of reducing amplitude and delaying arrival time varying with incidence angle or offset. On the other hand, the amount of scattered energy not only provides an indicator of orientation of fracture sets, but can also provide information about the fracture spacing. Analysis of synthetic seismograms from dry- and fluid-filled fractures indicates that dry-filled fractures show more significant scattering on seismic wavefields than fluid-filled ones, and offset-variations in P-wave amplitude are observable. We also analyze seismic response of an anticlinal trap model that includes a gas-filled fractured reservoir with high attenuation, which attenuates and distorts the so-called bright spot.


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As a fast and effective method for approximate calculation of seismic numerical simulation, ray tracing method, which has important theory and practical application value, in terms of seismic theory and seismic simulation, inversion, migration, imaging, simplified from seismic theory according to geometric seismic, means that the main energy of seismic wave field propagates along ray paths in condition of high-frequency asymptotic approximation. Calculation of ray paths and traveltimes is one of key steps in seismic simulation, inversion, migration, and imaging. Integrated triangular grids layout on wavefront with wavefront reconstruction ray tracing method, the thesis puts forward wavefront reconstruction ray tracing method based on triangular grids layout on wavefront, achieves accurate and fast calculation of ray paths and traveltimes. This method has stable and reasonable ray distribution, and overcomes problems caused by shadows in conventional ray tracing methods. The application of triangular grids layout on wavefront, keeps all the triangular grids stable, and makes the division of grids and interpolation of a new ray convenient. This technology reduces grids and memory, and then improves calculation efficiency. It enhances calculation accuracy by accurate and effective description and division on wavefront. Ray tracing traveltime table, which shares the character of 2-D or 3-D scatter data, has great amount of data points in process of seismic simulation, inversion, migration, and imaging. Therefore the traveltime table file will be frequently read, and the calculation efficiency is very low. Due to these reasons, reasonable traveltime table compression will be very necessary. This thesis proposes surface fitting and scattered data compression with B-spline function method, applies to 2-D and 3-D traveltime table compression. In order to compress 2-D (3-D) traveltime table, first we need construct a smallest rectangular (cuboidal) region with regular grids to cover all the traveltime data points, through the coordinate range of them in 2-D surface (3-D space). Then the value of finite regular grids, which are stored in memory, can be calculated using least square method. The traveltime table can be decompressed when necessary, according to liner interpolation method of 2-D (3-D) B-spline function. In the above calculation, the coefficient matrix is stored using sparse method and the liner system equations are solved using LU decomposition based on the multi-frontal method according to the sparse character of the least square method matrix. This method is practiced successfully in several models, and the cubic B-spline function can be the best basal function for surface fitting. It make the construction surface smooth, has stable and effective compression with high approximate accuracy using regular grids. In this way, through constructing reasonable regular grids to insure the calculation efficiency and accuracy of compression and surface fitting, we achieved the aim of traveltime table compression. This greatly improves calculation efficiency in process of seismic simulation, inversion, migration, and imaging.


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Elastic anisotropy is a very common phenomenon in the Earth’s interior, especial for sedimentary rock as important gas and oil reservoirs. But in the processing and interpretation of seismic data, it is assumption that the media in the Earth’s interior is completely elastic and isotropic, and then the methods based on isotropy are used to deal with anisotropic seismic data, so it makes the seismic resolution lower and the error on images is caused. The research on seismic wave simulation technology can improve our understanding on the rules of seismic wave propagation in anisotropic media, and it can help us to resolve problems caused by anisotropy of media in the processing and interpretation of seismic data. So researching on weakly anisotropic media with rotated axis of symmetry, we study systematically the rules of seismic wave propagation in this kind of media, simulate the process with numerical calculation, and get the better research results. The first-order ray tracing (FORT) formulas of qP wave derived can adapt to every anisotropic media with arbitrary symmetry. The equations are considerably simpler than the exact ray tracing equations. The equations allow qP waves to be treated independently from qS waves, just as in isotropic media. They simplify considerably in media with higher symmetry anisotropy. In isotropic media, they reduce to the exact ray tracing equations. In contrast to other perturbation techniques used to trace rays in weakly anisotropic media, our