209 resultados para Fiber lasers


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that the Stokes-interaction relation is reasonable qualitatively but not correct


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A dimensionless relation of the form for collating fatigue crack starting growth data is proposed in which Δkth represents the stress intensity factor range at the threshold. Based on experimental results, this relation attains the value of 0.6 for a fatigue crack to start growth in the Austenitic stainless steel investigated in this work. Metallurgical examinations were also carried out to show a transgranular shear mode of cyclic cleavage and plastic shear.


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It is proposed in this paper that we can use frequency-modulated (FM) lasers to realize bond-selective chemical reactions or to raise the efficiency of molecular isotope separation. Examples are given for HF molecule and the C–H bond in some hydrocarbons.


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A theoretical model for gain saturation in gas flow and chemical lasers is presented. The theory is applicable to all possible numerical values of τ/τc, where τ is the characteristie flow time for the flowing gas to move across the laser action region and τc is the characteristic collision relaxation time. The saturation effects of the convection and the "source flow" of the inverted population are revealed. A general relation of gain coefficient and some new gain saturation laws are obtained. For the special case of τ/τc1, the present theoretical results agree with the experimental results on the "anomalous" saturation phenomena in the supersonic diffusion HF chemical laser determined recently by Gross and Coffer[8]. The theory also agrees with the measured results of saturation intensity varying with τ/τc in gas flow CO2 lasers[7]. For the special case of τ/τc1, the present theory is consistent with both the standard theory[1] for gas lasers where the gas has no macroscopic motion and the known gain saturation theory[2-5] for gas flow and chemical lasers.


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A study of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composite material with 0° ply or ±45°ply(unnotched or with edge notch) was carried out under static tensile and tension-tensioncyclic loading testing. Static and fatigue behaviour and damage failure modes in unnotched/notched specimens plied in different manners were analysed and compared with each other.A variety of techniques (acoustic emission, two types of strain extensometer, high speed pho-tography, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscope, etc.) were used to examine thedamage of the laminates. Experimental results show that when these carbon/epoxy laminateswith edge notch normal to the direction of the load are axially loaded in static or fatiguetension, the crack does not propagate along the length of notch but is in the interface (fiberdirection). The notch has no substantial effect on the stresses at the unnotched portion. Thedamage failure mechanism is discussed.


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For high-speed-flow lasers, the one-dimensional and first-order approximate treatment in[1] under approximation of geometrical optics is improved still within the scope of approx-imation of geometrical optics. The strict accurate results are obtained, and what is more,two- and three-dimensional treatments are done. Thus for two- and three-dimensional cases, thestable oscillation condition, the formulae of power output and analytical expression of modesunder approximation of geometrical optics (in terms of gain function) are derived. Accord-ing to the present theory, one-and two-dimensional calculations for the typical case of Gerry'sexperiment are presented. All the results coincide well with the experiment and are better thanthe results obtained in [1].In addition, the applicable scope of Lee's stable oscillation condition given by [1] is ex-panded; the condition for the approximation of gcometrical optics to be applied to mode con-structure in optical cavity is obtained for the first time and the difference between thiscondition and that for free space is also pointed out in the present work.


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In this paper an analysis of the kinetic theory of the continuous-wave flow chemical lasers(CWFCL) is presented with emphasis being laid on the effects of inhomogeneous broadeningon CWFCL's performance. The results obtained are applicable to the case where laser fre-quency is either coincident or incoincident with that of the eenter of the line shape. This rela-tion has been,compared with that of the rate model in common use. These two models are almostidentical as the broadening parameter η is larger than 1. The smaller the value of η, thegreater the difference between the results of these two models will be. For fixed η, the dif-ferences between fhe results of the two models increase with the increase of the frequencyshift parameter ξ. When η is about less than 0.2. the kinetic model can predict exactly the in-homogeneous broadening effects,while the rate model cannot.


