294 resultados para Nanostructures


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Periodic nanostructures along the polarization direction of light are observed inside silica glasses and tellurium dioxide single crystal after irradiation by a focused single femtosecond laser beam. Backscattering electron images of the irradiated spot inside silica glass reveal a periodic structure of stripe-like regions of similar to 20 nm width with a low oxygen concentration. In the case of the tellurium dioxide single crystal, secondary electron images within the focal spot show the formation of a periodic structure of voids with 30 nm width. Oxygen defects in a silica glass and voids in a tellurium dioxide single crystal are aligned perpendicular to the laser polarization direction. These are the smallest nanostructures below the diffraction limit of light, which are formed inside transparent materials. The phenomenon is interpreted in terms of interference between the incident light field and the electric field of electron plasma wave generated in the bulk of material.


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Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used for materials microprocessing. Due to their ultrashort pulse width and ultrahigh light intensity, the process is generally characterized by the nonthermal diffusion process. We observed various induced microstructures such as refractive-index-changed structures, color center defects, microvoids and microcracks in transparent materials (e.g., glasses after the femtosecond laser irradiation), and discussed the possible applications of the microstructures in the fabrication of various micro optical devices [e.g., optical waveguides, microgratings, microlenses, fiber attenuators, and three-dimensional (3D) optical memory]. In this paper, we review our recent research developments on single femtosecond-laser-induced nanostructures. We introduce the space-selective valence state manipulation of active ions, precipitation and control of metal nanoparticles and light polarization-dependent permanent nanostructures, and discuss the mechanisms and possible applications of the observed phenomena.


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A novel energy- and time-saving solution combustion method has been developed to prepare Eu:Y2O3 nano-crystal line phosphor. This novel method employs anhydrous ethanol as solvent and fuel. The prepared nano-crystals after heat-treatment own narrow size distribution, well dispersibility and sinterability, confirmed by XRD, TEM and FTIR. The emission spectra of nano-Eu:Y2O3 Samples show clear nano-size related phenomena. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nano Y2O3 particles with a spherical shape and narrow size distribution have been prepared by a novel spray combustion method. The experimental procedure is briefly described and the thermodynamical process of the post-heat treatment is investigated in this paper. The precursor fully crystallized when treated at as low as 400 degrees C. Prepared particles showed spherical shape and well dispersibility under different treating conditions. Narrow size distribution of particles was achieved even when the precursor was treated at 1373 K. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ternary CoNiP nanowire (NW) arrays have been synthesized by electrochemical deposition inside the nanochannels of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template. The CoNiP NWs deposited at room temperature present soft magnetic properties, with both parallel and perpendicular coercivities less than 500 Oe. In contrast, as the electrolyte temperature (T-elc) increases from 323 to 343 K, the NWs exhibit hard magnetic properties with coercivities in the range of 1000-2500 Oe. This dramatic increase in coercivities can be attributed to the domain wall pinning that is related to the formation of Ni and Co nanocrystallites and the increase of P content. The parallel coercivity (i.e. the applied field perpendicular to the membrane surface) maximum as high as 2500 Oe with squareness ratio up to 0.8 is achieved at the electrolyte temperature of 328 K. It has been demonstrated that the parallel coercivity of CoNiP NWs can be tuned in a wide range of 200-2500 Oe by controlling the electrolyte temperature, providing an easy way to control magnetic properties and thereby for their integration with magnetic-micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of silver films with different thickness were prepared under identical conditions by direct current magnetron sputtering. The optical properties of the silver films were measured using spectrophotometric techniques and the optical constants were calculated from reflection and transmission measurements made at near normal incidence. The results show that the optical properties and constants are affected by films' thickness. Below the critical thickness of 17 nm at which Ag film forms a continuous film, the optical properties and constants vary significantly as the thickness of films increases and then tends to a stable value which is reached at 41 nm. X-ray diffraction measurements were carried out to examine the structure and stress evolution of the Ag films as a function of films' thickness. It was found that the interplanar distance of (111) orientation decreases when the film thickness increases and tends to be close to that of bulk material. The compressive strains also decrease with increasing thickness. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar 60925016;National High Technology Research and Development program of China 2009AA034101;Postdoctoral Foundation 0971050000


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Codoping of p-type GaN nanowires with Mg and oxygen was investigated using first-principles calculations. The Mg becomes a deep acceptor in GaN nanowires with high ionization energy due to the quantum confinement. The ionization energy of Mg doped GaN nanowires containing passivated Mg-O complex decreases with increasing the diameter, and reduces to 300 meV as the diameter of the GaN nanowire is larger than 2.01 nm, which indicates that Mg-O codoping is suitable for achieving p-type GaN nanowires with larger diameters. The codoping method to reduce the ionization energy can be effectively used in other semiconductor nanostructures. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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The temperature dependence of hole spin relaxation time in both neutral and n-doped ultrathin InAs monolayers has been investigated. It has been suggested that D'yakonov-Perel (DP) mechanism dominates the spin relaxation process at both low and high temperature regimes. The appearance of a peak in temperature dependent spin relaxation time reveals the important contribution of Coulomb scatterings between carriers to the spin kinetics at low temperature, though electron-phonon scattering becomes dominant at higher temperatures. Increased electron screening effect in the n-doped sample has been suggested to account for the shortened spin relaxation time compared with the undoped one. The results suggest that hole spins are also promising for building solid-state qubits.