approach does not require calculation of reference rays in a reference isotropic medium. The FORT-method rays are obtained directly. They are computationally more effective than standard ray tracing equations. Moreover the second-order travel time corrections formula derived can be used to reduce effectively the travel time error, and improve the accuracy of travel time calculation. The tensor transformation equations of weak-anisotropy parameters in media with rotated axis of symmetry derived from the Bond transformation equations resolve effectively the problems of coordinate transformation caused by the difference between global system of coordinate and local system of coordinate. The calculated weak-anisotropy parameters are completely suitable to the first-order ray tracing used in this paper, and their forms are simpler than those from the Bond transformation. In the numerical simulation on ray tracing, we use the travel time table calculation method that the locations of the grids in the ray beam are determined, then the travel times of the grids are obtained by the reversed distance interpolation. We get better calculation efficiency and accuracy by this method. Finally we verify the validity and adaptability of this method used in this paper with numerical simulations for the rotated TI model with anisotropy of about 8% and the rotated ORTHO model with anisotropy of about 20%. The results indicate that this method has better accuracy for both media with different types and different anisotropic strength. Keywords: weak-anisotropy, numerical simulation, ray tracing equation, travel time, inhomogeneity


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Eastern Tianshan area, a Paleozoic complex trench-arc-basin system, experienced multi-period sudbuction and collision in geological history. A large number of Early Permian mafic-ultramafic intrusions emplaced along deep faults in post-collision extension tectonic stage and hosted a series of magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposits. This paper sets newly-discovered Tianyu magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposit related to small intrusion as an example. On basis of the study of ore-forming mechanism of Cu-Ni deposit, we compared PGE content and discussed enrichment mechanism and regularity of mafic-ultramafic rocks and ores in Jueluotage tectonic belt and Central Tianshan Massif. PGE and Cu, Ni, S contents correlate with each other. PGE is mainly controlled by S content.Samilar PGE distribution patterns of mafic-ultramafic show that complex originated from the same parental magma; Pd/Ir and Ni/Cu ratios indicate that high-Mg basaltic magma and deep sulfide segregation happened during magma evolution process. PGE and Cu-Ni ores are enriched in liquid sulfide and only individual samples completely control by monosulfide solid solution. Comparison of all control factors, early segregation of sulfide and quality of supply of magma may be the key factors leading to the Eastern Tianshan magmatic copper-nickel sulfide deposits don’t reach PGE grade, but we do not rule out the possibility of occurrence continuous mafic-ultramafic rocks and PGE-rich layer in deep.


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The seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction method is the one of the most effective method for probing the crustal and upper mantle structure. It mainly uses the wide-angle reflection information from the boundary in the crust and the top boundary of the upper mantle to rebuild the crust and upper mantle structure. Through analyzing the reflection and transmission coefficients of various incident waves on the interface, we think relative to the pre-critical angle reflection information the post critical angle reflection information that received by wide-angle seismic data exists a time-shift effect with the offset variation, and then it must cause the error for velocity analysis and structure image. The feature of the wide-angle seismic wave field of the fourteen representative crust columns tell us that the wide-angle effects in the different representative tectonic units for the interface depth and the interval velocity in crust. We studied the features of the wide-angle seismic wave field through building the crust model and inverse its travel time by GA method to know the wide-angle influence on crustal velocity image. At last we finished the data processing of the Tunxi-Wenzhou wide-angle seismic profile. The results are as following: (1) Through building crust model, we labeled the travel time for all the phases by ray tracing method and remove wide-angle effects method, it revealed the wide-angle effect exists in the seismic data. (2) The travel time inversion by GA method can tell us that the depth by traditional ray tracing method is shallower than the result by remove wide-angle effects method, the latter can recover the crust structure model in effect. (3) We applied the two method mentioned before to the fourteen representative crust columns in China. It indicates that the removed wide-angle effect method in travel time inversion is reasonable and effective. (4) The real data processing from Tunxi-Wenzhou wide-angle seismic profile give us the basic structure through the two ways. The main influence exhibits in the difference of the interval velocity of the curst, and the wide-angle effects in shallow interface are stronger than the deep interface.


