402 resultados para Heredity.


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We present a new approach for estimating mixing between populations based on non-recombining markers, specifically Y-chromosome microsatellites. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Bayesian statistical approach is used to calculate the posterior probability


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Mitochondrial DNA control region segment I sequences and melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene polymorphism were examined in ethnic populations in the silk road region of China. Both the frequencies of the MC1R variants and the results of mtDNA data in this region presented intermediate values between those of Europe and East and Southeast Asia, which suggested extensive gene admixture in this area and was in general agreement with previous studies. Phylogenetic analysis of the ethnic populations in the Silk Road region that based on mtDNA data didn't show expected cluster pattern according to their ethnogenesis. We suspect that a high migration rate in female among these closely related populations and other three demographic events might account for it.


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The phylogenetic relationships among worldwide species of genus Ochotona were investigated by sequencing mitochondrial cytochrome b and ND4 genes. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses of the sequence data yielded congruent results that strongly indicated three major clusters: the shrub-steppe group, the northern group, and the mountain group. The subgeneric classification of Ochotona species needs to be revised because each of the two subgenera in the present classification contains species from the mountain group. To solve this taxonomic problem so that each taxon is monophyletic, i.e., represents a natural clade, Ochotona could be divided into three subgenera, one for the shrub-steppe species, a second for the northern species, and a third for the mountain species. The inferred tree suggests that the differentiation of this genus in the Palearctic Region was closely related to the gradual uplifting of the Tibet (Qinghai-Xizang) Plateau, as hypothesized previously, and that vicariance might have played a major role in the differentiation of this genus on the Plateau, On the other hand, the North American species, O. princeps, is most likely a dispersal event, which might have happened during the Pliocene through the opening of the Bering Strait. The phylogenetic relationships within the shrub-steppe group are worth noting in that instead of a monophyletic shrub-dwelling group, shrub dwellers and steppe dwellers are intermingled with each other. Moreover, the sequence divergence within the sister tars of one steppe? dweller and one shrub dweller is very low. These findings support the hypothesis that pikes have entered the steppe environment several times and that morphological similarities within steppe dwellers were due to convergent evolution. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Much attention has been paid on amphibian peptides for their wide-ranging pharmacological properties, clinical potential, and gene-encoded origin. More than 300 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from amphibians have been studied. Peptidomics and genomics analysis combined with functional test including microorganism killing, histamine-releasing, and mast cell degranulation was used to investigate antimicrobial peptide diversity. Thirty-four novel AMPs from skin secretions of Rana nigrovittata were identified in current work, and they belong to 9 families, including 6 novel families. Other three families are classified into rugosin, gaegurin, and temporin family of amphibian AMP, respectively. These AMPs share highly conserved preproregions including signal peptides and spacer acidic peptides, while greatly diversified on mature peptides structures. In this work, peptidomics combined with genomics analysis was confirmed to be an effective way to identify amphibian AMPs, especially novel families. Some AMPs reported here will provide leading molecules for designing novel antimicrobial agents. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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Two different forms of Chinese pangolins can be recognized according to the color of their scales, i.e., brown and dusky. We analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) purified from the livers of seven dusky and six brown Chinese pangolins from the same locality, using cleavage patterns from 19 restriction enzymes. From the 19 6-bp recognition enzymes used, 51-56 sites were observed. By combining the cleavage patterns for each enzyme, the 13 samples were classified into four restriction types: two in dusky and two in brown Chinese pangolins. The estimated number of nucleotide substitutions per site in dusky and brown types is 0.002, and that between dusky and brown types is 0.012. Divergence between brown and dusky forms began 0.6 Myr ago, provided the mean rate of sequence divergence is 0.02 per Myr in mtDNA. Our results suggest that there is considerable divergence in Chinese pangolins, and brown and dusky Chinese pangolins may be quite different forms or, at least, belong to different maternal groups.