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A metallization scheme of Ni/Ag/Ti/Au has been developed for obtaining high reflective contacts on p-type GaN. In order to find optimal conditions to get a high reflectivity, we studied samples with various Ni thicknesses, annealing temperatures and annealing times. By annealing at 500 degrees C for 5 min in an O-2 ambient, a reflectivity as high as 94% was obtained from Ni/Ag/Ti/Au (1/120/120/50 nm). The effects of Ti layers on the suppression of Ag agglomeration were investigated by using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). From AES depth profiles, it is clear that Ti acts as a diffusion barrier to prevent Au atoms from diffusing into the Ag layer, which is important in the formation of high reflectivity.


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We consider the electron-hole pair confined in a simplified infinite potential. The low-lying excition states in a ZnO cylindrical nanodisk are calculated based on effective-mass theory. To further understand the optical properties, we calculate the linear optical susceptibilities chi(w) and the radiative recombination lifetime tau of excitons in a ZnO nanodisk. The exciton radiative lifetime in a cylindrical nanodisk is of the order of tens of picoseconds, which is small compared with the lifetime of bulk ZnO material. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3006134]


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We have systematically investigated the magnetic properties of Si-doped (Ga,Mn)As films. When the Si content is low, both Curie temperature (T-C) and carrier density (p) decrease compared with undoped (Ga,Mn)As, whereas a monotonic increase of T-C and p is observed with further increase in the doping content of Si. We discuss the possible mechanism for the changes obtained by different Si doping contents and attribute the results to a competition between the existence of Si-Ga (Si substitutes for Ga site) that acts as a donor and Si-I (Si interstitials) which is in favor of the improvement of ferromagnetism. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Si-doped ZnO can be synthesized on the surface of the early grown Zn2SiO4 nanostructures and form core/ shell coaxial heterostructure nanobelts with an epitaxial orientation relationship. A parallel interface with a periodicity array of edge dislocations and an inclined interface without dislocations can be formed. The visible green emission is predominant in PL spectra due to carrier localization by high density of deep traps from complexes of impurities and defects. Due to band tail localization induced by composition and defect fluctuation, and high density of free-carriers donated by doping, especially the further dissociation of excitons into free-carriers at high excitation intensity, the near-band-edge emission is dominated by the transition of free-electrons to free-holes, and furthermore, exhibits a significant excitation power-dependent red-shift characteristic. Due to the structure relaxation and the thermalization effects, carrier delocalization takes place in deep traps with increasing excitation density. As a result, the green emission passes through a maximum at 0.25I(0) excitation intensity, and the ratio of the violet to green emission increases monotonously as the excitation laser power density increases. The violet and green emission of ZnO nanostructures can be well tuned by a moderate doping and a variation in the excitation density.


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We investigate theoretically CdTe quantum dots containing a single Mn2+ impurity, including the sp-d exchange interaction between carriers and the magnetic ion and the short-range exchange interaction between electron and hole. We find anticrossing behaviors in the energy spectrum of the electron-hole (e-h) pair that arise from the interplay between exchange interactions and the magnetic field. In addition to the s-d exchange interaction, we find that other mechanisms inducing the anticrossings become important in the strong heavy hole-light hole (hh-lh) mixing regime. The transition strengths between the states with spin projection of Mn2+ ion S-z not equal -5/2 (S-z = -5/2) decrease (increase) with increasing magnetic fields due to the alignment of the Mn2+ spin. The spin splitting of the e-h pair states depends sensitively on the external magnetic and electric field, which reveals useful information about the spin orientation and position of the magnetic ion. Meanwhile, the manipulation of the position of the magnetic ion offers us a way to control the spin splitting of the carriers. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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InGaN/GaN-multiple-quantum-well-based light emitting diode ( LED) nanopillar arrays with a diameter of approximately 200nm and a height of 700nm are fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching using Ni self-assembled nanodots as etching mask. In comparison to the as-grown LED sample an enhancement by a factor of four of photoluminescence ( PL) intensity is achieved after the fabrication of nanopillars, and a blue shift and a decrease of full width at half maximum of the PL peak are observed. The method of additional wet etching with different chemical solutions is used to remove the etch-induced damage. The result shows that the dilute HCl ( HCl:H2O=1:1) treatment is the most effective. The PL intensity of nanopillar LEDs after such a treatment is about 3.5 times stronger than that before treatment.