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By seismic tomography, interesting results have been achieved not only in the research of the geosphere with a large scale but also in the exploration of resources and projects with a small scale since 80'. Compared with traditional inversion methods, seismic tomography can offer more and detailed information about subsurface and has been being paid attention by more and more geophysicists. Since inversion based on forward modeling, we have studied and improved the methods to calculate seismic traveltimes and raypaths in isotropic and anisotropic media, and applied the improved forward methods to traveltime tomography. There are three main kinds of methods to calculate seismic traveltime field and its ray path distribution, which are ray-tracing theory, eikonal equation by the finite-difference and minimum traveltime tree algorithm. In ray tracing, five methods are introduced in the paper, including analytic ray tracing, ray shooting, ray bending, grid ray tracing and rectangle grid ray perturbation with three points. Finite-difference solution of eikonal equation is very efficient in calculation of seismic first-break, but is awkward in calculation of reflection traveltimes. We have put forward a idea to calculate traveltimes of reflected waves using a combining way of eikonal equation method and other one in order to improve its capability of dealing with reflection waves. The minimum traveltime tree algorithm has been studied with emphases. Three improved algorithms are put forward on the basis of basic algorithm of the minimum traveltime tree. The first improved algorithm is called raypath tracing backward minimum traveltime algorithm, in which not only wavelets from the current source but also wavelets from upper source points are all calculated. The algorithm can obviously improve the speed of calculating traveltimes and raypaths in layered or blocked homogeneous media and keep good accuracy. The second improved algorithm is raypath key point minimum traveltime algorithm in which traveltimes and raypaths are calculated with a view of key points of raypaths (key points of raypths mean the pivotal points which determine raypaths). The raypath key point method is developed on the basis of the first improved algorithm, and has better applicability. For example, it is very efficient even for inhomogeneous media. Another improved algorithm, double grid minimum traveltime tree algorithm, bases upon raypath key point scheme, in which a model is divided with two kinds of grids so that the unnecessary calculation can be left out. Violent undulation of curved interface often results in the phenomenon that there are no reflection points on some parts of interfaces where there should be. One efficacious scheme that curved interfaces are divided into segments, and these segments are treated respectively is presented to solve the problem. In addition, the approximation to interfaces with discrete grids leads to large errors in calculation of traveltimes and raypaths. Noting the point, we have thought a new method to remove the negative effect of mesh and to improve calculation accuracy by correcting the traveltimes with a little of additional calculation, and obtained better results.


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The development petroleum geology has made people from studying and studying and predicting in statically and respectively the pool-forming conditions of an area such as oil source bed, reservoir, overlying formation, migration, trap and preservation, etc. to regarding these conditions as well as roles of generation, reservation and accumulation as an integrated dynamic evolution development system to do study .Meanwhile apply various simulating means to try to predict from quantitative angle. Undoubtedly, the solution of these questions will accumulate exploration process, cut down exploration cost and obtain remarkable economic and social benefits. This paper which take sedimentology ,structural geology and petroleum geology as guides and take petroleum system theory as nucleus and carry out study thinking of beginning with static factor and integration of point and face as well as regarding dynamic state factor as factor and apply study methods of integration of geology, Lab research and numerical modeling proceed integrated dissect and systematic analysis to GuNan-SanHeCun depression. Also apply methods of integration of sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, petrostratigraphy and seismic data to found the time-contour stratigraphic framework and reveal time-space distribution of depositional system and meantime clarify oil-source bed, reservoir and overlying distribution regular patterns. Also use basin analysis means to study precisely the depositional history, packed sequences and evolution. Meanwhile analyze systematically and totally the fracture sequence and fault quality and fault feature, study the structural form, activity JiCi and time-space juxtaposion as well as roles of fault in migration and accumulation of oil and gas of different rank and different quality fault. Simultaneously, utilize seismic, log, analysis testing data and reservoir geology theory to do systematic study and prediction to GuNan-SanHeCun reservoir, study the reservoir types macroscopic distribution and major controlling factors, reservoir rock, filler and porosity structural features as well as distribution of reservoir physical property in 3D space and do comprehensive study and prediction to major controlling and influential factors of reservoir. Furthermore, develop deepingly organic geochemistry comprehensive study, emphasis on two overlaps of oil source rock (ESI, ES3) organic geochemistry features, including types, maturity and spatial variations of organic matter to predict their source potential .Also apply biological marks to proceed oil-to-source correlation ,thereby establish bases for distribution of petroleum system. This study recover the oil generation history of oil source rocks, evaluate source and hydrocarbon discharge potential ,infer pool-forming stages and point out the accumulation direction as well as discover the forming relations of mature oil-source rock and oil reservoir and develop research to study dynamic features of petroleum system. Meanwhile use systematic view, integrate every feature and role of pool forming and the evolution history and pool-forming history, thereby lead people from static conditions such as oil source bed, reservoir, overlying formation, migration, trap and preservation to dynamically analyzing pool-forming process. Also divide GuNan-SanHeCun depression into two second petroleum system, firstly propose to divide second petroleum system according to fluid tress, structural axis and larger faults of cutting depression, and divide lower part of petroleum system into five secondary systems. Meanwhile establish layer analysis and quantitative prediction model of petroleum model, and do quantitative prediction to secondary petroleum system.


