125 resultados para Clausocalanus arcuicornis, c3
The effects of three non-nutrient additives on nonspecific immunity and growth of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) were studied in this feeding experiment. The five treatments are basal diet alone, basal diets containing three different additives [0.4 g kg(-1) of xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS), 1.3 g kg (-1) of yeast cell wall and 0.8 g kg (-1) of bile acids] individually or in combination. Two hundred and twenty-five turbots (average initial weight 151.3 +/- 11.3 g) were randomly allotted in five treatments with three replicates within each treatment in a 72-day period. Comparing with basal diet group, activities of C3, C4, phagocyte, lysozyme, specific growth rate and feed conversion rate in yeast cell wall, XOS and the combined groups was enhanced significantly (P < 0.05); however, these parameters in bile acid groups were increased slightly (P > 0.05) except for phagocyte (P < 0.05); superoxide dismutase activity in additive groups was not significantly increased (P > 0.05) except for the combined group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, supplementation of yeast cell wall and XOS enhanced the nonspecific immunity of juvenile turbot. Synergistic or additive effect of the three additives was not observed.
MEP is a member of thioester-containing protein (TEP) family found in Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri and is involved in innate immunity against invading microbes. In the present study, the genomic DNA of CfTEP was cloned and characterized. The genomic DNA sequence of CfTEP consisted of 40 exons and 39 introns spanning 35 kb with all exon-intron junction sequences agreeing with the GT/AG consensus. The genomic organization of CfTEP was similar to human and mouse 0 rather than ciona C3-1 and Drosophila dTEP2. By RT-PCR technique, seven different cDNA variants of CfTEP (designated as CfTEP-A-CfTEP-G) were cloned from scallop gonad. CfTEP-A-CfTEP-F were produced by alternative splicing of six mutually exclusive exons (exons 19-24), respectively, which encoded the highly variable central region. While in CfTEP-G, the deletion of all the six exons introduced a new translation stop site and might trigger nonsense mediated decay (NMD). The mRNA expression and the proportion of the seven CfTEP variant transcripts were examined in the gonad of scallops after bacterial challenge. The fragments containing the highly variable central region of UTEP were amplified by RT-PCR and a 100 positive clones were sequenced randomly. The expression profiles of the seven MEP variants were different and displayed the sex and