128 resultados para coastal erosion


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The region of Qingdao, China, experienced the world's largest green tide from May to July 2008. More than one million tons of fresh algal biomass of the green alga Ulva prolifera was harvested, while more was suspected to have sunk to the bottom. The original source of this seaweed was suspected to be from the south as revealed by satellite images. The floating biomass drifted with the water current northward and flourished in nearshore waters around Qingdao. However, direct biological evidence for "seed" source is lacking. It is still unclear whether this alga could survive the Qingdao local coastal environment and pose future danger of potential blooming. Systematic and seasonal sampling of waters in the intertidal zone at six collection sites along the Qingdao coast was conducted from December 2008 to April 2009. Forty-eight water samples were analyzed. From these, nine different morphotypes of Ulva were grown in the laboratory under standard temperature and light regimes. Growth of Ulva was observed in all water samples. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that the dominant U. prolifera strain of the 2008 bloom was absent in all the water-derived cultures during the sampling period. These results provide evidence that the dominant bloom-forming alga was unlikely able to survive the coastal waters (the minimal surface water temperature in February is 2A degrees C) in winter conditions in Qingdao, even though all the sampling locations were heavily covered by this alga in June 2008.


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Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) Daws has been extensively cultivated as a source of commercial agar and the ecomaterials in Shenao Bay, Guangdong Province, Jiaozhou Bay, Shandong Province and other waters in China. This paper examines the in situ suspended farming of G. lemaneiformis using raft cultivation under different conditions and its effects on nutrient removal in the laboratory. The results showed that cultivated Gracilaria grew well in both Shenao Bay and Jiaozhou Bay. The biomass of Gracilaria increased from 50 to 775 g m(-1) (fresh weight) during 28 days, with special growth rate (SPG) 13.9% d(-1) under horizontal cultivation in Jiaozhou Bay. Light, temperature, nutrient supply, as well as cultivation treatments such as initial density, and depth of suspension seaweed were important to the growth of Gracilaria. The highest biomass production was observed in the horizontal culture condition (0.0 m) and 0.5-1.5 m deep layer in Jiaozhou Bay. However, the highest growth rate in Shenao Bay appeared under the lowest initial stocking density treatment. In the laboratory, the aquarium experiments (fish and seaweed culture systems) demonstrated that Gracilaria was able to remove inorganic nutrients effectively. The concentration of NH4+-N decreased by 85.53% and 69.45%, and the concentration of PO4-P decreased 65.97% and 26.74% in aquaria with Gracilaria after 23 days and 40 days, respectively. The results indicate that Gracilaria has the potential to remove excess nutrient from coastal areas, and the large-scale cultivation of G. lemaneiformis could be effective to control eutrophication in Chinese coastal waters. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bacterial surface colonization is a universal adaptation strategy in aquatic environments. However, neither the identities of early colonizers nor the temporal changes in surface assemblages are well understood. To determine the identities of the most common bacterial primary colonizers and to assess the succession process, if any, of the bacterial assemblages during early stages of surface colonization in coastal water of the West Pacific Ocean, nonnutritive inert materials (glass, Plexiglas, and polyvinyl chloride) were employed as test surfaces and incubated in seawater off the Qingdao coast in the spring of 2005 for 24 and 72 h. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from the recovered surface-colonizing microbiota indicated that diverse bacteria colonized the submerged surfaces. Multivariate statistical cluster analyses indicated that the succession of early surface-colonizing bacterial assemblages followed sequential steps on all types of test surfaces. The Rhodobacterales, especially the marine Roseobacter clade members, formed the most common and dominant primary surface-colonizing bacterial group. Our current data, along with previous studies of the Atlantic coast, indicate that the Rhodobacterales bacteria are the dominant and ubiquitous primary surface colonizers in temperate coastal waters of the world and that microbial surface colonization follows a succession sequence. A conceptual model is proposed based on these findings, which may have important implications for understanding the structure, dynamics, and function of marine biofilms and for developing strategies to harness or control surface-associated microbial communities.