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In order to developing reservoir of Upper of Ng at high-speed and high-efficient in Chengdao oilfield which is located in the bally shallow sea, the paper builds up a series of theory and means predicting and descripting reservoir in earlier period of oilfield development. There are some conclusions as follows. 1. It is the first time to form a series of technique of fine geological modeling of the channel-sandy reservoir by means of mainly seismic methods. These technique include the logging restriction seismic inversion, the whole three dimension seismic interpretation, seismic properties analysis and so on which are used to the 3-dimension distributing prediction of sandy body, structure and properties of the channel reservoir by a lot of the seismic information and a small quantity of the drilling and the logging information in the earlier stage of the oil-field development. It is the first time that these methods applied to production and the high-speed development of the shallow sea oilfield. The prediction sandy body was modified by the data of new drilling, the new reservoir prediction thinking of traced inversion is built. The applied effect of the technique was very well, according to approximately 200 wells belonging to 30 well groups in Chengdao oilfield, the drilling succeeded rate of the predicting sandy body reached 100%, the error total thickness only was 8%. 2. The author advanced the thinking and methods of the forecasting residual-oil prediction at the earlier stage of production. Based on well data and seismic data, correlation of sediment units was correlated by cycle-correlation and classification control methods, and the normalization and finely interpretation of the well logging and sedimentation micro-facies were acquired. On the region of poor well, using the logging restriction inversion technique and regarding finished drilling production well as the new restriction condition, the sand body distributing and its property were predicted again and derived 3-dimension pool geologic model including structure, reservoir, fluid, reservoir engineering parameter and producing dynamic etc. According to the reservoir geologic model, the reservoir engineering design was optimized, the tracking simulation of the reservoir numerical simulation was done by means of the dynamic data (pressure, yield and water content) of development well, the production rule and oil-water distributing rule was traced, the distributing of the remaining oil was predicted and controlled. The dynamic reservoir modeling method in metaphase of development was taken out. Based on the new drilling data, the static reservoir geologic model was momentarily modified, the research of the flow units was brought up including identifying flow units, evaluating flow units capability and establishing the fine flow units model; according to the dynamic data of production and well testing data, the dynamic tracing reservoir description was realized through the constant modification of the reservoir geologic model restricted these dynamic data by the theory of well testing and the reservoir numerical simulation. It was built the dynamic tracing reservoir model, which was used to track survey of the remaining oil on earlier period. The reservoir engineering tracking analysis technique on shallow sea oilfield was founded. After renewing the structure history since tertiary in Chengdao area by the balance section technique and estimating the activity character of the Chengbei fault by the sealing fault analysis technique, the meandering stream sediment pattern of the Upper of Ng was founded in which the meandering border was the uppermost reservoir unit. Based on the specialty of the lower rock component maturity and the structure maturity, the author founded 3 kinds of pore structure pattern in the Guanshang member of Chengdao oil-field in which the storing space mainly was primary (genetic) inter-granular pore, little was secondary solution pore and the inter-crystal pore tiny pore, and the type of throat mainly distributed as the slice shape and the contract neck shape. The positive rhythmic was briefly type included the simple positive rhythm, the complex positive rhythm and the compound rhythm. Interbed mainly is mudstone widely, the physical properties and the calcite interbed distribute localized. 5. The author synthetically analyzed the influence action of the micro-heterogeneity, the macro-heterogeneity and the structure heterogeneity to the oilfield water flood development. The efficiency of water flood is well in tiny structure of convex type or even type at top and bottom in which the water breakthrough of oil well is soon at the high part of structure when inject at the low part of structure, and the efficiency of water flood is poor in tiny structure of concave type at top and bottom. The remaining oil was controlled by sedimentary facies; the water flooding efficiency is well in the border or channel bar and is bad in the floodplain or the levee. The separation and inter layer have a little influence to the non-obvious positive rhythm reservoir, in which the remaining oil commonly locate within the 1-3 meter of the lower part of the separation and inter layer with lower water flooding efficiency.