bacteria dependent manner. In the blank, sea water and Listonella anguillarum challenged subgroups of male scallops, all the transcripts detected were CfTEP-G isoform. In the Micrococcus luteus challenged subgroup, the isoforms expressed and their proportions were CfTEP-F (54%), CfTEP-B (23%), CfTEP-A (10%), CfTEP-C (7%) and CfTEP-E (6%). However, in the gonad of female scallops, only CfTEP-A were found in blank and sea water challenged subgroups. After L anguillarum or M. luteus challenge, four and five isoforms were detected, respectively, with CfTEP-F isoform being the most one in the both subgroups. These results suggested that the evolution of TEP genes was very complex, and that the diverse CfTEP transcripts generated by alternative splicing played an important role as pattern recognition receptors in the innate immune defense of scallops. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Thioester-containing proteins are a family of proteins characterized by the unique intrachain beta-cysteinyl-gamma-glutamyl thioester, which play important roles in innate immune responses. The cDNA of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri thioester-containing protein (designated as CfTEP) was cloned by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfTEP was of 4616 bp, consisting of a 5 '-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 30 bp and a 3 ' UTR of 140 bp with a polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail. The CfTEP cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 1481 amino acids with the theoretical isoelectric point of 5.98 and the predicted molecular weight of 161.4 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of CfTEP contained the canonical thioester motif GCGEQ, nine potential N-glycosylation sites and a C-terminal distinctive cysteine signature. It also contained a presumed catalytic histidine and proteolytic cleavage sites that were similar to C3 molecules. The high similarity of CfTEP with the thioester-containing proteins in other organisms, such as the TEPs from insects, the complement component C3, C4, C5 and the protease inhibitor alpha(2)-macroglobulin indicated that CfTEP should be a member of TEP family. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that CfTEP was closely related to TEPs from mollusc, nematodes and insects, and they formed a separate branch apart from the branches of complements factors and alpha(2)-macroglobulins. The spatial expression of CfTEP transcripts in healthy and bacterial challenged scallops was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The CfTEP transcripts were mainly detected in the tissues of hepatopancreas and gonad, and remarkably up-regulated by Microbial challenge, which suggested that CfTEP was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein involved in immune defense. These results provided new insights into the role of CfTEP in scallop immune responses, as well as the evolutionary origin of this important, widespread and functionally diversified family of proteins. