283 resultados para Mammal Phylogeny


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The complete sequence of the 16,539 nucleotide mitochondrial genome from the single species of the catfish family Cranoglanididae, the helmet catfish Cranoglanis bouderius, was determined using the long and accurate polymerase chain reaction (LA PCR) method. The nucleotide sequences of C. bouderius mitochondrial DNA have been compared with those of three other catfish species in the same order. The contents of the C. bouderius mitochondrial genome are 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA and 22 transfer RNA genes, and a non-coding control region, the gene order of which is identical to that observed in most other vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses for 13 otophysan fishes were performed using Bayesian method based on the concatenated mtDNA protein-coding gene sequence and the individual protein-coding gene sequence data set. The competing otophysan topologies were then tested by using the approximately unbiased test, the Kishino-Hasegawa test, and the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test. The results show that the grouping ((((Characifonnes, Gymnotiformes), Siluriformes), Cyprinifionnes), outgroup) is the most likely but there is no significant difference between this one and the other alternative hypotheses. In addition, the phylogenetic placement of the family Cranoglanididae among siluriform families was also discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To test a vicariant speciation hypothesis derived from geological evidence of large-scale changes in drainage patterns in the late Miocene that affected the drainages in the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Location: The Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas. Methods: The cytochrome b DNA sequences of 30 species of the genus Schizothorax from nine different river systems were analysed. These DNA sequences were analysed using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. The approximately unbiased and Shimodaira-Hasegawa tests were applied to evaluate the statistical significance of the shortest trees relative to alternative hypotheses. Dates of divergences between lineages were estimated using the nonparametric rate smoothing method, and confidence intervals of dates were obtained by parametric bootstrapping. Results: The phylogenetic relationships recovered from molecular data were inconsistent with traditional taxonomy, but apparently reflected geographical associations with rivers. Within the genus Schizothorax, we observed a divergence between the lineages from the Irrawaddy-Lhuit and Tsangpo-Parlung rivers, and tentatively dated this vicariant event back to the late Miocene (7.3-6.8 Ma). We also observed approximately simultaneous geographical splits within drainages of the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau, the Irrawaddy, the Yangtze and the Mekong-Salween rivers in the late Miocene (7.1-6.2 Ma). Main conclusions: Our molecular evidence tentatively highlights the importance of palaeoriver connections and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau in understanding the evolution of the genus Schizothorax. Molecular estimates of divergence times allowed us to date these vicariant scenarios back to the late Miocene, which agrees with geological suggestions for the separation of these drainages caused by tectonic uplift in south-eastern Tibet. Our results indicated the substantial role of vicariant-based speciation in shaping the current distribution pattern of the genus Schizothorax.


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It is widely accepted that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region evolves faster than protein encoding genes with few exceptions. In the present study, we sequenced the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt b) and control region (CR) and compared their rates in 93 specimens representing 67 species of loaches and some related taxa in the Cobitoidea (Order Cypriniformes). The results showed that sequence divergences of the CR were broadly higher than those of the cyt b (about 1.83 times). However, in considering only closely related species, CR sequence evolution was slower than that of cyt b gene (ratio of CR/cyt b is 0.78), a pattern that is found to be very common in Cypriniformes. Combined data of the cyt b and CR were used to estimate the phylogenetic relationship of the Cobitoidea by maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and Bayesian methods. With Cyprinus carpio and Danio rerio as outgroups, three analyses identified the same four lineages representing four subfamilies of loaches, with Botiinae on the basal-most clade. The phylogenctic relationship of the Cobitoidea was ((Catostomidae + Gyrinocheilidae) + (Botiinae + (Balitorinae + (Cobitinae + Nemacheilinae)))), which indicated that Sawada's Cobitidae (including Cobitinae and Botiinae) was not monophyletic. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses are in very close agreement with the phylogenetic results based on the morphological data proposed by Nalbant and Bianco, wherein these four subfamilies were elevated to the family level as Botiidae, Balitoridae, Cobitidae, and Nemacheilidae. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Botiinae have traditionally represented a subfamily of the Cobitidae. At present, the classification and phylogenetic relationships of the Botiinae are controversial. To address systematic and phylogenetic questions concerning this group, we sequenced the complete cytochrome b gene from 34 samples, of which 24 represented 13 species of the East Asian botiine fishes, while the other 10 were non-botiine loach species. For the 1140 bp sequences determined, 494 sites were variable ones, of which 424 were parsimony informative. With Myxocyprinus asiaticus as an outgroup, molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using the neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. All molecular phylogenetic trees revealed that botiine fishes form a monophyletic group and are distantly related to other loaches, suggesting that the Botiinae should be placed in their own family. Within the Botiinae, there are three genera; Botia, Parabotia, and Leptobotia, each genus forming a monophyletic group, with the genus Botia as the most ancestral split. Our molecular results are in agreement with morphological analyses of botiines, suggesting that Botia is the ancestral genus, while Leptobotia and Parabotia were resolved as more derived sister groups.