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The modeling of petroleum flow path (petroleum charging) and the detail of corresponding software development are presented in this paper, containing principle of petroleum charging, quantitative method, and practical modeling in two oil fields. The Modeling of Petroleum Flow Path is based on the result of basin modeling, according to the principle of petroleum migrating along the shortest path from the source to trap, Petroleum System Dynamics (Prof. Wu Chonglong, 1998), the concept of Petroleum Migration and Dynamic Accumulation (Zhou Donyan, Li Honhui, 2002), etc. The simulation is done combing with all parameters of basin, and considering the flow potential, non-uniformity of source and porous layer. It's the extending of basin modeling, but not belong to it. It is a powerful simulating tool of petroleum system, and can express quantitatively every kind of geology elements of a petroleum basin, and can recuperate dynamically the geology processes with 3D graphics. At result, we can give a result that the petroleum flow shows itself the phenomena of main path, and without using the special theory such as deflection flow in fractures(Tian Kaiming, 1989, 1994, Zhang Fawang, Hou Xingwei, 1998), and flow potential(England, 1987). The contour map of petroleum flow quantitative show clearly where the coteau - dividing slot is, and which convergence region are the main flow path of petroleum, and where is the favorable play of petroleum. The farsighted trap can be determined if there are enough information about structural diagram and can be evaluated, such as the entrapment extent, spill point, area, oil column thickness, etc. Making full use of the result of basin modeling with this new tool, the critical moment and scheme of the petroleum generation and expulsion can be showed clearly. It's powerful analysis tool for geologist.


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Using the approximate high-frequency asymptotic methods to solve the scalar wave equation, we can get the eikonal equation and transport equation. Solving the eikonal equation by the method of characteristics provides a mathematical derivation of ray tracing equations. So, the ray tracing system is folly based on the approximate high-frequency asymptotic methods. If the eikonal is complex, more strictly, the eikonal is real value at the rays and complex outside rays, we can derive the Gaussian beam. This article mainly concentrates on the theory of Gaussian beam. To classical ray tracing theory, the Gaussina beam method (GBM) has many advantages. First, rays are no longer required to stop at the exact position of the receivers; thus time-consuming two-point ray tracing can be avoided. Second, the GBM yields stable results in regions of the wavefield where the standard ray theory fails (e.g., caustics, shadows zones and critical distance). Third, unlike seismograms computed by conventional ray tracing techniques, the GBM synthetic data are less influenced by minor details in the model representation. Here, I realize kinematical and dynamical system, and based on this, realize the GBM. Also, I give some mathematical examples. From these examples, we can find the importance and feasibility of the ray tracing system. Besides, I've studied about the reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous S-electromagnetic wave at the interface of conductive media. Basing on the difference of directions of phase shift constant and attenuation constant when the electromagnetic wave propagates in conductive medium, and using the boundary conditions of electromagnetic wave at the interface of conductive media, we derive the reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous S-electromagnetic wave, and draw the curves of it. The curves show that the quasi total reflection will occur when the electromagnetic wave incident from the medium with greater conductivity to the medium with smaller conductivity. There are two peak, values at the points of the critical angles of phase shift constant and attenuation constant, and the reflection coefficient is smaller than 1. This conclusion is different from that of total reflection light obviously.


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Cross well seismic technique is a new type of geophysical method, which observes the seismic wave of the geologic body by placing both the source and receiver in the wells. By applying this method, it averted the absorption to high-frequency component of seismic signal caused by low weathering layers, thus, an extremely high-resolution seismic signal can be acquired. And extremely fine image of cross well formations, structure, and reservoir can be achieved as well. An integrated research is conducted to the high-frequency S-wave and P-wave data and some other data to determine the small faults, small structure and resolving the issues concerning the thin bed and reservoir's connectivity, fluid distribution, steam injection and fracture. This method connects the high-resolution surface seismic, logging and reservoir engineering. In this paper, based on the E & P situation in the oilfield and the theory of geophysical exploration, a research is conducted on cross well seismic technology in general and its important issues in cross well seismic technology in particular. A technological series of integrated field acquisition, data processing and interpretation and its integrated application research were developed and this new method can be applied to oilfield development and optimizing oilfield development scheme. The contents and results in this paper are as listed follows: An overview was given on the status quo and development of the cross well seismic method and problems concerning the cross well seismic technology and the difference in cross well seismic technology between China and international levels; And an analysis and comparison are given on foreign-made field data acquisition