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
太平洋磷虾(Euphausia pacifica Hansen)作为目前已开发利用的6种主要磷虾资源之一,广泛分布于北太平洋北部及其临近近岸海域。在黄海,太平洋磷虾是黄海海洋生态系统中大型浮游动物的优势种和重要功能群的组成种类,它还是黄海生态系统中鱼类等上层营养级生物的重要饵料。太平洋磷虾的种群组成以及数量变化会直接影响到黄海经济鱼类的资源动态,从而影响到整个黄海海洋生态系统的变化。 本论文依托国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973-II)——“我国近海生态系统食物产出的关键过程及其可持续机理”和国家自然科学基金40306021号——“黄、东海太平洋磷虾种群补充机制研究”,在2006年4月到2007年8月的八个黄海调查航次中,通过网采固定样品和现场培养实验相结合的方法,对黄海海域太平洋磷虾的种群生态分布和补充、繁殖和发育策略、以及成体的摄食、代谢进行了较为全面、细致的研究。 种群生态分布:本文根据2006年4月(春季)和10月(秋季)两次黄海大面调查和2006年9月-2007年8月六次黄海断面调查所获得的样品,研究了太平洋磷虾在南黄海的种群生态分布和补充机制,并探讨了其生态分布与环境因子的关系。 春季,南黄海太平洋磷虾种群主要分布在33 °N-36 °N、50 m-75 m等深线之间的海域,种群总丰度(不包括卵)为152.90 ind. m-3,卵丰度非常高,成体丰度较低,仅占种群总数量的8.72%。调查海域的平均成体丰度为0.35 ind. m-3。种群组成以幼体为主,占到种群的90.85%。春季是太平洋磷虾种群补充的高峰期。秋季,种群主要分布在黄海冷水团海域,种群总丰度(不包括卵)为335.38 ind. m-3,成体丰度显著高于春季,调查海区成体的平均丰度为7.73 ind. m-3。成体和未成体以99.5%的总比例在种群中占绝对数量优势,卵和幼体都非常少。秋季太平洋磷虾种群处于稳定期。春季成体的体长显著大于秋季,春季成体全长以13-18 mm为主,而秋季成体的全长主要是9-13 mm。 春季,太平洋磷虾成体具有昼夜垂直迁移行为,白天主要停留在底层水域,夜间少部分成体会上升到中上层水域,但是大部分成体仍然停留在深层。幼体从C3期开始就具有一定昼夜垂直迁移行为,F2—F5期幼体的昼夜垂直迁移行为已经非常明显。由于从表层到底层叶绿素a浓度逐渐降低,因此,太平洋磷虾的昼夜垂直迁移行为可能与摄食有关。 太平洋磷虾成体的分布是与海水温度紧密相关,南黄海太平洋磷虾成体比较适宜生活的水温是8-16 °C。春、冬季水温较低,成体分布范围较广。夏、秋季表层水温急剧升高到20 °C以上,太平洋磷虾成体主要分布在黄海冷水团海域,丰度也达到一年中的最高值。另外,秋季在近长江口的北部海域有大量成体分布。 繁殖和发育:自2006年9月到2007年8月的一年内,在黄海进行了七个航次的太平洋磷虾现场培养产卵实验,结果表明:在南黄海,太平洋磷虾在3月—6月份都具有产卵行为,4月份达到产卵高峰期。单个雌体的最大产卵量为617 egg female-1,出现在4月份。8月、9月和12月在南黄海均未发现太平洋磷虾的产卵行为。太平洋磷虾具有二次产卵行为,并且第一次产卵量要高于第二次。太平洋磷虾的产卵行为与其干湿重紧密相关。成体干重低于5.0 mg,湿重低于26.0 mg,均不具有产卵能力。在产卵高峰期,太平洋磷虾的干湿重达到一年中的最高值。 在南黄海,太平洋磷虾的幼体发育主要遵循下面的发育途径:卵 → 无节幼体 → 后期无节幼体 → 原溞状幼体 → 溞状幼体F1(0' 7, 1' 7) → 溞状幼体F2(1' 4'' 7, 3' 1'' 7) → 溞状幼体F3(5'' 7) → 溞状幼体F4(5'' 5) → 溞状幼体F5(5'' 3) → 溞状幼体F6(5'' 1)。太平洋磷虾在15 °C下的幼体发育速度明显快于4 °C。15 °C下幼体发育到C1期只需5.6 d,而4 °C下则需要16.1 d。 摄食和代谢:2006年9、10、12月和2007年3、8月,在南黄海的五个断面调查航次中,在S1-4站进行了太平洋磷虾成体摄食实验,结果表明:太平洋磷虾在8月和9月份对水体中浮游植物的摄食率比较低,主要摄食水体中的微型浮游动物,从而由于营养级级联作用,致使水体中叶绿素a浓度升高。12月和3月,太平洋磷虾对水体中浮游植物有着很强的摄食活动,使得水体的叶绿素a浓度大量降低,当然太平洋磷虾也可能会同时摄食水体中微型浮游动物。 2006年9、12月和2007年3月,在南黄海的三个断面调查航次中,在S1-4站进行了太平洋磷虾现场耗氧率和排氨率实验,结果表明:太平洋磷虾在3月份的耗氧率是172.92 μg ind.-1 d-1,是9月份和12月份的6倍还要多。太平洋磷虾在9月和12月的耗碳率和体碳日损耗量相近,且都较低。3月份太平洋磷虾的代谢非常旺盛,体碳日损耗量达到2.70 % d-1,每日的耗碳率为62.9 µg C ind-1 d-1。9月和12月份太平洋磷虾代谢的氧氮比都较低,分别是11.3和7.0,太平洋磷虾成体的主要代谢基质是蛋白质。3月份的氧氮比为35.1,太平洋磷虾成体代谢主要以脂肪及碳水化合物为主。
