338 resultados para atomic and nuclear physics


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A new gas delivery system is designed and installed for HIRFL-CSR cluster target. The original blocked nozzle is replaced by a new one with the throat diameter of 0.12mm. New test of hydrogen and argon gases are performed. The stable jets can be obtained for these two operation gases. The attenuation of the jet caused by the collision with residual gas is studied. The maximum achievable H-2 target density is 1.75x10(13) atoms/cm(3) with a target thickness of 6.3x10(12) atoms/cm(2) for HIRFL-CSR cluster target. The running stability of the cluster source is tested both for hydrogen and argon. The operation parameters for obtaining hydrogen jet are optimized. The results of long time running for H-2 and Ar cluster jets look promising. The jet intensity has no essential change during the test for H-2 and Ar.


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The Latest developed LECR2M (Lanzhou ECR No. 2 Modified) source is the updated one of LECR2 (Lanzhou ECR No. 2) source at IMP. It has been assembled on the low energy ion beam experimental platform to produce MCI beams for atomic physics and material physics experimental research. In our updating program, the structure of injection and extraction components has been modified to make the source structure more simple and effective. The hexapole magnet has also been replaced by a new hexapole magnet with higher radial field and larger inner diameter. With this updating, stronger magnetic field confinement of the ECR plasma is possible and better base vacuum condition is also achieved. LECR2M was designed to be operated at 14.5GHz. During the preliminary test, 1.3emA O6+ beam was extracted with the injected rf power of 1.1kW. The source has been used to deliver intense MCI beams for different experiments. After some discussion of the main features of this newly updated source, some of the typical commissioning test results of LECR2M will be presented.


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The influences of the isospin dependent in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section and the MomentumDependent Interaction(MDI) on the isotope scaling have been investigated within the Isospin dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics Model(IQMD). The results show that both the isospin dependent in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section and the momentum interaction reduce the isoscaling parameter a appreciably, which means they decrease the dependence of yield ratios of two systems on the isospin difference between two systems.


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A recoil separator Wien-filter which was developed for the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL) as an extension is described. It consists of 2 quadruple triplets and a standard Wien-filter. It was designed for study of the fusion-evaporation reactions. The overall design, background suppression, the transmission efficiency, the angular acceptance and the momentum acceptance have been described. All the performances fulfil the designed requirements. Based on the test results, with some modifications the investigations of the nuclei with Z <= 110 and the drip-line nuclei in the medium-heavy mass region can be carried out with this facility.


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In terms of the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD), important isospin effect in the halo-neutron nucleus induced reaction mechanism is. investigated, and consequently, the symmetrical potential form is extracted in the intermediate energy heavy ion collision. Because the interactive potential and in-medium nucleon-nucleon (N-N) cross section in the IQMD model sensitively depend on the density distribution of the colliding system, this type of study is much more based on the extended density distribution with a looser inner nuclear structure of the halo-neutron nucleus. Such a density distribution includes averaged characteristics of the isospin effect of the reaction mechanism and the looser inner nuclear structure. In order to understand clearly the isospin effect of the halo-neutron nucleus induced reaction mechanism, the effects caused by the neutron-halo nucleus and by the stable nucleus with the same mass are compared under the same condition of the incident channel. It is found that in the concerned beam energy region, the ratio of the emitted neutrons and protons and the ratio of the isospin fractionations in the neutron-halo nucleus case are considerably larger than those in the stable nucleus case. Therefore, the information of the symmetry potential in the heavy ion collision can be extracted through such a procedure.


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The gamma rays following the beta(+)/EC decay of Ir-176,Ir-178 nuclei have been investigated using in-beam gamma-ray experiment. In addition, with the aid of a helium-jet recoil fast tape transport system, the beta(+)/EC decay of Ir-176 was further studied, the new gamma rays were proved and a low-spin isomer was proposed in Ir-176. The isomeric state was analysized according to the systematics in neighboring nuclei.


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The RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L is one of the key parts of the being-built super-heavy nuclide research spectrometer. In order to understand the high-voltage breakdown phenomenon, the voltages between electrodes have been measured. In addition, more extensive simulations have been performed for better understanding and optimizing the RFQ1L work points.


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Assuming Theta(+) interacts with nucleon or Theta(+) by exchanging isoscalar mesons sigma and omega, the equation of state of {p, n, Theta(+)} and possible metastable state are studied in the framwork of the density dependent relativistic hadron field theory(DDRH). The ratio of the proton isospin to the neutron isospin with different baryon densities and the effect of the Theta(+) component on the binding energy per baryon of the system are also discussed. It is shown that when the binding energy per baryon of the system takes the maximal value, Theta(+) might be bound in the nuclear matter.