systems for cross-well seismic and pointed out the pros and cons of the field systems manufactured by these two foreign companies and this is highly valuable to import foreign-made cross well seismic field acquisition system for China. After analyses were conducted to the geometry design and field data for the cross well seismic method, a common wave field time-depth curve equation was derived and three types of pipe waves were discovered for the first time. Then, a research was conducted on the mechanism for its generation. Based on the wave field separation theory for cross well seismic method, we believe that different type of wave fields in different gather domain has different attributes characteristics, multiple methods (for instance, F-K filtering and median filtering) were applied in eliminating and suppressing the cross well disturbances and successfully separated the upgoing and downgoing waves and a satisfactory result has been achieved. In the area of wave field numerical simulation for cross well seismic method, a analysis was conducted on conventional ray tracing method and its shortcomings and proposed a minimum travel time ray tracing method based on Feraiat theory in this paper. This method is not only has high-speed calculation, but also with no rays enter into "dead end" or "blinded spot" after numerous iterations and it is become more adequate for complex velocity model. This is first time that the travel time interpolation has been brought into consideration, a dynamic ray tracing method with shortest possible path has been developed for the first arrivals of any complex mediums, such as transmission, diffraction and refraction, etc and eliminated the limitation for only traveling from one node to another node and increases the calculation accuracy for minimum travel time and ray tracing path and derives solution and corresponding edge conditions to the fourth-order differential sonic wave equation. The final step is to calculate cross well seismic synthetics for given source and receivers from multiple geological bodies. Thus, real cross-well seismic wave field can be recognized through scientific means and provides important foundation to guide the cross well seismic field geometry designing. A velocity tomographic inversion of the least square conjugated gradient method was developed for cross well seismic velocity tomopgraphic inversion and a modification has been made to object function of the old high frequency ray tracing method and put forward a thin bed oriented model for finite frequency velocity tomographic inversion method. As the theory model and results demonstrates that the method is simple and effective and is very important in seismic ray tomographic imaging for the complex geological body. Based on the characteristics of the cross well seismic algorithm, a processing flow for cross well seismic data processing has been built and optimized and applied to the production, a good section of velocity tomopgrphic inversion and cross well reflection imaging has been acquired. The cross well seismic data is acquired from the depth domain and how to interprets the depth domain data and retrieve the attributes is a brand new subject. After research was conducted on synthetics and trace integration from depth domain for the cross well seismic data interpretation, first of all, a research was conducted on logging constraint wave impedance of cross well seismic data and initially set up cross well seismic data interpretation flows. After it applied and interpreted to the cross well seismic data and a good geological results has been achieved in velocity tomographic inversion and reflection depth imaging and a lot of difficult problems for oilfield development has been resolved. This powerful, new method is good for oilfield development scheme optimization and increasing EOR. Based on conventional reservoir geological model building from logging data, a new method is also discussed on constraining the accuracy of reservoir geological model by applying the high resolution cross well seismic data and it has applied to Fan 124 project and a good results has been achieved which it presents a bight future for the cross well seismic technology.


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The seismic survey is the most effective prospecting geophysical method during exploration and development of oil/gas. The structure and the lithology of the geological body become increasingly complex now. So it must assure that the seismic section own upper resolution if we need accurately describe the targets. High signal/noise ratio is the precondition of high-resolution. As one important seismic data processing method, Stacking is an effective means to suppress the records noise. Broadening area of surface stacked is more important to enhance genuine reflection signals and suppressing unwanted energy in the form of coherent and random ambient noise. Common reflection surface stack is a macro-model independent seismic imaging method. Based on the similarity of CRP trace gathers in one coherent zone, CRS stack effectively improves S/N ratio by using more CMP trace gathers to stack. It is regarded as one important method of seismic data processing. Performing CRS stack depends on three attributes. However, the equation of CRS is invalid under condition of great offset. In this thesis, one method based on velocity model in depth domain is put forward. Ray tracing is used to determine the traveltime of CRP in one common reflection surface by the least squares method to regress the equation of CRS. Then we stack in the coherent seismic data set according to the traveltime, and get the zero offset section. In the end of flowchart of implementing CRS stack, one method using the dip angle to enhance the ratio of S/N is used. Application of the method on synthetic examples and field seismic records, the results of this method show an excellent performance of the algorithm both in accuracy and efficiency.