在基础饲料中分别添加0.04%低聚木糖、0.13%酵母细胞壁、0.08%胆汁酸和同量组合添加,形成5个处理组。采用随机区组试验设计,将体重151.3±15.2 g 的健康大菱鲆鱼165尾平均分配到5个处理组(A~E)中(每组3重复),经72天试验,进行了生长、水质、消化、免疫等试验和测定,结果如下: 组合组的生长效果和饲料利用率最好,酵母细胞壁或低聚木糖单独添加,表现出优良的促生长和饲料利用率;单独添加胆汁酸也有良好效果。4试验组(组合组、酵母细胞壁组、低聚木糖组、胆汁酸组)与对照组比较,增重率分别提高15.4%、13.9%、12.4%(p<0.05)和7.4%(P>0.05),饲料系数分别降低6.9%、6.2%、5.4%(p<0.05)和3.8%(P>0.05)。 不同添加剂及组合对试验鱼所处水环境因子变化仅有小幅影响,统计差异不显著(p>0.05)。4试验组比对照组的水体氨氮含量分别提高4.0%、3.2%、3.0%和0.8%(P>0.05),COD含量分别提高2.8%、-2.2%、-3.4%和0.8%(P>0.05)。根据试验结果,建议水环境因子(氨氮、磷酸盐、COD等)作为水产动物营养与饲料研究的主要衡量指标之一。 3种添加剂组合后达到提高生长大菱鲆非特异性免疫功能的最优效果,对补体C3和C4、细胞吞噬活力和SOD的提高作用尤为显著;酵母细胞壁单独添加对补体C3和细胞吞噬活力的作用更加显著;低聚木糖单独添加对补体C4和细胞吞噬活力的作用显著;单独添加胆汁酸提高免疫力的作用相对较弱。 4试验组比对照组的蛋白质消化酶活力在胃和前肠,分别提高20%和24%、17%和19%、16%和15%(p<0.05)、11%和3%(P>0.05);脂肪消化酶活力在前肠和中肠,分别提高22%和19%、19%和17%(p<0.05)、7%和12%(p>0.05)、19%和18%(p<0.05)。 4试验组比对照组的蛋白质消化率分别提高了3.6%、2.9%、3.7%(p<0.05)和1.5%(p>0.05);粪蛋白质排出量减少12.7%、7.1%、13.4%和2.4%(p>0.05)。说明,3种添加剂显著提高了生长大菱鲆蛋白质消化率,使粪蛋白质排出量不同程度降低,显示了试验使用添加剂的无公害效应。 权衡不同添加剂及其组合对大菱鲆生长期生长性能、饲料利用率、水生态因子、消化酶活力、非特异性免疫、蛋白质消化与粪蛋白质排出的综合影响,本研究从生态与环保角度得出:3种添加剂组合的效果最好,酵母细胞壁或低聚木糖单独添加表现出优良效果;单独添加胆汁酸也有良好作用。
由于化石能源储量的日益减少及其燃烧带来的环境污染问题,生物柴油的开发和应用受到广泛关注。微藻因其生长迅速,油脂含量高,被认为是制备生物柴油的理想原料,另外,同陆生油料植物相比,微藻,尤其海洋微藻培养还具有不与农业争耕地和淡水、不影响食物安全保障和破坏生境的优势。然而,由于生产成本较高,微藻生物柴油至今尚未实现商业化生产。大量研究表明,微藻油脂含量和干物质产量受环境条件调控。为优化培养条件,提高微藻的油脂产量,并探索与脂积累相关的某些代谢调控因子,本文研究了铁对三种微藻油脂积累和生长的影响。 首先建立了尼罗红染色、荧光分光光度法测定微藻油脂积累的简单、快速的方法,优化了染色后的小球藻C3和C7(Chlorella vulgaris)、球等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)、三角褐枝藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)和莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)脂积累的测量条件。 海洋微藻小球藻C7属于绿藻门,以积累淀粉为主。在指数生长后期向培养基中补加Fe3+,可延长小球藻指数生长期,提高细胞终密度。处于指数生长后期的小球藻经离心收集、重新接种于新的高铁培养基中后,总脂含量能提高到干物质重的56.6%,是低铁培养基中小球藻的3至7倍。 球等鞭金藻属于金藻门,油脂是其贮藏物质的主要形式。在指数生长后期向培养基中补加Fe3+ 后,指数生长期延长,细胞终密度提高。将指数生长后期的球等鞭金藻重新接种于新的培养基中后,在高铁培基中的藻的总脂含量和细胞生长均高于在低铁培养基中的。 最后,研究了铁对淡水藻莱茵衣藻脂积累和生长的影响。指数生长后期的衣藻接种于无铁TAP培养基中后,利用荧光分光光度法测得的中性脂的积累量增加,生长速度下降;而重新接种于高铁培养基中后,脂积累量下降,生长加速。乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACCase)催化脂合成的第一步反应,是调节脂合成速度的关键酶。本实验研究结果表明,生长在不同铁浓度条件下的衣藻ACCase基因的表达水平与细胞的分裂、生长相关。
对不同类型草地功能群多样性和组成与植物群落生产力之间的关系进行了探讨.结果表明:(1)在矮嵩草(Kobresia humlis)草甸和金露梅(Potentilla froticosa)灌丛中,豆科植物的作用比较明显,而其他功能群植物的作用较弱.(2)在藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)沼泽化草甸和小嵩草(K. pygmaca)草甸中,虽然杂类草、C3植物和莎草科植物功能群的生产力占群落初级生产力的比例较大,但二者在统计上没有显著性差异,这表明群落生产力除受物种多样性的影响外,也受物种本身特征和环境资源的影响,更主要的是受到功能群内物种密度和均匀度的影响,即功能群组成比功能群多样性更能说明对生态系统过程的影响.(3)不同类型草地群落植物功能群盖度与群落初级生产力呈显著的线性相关.(4)不同类型草地群落生产力与功能群内物种数的变化均表现为单峰曲线关系,即功能群内物种数处于中间水平时,群落生产力最高。
杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv)叶片的光饱和光合速率为6~10 μmolCO2·m -2·s-1,表观光合量子需要量最低约为17。光合作用的CO2补偿点略大于100μmolCO2·m -2·s-1,属C3型光合作用类型。其光合日变化有明显的中午降低现象,降低的原因除气孔限制外可能还有光抑制等其它因素。光合作用进行时光合产物只有约14% 输出叶片.
