108 resultados para Inf-convolution


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Interferon (IFN)-regulatory transcription factor-1 (IRF-1) has been studied in mammals and fish but little is known about the relationship between its gene structure and nuclear 'ion of IRF-1 protein. In this study, a cDNA encoding Carassius auratus IRF-1 (CaIRF-1) was isolated from an interferon-producing cell line, C. ouratus blastulae embryonic (CAB) cells, exposed to UV-inactivated grass carp hemorrhagic virus (GCHV). The CaIRF-1 genomic locus exhibits exon-intron arrangements similar to those of other vertebrate IRF-1 loci, with nine exons and eight introns, although together with pufferfish IRF-1, CaIRF-1 distinguishes itself from other vertebrate IRF-1 genes by a relatively compact genomic size. Similar to the known IRF-1 genes, CaIRF-1 is ubiquitously expressed, and is upregulated in vitro and in vivo in response to virus, Poty I:C, or CAB INF-containing supernatant (ICS). Subcellular localization analysis confirms the nuclear distribution of CaIRF-1 protein, and reveals two nuclear localization signals (NILS), any one of which is sufficient for nuclear translocation of CaIRF-1. One NLS Locates to amino acids 117-146, and appears to be the structural and functional equivalent of the NLS in mammalian IRF-1. The second NLS (amino acids 73-115) is found within the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of CaIRF-1, and contains two regions rich in basic amino acids (''(KDKSINK101)-K-95" and ''(75)KTWKANFR(82)"). In comparison with mammalian IRF-1, in which the corresponding amino acid stretch does not seem to drive nuclear translocation, five conserved basic amino acids (K-75, K-78, R-82, K-95, and K-101) and one non-conserved basic amino acid (K-97) are present in this NLS from CaIRF-1. This observation suggests that K97 Of CaIRF-1 might be essential for the function of its second NLS, wherein the six basic aminoacids might cooperate to drive CaIRF-1 to the nucleus. Therefore, the current study has revealed a new nuclear localization motif in the DBD of a vertebrate IRF-1. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The causative agent of lymphocystis disease that frequently occurs in cultured flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in China is lymphocystis virus (LV). In this study, 13 fish cell lines were tested for their susceptibility to LV. Of these, 2 cell lines derived from the freshwater grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus proved susceptible to the LV, and 1 cell line, GCO (grass carp ovary), was therefore used to replicate and propagate the virus. An obvious cytopathic effect (CPE) was first observed in cell monolayers at 1 d post-inoculation, and at 3 d this had extended to about 75% of the cell monolayer. However, no further CPE extension was observed after 4 d. Cytopathic characteristics induced by the LV were detected by Giemsa staining and fluorescence microscopic observation with Hoechst 33258 staining. The propagated virus particles were also observed by electron microscopy. Ultrastructure analysis revealed several distinct cellular changes, such as chromatin compaction and margination, vesicle formation, cell-surface convolution, nuclear fragmentation and the occurrence of characteristic 'blebs' and cell fusion. This study provides a detailed report of LV infection and propagation in a freshwater fish cell line, and presents direct electron microscopy evidence for propagation of the virus in infected cells. A possible process by which the CPEs are controlled is suggested.


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Micro and nanomechanical resonators are powerful and label-free sensors of analytes in various environments. Their response, however, is a convolution of mass, rigidity, and nanoscale heterogeneity of adsorbates. Here we demonstrate a procedure to disentangle this complex sensor response, to simultaneously measure both mass and elastic properties of nanometer thick samples. This turns an apparent disadvantage of these resonators into a striking and unique asset, enabling them to measure more than mass alone.


