104 resultados para Instrumental variable regression


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Orthogonal descriptors is a viable method for variable selection, but this method strongly depend on the orthogonalisation ordering of the descriptors. In this paper, we compared the different methods used for order the descriptors. It showed that better results could be achieved with the use of backward elimination ordering. We predicted R-f value of phenol and aniline derivatives by this method, and compared it with classical algorithms such as forward selection, backward elimination, and stepwise procedure. Some interesting hints were obtained.


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The dynamic states of cytochrome c multilayers on electrochemically pretreated highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) have been studied by in-situ scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) under potential control of both the tip and the substrate in cytochrome c and phosphate buffer solution. The dynamic characterization of cytochrome c multilayers and relatively stable adsorbed single cytochrome c molecules scattered on HOPG imply that physically adsorbed multilayers were more easily influenced by the STM tip than those of chemically adsorbed single molecules. In-situ STM images of chemically adsorbed cytochrome c molecules with discernible internal structures on HOPG revealed that morphologies of cytochrome c molecules also suffered tip influence; possible tip-sample-substrate interactions have been discussed.


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A quantitative structure-property study has been made on the relationship between molar absorptivities (epsilon) of asymmetrical phosphone bisazo derivatives of chromotropic acid and their color reactions with cerium by multiple regression analysis and neural network. The new topological indices A(x1) - A(x3) suggested in our laboratory and molecular connectivity indices of 43 compounds have been calculated. The results obtained from the two methods are compared. The neural network model is superior to the regression analysis technique and gave a prediction which was sufficiently accurate to estimate the molar absorptivities of color reagents during their color reactions with cerium.


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In this paper, the molecular connectivity indices and the electronic charge parameters of forty-eight phenol compounds nave been calculated. and applied for studying the relationship between partition coefficients and structure of phenol compounds. The results demonstrate that the properties of compounds can be described better with selective parameters, and the results obtained by neural network are superior to that by multiplle regression.


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In this paper, the new topological indices A(x1)-A(x3) suggested in our laboratory and molecular connectivity indices have been applied to multivariate analysis in structure-property studies. The topological indices of twenty asymmetrical phosphono bisazo derivatives of chromotropic acid have been calculated. The structure-property relationships between colour reagents and their colour reactions with ytterbium have been studied by A(x1)-A(x3) indices and molecular connectivity indices with satisfactory results. Multiple regression analysis and neural networks were employed simultaneously in this study.


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Five new chiral liquid crystal systems induced by intermolecular hydrogen bonding between 4-[(S)-2-chloro-3-methyl]butyroyloxy-4'-stilbazole (MBSB, proton acceptor) and 4-alkoxybenzoic acids (nBA, proton donors) were prepared. Their liquid crystalline properties were investigated by DSC and polarized optical microscopy. Chiral nematic and chiral smectic phases were observed, and the thermal stability of one complex was studied through temperature dependent infrared spectroscopy.


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Quantitative structure-toxicity models were developed that directly link the molecular structures of a et of 50 alkYlated and/or halogenated phenols with their polar narcosis toxicity, expressed as the negative logarithm of the IGC50 (50% growth inhibitor


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To investigate the interaction between the tropical Pacific and China seas a variable-grid global ocean circulation model with fine grid[(1/6)degrees] covering the area from 20degreesS to 50degreesN and from 99degrees to 150degreesE is developed. Numerical computation of the annually cyclic circulation fields is performed. The results of the annual mean zonal currents and deep to abyssal western boundary currents in the equatorial Pacific Ocean are reported. The North Equatorial Current,the North Equatorial Countercurrent, the South Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Undercurrent are fairly well simulated. The model well reproduces the northward flowing abyssal western boundary current. From the model results a lower deep western boundary current east of the Bismarck-Solomon-New Hebrides Island chain at depths around 2 000 in has been found. The model results also show that the currents in the equatorial Pacific Ocean have multi-layer structures both in zonal currents and western boundary currents, indicating that the global ocean overturning thermohaline circulation appears of multi-layer pattern.


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The monthly and annual mean freshwater, heat and salt transport through the open boundaries of the South and East China Seas derived from a variable-grid global ocean circulation model is reported. The model has 1/6degrees resolution for the seas adjacent to China and 30 resolution for the global ocean. The model results are in fairly good agreement with the existing estimates based on measurements. The computation shows that the flows passing through the South China Sea contribute volume, heat and salt transport of 5.3 Sv, 0.57 PW and 184 Ggs(-1), respectively (about 1/4) to the Indonesian Throughflow, indicating that the South China Sea is an important pathway of the Pacific to Indian Ocean throughflow. The volume, heat and salt transport of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea is 25.6 Sv, 2.32 PW and 894 Ggs(-1), respectively. Less than 1/4 of this transport passes through the passage between Iriomote and Okinawa. The calculation of heat balance indicates that the South China Sea absorbs net heat flux from the sun and atmosphere with a rate of 0.08 PW, while the atmosphere gains net heat flux from the Baohai, Yellow and East China Seas with a rate of 0.05 PW.