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Gaussian beam is the asymptotic solution of wave equation concentred at the central ray. The Gaussian beam ray tracing method has many advantages over ray tracing method. Because of the prevalence of multipath and caustics in complex media, Kirchhoff migration usually can not get satisfactory images, but Gaussian beam migration can get better results.The Runge-Kutta method is used to carry out the raytracing, and the wavefront construction method is used to calculate the multipath wavefield. In this thesis, a new method to determine the starting point and initial direction of a new ray is proposed take advantage of the radius of curvature calculated by dynamic ray tracing method.The propagation characters of Gaussian beam in complex media are investigated. When Gaussian beam is used to calculate the Green function, the wave field near the source was decomposed in Gaussian beam in different direction, then the wave field at a point is the superposition of individual Gaussian beams.Migration aperture is the key factor for Kirchhoff migration. In this thesis, the criterion for the choice of optimum aperture is discussed taking advantage of stationary phase analysis. Two equivalent methods are proposed, but the second is more preferable.Gaussian beam migration based on dip scanning and its procedure are developed. Take advantage of the travel time, amplitude, and takeoff angle calculated by Gaussian beam method, the migration is accomplished.Using the proposed migration method, I carry out the numerical calculation of simple theoretical model, Marmousi model and field data, and compare the results with that of Kirchhoff migration. The comparison shows that the new Gaussian beam migration method can get a better result over Kirchhoff migration, with fewer migration noise and clearer image at complex structures.


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The platinum-group elements (PGE), including Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt and Pd, axe strongly siderophile and chalcophile. On the basis of melting temperature, the PGE may be divided into two groups: the Ir group (IPGE, >2000°C) consisting of Os, Ir and Ru, and the Pd group (PPGE, <20GO°C) consisting of Rh, Pt and Pd. Because of their unique geochemical properties, PGE provide critical information on global-scale differentiation processes, such as core-mantle segregation, late accretionary history, and core-mantle exchange. In addition, they may be used to identify magma source regions and unravel complex petrogenetic processes including partial melting, melt percolation and metasomatism in the mantle, magma mixing and crustal contamination in magma chambers and melt crystallization.Compared with other rocks, (ultra)mafic rocks have lower REE content but higher PGE content, so PGE have advantages in studying the petrogeneses and evolution of them. In this study, we selected (ultra)mafic rocks collected in Dabie Orogen and volcanic rocks from Fuxin Region. Based on the distribution and behaviour of platinum-group elements, combined with other elements, we speculate the magma evolution and source mantle of these (ultra)mafic rocks and volcanic rocks.Many (ultra)mafic rocks are widely distributed in Dabie Region. According to their deformation and metamorphism, we classed them into three types. One is intrusive (ultra)mafic rocks, which are generally undeformed and show no or little sign of metamorphism, such as (ultra)mafic intrusions in Shacun, zhujiapu, Banzhufan, qingshan, Xiaohekou, Jiaoziyan, Renjiawan and Daoshichong. The other one is ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (ultra)mafic rocks, some of them appeared as eelogites, such as complex in Bixiling and adjacent Maowu. Another one is intense deformed and metamorphic, termed as tectonic slice, alpine-type (ultra)mafic rocks. The most representative is Raobazhai and Dahuapin. However, there are many controversies about the formation of those (ultra)mafic rocks. Here, we select typical rocks of the three types. The PGE were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) ater NiS fire-assay and tellurium co-precipitation.The PGE tracing shows that three components are needed in the source of the cretaceous (uitra)mafic intrusions. They could be old enriched sub-continental lithospheric mantle, lower crust and depleted asthenospheric mantle. The pattern of PGE also shows the primitive magma of these intrusions underwent S saturation. According to palladium, we can conclude that the mantle enrich in PGE. Distribution of PGE in Bixiiing and Maowu (ultra)mafic rocks display they are products of magmas fractional crystallization. The (ultra)mafic rocks in Bixiiing and Maowu are controlled by various magmatic processes and the source mantle is depleted in PGE. Of interest is that the mantle produced UHP (ultra)mafic rocks are PGE-depleted, whereas the mantle of cretaceous (ultra)mafic intrusions are enrich in PGE. This couldindicate that the mantle change from PGE-enriched to PGE-depleted during120-OOMa, which in accord with the time of tectonic system change in the East China. At the same time, (ultra)mafic intrusions in cretaceous took information of deep mantle, which means the processes in deep mantle arose structural movement in the crust The character of PGE in alpine-type (ultra)mafic rocks declared that the rocks had experienced two types of metasomatic processes - hydrous melt derived from slab and silicate melt. In addition, we analyze the platinum-group elements in volcanic rocks on the northern margin of the North China Craton, Fuxin. The volcanic rocks characterized by negative anomalies of platinum. This indicates that platinum alloys, which may host some Pt resided in the mantle. The PGE patterns also show that Jianguo alkali basalts derived from asthenospheric mantle source, but wulahada high-Mg andesites derived from lithospheric mantle.