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肝细胞癌是世界上多发的肿瘤之一,在中国及东南亚地区尤为多见,其死亡率高且预后差。肝癌具有多种发病原因且伴有多种肿瘤相关基因的分子突变。细胞连接分子(紧密连接、粘着连接、桥粒)在维护细胞极性及上皮细胞屏障方面起着重要作用,其表达异常与恶性肿瘤发生、发展有很大相关性。Symplekin 是新近发现的紧密连接相关分子,紧密连接分子 Symplekin 是多定位与多功能的蛋白,除参与上皮细胞紧密连接的形成外,Symplekin 还参与RNA 3’端腺苷酸化的过程,并且具有调节细胞增殖的作用。我们前期工作发现Symplekin 在癌前病变、恶性病变的肝细胞中明显降低,可能参与肝细胞的恶性转化。研究紧密连接分子Symplekin 在肝脏疾病中表达及调控机制对于阐明肝癌发生的机理及对于肝癌的预防和治疗具有十分重要的意义。多种分子调控机制导致基因表达水平的降低,如:基因启动子区域的超甲基化现象,基因核心启动子区域的碱基缺失,炎症相关因子TNF-alpha 和/或 INF-gamma导致基因表达水平的下降以及microRNAs对于靶基因的下调作用。因此,本研究利用Bisulfite restriction PCR、半定量PCR、q-RT-PCR、Western-blot等方法检测Symplekin在肝硬化、肝癌及多种癌细胞系中表达水平改变,及其在肝癌及肝癌细胞系中表达降低的机理——启动子区域发生 CpG岛的甲基化;启动子区域缺失;细胞因子TNF-alpha 和 IFN-gamma 对Symplekin 表达水平的影响;MicroRNAs在癌细胞系中与Symplekin的相对表达情况。实验结果显示(1)Symplekin 在肝硬化和肝癌组织中mRNA 表达水平呈下降趋势, Symplekin 在癌细胞系如肝癌细胞系( HepG2 、HuH-7 )、肺癌细胞系(GLC,Spca-1,Ncih446,801D)、宫颈癌细胞系(Hela)、乳腺癌细胞系(Mcf-7)中表达均下降。(2)利用细胞因子TNF-alpha、INF-gamma 同时处理HepG2 细胞系,Symplekin mRNA、蛋白均表达下降。(3)应用q-RT-PCR 检测5 个细胞系中Symplekin、Mir-124 的相对表达量,发现Mir-124 和Symplekin 表达量变化有相反趋势。(4)应用bisulfite restriction PCR 对13 例肝癌组织、10 例肝硬化组织、4 例正常肝组织以及肝癌细胞系HepG2 、Huh7 启动子区域甲基化状态进行检测,发现Symplekin 启动子区域都无甲基化现象;(5)同时,对8 例肝癌组织、10 例正常肝组织、5 例上皮细胞系及6 例白血病细胞系启动子区域缺失进行检测,发现Symplekin 启动子区域确实有碱基缺失,但其在肝癌组织、肝硬化组织、正常肝组织间没有统计学意义。实验结果提示Symplekin 很可能在肝细胞的恶性转化中起着重要的作用,此外 Symplekin 表达下降可能不仅参与肝癌发生且与其它肿瘤的发生具有相关性。推测在肝炎、肝硬化中,Symplekin 的下降可能会导致紧密连接功能下降,肝胆管上皮屏障功能降低, CB(结合胆红素)返流入血中,可能也是造成黄疸形成的原因之一。在肝脏疾病炎症反应过程中,细胞因子可能会协同作用影响Symplekin 的表达。Mir-124 有可能直接负调控Symplekin 的表达从而导致其表达降低。而Symplekin 启动子区域甲基化或缺失与肝癌发生无相关性。结论:(1)Symplekin 在大部分肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌组织中mRNA 表达水平呈下降趋势,这表明Symplekin 很可能在肝细胞的恶性转化中起着重要的作用。(2)Symplekin 在癌细胞系如肝癌细胞系(HepG2,HuH-7)肺癌细胞系(GLC,Spca-1,Ncih446,801D)、宫颈癌细胞系(Hela)、乳腺癌细胞系(Mcf-7)中表达均下降,这提示Symplekin 表达下降可能不仅参与肝癌发生而且参与其它肿瘤的发生。(3)Symplekin 启动子区域甲基化或缺失在肝癌、肝硬化及正常肝组织之间无显著性差异,表明在肝癌发生时Symplekin 的表达下降可能与启动子DNA 甲基化和缺失无关。(4)体外实验表明炎症细胞因子TNF-alpha 与INF-gamma 的协同参可能是体内Symplekin 表达及调控的机制之一。(5)Mir-124 对于Symplekin 的负调控作用也可能是体内Symplekin 表达及调控的机制之一。炎症细胞因子TNF-alpha 与INF-gamma 及Mir-124 可能在肝脏疾病及肝癌发生过程中起着重要作用。