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We have investigated evolutionary rates of the mitochondrial genome among individuals of Madoqua kirkii using the relative rate test. Our results demonstrate that individuals of two chromosome races, East African cytotype A and Southwest African cytotype D, evolve about 2.3 times faster than East African cytotype B. Cytogenetic changes, DNA repair efficiency, mutagens, and more likely, hitherto unrecognized factors will account for the rate difference we have observed. Our results suggest additional caution when using molecular clocks in the estimation of divergence time, even within lineages of closely related taxa. Rate heterogeneity in microevolutionary timescales represents a potentially important aspect of basic evolutionary processes and may provide additional insights into factors which affect genome evolution. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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In 6 Chinese yak (Bos. grunniens) populations including 177 yaks, 34 blood protein loci were studied by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis, four of these loci (AKP: ALB, LDH-1, TF) were found to be polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci(P) is 0.118, the mean individual heterozygosity(H) is 0.015, which means a low level of genetic diversity in the whole Chinese yak population. The coefficient of gene differentiation (G(ST)) is 0.0625, which indicated an almost-indistinguishable divergence among different populations at the level of blood protein electrophoresis.


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The sequences of the mitochondrial ND4 gene (1339 bp) and the ND4L gene (290 bp) were determined for all the 14 extant taxa of the Drosophila nasuta subgroup The average A + T content of ND4 genes is 76.5% and that of ND4L genes is 83.5%. A total of 114 variable sites were scored. The ND4 gene sequence divergence ranged from 0 to 5.4% within the subgroup. The substitution rate of the ND4 gene is about 1.25% per million years. The base substitution of the genesis strongly transition biased. Neighbor-joining and parsimony were used to construct a phylogeny based on the resultant sequence data set. According to these trees, five, distinct mtDNA clades can be identified. D. niveifrons represents the most diverged lineage. D, sulfurigaster bilimbata and D. kepulauana form two independent lineages. The other two clades are the kohkoa complex and the albomicans complex. The Kohkoa complex consists of D. sulfurigaster sulfurigaster, D. pulaua, D. kohkoa, and Taxon-F. The albomicans complex can be divided into two groups: D. nasuta, D. sulfurigaster neonasuta, D. sulfurigaster albostrigata, and D.. albomicans from Chiangmai form one group; and D. pallidifrons, Taxon-I, Taxon-J, and D. albomicans from China form the other group. High genetic differentiation was found among D. albomicans populations. Based on our phylogenetic results, we hypothesize that D. niveifrons diverged first from the D, nasuta subgroup in Papua New Guinea about 3.5 Mya. The ancestral population spread to the north and when it reached Borneo, it diversified sequentially into the kohkoa complex, D. s. bilimbata, and D. kepulauana. About 1 Mya, another radiation occurred when the ancestral populations reached the Indo-China Peninsula, forming the albomicans complex. Discrepancy between morphological groupings and phylogenetic results suggests that the male morphological traits may not be orthologous. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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A survey of restriction fragment polymorphism in mitochondrial DNA of three subspecies of Carassius auratus throughout four provinces in China was undertaken using 17 restriction enzymes. Two carp, Cyprinus carpio rubbrofuscus and Cyprinus carpio carpio, were included as the outgroup. A total of 16 haplotypes was observed: 5 in tetraploids of C. auratus auratus; 8 in hexaploids of C. auratus auratus; and 2 in C. auratus gibelio and C. auratus cuvieri, respectively. The tetraploids and hexaploids share three common haplotypes as I, V, and VI. C. a. Cuvieri may have diverged first among the three subspecies. Interestingly, C. a. auratus and C. a. cuvieri did not form monophyletic clades, which indicated that the classification of carassius auratus required further studies. The current hypothesis, that hexaploids originated from tetraploids by a polyploidy event, is less favorable, based on the distribution of haplotypes and the lower diversity in tetraploids than in hexaploids. Our data also indicate that divergence of hexaploids and tetraploids might be recent and mtDNA polymorphism existed before the divergence. Meanwhile, genetic isolation exists between the hexaploids and the tetraploids.


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In this study, the region corresponding to the Thr-Gly region of the period (per) gene in the Drosophila nasuta subgroup of species was sequenced. The results showed, that this region was highly conserved in the D. nasuta subgroup. There were only nine variable sites found in this 300-bp-long region, all located in two small regions highly variable among Drosophila species. No length variation was observed either within this subgroup or in the Yunnan (YN) population of D. albomicans. The deduced amino acid sequences were identical for all 14 taxa in the D. nasuta subgroup, and a stretch of alternating Thr-Gly pairs was not observed in this subgroup. A phylogenetic tree was constructed. The clustering of some species was in general agreement with previous works, but it also raised some question on the phylogenetic relationship between the nasuta species. The data did not implicate the Thr-Gly region playing a role in behavioral isolation in this subgroup of Drosophila.