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The family Sisoridae is one of the largest and most diverse Asiatic catfish families, most species occurring in the water systems of the Qinhai-Tibetan Plateau and East Himalayas. To date published morphological and molecular phylogenetics hypotheses of sisorid catfishes are part congruent, and there are some areas of significant disagreement with respect to intergeneric relationships. We used mitochondrial cytochrome b and 16S rRNA gene sequences to clarify existing gaps in phylogenetics and to test conflicting vicariant and dispersal biogeographical hypotheses of Chinese sisorids using dispersal-vicariance analysis and weighted ancestral area analysis in combination with palaeogeographical data as well as molecular clock calibration. Our results suggest that: (1) Chinese sisorid catfishes form a monophyletic group with two distinct clades, one represented by (Gagata (Bagarius, Glyptothorax)) and the other by (glyptosternoids, Pseudecheneis); (2) the glyptosternoid is a monophyletic group and Glyptosternum, Glaridoglanis, and Exostoma are three basal species having a primitive position among it; (3) a hypothesis referring to Pseudecheneis as the sister group of the glyptosternoids, based on morphological evidence, is supported; (4) the genus Pareuchiloglanis, as presently defined, is not monophyletic; (5) congruent with previous hypotheses, the uplift of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau played a primary role in the speciation and radiation of the Chinese sisorids; and (6) an evolutionary scenario combining aspects of both vicariance and dispersal theory is necessary to explain the distribution pattern of the glyptosternoids. In addition, using a cytochrome b substitution rate of 0.91% per million years and 0.23% for 16S rRNA, we tentatively date that the glyptosternoids most possibly originated in Oligocene-Miocene boundary (19-24Myr), and radiated from Miocene to Pleistocene, along with a center of origin in the Irrawaddy-Tsangpo drainages and several rapid speciation in a relatively short time. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To clarify cuttlefish phylogeny, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene and partial 16S rRNA gene are sequenced for 13 cephalopod species. Phylogenetic trees are constructed, with the neighbor-joining method. Coleoids are divided into two main lineages, Decabrachia and Octobrachia. The monophyly of the order Sepioidea, which includes the families Sepiidae, Sepiolidae and Idiosepiidae, is not supported. From the two families of Sepioidea examined, the Sepiolidae are polyphyletic and are excluded from the order. On the basis of 16S rRNA and amino acid of COI gene sequences data, the two genera (Sepiella and Sepia) from the Sepiidae can be distinguished, but do not have a visible boundary using COI gene sequences. The reason is explained. This suggests that the 16S rDNA of cephalopods is a precious tool to analyze taxonomic relationships at the genus level, and COI gene is fitter at a higher taxonomic level (i.e., family).