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随着互联网和电子化办公的发展,出现了大量的文本资源。信息抽取技术可以帮助人们快速获取大规模文本中的有用信息。命名体识别与关系抽取是信息抽取的两个基本任务。本文在调研当前命名体识别和实体关系抽取中采用的主要方法的基础上,分别给出了解决方案。论文开展的主要工作有:(1)从模型选择和特征选择两个方面总结了命名体识别及实体关系抽取的国内外研究现状,重点介绍用于命名体识别的统计学习方法以及用于实体关系抽取的基于核的方法。(2)针对当前命名体识别中命名体片段边界的确定问题,研究了如何将 Semi-Markov CRFs 模型应用于中文命名体识别。这种模型只要求段间遵循马尔科夫规则,而段内的文本之间则可以被灵活的赋予各种规则。将这种模型用于中文命名体识别任务时,我们可以更有效更自由的设计出各种有利于识别出命名体片段边界的特征。实验表明,加入段相关的特征后,命名体识别的性能提高了 4-5 个百分点。(3)实体关系抽取的任务是判别两个实体之间的语义关系。之前的研究已经表明,待判别关系的两个实体间的语法树结构对于确定二者的关系类别是非常有用的,而相对成熟的基于平面特征的关系抽取方法在充分提取语法树结构特征方面的能力有限,因此,本文研究了基于核的中文实体关系抽取方法。针对中文特点,我们探讨了卷积(Convolution)核中使用不同的语法树对中文实体关系抽取性能的影响,构造了几种基于卷积核的复合核,改进了最短路依赖核。因为核方法开始被用于英文关系抽取时,F1 值也只有40%左右,而我们只使用作用在语法树上的卷积核时,中文关系抽取的F1 值达到了35%,可见核方法对中文关系抽取也是有效的。


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Based on the RS and GIS methods, Siping city is selected as a study case with four remote sensing images in 25 years. Indices of urban morphology such as fractal dimension and compactness are employed to research the characteristics of urban expansion. Through digital processing and interpreting of the images, the process and characteristics of urban expansion are analysed using urban area change, fractal dimension and compactness. The results showed that there are three terms in this period. It expended fastest in the period of 1979~1991, and in the period of 1992~2001, the emphases on urban redevelopment made it expended slower. And this is in agreement with the Siping Statistical Yearbook. This indicates that the united of metrics of urban morphology and statistical data can be used to satisfactorily describe the process and characteristics of urban expansion. © 2008 IEEE.