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Ordos Basin is a typical cratonic petroliferous basin with 40 oil-gas bearing bed sets. It is featured as stable multicycle sedimentation, gentle formation, and less structures. The reservoir beds in Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoicare are mainly low density, low permeability, strong lateral change, and strong vertical heterogeneous. The well-known Loess Plateau in the southern area and Maowusu Desert, Kubuqi Desert and Ordos Grasslands in the northern area cover the basin, so seismic data acquisition in this area is very difficult and the data often takes on inadequate precision, strong interference, low signal-noise ratio, and low resolution. Because of the complicated condition of the surface and the underground, it is very difficult to distinguish the thin beds and study the land facies high-resolution lithologic sequence stratigraphy according to routine seismic profile. Therefore, a method, which have clearly physical significance, based on advanced mathematical physics theory and algorithmic and can improve the precision of the detection on the thin sand-peat interbed configurations of land facies, is in demand to put forward.Generalized S Transform (GST) processing method provides a new method of phase space analysis for seismic data. Compared with wavelet transform, both of them have very good localization characteristics; however, directly related to the Fourier spectra, GST has clearer physical significance, moreover, GST adopts a technology to best approach seismic wavelets and transforms the seismic data into time-scale domain, and breaks through the limit of the fixed wavelet in S transform, so GST has extensive adaptability. Based on tracing the development of the ideas and theories from wavelet transform, S transform to GST, we studied how to improve the precision of the detection on the thin stratum by GST.Noise has strong influence on sequence detecting in GST, especially in the low signal-noise ratio data. We studied the distribution rule of colored noise in GST domain, and proposed a technology to distinguish the signal and noise in GST domain. We discussed two types of noises: white noise and red noise, in which noise satisfy statistical autoregression model. For these two model, the noise-signal detection technology based on GST all get good result. It proved that the GST domain noise-signal detection technology could be used to real seismic data, and could effectively avoid noise influence on seismic sequence detecting.On the seismic profile after GST processing, high amplitude energy intensive zone, schollen, strip and lentoid dead zone and disarray zone maybe represent specifically geologic meanings according to given geologic background. Using seismic sequence detection profile and combining other seismic interpretation technologies, we can elaborate depict the shape of palaeo-geomorphology, effectively estimate sand stretch, distinguish sedimentary facies, determine target area, and directly guide oil-gas exploration.In the lateral reservoir prediction in XF oilfield of Ordos Basin, it played very important role in the estimation of sand stretch that the study of palaeo-geomorphology of Triassic System and the partition of inner sequence of the stratum group. According to the high-resolution seismic profile after GST processing, we pointed out that the C8 Member of Yanchang Formation in DZ area and C8 Member in BM area are the same deposit. It provided the foundation for getting 430 million tons predicting reserves and unite building 3 million tons off-take potential.In tackling key problem study for SLG gas-field, according to the high-resolution seismic sequence profile, we determined that the deposit direction of H8 member is approximately N-S or NNE-SS W. Using the seismic sequence profile, combining with layer-level profile, we can interpret the shape of entrenched stream. The sunken lenticle indicates the high-energy stream channel, which has stronger hydropower. By this way we drew out three high-energy stream channels' outline, and determined the target areas for exploitation. Finding high-energy braided river by high-resolution sequence processing is the key technology in SLG area.In ZZ area, we studied the distribution of the main reservoir bed-S23, which is shallow delta thin sand bed, by GST processing. From the seismic sequence profile, we discovered that the schollen thick sand beds are only local distributed, and most of them are distributary channel sand and distributary bar deposit. Then we determined that the S23 sand deposit direction is NW-SE in west, N-S in central and NE-SW in east. The high detecting seismic sequence interpretation profiles have been tested by 14 wells, 2 wells mismatch and the coincidence rate is 85.7%. Based on the profiles we suggested 3 predicted wells, one well (Yu54) completed and the other two is still drilling. The completed on Is coincident with the forecastThe paper testified that GST is a effective technology to get high- resolution seismic sequence profile, compartmentalize deposit microfacies, confirm strike direction of sandstone and make sure of the distribution range of oil-gas bearing sandstone, and is the gordian technique for the exploration of lithologic gas-oil pool in complicated areas.