115 resultados para Vortex Knots


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Since 2001, a research group in the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been devoted to the research of essential mechanics issues for submerged floating tunnel (SFT). In addition to the structural design of the SFT prototype in Qiandao Lake, the relevant researches cover a number of topics. This paper briefly describes the research procedure and results, including dynamic response of SFT due to surface wave, vortex-induced vibration of anchoring system, structural analysis of curved SFT, temperature effects of curved SFT, structural dynamic response due to accidental load, and effects of structural parameters (buoyancy-weight ratio, tunnel length,tether stiffness,etc.) on dynamic response.


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A "swallowtail" cavity for the supersonic combustor was proposed to serve as an efficient flame holder for scramjets by enhancing the mass exchange between the cavity and the main flow. A numerical study on the "swallowtail" cavity was conducted by solving the three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations implemented with a k-epsilon turbulence model in a multi-block mesh. Turbulence model and numerical algorithms were validated first, and then test cases were calculated to investigate into the mechanism of cavity flows. Numerical results demonstrated that the certain mass in the supersonic main flow was sucked into the cavity and moved spirally toward the combustor walls. After that, the flow went out of the cavity at its lateral end, and finally was efficiently mixed with the main flow. The comparison between the "swallowtail" cavity and the conventional one showed that the mass exchanged between the cavity and the main flow was enhanced by the lateral flow that was induced due to the pressure gradient inside the cavity and was driven by the three-dimensional vortex ring generated from the "swallowtail" cavity structure.


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Gas flow over a micro cylinder is simulated using both a compressible Navier-Stokes solver and a hybrid continuum /particle approach. The micro cylinder flow has low Reynolds number because of the small length scale and the low speed, which also indicates that the rarefied gas effect exists in the flow. A cylinder having a diameter of 20 microns is simulated under several flow conditions where the Reynolds number ranges from 2 to 50 and the Mach number varies from 0.1 to 0.8. It is found that the low Reynolds number flow can be compressible even when the Mach number is less than 0.3, and the drag coefficient of the cylinder increases when the Reynolds number decreases. The compressible effect will increase the pressure drag coefficient although the friction coefficient remains nearly unchanged. The rarefied gas effect will reduce both the friction and pressure drag coefficients, and the vortex in the flow may be shrunk or even disappear.


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Unlike most previous studies on the transverse vortex-induced vibration(VIV) of a cylinder mainly under the wallfree condition (Williamson & Govardhan,2004),this paper experimentally investigates the vortex-induced vibration of a cylinder with two degrees of freedom near a rigid wall exposed to steady flow.The amplitude and frequency responses of the cylinder are discussed.The lee wake flow patterns of the cylinder undergoing VIV were visualized by employing the hydrogen bubble technique.The effects of the gap-to-diameter ratio (e0/D) and the mass ratio on the vibration amplitude and frequency are analyzed.Comparisons of VIV response of the cylinder are made between one degree (only transverse) and two degrees of freedom (streamwise and transverse) and those between the present study and previous ones.The experimental observation indicates that there are two types of streamwise vibration,i.e.the first streamwise vibration (FSV) with small amplitude and the second streamwise vibration (SSV) which coexists with transverse vibration.The vortex shedding pattem for the FSV is approximately symmetric and that for the SSV is alternate.The first streamwise vibration tends to disappear with the decrease of e0/D.For the case of large gap-to-diameter ratios (e.g.e0/D = 0.54~1.58),the maximum amplitudes of the second streamwise vibration and transverse one increase with the increasing gapto-diameter ratio.But for the case of small gap-to-diameter ratios (e.g.e0/D = 0.16,0.23),the vibration amplitude of the cylinder increases slowly at the initial stage (i.e.at small reduced velocity V,),and across the maximum amplitude it decreases quickly at the last stage (i.e.at large Vr).Within the range ofthe examined small mass ratio (m<4),both streamwise and transverse vibration amplitude of the cylinder decrease with the increase of mass ratio for the fixed value of V,.The vibration range (in terms of Vr ) tends to widen with the decrease of the mass ratio.In the second streamwise vibration region,the vibration frequency of the cylinder with a small mass ratio (e.g.mx = 1.44) undergoes a jump at a certain Vr,.The maximum amplitudes of the transverse vibration for two-degree-of-freedom case is larger than that for one-degree-of-freedom case,but the transverse vibration frequency of the cylinder with two degrees of freedom is lower than that with one degree of freedom (transverse).


