114 resultados para DFT calculations


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Crystal and molecular structure of (2.6-dipropylphenylamide) dimethyl (tetra-methyl cyclopentadienyl) silane titanium dichloride (I) was fully characterized by X-ray diffraction. The crystal is obtained from a mixture of ether/hexane as orthorhombic. with a = 12.658 (3) Angstrom. b = 16.62 (3) Angstrom. c = 11.760 (2) Angstrom. V = 2474.2 (9) Angstrom(3). Z = 4, space group Pnma. R = 0.0399; Componud I compose of the pi-bounded ring with its dimethylsilyl-dipropyl phenyl amido group and the two terminal chloride atoms coordinated to central metal to form a so-called constrained geometry catalyst (CGC) structure. The result of molecular mechanics (MM) calculations on compound I shows that bond lengths and bond angles from the MM calculation are comparable to the data obtained from the X-ray diffraction study. The relation of the structure of CGCs and their catalytic activity by MM calculations is also discussed.


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The density matrix resonant two-photon absorption (TPA) theory is applied to a rare-earth ion-doped laser crystal. TPA cross sections for transitions from the ground state to the first 4f5d state in Pr3+:YAG are calculated. The results indicate the density matrix TPA theory is attractive in studying TPA in laser crystals. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The density matrix resonant two-photon absorption (TPA) theory applicable to laser crystals doped with rare earth ions is described. Using this theory, resonant TPA cross sections for transitions from the ground state to the second excited state of the 4f5d configuration in cm(4)s Pr3+:Y3Al5O12 are calculated. The peak value of TPA cross section calculated is 2.75 x 10(-50) cm(4)s which is very close to the previous experimental value 4 x 10(-50) cm(4) s. The good agreement of calculated data with measured values demonstrates that the density matrix resonant TPA theory can predict resonant TPA intensity much better than the standard second-order perturbation TPA theory.


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The second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) tenser coefficients of LiXO3 (X = I; Nb or Ta) type complex crystals have been calculated using the chemical bond theory of complex crystals. Contributions of each type of bond to the total second-order NLO coefficient d(ij) and the linear susceptibility X are quantitatively determined. All tensor values thus calculated are in good agreement with experimental data. The Li-O bonds are found to be an important group in the contributions to the total NLO tenser coefficient, especially for those in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3. The importance of Li-O bonds depends on the environment of Li atom in these crystals.


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This work considers the isomorphous optically active crystals NaClO3 and NaBrO3. The connection between their second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) responses and chemical bond structures is established, starting from the experimental optical activities. The calculation reproduces the well-known experimental fact that crystals of NaClO3 and NaBrO3 with similar structures have different signs of optical rotation and of second harmonic generation (SHG). Unlike previous bond charge models, the method may include more than one type of bond in the calculation, and therefore may be used to study the optical activity and nonlinear optical properties of more general crystals. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cloud point curves reported in the literature for five representatives of the system poly(vinyl methyl ether)/polystyrene were evaluated theoretically by means of the Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory. The measured phase separation behavior can be described within experimental error using only one adjustable parameter (quantifying the interaction between the unlike mers). The Flory-Huggins interaction parameters calculated from this theoretical description depend in good approximation linearly on composition (volume fractions) and on the inverse temperature. An evaluation of these data yields a maximum heat effect which is almost one order of magnitude less (ca. -0.25 J/cm(3)) than obtained via Hess's cycle (dissolution of the components and of the blend) from calorimetric measurements. Model calculations on the basis of the present theory demonstrate that the critical points shift to a different extent upon a certain relative change in the molar mass of the blend components. The sensitivity of the calculated phase diagrams against changes in the scaling parameter decreases in the following order: interaction energies between unlike mers, differences in the scaling temperatures, pressures and densities.


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The frequencies of the stretching vibration and the bending vibration of the 0-H ... 0 bond in potassium dihydrogen phosphate have been calculated by means of two semiempirical formulae with three parameters. The calculated results can give satisfactory explanation for the experimental spectra of the potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystal. The parameters used in the calculations may be related to the chemical bonding and the charge distribution about the two oxygen atoms of the 0-H ... 0 bond system.


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Two approximate formulae to calculate the eigenvalues of pure quadrupole interaction in Mossbauer effect studies have been proposed and the eigenvalue coefficients in the formulae have been given for various excited states and ground states of the nucleus with different spin. All the eigenvalues of pure quadrupole interaction between both excited state and ground state of nucleus with spin I = 3/2 divided-by 9/2 and the electric-field gradient with different asymmetry parameter (eta = 0 divided-by 1.0) have been calculated by these formulae. The results show that the accuracies in all the calculations are more satisfactory or same in comparison with those obtained by the formula of Shenoy and Dunlap, especially when the asymmetry parameter of electric-field gradient is larger than 0.8 for the nucleus with spin I = 5/2.