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The present paper deals with the distribution patterns of heavy metals and the associated influencing factors in the Yalu River Estuary and its adjacent coastal waters. Based upon the analysis of the surficial and core sediments measurements, the pollution of heavy metal and potential ecological risk were evaluated. The burial flux and contents of heavy metals (except for copper) have been continuously increasing since the 1920s. Therefore, the gross potential ecological risk for the sediments was high or very high, and the study area was endangered by heavy metals contamination. Heavy metals originated mainly from upstream pollutant input, correlation analysis showed that chromium, nickel, zinc, cadmium, lead, arsenic, and mercury in the sediments of the middle and west channels as well as the sea area of the western Yalu River Estuary concentrations were most probably derived from similar sources. In contrast, the metal of copper most probably originated from sources different from the other metals. Preliminary studies indicate that copper contamination was most likely the result of emission from mining activities situated at the upstream of the river. The contents of heavy metals in the sediments of estuarine turbidity maximum zone of Yalu River were larger than those of any other areas in the middle channel. With large portion of fine sediments, weaker hydrodynamics, and richer sources of heavy metals, the sediments of the west channel, were even more enriched with heavy metals than those of the middle channel.


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Using satellite images taken on different dates, GIS analysis of aerial photos, bathymetric maps and other field survey data, tidal troughs and major sand ridges in the northern Jiangsu coastal area were contrasted. The results show that there have been three types of movement or migration of tidal trough in this area: (1) Periodic and restricted, this type of trough usually developed along the beaches with immobile gully head as a result of the artificial dams and the swing range increased from gully head to the low reaches, so they have been obviously impacted by human activity and have longer swing periods; (2) Periodic and actively, this kind of trough, which swung with a fast rate and moved periodically on sand ridges, were mainly controlled by the swings of the host tidal troughs and hydrodynamic forces upon tidal sand ridge and influenced slightly by human constructions; (3) Steadily and slowly, they are the main tidal troughs with large scale and a steady orientation in this area and have slow lateral movement. The differences in migration mode of tidal trough shift result in different rates of migration and impact upon tidal sand ridges. Lateral accumulation on current tidal trough and deposition on abandoned tidal troughs are the two types of sedimentation of the tidal sand ridges formation. The whole radial sand ridge was generally prone to division and retreat although sand ridges fluctuated by the analysis of changes in talwegs of tidal troughs and shorelines of sand ridges.


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Investigating the interplay between continental weathering and erosion, climate, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations is significant in understanding the mechanisms that force the Cenozoic global cooling and predicting the future climatic and environmental response to increasing temperature and CO2 levels. The Miocene represents an ideal test case as it encompasses two distinct extreme climate periods, the Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO) with the warmest time since 35 Ma in Earth's history and the transition to the Late Cenozoic icehouse mode with the establishment of the east Antarctic ice sheet. However the precise role of continental weathering during this period of major climate change is poorly understood. Here we show changes in the rates of Miocene continental chemical weathering and physical erosion, which we tracked using the chemical index of alteration ( CIA) and mass accumulation rate ( MAR) respectively from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1146 and 1148 in the South China Sea. We found significantly increased CIA values and terrigenous MARs during the MCO (ca. 17-15 Ma) compared to earlier and later periods suggests extreme continental weathering and erosion at that time. Similar high rates were revealed in the early-middle Miocene of Asia, the European Alps, and offshore Angola. This suggests that rapid sedimentation during the MCO was a global erosion event triggered by climate rather than regional tectonic activity. The close coherence of our records with high temperature, strong precipitation, increased burial of organic carbon and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration during the MCO argues for long-term, close coupling between continental silicate weathering, erosion, climate and atmospheric CO2 during the Miocene. Citation: Wan, S., W. M. Kurschner, P. D. Clift, A. Li, and T. Li (2009), Extreme weathering/ erosion during the Miocene Climatic Optimum: Evidence from sediment record in the South China Sea, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L19706, doi: 10.1029/2009GL040279.


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Salt marsh-tidal creek systems as a coastal geomorphological unit represent an important natural resource. The present study on Jiangsu salt marshes, eastern China, shows that variations in tidal current velocities in salt marsh creeks are controlled by the local tidal wave characteristics and the bed slope and elevation of the salt marshes and creeks. Likewise, the tidal currents modify the geomorphology of the salt marsh-tidal creek systems by transporting sediments and causing erosion/deposition. Storm events, which appear to have cyclical changes in their intensity relating to sunspot activities, can affect the geomorphic evolution of such systems. Further, in response to accelerated sea-level rise, accretional rates on salt marshes may increase. The tidal creeks have the function of transporting water and sediment onto the salt marsh surface; further, the energy of tidal currents and waves are dissipated within the salt marsh-tidal creek system. Hence, this coastal system has a potential value for coastal protection.


