317 resultados para Gordinešti type


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It is revealed from first-principles calculations that polarization-induced asymmetric distribution of oxygen vacancies plays an important role in the insulating behavior at p-type LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. The formation energy of the oxygen vacancy (V-O) is much smaller than that at the surface of the LaAlO3 overlayer, causing all the carriers to be compensated by the spontaneously formed V-O's at the interface. In contrast, at an n-type interface, the formation energy of V-O is much higher than that at the surface, and the V-O's formed at the surface enhance the carrier density at the interface. This explains the puzzling behavior of why the p-type interface is always insulating but the n-type interface can be conducting.


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Using the density function theory within the generalized gradient approximation, the band structures of wurtzite ZnO, BeO and MgO have been calculated. The effective-mass parameters are fitted using the calculated eigenvalues. The Dresselhaus spin-orbit effect appears in the k[1 00] direction, and is zero in the high symmetry direction k[00 1]. The orderings of valence band split by the crystal-field and spin-orbit coupling in wurtzite ZnO, BeO and MgO are identified by analyzing the wave function characters calculated by projecting the wave functions onto p-state in the spherical harmonics. For wurtzite ZnO, the ordering of valence band is Still Gamma(7) > Gamma(9) > Gamma(7) due to the negative spin-orbit coupling splitting energy and the positive crystal-field splitting energy. Thus, the Thomas' conclusion is confirmed. For wurtzite BeO and MgO, although their orderings of valence bands are Gamma(7) > Gamma(9) > Gamma(7) too, the origins of their orderings are different from that of wurtzite ZnO. Zn1-x,YxO (Y = Mg, Be) doped with N and P atoms have been studied using first-principles method. The calculated results show that N atom doped in Zn1-x BexO has more shallow acceptor energy level with increasing the concentration of Be atom. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transmission of electromagnetic wave in a heavily doped n-type GaAs film is studied theoretically. From the calculations, an extraordinary transmission of p-polarized waves through the film with subwavelength grooves on both surfaces at mid-infrared frequencies is found. This extraordinary transmission is attributed to the coupling of the surface-plasmon polariton modes and waveguide modes. By selecting a set of groove parameters, the transmission is optimized to a maximum. Furthermore, the transmission can be tuned by dopant concentrations. As the dopant concentration increases, the peak position shifts to higher frequency but the peak value decreases.


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Using first-principles methods we have calculated electronic structures, optical properties, and hole conductivities of CuXO2 (X=Y, Sc, and Al). We show that the direct optical band gaps of CuYO2 and CuScO2 are approximately equal to their fundamental band gaps and the conduction bands of them are localized. The direct optical band gaps of CuXO2 (X=Y, Sc, and Al) are 3.3, 3.6, and 3.2 eV, respectively, which are consistent with experimental values of 3.5, 3.7, and 3.5 eV. We find that the hole mobility along long lattice c is higher than that along other directions through calculating effective masses of the three oxides. By analyzing band offset we find that CuScO2 has the highest valence band maximum (VBM) among CuXO2 (X=Y, Sc, and Al). In addition, the approximate transitivity of band offset suggests that CuScO2 has a higher VBM than CuGaO2 and CuInO2 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 066405 (2002)]. We conclude that CuScO2 has a higher p-type doping ability in terms of the doping limit rule. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2991157]


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In this letter, we propose an n-type vertical transition bound-to-continuum Ge-SiGe quantum cascade structure utilizing electronic quantum wells in the L and F valleys of the Ge layers. The optical transition levels are located in the quantum wells in the L valley. Under a bias of 80 kV/cm, the carriers in the lower level are extracted by miniband transport and L - Gamma tunneling into the subband in the Gamma well of the next period. And then the electrons are injected into the upper level by ultrafast intervalley scattering, which not only effectively increases the tunneling rate and suppresses the thermal backfilling of electrons, but also enhances the injection efficiency of the upper level. The performance of the laser is discussed.


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This work presents a study of the correlation between the electrical properties and the structural defects in nominally undoped InN films. It is found that the density of edge-type threading dislocations (TDs) considerably affects the electron concentration and mobility in InN films. The Hall-effect measured electron concentration increases, while the Hall mobility decreases with the increase in the edge-type TD density. With the combination of secondary ion mass spectrometry and positron annihilation analysis, we suggest that donor-type point defects at the edge-type TD lines may serve as dominant donors in InN films and affect the carrier mobility.


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An analytical model for the spin filtering transport in a ferromagnetic-metal - Al2O3 - n-type semiconductor tunneling structure has been developed, and demonstrated that the ratio of the helicity-modulated photo-response to the chopped one is proportional to the sum of the relative asymmetry in conductance of two opposite spin-polarized tunneling channels and the MCD effect of the ferromagnetic metal film. The performed measurement in an iron-metal/Al2O3/n-type GaAs tunneling structure under the optical spin orientation has verified that all the aspects of the experimental results are very well in accordance with our model in the regime of the spin filtering. After the MCD effect of the iron film is calibrated by an independent measurement, the physical quantity of Delta G(t)/G(t) (Delta G(t) = G(t)(up arrow) - G(t)(down arrow) is the difference of the conductance between two opposite spin tunneling channels, G(t) =( G(t)(up arrow) + G(t)(down arrow))/2 the averaged tunneling conductance), which concerns us most, can be determined quantitatively with a high sensitivity in the framework of our analytical model. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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Considering tensile-strained p-type Si/Si1-yGey quantum wells grown on a relaxed Si1-xGex ( 0 0 1) virtual substrate ( y < x), the hole subband structure and the effective masses of the first bound hole state in the quantum wells are calculated by using the 6 x 6 k center dot p method. Designs for tensile-strained p-type quantum well infrared photodetectors ( QWIPs) based on the bound-to-quasi-bound transitions are discussed, which are expected to retain the ability of coupling normally incident infrared radiation without any grating couplers, have lower dark current than n-type QWIPs and also have a larger absorption coefficient and better transport characteristics than normal unstrained or compressive-strained p-type QWIPs.