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Genetic variation of 31 blood protein loci in 236 cattle from eight South China populations (including mithan, Bos frontalis) and a Holstein population was investigated by means of horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Thirteen loci (ALB, CAR, Hb-b, Np, PGM, Amy-I, PEP-B, AKP, 6PGD, Cp, Pa, EsD, and TF) were found to be polymorphic. The comparison of average heterozygosities (H) shows that all the native cattle embrace a rich genetic diversity Our results on protein polymorphism suggest that cattle in China originated mainly from Bos indicus and Bos taurus; Xuwen, Hainan, Wenshan, and Dehong cattle and the Dehong zebu are close to zebu-type cattle, and Diqing and Zhaotong cattle are close to the taurine. The mithan was very different from other native cattle, and we suggest that its origin was complicated and may be influenced by other cattle species.


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We examined protein polymorphism of 20 native pig breeds in China and 3 introduced pig breeds. Thirty loci have been investigated, among which six loci were found to be polymorphic. Especially, the polymorphism of malate dehydrogenase (MDH), adenylate kinase (AK), and two new alleles of adenosine deaminase (ADA) had not been reported in domestic pigs and wild pigs. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P), the mean heterozygosity (H), and the mean number of alleles (A) are 0.200, 0.065, and 1.300, respectively. The degree of genetic variability of Chinese pigs as a whole was higher than that of goats, lower than that of cattle and horses, and similar to that of sheep. Using the gene frequencies of the 30 loci, Nei's genetic distance among the 20 native breeds in China and 3 introduced pig breeds was calculated by the formula of Nei. The program NEIGHBOR in PHYLIP 3.5c was chosen to construct an UPGMA tree and a NJ tree. Our results show that, of the total genetic variation found in the native pig breeds in China, 31% (0.31) is ascribable to genetic differences among breeds. About 69% of the total genetic variation is found within breeds. Most breeds are in linkage disequilibrium. The patterns of genetic similarities between the Chinese native pig breeds were not in agreement with the proposed pig type classification.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers are used to investigate genetic variation and evolutionary relationships of 29 samples of Cordyceps sinensis from different geographical populations on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Out of 137 RAPD bands scored, 100 are polymorphic. A correlation is revealed between geographical distance and genetic distance. The molecular phylogenetic tree suggests that the 29 samples are divided into three notable clusters, corresponding to the geographical populations, i.e., the north population (NP), middle population (MP), and south population (SP). The NP consists of 7 northern samples from Menyuan, Maqu, and Luqu, the MP consists of 8 samples from Yushu and Chengduo, and the SP consists of 14 samples from Byma Snow Mountain, Renzhi Snow Moutain, Chongcaoxiwa, and Dacaodi. It is demonstrated that extensive genetic diversity is found among different geographical populations of C. sinensis. The genetic diversity pattern of C. sinensis may be caused by the founder effects. The taxonomic status of NP, MP, and SP populations should be that they are different subspecies rather than different species.


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The chemokine receptor CCR5 can serve as a coreceptor for M-tropic HIV-1 infection and both M-tropic and T-tropic SIV infection. We sequenced the entire CCR5 gene from 10 nonhuman primates: Pongo pygmaeus, Hylobates leucogenys, Trachypithecus francoisi, Trachypithecus phayrei, Pygathrix nemaeus, Rhinopithecus roxellanae, Rhinopithecus bieti, Rhinopithecus avunculus, Macaca assamensis, and Macaca arctoides. When compared with CCR5 sequences from humans and other primates, our results demonstrate that:(1) nucleotide and amino acid sequences of CCR5 among primates are highly homologous, with variations slightly concentrated on the amino and carboxyl termini; and (2) site Asp13, which is critical for CD4-independent binding of SIV gp120 to Macaca mulatta CCR5, was also present in all other nonhuman primates tested here, suggesting that those nonhuman primate CCR5s might also bind SIV gp120 without the presence of CD4. The topologies of CCR5 gene trees constructed here conflict with the putative opinion that the snub-nosed langurs compose a monophyletic group, suggesting that the CCR5 gene may not be a good genetic marker for low-level phylogenetic analysis. The evolutionary rate of CCR5 was calculated, and our results suggest a slowdown in primates after they diverged from rodents. The synonymous mutation rate of CCR5 in primates is constant, about 1.1 x 10(-9) synonymous mutations per site per year. Comparisons of K-a and K-s suggest that the CCR5 genes have undergone negative or purifying selection. K-a/K-s ratios from cercopithecines and colobines are significantly different, implying that selective pressures have played different roles in the two lineages.