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Quantum chemical calculations based on DFT method were performed on three polydentate Schiff base compounds (PSCs) used as corrosion inhibitors for iron in acid media to determine the relationship between the molecular structure of PSC and inhibition efficiency. The structural parameters, such as the frontier molecular orbital energy HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) and LUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital), the charge distribution of the studied inhibitors, the absolute electronegativity (chi) values, and the fraction of electrons (Delta N) transfer from inhibitors to iron, were also calculated and correlated with inhibition efficiencies. The results showed that the inhibition efficiency of PSCs increased with the increase in E-HOMO and decrease in E-LUMO-E-HOMO; and the areas containing N atoms are most possible sites for bonding the metal iron surface by donating electrons to the metal. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel triazole derivative 4-(2-hydrobenzylideneamino)-3-(1, 2, 4-triazol-4-ylmethyl)-1H-1, 2, 4-triazole-5 (4H)-thione(1) was synthesized and characterized using elemental analysis, MR, and H-1 NMR, and its crystal structure was determined via X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. Crystal data: monoclinic, P2 (1)/c, a = 0.83335 (9) nm, b = 1. 49777 (16) run, c = 1. 14724 (12) nm, beta = 107. 990 (2)degrees, D = 1. 470 Mg/m(3), and Z = 4. The geometries and the vibrational frequencies were determined using the density functional theory(DFT) method at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. To demonstrate the accuracy of the reaction route of compound 1, one of the important intermediates was also tested using the same method. The structural parameters of the two compounds calculated using the DFT study are close to those of the crystals, and the harmonic vibrations of the two compounds computed via the DFT method are in good agreement with those in the observed IR spectral data. The thermodynamic properties of the title compound were calculated, and the compound shows a good structural stability at normal temperature. The test results of biological activities show that it has a certain bactericidal ability.


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In the past decade density functional theory (DFT) has made its way from a peripheral position in quantum chemistry to center. Of course the often excellent accuracy of the DFT based methods has provided the primary driving force of this development. This dissertation is devoted to the study of physical and chemical properties of planetary materials by first-principle calculation. The concerned properties include the geometry, elastic constants and anisotropy. In the first chapter, we give a systematic introduction to theoretical background and review its progress. Development of quantum chemistry promotes the establishment of DFT. Theorem of Hohenberg-Kohn is the fundament of DFT and is developed to Kohn-Sham equation, which can be used to perform real calculations. Now, new corrections and extensions, together with developed exchange-correlation, have made DFT more accurate and suitable for larger systems. In the second chapter, we focus on the calculational methods and technical aspects of DFT. Although it is important to develop methods and program, external package are still often used. At the end of this chapter, we briefly some widely used simulation package and the application of DFT. In the third chapter, we begin to focus on properties of real materials by first principles calculation. We study a kind of minerals named Ca perovskite, investigate its possible structure and anisotropy at Earth’s mental condition. By understanding and predicting geo-physically important materials properties at extreme conditions, we can get the most accurate information to interpret seismic data in the context of likely geophysical processes.


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By first principle methods based on density functional theory (DFT),the equation of state(EOS) and elastic constants of both periclase and ferropericlase are calculated. The pressure and iron doping effects on the elastic constants of ferropericlase are investigated systematically. Firstly, we calculate the elastic constants of periclase and compare the obtained results with experimental data and other theoretical calculations, which shows a encouraging consistence and demonstrates the practicability of first-principle methods. Secondly, by adding iron into periclase crystal model, we build up ferropericlase with iron contents ranging from 0% to 25% mole percent. The corresponding elastic constants are calculated in a large pressure range(0~120GPa). Emphatically, the strong correlation of 3d electrons in transitional elements, such as iron, is difficult to treat in first-principle methods for a long time. The current solution is to make additional correction. During the initial stage of this study, the strong correlation of 3d electrons in iron is not considered, and we observed that addition of iron decreases the volume of ferropericlase, which is totally contradictory to the experimental data. By applying LDA+U approximation in order to solve the strongly correlated 3d electron of iron, we observed the expansion of volume by iron as expected. On the basis of the LDA+U approximation, the elastic constants of ferropericlase are calculated. After a detailed analysis of data obtained from theoretical calculations, we have reached the following conclusions:(1)pressure imposes positive effects on all elastic constants, and the degree of effects is C11>C12>C44. (2) Iron has no distinctive effects on C11 and C12, although some fluctuations are observed around 60GPa. However, iron has obvious softening effects on C44 The softening effects on C44 are intensified as pressure increases. Above the 100GPa, the effects increase greatly, even surpasses the pressure's positive effects in ferropericlase crystal models with iron mole percent of having 12.5%, 18.75% and 25% iron content. (3)As to the modulus deprived from elastic constants, iron has no effect on the adiabatic bulk module BS, only a little fluctuation around 60GPa. We find iron's softening effects on shear modulus G. (4)We find out that, compared with low iron content, elastic constants with iron content approaching 25mole% is consistently fluctuated,which may be caused by the limitations of the LDA+U approximation method itself. (5)We investigate the pressure and Fe doping effects on elastic anisotropy factor(A=(2C44+C12-C11)/C11) of ferropericlase and find out that iron contents will lower the critical isotropic pressure. At the same pressure, when the pressure is below the isotropic pressure, iron softens the anisotropy factor ; when pressure surpasses the isotropic pressure, iron increases the anisotropy factor.