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The complete cytochrome b and the control region of mtDNA (about 2070 bp in total) of 10 strains belonging to three subspecies of the common carp, including three wild subspecies (the Yangtze River wild common carp - Cyprinus carpio haematopterus, Yuanjiang River wild common carp Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus and Volga River wild common carp - Cyprinus carpio carpio) and seven domestic strains (Xingguo red carp, Russian scattered scaled mirror carp, Qingtian carp, Japanese Koi carp, purse red carp, Big-belly carp, German mirror carp) were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the 10 strains form three distinct clades, corresponding to C. c. haematopterus, C. c. rubrofuscus and C. c. carpio respectively. Purse red carp, an endemic domestic strain in Jiangxi province of China, showed a higher evolution rate in comparison with the other strains of C. c. haematopterus, most probably because of intensive selection and a long history of domestication. Base variation ratios among the three subspecies varied from 0.78% (between C. c. haematopterus and C. c. rubrofuscus) to 1.47%(between C. c. carpio and C. c. rubrofuscus). The topography of the phylogenetic tree and the geographic distribution of three subspecies closely resemble each other. The divergence time between C. c. carpio and the other two subspecies was estimated to be about 0.9 Myr and about 0.5 Myr between C. c. haematopterus and C. c. rubrofuscus. Based on phylogenetic analysis, C. c. rubrofuscus might have diverged from C. c. haematopterus.


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Partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene were obtained by PCR amplification for comparisons among nine species of glyptosternoid fishes and six species of non-glyptosternoids representing 10 sisorid genera. There are compositional biases in the A-rich impaired regions and G-rich paired regions. A-G transitions are primarily responsible for the Ts/Tv bias in impaired regions. The overall substitution rate in impaired regions is almost two times higher than that in the paired regions. Saturation plots at comparable levels of sequence divergence demonstrate no saturation effects. Phylogenetic analyses using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods support the monophyly of Sisoridae. Chinese sisorid catfishes are composed of two major lineages, one represented by (Gagata (Bagarius, Glyptothorax)) and the other by "glyptosternoids + Pseudecheneis". The glyptosternoids may not be a monophyletic group. A previous hypothesis referring to Pseudecheneis as the sister group of monophyletic glyptosternoids, based on morphological evidence, is not supported by the molecular data. Pseudecheneis is shown to be a sister taxon of Glaridoglanis. Pareuchiloglanis might be paraphyletic with Pseudexostoma and Euchiloglanis. Our results also support the hypothesis that Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis might be considered as the synonyms of Pareuchiloglanis sinensis, and genus Euchiloglanis might have only one valid species, Euchiloglanis davidi.


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Molecular phylogeny of three genera containing nine species and subspecies of the specialized schizothoracine fishes are investigated based on the complete nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Meantime relationships between the main cladogenetic events of the specialized schizothoracine fishes and the stepwise uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau are also conducted using the molecular clock, which is calibrated by geological isolated events between the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the Qinghai Lake. Results indicated that the specialized schizothoracine fishes are not a monophyly. Five species and subspecies of Ptychobarbus form a monophyly. But three species of Gymnodiptychus do not form a monophyly. Gd. integrigymnatus is a sister taxon of the highly specialized schizothoracine fishes while Gd. pachycheilus has a close relation with Gd. dybowskii, and both of them are as a sister group of Diptychus maculatus. The specialized schizothoracines fishes might have originated during the Miocene (about 10 MaBP), and then the divergence of three genera happened during late Miocene (about 8 MaBP). Their main specialization occurred during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene (3.54-0.42 MaBP). The main cladogenetic events of the specialized schizothoracine fishes are mostly correlated with the geological tectonic events and intensive climate shift happened at 8, 3.6, 2.5 and 1.7 MaBP of the late Cenozoic. Molecular clock data do not support the hypothesis that the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau uplifted to near present or even higher elevations during the Oligocene or Miocene, and neither in agreement with the view that the plateau uplifting reached only to an altitude of 2000 in during the late Pliocene (about 2.6 MaBP).


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With 210 genera and 2010 species, Cyprinidae is the largest freshwater fish family in the world. Several papers, based on morphological and molecular data, have been published and have led to some solid conclusions, such as the close relationships between North American phoxinins and European leuciscins. However, the relationships among major subgroups of this family are still not well resolved, especially for those East Asian groups. In the present paper, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, 896-956 base pairs, of 17 representative species of East Asian cyprinids was sequenced and compared with those of 21 other cyprinids to study their phylogenetic relationships. After alignment, there were 1051 sites. The comparison between pairwise substitutions and HKY distances showed that the mtDNA control region was suitable for phylogenetic study. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that there are two principal lineages in Cyprinidae: Cyprinine and Leuciscine. In Cyprinine, the relationships could be a basal Labeoinae, an intermediate Cyprininae, and a diversified Barbinae (including Schizothroaxinae). In Leuciscine, Rasborinae is at the basal position; Gobioninae and Leuciscinae are sister groups; the East Asian cultrin-xenocyprinin taxa form a large monophyletic group with some small affiliated groups; and the positions of Acheilognathinae and Tincinae are still uncertain.