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Suspended particulate matter (SPM) measurements obtained along a cross-section in the central English Channel (Wight-Cotentin transect) indicate that the area may be differentiated into: (1) an English coastal zone, associated with the highest concentrations; (2) a French coastal zone, with intermediate concentrations; and (3) the offshore waters of the Channel, characterised by a very low suspended-sediment load. The SPM particle-size distribution was modal close to the English coast (main mode 10-12 mu m); the remainder of the area was characterised by flat SPM distributions. Examination of the diatom communities in the SPM suggest:; that material resuspended in the intertidal zone and the estuarine environments was advected towards the offshore waters of the English Channel. Considerable variations in SPM concentrations occurred during a tidal cycle: maximum concentrations were sometimes up to 3 times higher than the minimum concentrations, Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of the SPM concentration time series indicates that, although the bottom waters were more turbid than the surficial waters, this was not likely to be the result of in situ sediment resuspension. Instead, the observed variations appear to be controlled mainly by advective mechanisms. The limited resuspension was probably caused by: (1) the limited availability of fine-grained material within the bottom sediments, and (2) 'bed-armouring' processes which protect the finer-grained fractions of the seabed material from erosion and entrainment within the overlying flow during the less energetic stages of the tide.


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Studies of abundance, diversity and distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their resistance determinants are necessary for effective prevention and control of antibiotic resistance and its dissemination, critically important for public health and environment management. In order to gain an understanding of the persistence of resistance in the absence of a specific antibiotic selective pressure, microbiological surveys were carried out to investigate chloramphenicol-resistant bacteria and the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase resistance genes in Jiaozhou Bay after chloramphenicol was banned since 1999 in China. About 0.15-6.70% cultivable bacteria were chloramphenicol resistant, and the highest abundances occurred mainly in the areas near river mouths or sewage processing plants. For the dominant resistant isolates, 14 genera and 25 species were identified, mostly being indigenous estuarine or marine bacteria. Antibiotic-resistant potential human or marine animal pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis and Shewanella algae, were also identified. For the molecular resistance determinants, the cat I and cat III genes could be detected in some of the resistant strains, and they might have the same origins as those from clinical strains as determined via gene sequence analysis. Further investigation about the biological, environmental and anthropogenic mechanisms and their interactions that may contribute to the persistence of antibiotic-resistance in coastal marine waters in the absence of specific antibiotic selective pressure is necessary for tackling this complicated environmental issue.