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Dynamics of single curved fiber sedimentation under gravity are simulated by using the lattice Boltzmann method. The results of migration and rotation of the curved fiber at different Reynolds numbers are reported. The results show that the rotation and migration processes are sensitive to the curvature of the fiber. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Channeling by a train of laser pulses into homogeneous and inhomogeneous plasmas is studied using particle-in-cell simulation. When the pulse duration and the interval between the successive pulses are appropriate, the laser pulse train can channel into the plasma deeper than a single long-pulse laser of similar peak intensity and total energy. The increased penetration distance can be attributed to the repeated actions of the ponderomotive force, the continuous between-pulse channel lengthening by the inertially evacuating ions, and the suppression of laser-driven plasma instabilities by the intermittent laser-energy cut-offs.


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A theoretical investigation on the nonlinear pulse propagation and dispersive wave generation in the anomalous dispersion region of a microstructured fiber is presented. By simulating the dispersive wave generation under different conditions. it is found that the generation mechanism of the dispersive wave is mainly due to the pulse trapping across the zero-dispersion wavelength. By varying the initial pulse chirp, the output spectrum can be broadened and the intensity of the dispersive wave can be obviously enhanced. In particular, there exists an optimal positive chirp which maximizes the intensity of the dispersive wave. This effect can be explained by the energy transfer from the Raman soliton to the dispersive wave due to the effect of the pulse trapping and the effect of the higher-order dispersion. From the phase aspect, the explanation of this effect is also included. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A theoretical investigation of the nonlinear copropagation of two optical pulses of different frequencies in a photonic crystal fiber is presented. Different phenomena are observed depending on whether the wavelength of the signal pulse is located in the normal or the anomalous dispersion region. In particular, it is found that the phenomenon of pulse trapping occurs when the signal wavelength is located in the normal dispersion region while the pump wavelength is located in the anomalous dispersion region. The signal pulse suffers cross-phase modulation by the Raman shifted soliton pulse and it is trapped and copropagates with the Raman soliton pulse along the fiber. As the input peak power of the pump pulse is increased, the red-shift of the Raman soliton is considerably enhanced with the simultaneous further blue-shift of the trapped pulse to satisfy the condition of group velocity matching.


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An acoustic-optics programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) was first employed to actively control the linearly polarized femtosecond pump pulse frequency chirp for supercontinuum (SC) generation in a high birefringence photonic crystal fiber (PCF). By accurately controlling the second order phase distortion and polarization direction of incident pulses, the output SC spectrum can be tuned to various spectral energy distributions and bandwidths. The pump pulse energy and bandwidth are preserved in our experiment. It is found that SC with broader bandwidth can be generated with positive chirped pump pulses except when the chirp value is larger than the optimal value, and the same optimal value exists for the pump pulses polarized along the two principal axes. With optimal positive chirp, more than 78% of the pump energy can be transferred to below 750 nm. Otherwise, negative chirp will weaken the blue-shift broadening and the SC bandwidth. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A pulse-compression scheme based on cascade of filamentation and hollow fiber has been demonstrated, Pulses with duration of sub-5 fs and energy of 0.2 mJ near 800 nm have been generated by compressing the similar to 40 fs pulses from a commercial laser system. This method is promising to generate near monocycle high energy pulses. [GRAPHICS] Measured autocorrelation curve of the final compressed pulses with duration of sub-5 fs (black solid) and the simulated autocorrelation curve of 4.6 fs pulse near 800 rim (red dash) (C) 2008 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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A novel technique of controlling the evolution of the filamentation was experimentally demonstrated in an argon gas-filled tube. The entrance of the filament was heated by a furnace and the other end was cooled with air, which resulted in the temperature gradient distribution along the tube. The experimental results show that multiple filaments are merged into a single filament and then no filament by only increasing the temperature at the entrance of the filament. Also, the filament can appear and disappear after increasing the local temperature and input pulse energy in turn. This technique offers another degree of freedom to control the filamentation and opens a new way for multi-mJ level monocycle pulse generation through filamentation in the noble gas.