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A fine-grid model (1/6degrees) covering the South China Sea (SCS), East China Sea and Japan/East Sea, which is embedded into a coarse-grid (3degrees) global model, was established to study the SCS circulation. In the present paper, we report the model-produced monthly and annual mean transport stream functions and sea surface heights(SSH) and their anomalies of the SCS. Comparison to the TOPEX/Poseidon data shows that the model-produced monthly sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) are in good agreement with altimeter measurements. Based on the results, the circulation of the SCS, especially the upper layer circulation, is discussed. In the surface layer, the western Philippine Sea water intrudes into the SCS through the Luzon Strait in autumn, winter and spring, but not in summer. However, as far as the whole water column is concerned, the water intrudes into the SCS through the Luzon Strait all the year round. This indicates that in summer the water still intrudes into the SCS in the subsurface and intermediate layers. The area near the northern continental slope of the SCS is dominated by a cyclonic circulation all the year round. The SCS Southern Anticyclonic Gyre, SE Vietnam Off-Shore Current in summertime and SCS Southern Cyclonic Gyre in wintertime are reproduced reasonably. The difference between the monthly averaged SSH and SSHA is significant, indicating the importance of the mean SSH in the SCS circulation.


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Precipitation is considered to be the primary resource limiting terrestrial biological activity in water-limited regions. Its overriding effect on the production of grassland is complex. In this paper, field data of 48 sites (including temperate meadow steppe,temperate steppe, temperate desert steppe and alpine meadow) were gathered from 31 published papers and monographs to analyze the relationship between above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) and precipitation by the method of regression analysis. The results indicated that there was a great difference between spatial pattern and temporal pattern by which precipitation influenced grassland ANPP. Mean annual precipitation (MAP) was the main factor determining spatial distribution of grassland ANPP (r~2 = 0.61,P < 0.01); while temporally, no significant relationship was found between the variance of AN PP and inter-annual precipitation for the four types of grassland. However, after dividing annual precipitation into monthly value and taking time lag effect into account, the study found significant relationships between ANPP and precipitation. For the temperate meadow steppe, the key variable determining inter-annual change of ANPP was last August-May precipitation (r~2= 0.47, P = 0.01); for the temperate steppe, the key variable was July precipitation (r~2 = 0.36, P = 0.02); for the temperate desert steppe, the key variable was April-June precipitation (r~2 = 0.51, P <0.01); for the alpine meadow, the key variable was last September-May precipitation (r~2 = 0.29, P < 0.05). In comparison with analogous research, the study demonstrated that the key factor determining inter-annual changes of grassland ANPP was the cumulative precipitation in certain periods of that year or the previous year.


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High resolution geochemical analysis of Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation deposits in eastern Gorges area, including carbon and sulfur isotope compositions, trace elements, rare earth elements, and so on, show a whole panorama of the oceanic environment in Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation. The deposits of Doushantuo II recorded consistent δ13Corg values and variable δ13Ccarb values, which suggets that it is strongly redox stratified in Doushantuo ocean, and there is a large DOC reservior in the deep ocean. The redox state of Doushantuo ocean in Yangtze area was not steady. The movement of chemocline was concerned with the transgression and/or regression. During the transgression, raising sea level and upwelling with anoxic deep water would cause the ocean anoxic; during the regression, declining sea level and weathered sulfate input would cause the suface ocean becoming oxic. The oxidations of this DOC reservior would caused negative δ13C excurions in Doushantuo Formation. Comparing with oceanic redox states and fossils productivity, we found that the stratum with high biologic productivity and diversity did not indicated oxic conditions. In the opposite, these stratum recorded anoxic conditions. We suggeste that it would be relatived to burial and preservation of fossils, because anoxic conditions are in favor of burial and preservation of fossils. It is proved that methane seep occurred at the base of Duoshantuo cap carbonate. However, comparing cap carbonate with seep carbonate, we found that oxidation of methan and the post-diagenesis could not derictely result in cap carbonate deoposition. Cap carbonate would be derived from the high level CO2 in atomosphere.


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Based on the research of predictors of VOC, this study explores the predictive effect of factors, such as generation, urban/rural context, collectivism/individualism orientation, family value, independent/interdependent self, adult attachment, on the Emotional and Traditional factors of VOC. Considering the hierarchical data structure of the VOC study, which resulted from the original research design, this dissertation applies Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) after using traditional regression. A comparison between the results from the tow statistical methods is made, and the results are as follows: 1) Reliability coefficients of questionnaires used in this study are satisfactory, and most of them can be used in further research. 2) Samples from different generation and urban/rural context show significant differences on the score of collectivism/individualism orientation, family value, independent/interdependent self, adult attachment, and VOC. 3) Regression equations with VOC as outcome variable differ from each other when using data from sample with restricted generation or urban/rural context. 4) Results by HLM shows that interdependent self and mother identity have positive effect on emotional factor of VOC. Emotional factor’s variation on family level is not significant. 5) Results by HLM shows that Individualism, Interdependent Self and Grandmother Identity can predict Traditional factor of VOC. Traditional factor’s variation is significant on family level, which can be explained by family income and it’s area-urban or rural. Based on the results above, the researcher concludes that a) generation identity and urban/rural context have important effect on VOC; b) Interdependent Self is an important predictive factor of VOC’s Emotional factor, which is nearly subjective to other factors; d) VOC’s traditional factor varies with other factors, which show its strong relation with culture and tradition; e) more exact results can be gotten from HLM analysis, which beyond tradition regression.