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This paper studies how to more effectively invert seismic data and predict reservoir under complicated sedimentary environment, complex rock physical relationships and fewer drills in offshore areas of China. Based on rock physical and seismic amplitude-preserving process, and according to depositional system and laws of hydrocarbon reservoir, in the light of feature of seismic inversion methods present applied, series methods were studied. A joint inversion technology for complex geological condition had been presented, at the same time the process and method system for reservoir prediction had been established. This method consists four key parts. 1)We presented the new conception called generalized wave impedance, established corresponding inversion process, and provided technical means for joint inversion lithology and petrophysical on complex geological condition. 2)At the aspect of high-resolution nonlinear seismic wave impedance joint inversion, this method used a multistage nonlinear seismic convolution model rather than conventional primary structure Robinson seismic convolution model, and used Caianiello neural network implement inversion. Based on the definition of multistage positive and negative wavelet, it adopted both deterministic and statistical physical mechanism, direct inversion and indirect inversion. It integrated geological knowledge, rock physical theory, well data, and seismic data, and improved the resolution and anti-noise ability of wave impedence inversion. 3)At the aspect of high-resolution nonlinear reservoir physical property joint inversion, this method used nonlinear rock physical model which introduced convolution model into the relationship between wave impedance and porosity/clay. Through multistage decomposition, it handles separately the large- and small-scale components of the impedance-porosity/clay relationships to achieve more accurate rock physical relationships. By means of bidirectional edge detection with wavelets, it uses the Caianiello neural network to finish statistical inversion with combined applications of model-based and deconvolution-based methods. The resulted joint inversion scheme can integrate seismic data, well data, rock physical theory, and geological knowledge for estimation of high-resolution petrophysical parameters. 4)At the aspect of risk assessment of lateral reservoir prediction, this method integrated the seismic lithology identification, petrophysical prediction, multi-scale decomposition of petrophysical parameters, P- and H-spectra, and the match relationship of data got from seismics, well logging and geology. It could describe the complexity of medium preferably. Through applications of the joint inversion of seismic data for lithologic and petrophysical parameters in several selected target areas, the resulted high-resolution lithologic and petrophysical sections(impedance, porosity, clay) show that the joint inversion can significantly improve the spatial description of reservoirs in data sets involving complex deposits. It proved the validity and practicality of this method adequately.


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In the prediction of complex reservoir with high heterogeneities in lithologic and petrophysical properties, because of inexact data (e.g., information-overlapping, information-incomplete, and noise-contaminated) and ambiguous physical relationship, inversion results suffer from non-uniqueness, instability and uncertainty. Thus, the reservoir prediction technologies based on the linear assumptions are unsuited for these complex areas. Based on the limitations of conventional technologies, the thesis conducts a series of researches on various kernel problems such as inversions from band-limited seismic data, inversion resolution, inversion stability, and ambiguous physical relationship. The thesis combines deterministic, statistical and nonlinear theories of geophysics, and integrates geological information, rock physics, well data and seismic data to predict lithologic and petrophysical parameters. The joint inversion technology is suited for the areas with complex depositional environment and complex rock-physical relationship. Combining nonlinear multistage Robinson seismic convolution model with unconventional Caianiello neural network, the thesis implements the unification of the deterministic and statistical inversion. Through Robinson seismic convolution model and nonlinear self-affine transform, the deterministic inversion is implemented by establishing a deterministic relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. So, this can ensure inversion reliability. Furthermore, through multistage seismic wavelet (MSW)/seismic inverse wavelet (MSIW) and Caianiello neural network, the statistical inversion is implemented by establishing a statistical relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. Thus, this can ensure the anti-noise ability. In this thesis, direct and indirect inversion modes are alternately used to estimate and revise the impedance value. Direct inversion result is used as the initial value of indirect inversion and finally high-resolution impedance profile is achieved by indirect inversion. This largely enhances inversion precision. In the thesis, a nonlinear rock physics convolution model is adopted to establish a relationship between impedance and porosity/clay-content. Through multistage decomposition and bidirectional edge wavelet detection, it can depict more complex rock physical relationship. Moreover, it uses the Caianiello neural network to implement the combination of deterministic inversion, statistical inversion and nonlinear theory. Last, by combined applications of direct inversion based on vertical edge detection wavelet and indirect inversion based on lateral edge detection wavelet, it implements the integrative application of geological information, well data and seismic impedance for estimation of high-resolution petrophysical parameters (porosity/clay-content). These inversion results can be used to reservoir prediction and characterization. Multi-well constrains and separate-frequency inversion modes are adopted in the thesis. The analyses of these sections of lithologic and petrophysical properties show that the low-frequency sections reflect the macro structure of the strata, while the middle/high-frequency sections reflect the detailed structure of the strata. Therefore, the high-resolution sections can be used to recognize the boundary of sand body and to predict the hydrocarbon zones.


