109 resultados para Crystals Growth


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Uniform Fe3O4 octahedral microcrystals with perfect appearance have been successfully synthesized by a Triton X100-assisted polyol process. During the polyols process for the preparation of Fe3O4 octahedra. the introduction of Triton X100 decreases significantly the needed concentration of NaOH. The results show that Fe3O4 octahedra are composed of eight triangular sheets, which are equilateral triangles. The edge size of Fe3O4 octahedron is about 4 mu m. The magnetic properties of Fe3O4 octahedral particles were evaluated on a SQUID magnetometer at room temperature.


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The transition of lamellar crystal orientation from flat-on to edge-on in ultrathin films of polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) via solvent vapor (toluene) treatment Was investigated. When the as-prepared film was treated in saturated solvent vapor, breakout crystals could form quickly, and then they transformed from square single crystals (flat-on lamellae) to dendrites and finally to nanowire crystals (edge-on lamellae). Initially, heterogeneous nucleation tit the polymer/substrate interface dominated the structure evolution, leading to flat-on lamellar crystals orientation. And the transition from faceted habits to dendrites indicated a transition of underlying mechanism from nucleation-controlled to diffusion-limited growth. As the solvent molecules gradually diffused into the polymer/substrate interface, it will subsequently weaken the polymer-substrate interaction.


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beta-NaYF4:Ln(3+) (Ln = Eu, Tb, Yb/Er, and Yb/Tm) hexagonal microprisms with remarkably uniform morphology and size have been synthesized via a facile hydrothermal route. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and photoluminescence (PL) spectra as well as kinetic decays were used to characterize the samples. It is found that sodium citrate as a shape modifier introduced into the reaction system plays a critical role in the shape evolution of the final products. Furthermore, the shape and size of the products can be further manipulated by adjusting the molar ratio of citrate/RE3+ (RE represents the total amount of Y3+ and the doped rare earth elements such as Eu3+, Tb3+, Yb3+/Er3+, or Yb3+/Tm3+). Under the excitation of 397 nm ultraviolet light, NaYF4:xEu(3+) (x = 1.5, 5%) shows the emission lines of Eu3+ corresponding to D-5(0-3) -> F-7(J) (J = 0-4) transitions from 400 to 700 nm (whole visible spectral region) with different intensity, resulting in yellow and red down-conversion (DC) light emissions, respectively.


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We developed an approach, i.e. solvent-assist crystallization (SAC), for growing high quality single crystals of head-to-tail regio-regular poly(3-butylthiophene) (P3BT). By means of atomic force microscopy, electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction, we found that P3BT macromolecules formed lamella single crystals through gradient crystallization, and in the single crystals, molecules packed normal to the lamella with extended-chain conformation with alkyl side chains in the growth front during crystallization.


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The crystalline syndiotatic 1,2-polybutadiene was synthesized with a catalyst consisting of iron acetylacetonate (Fe(acac)(3))-triisobutylaluminum (Al(i-Bu)(3))-diethyl phosphite (DEP), and the effects of crystal growth conditions on morphology of thin films of the polymer were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron diffraction (ED) techniques. The polymer with melting point 179 degreesC was found to have 89.3% 1,2-content and 86.5% syndiotacticity by C-13 NMR measurement. The results of electron microscopic studies indicate that the solution-cast thin films of the syndiotatic 1,2-polybutadiene consist of lath-like lamellae with the c-axis perpendicular to the film plane, while a- and b-axes are in the film plane. The morphology of isothermally crystallized thin films of the polymer is temperature dependent. At lower crystallization temperatures (130 degreesC), a spherulitic structure consisting of flat-on lamellae is formed. With an increase in the crystallization temperature (e.g., at 140 degreesC), the spherulites and single faceted crystals coexist. At higher crystallization temperatures (150 degreesC), single crystals with a hexagonal prismatic shape are produced.


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Vaterite-type YBO3:Eu3+ crystals with interesting flower and hedgehog fungus-like structures composed of nanosheets were obtained by controlled crystallization of Y2O3 and Eu2O3 in H3BO3 solutions under acidic hydrothermal (HT) conditions. Nanosheets of uniform thicknesses were formed by preferential crystal growth along the (100) crystallographic plane and specific three-dimensional structures were further developed through a homocentric growth mechanism. Optical emission measurements showed that the HT-grown nanosheet crystals exhibited a higher ratio of the emitted red-to-orange light ratio than crystals grown from solid-state reactions. The photoluminescence intensity and emission lifetimes were also studied as a function of the Eu3+ dopant concentration and the HT synthesis temperature. The effect of some additives: a chelating ligand, a surfactant and a polymer, on the YBO3:Eu3+ crystals morphology was also investigated.