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Sm-133 was produced via fusion evaporation in the reaction Ca-40+Ru-96. Its P-delayed proton decay was studied by means of "p-gamma" coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, including half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emissions, and the branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei. The possible spins and parities of 133Sm were extracted by fitting the experimental data with a statistical model calculation. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces of Sm-133 were calculated by using the Woods-Saxon Strutinsky method. Comparing the experimental and calculated results, the spins and parities Of Sm-133 were assigned to be 5/2(+) and 1/2(-), which is reconciled with our published simple (EC+beta(+)) decay scheme Of Sm-113 in 2001. In addition, our experimental data on the beta-delayed proton decay of Yb-149 reported in Eur. Phys. J., 2001, A12: 1-4 was also analyzed by using the same method. The spin and parity of Yb-149 was assigned to be 1/2-.


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Within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock framework, the equation of state and the properties of newborn neutron stars are investigated by adopting a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction AV(18) supplemented with a microscopic three-body force or a phenomenological three-body force. The maximum mass of newborn neutron star and the proton fraction in the newborn beta-stable neutron-star matter are calculated. The neutrino-trapping and the three-body force effects are discussed, and the interplay between the effects of the trapped neutrino and the three-body force are especially explored. It is shown that neutrino trapping considerably affects the proton abundance and the equation of state of the newborn neutron star in both cases with and without the three-body forces. The effect of neutrino trapping remarkably enhances the proton abundance, and the contribution of the three-body force makes the equation of state of the newborn neutron star much stiffer at high densities and consequently increases the proton abundance strongly. The trapped neutrinos significantly reduce the influence of the three-body force on the proton abundance in newborn neutron stars.


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Within the framework of microscopic Brueckner-Hatree-Fock, the contribution of the three-body force (TBF) rearrangement to the. single nucleon potential is calculated. The TBF rearrangement effects on the momentum and the density dependence of the single nucleon potential are investigated. The influence of the TBF rearrangement on the effective mass of nucleon is also discussed. It is shown that the rearrangement contribution of TBF is repulsive and momentum-dependent. The TBF rearrangement effect and its momentum dependence increase rapidly as increasing density and momentum. At high densities and high momenta, the repulsive rearrangement contribution reduces strongly the attraction of the single nucleon potential and enhances considerably the momentum dependence of the single nucleon potential.


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Excitation functions of the reaction products B, C, N, O, F and Ne emitted from the dissipative reaction of (19) F+(27) Al have been measured at incident energies from 110.25MeV to 118.75MeV in steps of 250keV. The moments of inertia of the intermediate dinuclear system formed in the reaction are extracted from the energy autocorrelation functions of the products. Comparing the moment of inertia extracted from the experimental data with the calculated one by using the sticking limit, it indicates that the formed dinuclear system has a large deformation in the reaction process.


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Tb-140 and Dy-141 were produced via fusion evaporation in the reaction Ca-40+Cd-106. Their beta-delayed proton decays were studied by means of "p-gamma" coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, including half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emissions, and the branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei. The ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were extracted as 7(+/-) and 9/2(+/-), respectively, by fitting the experimental data with a statistical model calculation. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces (NPES) of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were calculated by using the Woods-Saxon Strutinsky method, which indicate the ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-147 to be 7(+) and 9/2(-), respectively. In addition, the configuration-constrained NPES of Dy-143 was also calculated by using the same method. From the NPES a 1/2(+) ground state and a 11/2(-) isomer with the excitation energy of 198keV were found. The calculated results are consistent with our experimental data on the decay of Dy-143 reported in Eur. Phys. J., 2003, A16: 347-351.


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It was based on the comparisons of the variance properties of fragment multiplicities FM's and nuclear stoppings R's for the neutron-halo colliding system with those of FZ's and R's for the proton-halo colliding system with the increases of beam energy in more detail, the closely correlations between the reaction mechanism and the inner structures of halo-nuclei is found. From above comparisons it is found that the variance properties of fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping with the increases of beam energy are quite different for the neutron-halo and proton-halo colliding systems, such as the effects of loosely bound neutron-halo structure on the fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping are obviously larger than those for the proton-halo colliding system. This is due to that the structures of halo-neutron nucleus Li-11 is more loosely than that of the proton-halo nucleus Al-23 in this paper. In this case, the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping of halo nuclei may be used as a possible probe for studying the reaction mechanism and the correlation between the reaction mechanism and the inner structure of halo-nuclei.


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Application of electron-cooling upgrades the quality of ion beams in the storage rings and brings new problems. The transverse magnetic field distorts the ion orbit while guiding the intense electron beam. The closed-orbit distortion should be and can be localized and controlled well inside the ring acceptance. This paper deals with the field in the e-cool section and concomitant COD of ion orbit and shows the correction scheme.