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In research field of oil geophysical prospecting, reservoir prediction is refers to forecasting physical properties of petroleum reservoir by using data of seismic and well logging, it is a research which can guide oil field development. Singularities of seismic and logging data are caused by the heterogeneity of reservoir physical property. It's one of important methods that using singularity characteristics of seismic and logging data to study the reservoir physical property in recently. Among them, realization of reservoir quantitative prediction by analyzing singularity of the data and enhancing transition description of data is difficulty in method research. Based on wavelet transform and the fractal theory, the paper studied the singularity judgment criterion for seismic and logging data, not only analyzed quantitative relation between singularity data and reservoir physical property, but also applied it in practical reservoir prediction. The main achievements are: 1. A new method which provides singular points and their strength information estimation at only one single scale is proposed by Herrmann (1999). Based on that, the dissertation proposed modified algorithm which realized singularity polarity detection. 2. The dissertation introduced onset function to generalize the traditional geologic boundaries variations model which used singularity characteristics to represent the abruptness of the lithologic velocity transition. We show that singularity analysis reveals generic singularity information conducted from velocity or acoustic impedance to seismogram based on the convolution seismic-model theory. Theory and applications indicated that singularity information calculated from seismic data was a natural attribute for delineating stratigraphy boundaries due to its excellent ability in detecting detailed geologic features. We demonstrated that singularity analysis was a powerful tool to delineate stratigraphy boundaries and inverse acoustic impedance and velocity. 3. The geologic significances of logging data singularity information were also presented. According to our analysis, the positions of singularities indicate the sequence stratigraphic boundary, and there is subtle relationship between the singularity strength and sedimentary environment, meanwhile the singularity polarity used to recognize stratigraphic base-level cycle. Based on all those above, a new method which provided sedimentary cycle analysis based on the singularity information of logging data in multiple scales was proposed in this dissertation. This method provided a quantitative tool for judging interface of stratum sequence and achieved good results in the actual application.


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Impedance inversion is very important in seismic technology. It is based on seismic profile. Good inversion result is derived from high quality seismic profile, which is formed using high resolution imaging resolution. High-resolution process demands that signal/noise ratio is high. It is very important for seismic inversion to improve signal/noise ratio. the main idea is that the physical parameter (wave impedance), which describes the stratigraphy directly, is achieved from seismic data expressing structural style indirectly. The solution of impedance inversion technology, which is based on convolution model, is arbitrary. It is a good way to apply the priori information as the restricted condition in inversion. An updated impedance inversion technology is presented which overcome the flaw of traditional model and highlight the influence of structure. Considering impedance inversion restricted by sedimentary model, layer filling style and congruence relation, the impedance model is built. So the impedance inversion restricted by geological rule could be realized. there are some innovations in this dissertation: 1. The best migration aperture is achieved from the included angle of time surface of diffracted wave and reflected wave. Restricted by structural model, the dip of time surface of reflected wave and diffracted wave is given. 2. The conventional method of FXY forcasting noise is updated, and the signal/noise ratio is improved. 3. Considering the characteristic of probability distribution of seismic data and geological events fully, an object function is constructed using the theory of Bayes estimation as the criterion. The mathematics is used here to describe the content of practice theory. 4. Considering the influence of structure, the seismic profile is interpreted to build the model of structure. A series of structure model is built. So as the impedance model. The high frequency of inversion is controlled by the geological rule. 5. Conjugate gradient method is selected to improve resolving process for it fit the demands of geophysics, and the efficiency of algorithm is enhanced. As the geological information is used fully, the result of impedance inversion is reasonable and complex reservoir could be forecasted further perfectly.