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The Mg-Ga acceptor energy levels in GaN and random Al8In4Ga20N32 quaternary alloys are calculated using the first-principles band-structure method. We show that due to wave function localization, the MgGa acceptor energy level in the alloy is significantly lower than that of GaN, although the two materials have nearly identical band gaps. Our study demonstrates that forming AlxInyGa1-x-yN quaternary alloys can be a useful approach to lower acceptor ionization energy in the nitrides and thus provides an approach to overcome the p-type doping difficulty in the nitride system.


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It is studied whether there is any regular relationship between the yellow luminescence band and electron mobility of n-type GaN. For a series of GaN samples grown with the same Si doping, it is found that the electron mobility decreases with an increase of relative intensity of yellow luminescence, accompanied by an increase of edge dislocation density. Further research indicates that it is acceptors introduced by edge dislocations which lead to the concomitant changes of yellow luminescence and electron mobility. Similar changes are induced by Si doping in the n-type GaN samples with relatively low edge dislocation density. However, the relationship between the yellow luminescence and electron mobility of n-type GaN is not a simple one. A light Si doping may simultaneously increase yellow luminescence and electron mobility when Si doping plays a dominant role in reducing the carrier scattering. This means that even the intensity of yellow luminescence is often used as an indicator of material quality for GaN, it does not have any monotonous correlation with the electron mobility of GaN. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Si-doped nonpolar a-plane GaN films were grown on nanopatterned sapphire substrates by a low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system. The structure, morphology and field emission properties of the sample were studied by means of high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and field emission measurement. The XRD analysis shows that the sample is a nonpolar a-plane (11 (2) over bar0) GaN film. The field emission measurement shows that the nonpolar GaN films exhibit excellent field emission properties with a threshold emission field of as low as 10 V/mu m at a current density of 0.63 mu A/cm(2), and a high field emission current density of 74 mA/cm(2) at an applied field of 24 V/mu m. Moreover, the Fowler-Nordheirn plot of the sample fits a near linear relation. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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A close relationship is found between the blue and yellow luminescence bands in n-type GaN films, which are grown without intentional acceptor doping. The intensity ratio of blue luminescence to yellow luminescence (I-BL/I-YL) decreases with the increase in edge dislocation densities as demonstrated by the (102) full width at half maximum of x-ray diffraction. In addition, the I-BL/I-YL ratio decreases with the increase in Si doping. It is suggested that the edge dislocation and Si impurity play important roles in linking the blue and yellow luminescence.


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Using a first-principles band-structure method and a special quasirandom structure (SQS) approach, we systematically calculate the band gap bowing parameters and p-type doping properties of (Zn, Mg, Be)O related random ternary and quaternary alloys. We show that the bowing parameters for ZnBeO and MgBeO alloys are large and dependent on composition. This is due to the size difference and chemical mismatch between Be and Zn(Mg) atoms. We also demonstrate that adding a small amount of Be into MgO reduces the band gap indicating that the bowing parameter is larger than the band-gap difference. We select an ideal N atom with lower p atomic energy level as dopant to perform p-type doping of ZnBeO and ZnMgBeO alloys. For N doped in ZnBeO alloy, we show that the acceptor transition energies become shallower as the number of the nearest neighbor Be atoms increases. This is thought to be because of the reduction of p-d repulsion. The N-O acceptor transition energies are deep in the ZnMgBeO quaternary alloy lattice-matched to GaN substrate due to the lower valence band maximum. These decrease slightly as there are more nearest neighbor Mg atoms surrounding the N dopant. The important natural valence band alignment between ZnO, MgO, BeO, ZnBeO, and ZnMgBeO quaternary alloy is also investigated.


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We have fabricated 1.3-mu m InAs-GaAs quantum-dot (QD) lasers with and without p-type modulation doping and their characteristics have been investigated. We find that introducing p-type doping in active regions can improve the temperature stability of 1.3-mu m InAs-GaAs QD lasers, but it does not, increase the saturation modal gain of the QD lasers. The saturation modal gain obtained from the two types of lasers is identical (17.5 cm(-1)). Moreover, the characteristic temperature increases as cavity length increases for the two types of lasers, and it improves more significantly for the lasers with p-type doping due to their higher gain.


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Using the first-principles band-structure method, we investigate the p-type doping properties and band structural parameters of the random Ga1-xInxN1-yAsy quaternary alloys. We show that the Mg-Ga substitution is a better choice than ZnGa to realize the p-type doping because of the lower transition energy level and lower formation energy. The natural valence band alignment of GaAs and GaInNAs alloys is also calculated, and we find that the valence band maximum becomes higher with the increasing in composition. Therefore, we can tailor the band offset as desired which is helpful to confine the electrons effectively in optoelectronic devices. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.