A novel labeling reagent 1-(2-naphthyl)-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (NMP) coupling to liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the detection of carbohydrates from the derivatized rape bee pollen samples is reported. Carbohydrates are derivatized to their bis-NMP-labeled derivatives. Derivatives showed an intense protonated molecular ion at m/z [M+H](+) in positive-ion detection mode. The mass-to-charge ratios of characteristic fragment ions at m/z 473.0 could be used for the accurately qualitative analysis of carbohydrates. This characteristic fragment ion is from the cleavage of C2-C3 bond in carbohydrate chain giving the specific fragment ions at m/z [MH-CmH2m+1Om-H2O](+) for pentose, hexose and glyceraldehydes and at m/z [MH-CmH2m-1Om+1-H2O](+) for alduronic acids such as galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid (m = n - 2, n is carbon number of carbohydrate). No interferences for all aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes presented in natural environmental samples were observed due to the highly specific parent mass-to-charge ratio and the characteristic fragment ions. The method, in conjunction with a gradient elution, offered a baseline resolution of carbohydrate derivatives on a reversed-phase Hypersil ODS-2 column. The carbohydrates such as mannose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose and fucose can successfully be detected.
A new labeling reagent, 1-(2-naphthyl)-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (NMP), coupling with liquid chromatography (LC) with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) for the detection of carbohydrates from a famous Tibetan medicine is reported. Carbohydrates were derivatized to their bis-NMP-labeled derivatives. The method, in conjunction with a gradient elution, offered a baseline resolution of carbohydrate derivatives on a reversed phase Hypersil ODS-2 column. The carbohydrates such as mannose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, and fucose could be successfully detected by UV and ESI-MS. Derivatives showed intense protonated molecular ion at m/z [M+H]+ in positive ion mode. The mass to charge ratios of characteristic fragment ions at m/z 473.0 could be used for the accurately qualitative identification of carbohydrates; this characteristic fragment ion was from the cleavage of C2-C3 bond in the carbohydrate chain giving the specific fragment ions at m/z [MH-CmH2m+1Om-H2O](+) for pentose, hexose, and glyceraldehydes, and at m/z [MH-CmH2m-1Om+1-H2O](+) for alduronic acids, such as galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid (m=n-2, n is carbon atom number of carbohydrate). Compared with the traditional 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP) reagent, currently synthesized NMP show the advantage of higher sensitivity to carbohydrate compounds with UV and ESI-MS detection.