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A dynamic model for the ice-induced vibration (IIV) of structures is developed in the present study. Ice properties have been taken into account, such as the discrete failure, the dependence of the crushing strength on the ice velocity, and the randomness of ice failure. The most important prediction of the model is to capture the resonant frequency lock-in, which is analog to that in the vortex-induced vibration. Based on the model, the mechanism of resonant IIV is discussed. It is found that the dependence of the ice crushing strength on the ice velocity plays an important role in the resonant frequency lock-in of IIV. In addition, an intermittent stochastic resonant vibration is simulated from the model. These predictions are supported by the laboratory and field observations reported. The present model is more productive than the previous models of IIV.


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据2003年9月至2005年9月,对云南中部无量山大寨子黑长臂猿种群(5个群体)进行了观察,获得了群体大小、配偶体制、繁殖间隔、环境容纳量、死亡率、灾害的发生频率等种群参数,并结合近缘种的一些相关数据,利用旋涡模型(Vortex 914),对无量山大寨子地区黑长臂猿亚种群的动态进行了模拟分析.结果显示:大寨子亚种群是一个具有很强的潜在繁殖力的种群,如果没有偷猎,亚种群在100a之内不会灭绝,并且能迅速达到环境容纳量.但是每年如果有1只成年雄性和1只成年雌性被猎杀,该种群将会在第78年灭绝,且灭绝概率为100%.不同程度的死亡率对种群影响不大,但高死亡率显著延缓了种群到达环境容纳量的时间.环境容纳量对种群遗传多样性损失具有重要的影响,在没有猎杀的情况下,种群的长期存活需要一个较大的环境容纳量.因此,在黑长臂猿受到严格保护、且栖息地主要在保护区内的今天,严密监控火灾的发生,限制牲畜进入林区等人为干扰的影响,保护好黑长臂猿栖息地是首要工作之一.但如果能使其栖息地周围的森林植被得到恢复,增加其栖息范围,将有利于该地区黑长臂猿的发展.


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根据黑白仰鼻猴( Rhinopithecus bieti ) 的相关参数, 借助漩涡模型(Vortex 9142) , 对黑白仰鼻猴的 种群动态进行了模拟分析。结果表明, 在没有近亲繁殖和偷猎影响的情况下, 各亚种群100 年间均持续增长, 即使数量较少的攀天阁和白济讯亚种群的灭绝概率也只有3 %和6 %。在加入近亲繁殖和偷猎因素时, 有5 个亚 种群(小昌都、乌牙普牙、金丝厂、富合山和格花箐) 保持增长态势, 3 亚种群(茨卡通、各摩茸及响姑箐) 数量保持稳定, 其他5 个亚种群(米拉卡、巴美、龙马山、攀天阁和白济讯) 呈下降趋势。在其他条件相同的 情况下, 大的环境容纳量能够促进亚种群的增长, 因此, 保护生境是保护该物种的根本途径。偷猎对整个异质 种群增长有负作用, 所以杜绝偷猎发生是保护该物种的重要条件。近亲繁殖率随种群减小和时间推移逐渐增 加, 也对猴群的长期存活有负面影响。


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The numbers of spawning sites for Chinese sturgeon have been drastically reduced since the construction of the Gezhouba Dam across the Yangtze River. This dam has blocked migration of Chinese sturgeon to their historic spawning ground causing a significant decline of the Chinese sturgeon population. We conducted a VORTEX population viability analysis to estimate the sustainability of the population and to quantify the efficiency of current and alternative conservation procedures. The model predicted the observed decline of Chinese sturgeon, resulting from the effect of the Gezhouba Dam. These simulations demonstrated the potential interest of two conservation measures: increasing spawning area and reducing predation on sturgeon eggs. The simulations also demonstrated that the actual restocking program is not sufficient to sustain sturgeon population as the artificial reproduction program induce the loss of more wild mature adults that the recruitment expected by the artificial reproduction.