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The impact of the Huanghe (Yellow) River outflows on its estuary was investigated with river gauging and shipboard hydrographic observations. The river flux has been decreasing dramatically; the discharges of water and sediment in the 1990s dropped to 27.4% and 31.9% of those in the 1950s, respectively, resulting in frequent and lengthy events of downstream channel dry-up since the 1970s. There were accumulatively 897 zero-flow days during the 1990s in the river course below the Lijin Hydrological Station, 100 km upstream from the river mouth, which is 82.4% of that in 1972. As freshwater input decreases, river-borne nutrients to the estuarine increased significantly. Concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the 1990s was four times of that in 1950s. Changes in amount and content of the riverine inputs have greatly affected the estuarine ecosystem. Over the past several decades, sea surface temperature and salinity in the estuary and its adjacent waters increased and their distribution pattern altered in response to the reduction of freshwater inflow. The distribution of and seasonal succession in nutrient concentrations in the surface layer have also changed with a shift of river outlet and the decrease in riverine nutrient loads. Furthermore, deterioration of estuarine ecosystem by less river input has decreased primary productivity in the deltaic region waters, and in turn depressed the fishery. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Numerous cores and dating show the Yangtze River has accumulated about 1.16 x 10(12) t sediment in its delta plain and proximal subaqueous delta during Holocene. High-resolution seismic profiling and coring in the southern East China Sea during 2003 and 2004 cruises has revealed an elongated (similar to 800 km) distal subaqueous mud wedge extending from the Yangtze River mouth southward off the Zhejiang and Fujian coasts into the Taiwan Strait. Overlying what appears to be a transgressive sand layer, this distal clinoform thins offshore, from similar to 40 in thickness between the 20 and 30 m water depth to < 1-2 in between 60 and 90 m water depth, corresponding to an across shelf distance of less than 100 km. Total volume of this distal mud wedge is about 4.5 x 10(11) m(3), equivalent to similar to 5.4 x 10(11) t of sediment. Most of the sediment in this mud wedge comes from the Yangtze River, with some input presumably coming from local smaller rivers. Thus, the total Yangtze-derived sediments accumulated in its deltaic system and East China Sea inner shelf have amounted to about 1.7 x 10(12) t. Preliminary analyses suggest this longshore and across-shelf transported clinoform mainly formed in the past 7000 yrs after postglacial sea level reached its mid-Holocene highstand, and after re-intensification of the Chinese longshore current system. Sedimentation accumulation apparently increased around 2000 yrs BP, reflecting the evolution of the Yangtze estuary and increased land erosion due to human activities, such as fanning and deforestation. The southward-flowing China Coastal Current, the northward-flowing Taiwan Warm Current, and the Kuroshio Current appear to have played critical roles in transporting and trapping most of Yangtze-derived materials in the inner shelf, and hence preventing the sediment escape into the deep ocean. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrological statistical data, remote sensing images, and bathymetric charts were used to study the recent evolution of the Huanghe (Yellow) River delta under human-induced interventions. It was clear that water and sediment discharge from the Huanghe River had dropped rapidly since 1970, particularly after 1986. The water and sediment discharges for the period of 1986-2000 were found to have been reduced to only 29.2% and 31.2% of those in the period of 1950-69. This was caused by human factors in the upper and middle reaches of the Huanghe River, including water diversion, damming and reservoir construction, and water and soil conservation. Based on the results from visual interpretation of processed Landsat (MSS or TMJETM+) images dated from 1976 to 2001 and two digital elevation models generated from bathymetric charts surveyed in 1976 and 1992, we found that human-induced reduction of water and sediment discharge led to coastline retrogradation, with the maximum mean recession rate of -0.51 km yr-1 over the period of 1976-98, and seabed erosion beyond the -20 m isobath between 1976 and 1992. Other impacts of human activities on the recent evolution of the Huanghe River delta, including tidal flats shrinking, artificial coastline increasing, land surface sinking and so on, were also analyzed. We found that: (i) the whole delta, including subaerial and subaqueous, has turned from a highly constructive period to a destructive phase; (ii) channelization and dredging were two of the main causes of delta destruction; (iii) land loss in the Huanghe River delta caused by submersion will be increased in the near future; (iv) the Huanghe River delta was becoming more fragile and susceptible to natural hazards.


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The general forms of the conservation of momentum, temperature and potential vorticity of coastal ocean are obtained in the x-z plane for the nonlinear ocean circulation of Boussinesq fluid, and a elliptic type partial differential equations of second order are derived. Solution of the partial differential equations are obtained under the conditions that the fluid moves along the topography. The numerical results show that there exist both upwelling and downwelling along coastline that mainly depends on the large scale ocean condition. Numerically results of the upwelling (downwelling), coastal jet and temperature front zone are favorable to the observations.


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A major problem which is envisaged in the course of man-made climate change is sea-level rise. The global aspect of the thermal expansion of the sea water likely is reasonably well simulated by present day climate models; the variation of sea level, due to variations of the regional atmospheric forcing and of the large-scale oceanic circulation, is not adequately simulated by a global climate model because of insufficient spatial resolution. A method to infer the coastal aspects of sea level change is to use a statistical ''downscaling'' strategy: a linear statistical model is built upon a multi-year data set of local sea level data and of large-scale oceanic and/or atmospheric data such as sea-surface temperature or sea-level air-pressure. We apply this idea to sea level along the Japanese coast. The sea level is related to regional and North Pacific sea-surface temperature and sea-level air pressure. Two relevant processes are identified. One process is the local wind set-up of water due to regional low-frequency wind anomalies; the other is a planetary scale atmosphere-ocean interaction which takes place in the eastern North Pacific.