Vegetation is very sensitive to climate change. Carbon isotopes in paleosol have been widely used to contruct the propotion of plants using C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways. δ13C of Loess organic matter were analyzed on the loess- paleosols samples from Jingchuan sections and Luochuan S4—S5 sequence. This paper presents a long carbon isotope time series, covering the last 600kyr. δ13C record of Loess organic matter in Jingchuan is correlated with marine oxygen isotope records. Basing on former research work, this paper discusses temperature, rainfall and P CO2 effect on δ13Corg value. In the interglacial periods, carbon isotope is more sensitive than other proxies and indicates several climate fluctuations. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. Obtained δ13C composition from paleosols and loess sediments in Jingchuan range of -20.0‰ to -24.6‰, the maximum biomass of C4 is 35%, indicating a C3 and C4 mixed steppe with C3 dominated. C4 plant is not always expansion during paleosols periods. The minimum values of Jingchuan section appeared in S4 soil, and the vegetation was almost pure C3 plant at that time. δ13Corg value in S5-2 is also lower than loess in S5, reaching the minimum valus of S5 soil. 2. PCO2 variation has little impact on δ13Corg value in interglacial periods for the last 600kyr. The correlation between δ13Corg value curve and magnetic susceptibility curve as proxy of summer monsoon in general, means summer monsoon drive C4 plant expansion during glacial and interglacial. 3. The lowerδ13Corg values in S4 and S5-2 appear at Jingchuan and Luochuan, suggest origin from woodland or C3 grassland. Whatever vegetation it is, indicate strengthened East Asian summer monsoon and increase of precipitation. C4 plant percentage is lower in S5-1 and S1 which have stronger summer monsoon, than S0 and S2. And it also indicates increase of precipitation.δ13Corg values has not always non-linearity correlation with summer monsoon. 4. The maximum entroy spectral analysis of δ13C values of the last 600kyr indicates there is 21 kyr cycles in Loess sequence. It means that summer monsoon in the Chinese Loess Plateau also has the precession cycles like its origin low latitude.
The Tianshan Mountains is located about 1000-2000 km north of the India-Asia suture and is the most outstanding topography in central Asia, with transmeridional length of nearly 2500 km, north-southern wideness of ~ 300-500 km, peaks exceeding 7000 m above sea level (asl.), and average altitude of over 4000 m asl. Much of the modern relief of the Tianshan Range is a result of contraction driven by the collision of the India subcontinent with the southern margin of Asia, which began in early Tertiary and continues today. Understanding where, when and how the deformation of the Tianshan Mountains occurred is essential to decipher the mechanism of intracontinental tectonics, the process of foreland basin evolution and mountain building, and the history of climate change in central Asia. In order to better constrain the Cenozoic building history of the Tianshan Mountains and the climate change in the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, we carried out multiple studies of magnetostratigraphy, sedimentology, and stable isotopes of paleosol carbonate at the Jingou River section, which is located at the Huoerguosi anticline, the westernest one of the second folds and thrust faults zone in the northern piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains. The Jingou River section with a thickness of about 4160 m is continuous in deposits according to the observed gradual change in sedimentary environments and can be divided into five formations: Anjihaihe, Shawan, Taxihe, Dushanzi and Xiyu in upward sequence. Characteristic remamences were isolated by progressive thermal demagnetization, generally between 300 and 680℃. A total of 1133 out of 1607 samples yielded well-defined ChRMs and were used to establish the magnetostratigraphic column of a 3270-m-thick section from the exposed base of the Anjihaihe Formation to the middle of the Xiyu Formation. Two vertebrate fossil sites and a good correlation with the CK95 geomagnetic polarity time scale suggest that the section was deposited from ~30.5 to ~4.6 Ma and the age of the top of the Xiyu formation is ~2.6 Ma based on an extrapolation of the sedimentation rates. A plot of magnetostratigraphic age vs. height at the Jingou River section shows that significant increases in sedimentation rates as well as notable changes in depositional environments occurred at ~26-22.5 Ma, ~13-11 Ma and ~7 Ma, which represent the initial uplift of the Tianshan Mountains and two subsequent rapid uplift events. In addition, changes in sedimentation rates display characteristic alternations between increases and decreases, which probably indicate that the uplift of the Tianshan Mountains was episodic. We discussed the history of C4 biomass and climatic conditions in the southern margin of the Junggur Basin using the stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of paleosol carbonates from the Jingou River section during ~17.5-6.5 Ma. The δ13C values indicate that the proportion of C4 biomass was uniform and moderate (15-20 %) during the interval of ~17.5-6.5 Ma. We proposed three hypotheses for this pattern of C4 biomass: (1) counteraction of two opposed factors (global cooling since ~15 Ma and thereafter increased dry and seasonality in central Asia) controlling the growth of C4 grasses, (2) variability in abundance of C3 grasses relative to C3 trees and shrubs if vegetation had ever changed in ecosystems, and (3) the higher latitude of the studied region. The δ18O values show a stepwise negative trend since ~13 Ma which may be attributed to three factors: (1) the temperature decreasing gradually after the middle Miocene (~15 Ma), (2) the increasing contribution of the moistures carried by the polar air masses from the Arctic Ocean to precipitation, and (3) the gradual retreat westward and disappearance of the Paratethys Ocean. Among them, which one played a more important role will need further study of the paleoclimate in central Asia.