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Berlin green FeFe(CN)(6) microcubic crystals have been successfully prepared by a simple hydrothermal process between K-3[Fe(CN)(6)] with Na2S2O3 aqueous solution, free of any surfactant or template. The experimental results clearly show that the molar ratio of K-3[Fe(CN)(6)] to Na2S2O3 and their concentrations are the dominant processing factors in controlling the size, morphology, and composition of the resulting products.


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The different ions doped KMgF3 single crystals are prepared by the vertical Bridgman method. The near-infrared absorption spectra for different parts of all as-growth crystals indicate that there is the best transparency in middle part. The correlation between the vibronic frequencies of Eu2+ and the site displacement of Cu+ co-doped ions is firstly studied, which indicates that Cu+ ions replace the site of the Mg2+ ions. The co-doped Eu2+ counteracts the charge misfit causing by the replacement of Mg2+ with Cu+. The overlapping of the emission spectra of the Eu2+ and the excitation spectra of the Cu+ results in the energy transfer from Eu2+ to Cu+.


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The branched crystal morphology of linear polyethylene formed at various temperatures from thin films has been studied by atomic-force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED) pattern and polymer decoration technique. Two types of branched patterns, i.e. dendrite and seaweed patterns, have been visualized. The fractal dimension d(f) = 1.65 of both dendrite and some of seaweed patterns was obtained by using the box-counting method, although most of the seaweed patterns are compact. Selected-area ED patterns indicate that the fold stems tilt about 34.5degrees around the b-axis and polymer decoration patterns show that the chain folding direction and regularity in two (200). regions are quite different from each other. Because of chain tilting, branched crystals show three striking features: 1) the lamella-like branches show two (200) regions with different thickness; 2) the crystals usually bend towards the thin region; 3) the thick region grows faster by developing branches, thus branches usually occur outside the thick region. The branched patterns show a characteristic width w, which gives a linear relationship with the crystallization temperature on a semilogarithmic plot.


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Single crystal of butyl branched polyethylene with various molecular weight formed from the melt in the presence of electric field was studied. It was found that electric field influenced morphology and structure of the butyl branched polyethylene single crystals formed. The lateral habits of the single crystals were circular shape, which was different from truncated lozenge or lenticular shape single crystals formed from the melt in the absence of electric field. The stems in the single crystals formed in the presence Of electric field were perpendicular to the basal plane of the single crystals, which was different from chain tilting in single crystals formed from the melt in the absence of electric field. The electron diffraction patterns showed that the structure of the circular single crystals was a quasi-hexagonal with looser chain packing. This looser chain packing was favorable to thickening growth of single crystals through chain sliding diffusion. The thickness of the single crystals was much larger and depended on molecular weight. It indicated that the single crystal in the presence of electric field should be an extended chain type Single crystal.


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Single crystals of PrMnO3 and TbMnO3 were grown by floating zone method and the crystal structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The structure of these compounds belongs to the orthorhombic system (space group is Pnma, No. 62) with the lattice parameters alpha approximate to root (.) - a(p), b approximate to 2 (.) a(p) , c approximate to root 2.a(p) and Z = 4, where a(p) is ideal cubic perovskite cell parameter.


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The lateral habits of low molecular weight short chain branched polyethylene single crystals from the melt were studied. Three crystallization temperatures (102, 104 and 106 degrees C) were selected for single crystal growth. It was found that the lateral habits of single crystals were asymmetric at all the crystallization temperatures selected. The electron diffraction patterns and tilting series experiments evidenced that there existed chain tilting in all the lamellae. It was the chain tilting that lead to the asymmetry of the growth rate and of lateral habits of the single crystals about the b-axis. The lateral habits substantially changed from the growth at 102 degrees C where the truncated lozenge single crystals formed with straight (110) faces to the growth at 104 degrees C where the lenticular single crystals appeared. This change occurred at 20 degrees C lower than that in a low molecular weight linear polyethylene with the same molecular weight. Furthermore, kinetics theory analysis evidenced that the change of lateral habits from truncated lozenge to lenticular shape resulted from the transition of growth regime. The results were the same as that of high molecular weight linear polyethylene but different to that of low molecular weight linear polyethylene. It may be attributed by the existence of short branched chains. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The morphology of films of isotactic polypropylene poly (3-dodecylthiophene) and iPP/P3DDT blend formed in electrostatic fields has been investigated by using scanning electron microscope. The experiment results show that the micro-crystal morphology of polymer films was strongly dependent on electrostatic fields. It was found that the effect of the electrostatic field led to the formation of dendrite crystals aligned in the field direction, and some branches of P3DDT ruptured. However, the micro-crystals in these films grew into spherulites without electrostatic field,and have no crystal orientation.