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从2003年3月到2006年5月期间,在云南中部无量山大寨子(24°21′N, 100°42′E)对一个黑长臂猿种群进行了研究。2003年3月至2004年3月主要研究了 3个群体的鸣叫行为。2005年3月一个群体被习惯化,随后对其进行了14个月的连 续观察。在此期间,主要对食性、时间分配、栖息地选择和利用、过夜地及过夜 树的选择等方面进行了研究。这些资料将有助于了解黑长臂猿对其高海拔、高纬 度、季节性变化明显栖息地的适应性,并且对了解长臂猿独特的社会结构具有重 要意义。另外,本研究结合获得的行为生态方面的数据,通过漩涡模型(VORTEX) 对该种群未来动态进行了模拟,对大寨子种群的保护和发展提出了保护建议。 黑长臂猿叫声在所有长臂猿中频率最高。成年雄性能发出boom、简单重复 音节和调节音节;成年雌性只能发出成功的激动鸣叫和失败的激动鸣叫。两者互 相配合组成结构复杂的二重唱,配对个体很少单独鸣叫,青年个体经常会加入二 重唱。同一群内两个成年雌性多数时候一起鸣叫。配对个体平均两天鸣叫一次 (53%),每次鸣叫平均持续时间12.9 分钟,雌性激动鸣叫4.6 次,激动鸣叫的 平均时间间隔为115 秒,91.5%的鸣叫发生在日出前半小时和日出后3 小时之间。 通过对相邻群体间鸣叫行为的分析,结果发现相邻群体倾向于不在同一天鸣叫, 如果同一天鸣叫,鸣叫的时间间隔显著长于不在同一天鸣叫的时间间隔,这些结 果不支持鸣叫具有调节群体空间距离的功能(inter-group spacing)的假说。雄性 倾向选择一个区域内最高的树进行鸣叫,这可能是为了声音的远距离传播。另外 雄性对鸣叫树的选择也兼顾了安全因素。通过比较鸣叫前后个体间的距离,黑长 臂猿的鸣叫具有群内通讯的功能,鸣叫后个体间的距离显著短于鸣叫前的距离。 虽然鸣叫树的分布与食物斑块的分布在不同海拔段和不同网格内都呈现出了高 度的相关性,但不能确定黑长臂猿在食物斑块附近进行鸣叫就是为了对食物资源 进行防御。 利用扫描法对研究群体的食性和时间分配进行了研究。结果显示研究群体共 取食77 种植物和至少6 种动物,其中10 种重要食物占到取食比例的76.7%。在 10396 次确定食物类别的记录中,除无花果外的其它果实占25.5%,藤子叶和芽占21.0%,树叶和芽占19.2%,无花果占18.6%,花占9.1%,寄生植物的叶占6.3%, 另外其它食物占0.3%。黑长臂猿的食性具有明显的日变化和季节性变化。与其 它长臂猿相比,黑长臂猿的食性更加广泛。虽然黑长臂猿进食叶(藤子的叶和芽、 树叶和芽、寄生植物的叶)的比例稍多于进食果实(无花果和其它果实)的比例, 但当果实丰富时,它们仍然优先选择果实。 黑长臂猿平均在日出后33 分钟离开过夜树,在日落前128 分钟进入过夜树, 平均每天活动518 分钟。活动期间,黑长臂猿用于休息的时间最多,达到40.0%, 其次是取食28.7%,排在第三的是移动19.8%,排在第四的是觅食占到6.1%,鸣 叫占2.6%,玩耍和其它活动一共占活动时间的2.8%。时间分配具有明显的日变 化和季节性变化。食物和温度因素是影响黑长臂猿时间分配季节性变化的最主要 的原因。 群体一共利用129 个1 公顷的网格,如果包含在活动路线内的空隙,活动范 围达到151 公顷,主要由3 个大的山沟组成。黑长臂猿平均每天移动1391 米, 进入9 个网格,连续两天倾向于利用家域中的同一条山沟。群体平均每月仅利用 家域的19%~50%,集中利用家域中的小部分区域,除2 月份外群体总是选择利 用原始常绿阔叶林。形成这种现象的原因主要与食物的分布及其季节性变化有 关、并且与该群生活地区的地形有关。 黑长臂猿喜欢选择高大的,生长在陡坡上的树过夜,群体一般形成4 个不同 的小单元过夜(青年个体与成年雄性睡在一起,两个成年雌性与未独立的婴猿分 别睡在一起,亚成年雄性单独过夜),过夜时总是快速进入过夜树,然后立即安 静下来,利用很多棵不同的过夜树,并且间隔很长时间后才重复利用,这些行为 都是为了避免被捕食者发现和攻击。群体喜欢在山坡上过夜,并且在冬天喜欢选 择在长有寄生植物的大树枝上过夜,这些行为可能与研究地点冬天的低气温有 关。此外,过夜树的选择可能兼顾舒适和方便寻找食物的功能。 通过获得的生态学资料,结合近缘种生态学参数,利用漩涡模型(VORTEX) 对该种群未来动态进行了模拟。结果显示:大寨子亚种群是一个具有很强的潜在 繁殖力的种群,如果没有偷猎,亚种群在100a 之内不会灭绝,并且能迅速达到 环境容纳量。但是每年如果有1 只成年雄性和1 只成年雌性被猎杀,该种群将会在第78a 灭绝,且灭绝概率为100%。不同程度的死亡率对种群影响不大,但高 死亡率显著延缓了种群到达环境容纳量的时间。环境容纳量对种群遗传多样性损 失具有重要的影响,在没有猎杀的情况下,种群的长期存活需要一个较大的环境 容纳量。因此,在黑长臂猿受到严格保护、且栖息地主要在保护区内的今天,严 密监控火灾的发生,限制牲畜进入林区等人为干扰的影响,保护好黑长臂猿栖息 地是首要工作之一。但如果能使其栖息地周围的森林植被得到恢复,增加其栖息 范围,将有利于该地区黑长臂猿的发展。