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The mitochondrial DNA control region is amplified and sequenced from 8 genera and 10 species of gobiobotine fishes. The phylogenetic tree of Gobiobotinae and some representative species of other Cyprinid subfamilies obtained by the method of neighborhood joining, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony with Danio rerio as an outgroup indicates that Gobiobotinae fishes are a monophyletic group which is close to Gobioninae subfamily. Gobiobotinae should be included into subfamily Gobioninae in terms of phylogenetic analysis. The research result supports that Gobiobotinae can be divided into genus Xenophysogobio and Gobiobotia. Xenophysogabio is the most primitive genera in the subfamily.


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The mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene was sequenced from 8 bagrid catfishes in China. Aligned with cytochrome b sequences from 9 bagrid catfishes in Japan, Korea and Russia retrieved from GenBank, and selected Silurus meridionalis, Liobagrus anguillicauda, Liobagrus reini and Phenacogrammus interruptus as outgroups, we constructed a matrix of 21 DNA sequences. The Kimura's two-parameter distances were calculated and molecule phylogenetic trees were constructed by using the maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods. The results show that (i) there exist 3-bp deletions of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene compared with cypriniforms and characiforms; (ii) the molecular phylogenetic tree suggests that bagrid catfishes form a monophyletic group, and the genus Mystus is the earliest divergent in the East Asian bagrid catfishes, as well as the genus Pseudobagrus is a monophyletic group but the genus Pelteobagrus and Leiocassis are complicated; and 60 the evolution rate of the East Asian bagrids mitochondrial cytochrome b gene is about 0.18%-0.30% sequence divergence per million years.


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The mitochondrial DNA control region of six cobitids and two catostomids was sequenced and compared with sequences of other cypriniforms to study their sequence variations. The extended termination associated sequence (ETAS) domain, central domain, and conserved sequence block (CSB) domain were partitioned and the ETAS sequence, CSB-D, CSB-E, ECSB-F, CSB1, CSB2, and CSB3 were identified. It is suggested that the "hairpin" TACAT-ATGTA is the key sequence of ETAS and GACATA is the symbol of CSB1. Phylogenetic analysis based on the CSB domain showed that all cyprinids evolved as one monophyletic group, while the non-cyprinid Cypriniformes could be another monophyly that is in accordance with the hypothesis proposed by Siebert. Further analysis of the phylogeny of the Cobitoidei was also conducted and it is tentatively suggested that their relationships are Catostomidae + (Gyrinocheilidae + (Botiinae + (Homalopteridae + (Cobitinae + Nemacheilinae)))).


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Phylogeny of the specialized schizothoracine fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Zoological Studies 40(2). 147-157. To elucidate phylogenetic relationships within the specialized schizothoracine fishes, we used 41 variable osteological and external characters among this groups, three species of Schizothorax, and 1 fossil species. When the 3 species of Schizothorax were designated as an outgroup and all 41 characters were set as unordered with equal weighting, the data matrix yielded a single most-parsimonious tree with a tree length of 71 steps, a consistency index of 0.6761, and a retention index of 0.7416. Meanwhile, a bootstrap test was conducted to verify the reliability of the results. The matrix was also analyzed for different conditions: all characters were ordered and the fossil species was added as an outgroup. The phylogenetic analyses presented herein support the following hypotheses. 1) All species of the specialized schizo-thoracines fishes form a monophyletic group. 2) Monophyly of the genus Ptychobarbus is not supported by the bootstrap test or when these characters are ordered. 3) The genus Gymnodiptychus forms a monophyletic group. 4) All species of Ptychobarbus and Gymnodiptychus form a monophyletic group with Diptychus as its sister group.