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The energy spectrum and the persistent currents are calculated for finite-width mesoscopic annular structures with radial potential barrier in the presence of a magnetic field. The introduction of the tunneling barrier leads to the creation of extra edge states around the barrier and the occurrence of oscillatory structures superimposed on the bulk Landau level plateaus in the energy spectrum. We found that the Fermi energy E-F increases with the number of electrons N emerging many kinks. The single eigenstate persistent current exhibits complicated structures with vortex-like texture, ''bifurcation'', and multiple ''furcation'' patterns as N is increased. The total currents versus N display wild fluctuations.


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Marine animals and micro-machines often use wiggling motion to generate thrust. The wiggling motion can be modeled by a progressive wave where its wavelength describes the flexibility of wiggling animals. In the present study, an immersed boundary method is used to simulate the flows around the wiggling hydrofoil NACA 65-010 at low Reynolds numbers. One can find from the numerical simulations that the thrust generation is largely determined by the wavelength. The thrust coefficients decrease with the increasing wavelength while the propulsive efficiency reaches a maximum at a certain wavelength due to the viscous effects. The thrust generation is associated with two different flow patterns in the wake: the well-known reversed Karman vortex streets and the vortex dipoles. Both are jet-type flows where the thrust coefficients associated with the reversed Karman vortex streets are larger than the ones associated with the vortex diploes.


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建立了一个新的结构一尾流振子耦合模型, 流场近尾迹动力学特征被模化为非线性阻尼振子, 采用van der Pol方程描述.以控制体中结构与近尾迹流体间受力互为反作用关系来实现流固耦合, 采用该模型进行了二维结构涡激振动计算, 得到了合理的振幅随来流流速的变化规律和共振幅值, 并正确地预计了共振振幅值 A~*_(max) 随着质量阻尼参数(m~*+ C_A)ζ的变化规律, 给出了预测A*_(max) 值的拟合公式, 采用该模型计算了三维柔性结构在均匀来流和简谐波形来流作用下的VIV响应.结构在均匀来流作用下振动呈现由驻波向行波的变化过程, 并最后稳定为行波振动形态, 在简谐波形来流作用下, 结构呈现混合振动形态, 幅值随时间呈周期变化


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The diffusive transport properties in microscale convection flows are studied by using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. The effective diffusion coefficient D is computed from the mean square displacements of simulated molecules based on the Einstein diffusion equation D = x2 t /2t. Two typical convection flows, namely, thermal creep convection and Rayleigh– Bénard convection, are investigated. The thermal creep convection in our simulation is in the noncontinuum regime, with the characteristic scale of the vortex varying from 1 to 100 molecular mean free paths. The diffusion is shown to be enhanced only when the vortex scale exceeds a certain critical value, while the diffusion is reduced when the vortex scale is less than the critical value. The reason for phenomenon of diffusion reduction in the noncontinuum regime is that the reduction effect due to solid wall is dominant while the enhancement effect due to convection is negligible. A molecule will lose its memory of macroscopic velocity when it collides with the walls, and thus molecules are hard to diffuse away if they are confined between very close walls. The Rayleigh– Bénard convection in our simulation is in the continuum regime, with the characteristic length of 1000 molecular mean free paths. Under such condition, the effect of solid wall on diffusion is negligible. The diffusion enhancement due to convection is shown to scale as the square root of the Péclet number in the steady convection regime, which is in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental results. In the oscillation convection regime, the diffusion is more strongly enhanced because the molecules can easily advect from one roll to its neighbor due to an oscillation mechanism. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3528310


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建立了柔性杆件在非均匀流作用下的涡激振动响应预测模型, 考虑了涡激振动锁频阶段流体附加质量的变化, 以及振动响应和来流简缩速度的非线性关系. 该模型通过经验公式结合迭代求解的方式, 计算方便、速度快, 避免了数值计算(CFD)的繁琐, 较为适合于海洋工程实际应用. 与试验和数值结果的比较表明采用该文提出的计算模型, 可以更合理、准确地给出结构涡激振动响应. 最后, 结合实际平台参数, 进行了柔性立管在非均匀流场的作用下的涡激振动响应分析, 并研究了立管的预张力、流场分布等参数的影响. 分析结果表明: 随着立管张力和流场分布的改变, 各阶模态锁频区域发生了变化, 从而改变了结构的总体响应