Stable isotope compositions of land snail shells have a great potential as an indicator of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. However, some key issues, such as the relationship of carbon isotope between snail food and local vegetation, and the uncertainty of the dominant factors about snail body fluid changes in oxygen isotope composition, remain less well known, strongly limiting shell isotopic application. In this study, we measure the stable isotope compositions on the shells of both live snails and fossils collected from the Chinese Loess Plateau and a loess sequence at Mangshan, Xingyang, respectively. Based on the analyses, the association of the stable isotope compositions of land snail shells with their growing seasons is investigated. In addition, the climatic and environmental significances of isotopic differences among several snail species are discussed. The main results and conclusions are presented as follows: 1. δ18O values for the shell lip samples of Bradybaena ravida redfieldi range from -6.79‰ to -1.92‰, and parallels to the monthly changes of local rain water δ18O, temperature and humidity. The compatibility of shell lip δ18O with monthly modeled shell δ18O indicates that the shell lip δ18O changes are mainly resulted from the 18O variations of rain-water. The shells of a land snail growing in spring could be enriched in 18O, and those growing in summer depleted in 18O. 2. Carbon isotope compositions of snail shells are controlled by their diet, which is affected by the relative proportion of C3 to C4. There are some differences in carbon isotopic compositions among different snail species, especially between P. orphana and V. tenera or P. aeoli. Shell δ13C for P. orphana is the most positive with an average of -5.88 ± 2.54 ‰. The C4 plant fraction of the food for “cold-aridiphilous” taxa, P. aeoli and V. tenera, is distinctly lower than that for “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa, P. orphana, indicating that summer is likely to be the main active season of P. orphana and spring of P. aeoli and V. tenera. Therefore, some discrepancy of carbon isotopic compositions among different species may be related to snail active season. 3. δ13C values among different species have a certain degree of positive correlation, which may be influenced by local vegetation ecosystem. δ13C value of the snail shells (especially P. orphana) shows an eastward increasing trend and consists with the variations of C4 plants biomass in Loess Plateau. The result shows that the carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is one of the main factors influencing δ13C values of snail food. Therefore, both carbon isotopes of local vegetation ecosystem and snail active season contribute to the carbon isotopic differences among different snail species and in different areas. 4. δ13C values of living snail shells and soil organic matter have a positive correlation with each other, which further supports the view that carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is one of the main factors influencing δ13C values of snail food. However, the range of δ13C values of snail food for various species in response to carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is different. It is suggested that 13C enrichment of snail shells relative to local vegetation ecosystem has a potential to indicate snail active season and the degree of climate temperature and humidity. 5. There is a significant negative correlation between carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of living snail shells in Loess Plateau. This result further supports that snail active season can be inferred based on the shell carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions. Moreover, there are some positive correlations between mean annual temperature and differences of shell δ13C values ( 13CV. tenera-P. orphana) and that of δ18O values ( 18OV. tenera-P. orphana) for P. orphana, a typical “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa, and V. tenera, a typical “cold-aridiphilous” taxa, respectively. It shows that 13CV. tenera-P. orphana and 18OV. tenera-P. orphana may have a potential to indicate mean annual temperature or the length of biological growing season. 6. Stable isotopes of land snail shell in the Mangshan loess sequence show that the shell δ18O value of “cold-aridiphilous” taxa V. tenera is more positive than “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa P. orphana and δ13C value of the former is more negative than the latter. In addition, the shell δ18O value of V. tenera varies significantly in different period. During the last glacial maximum, its δ18O value with an average of -7.89 ‰ is more negative than that (-5.88 ‰) from the last deglaciation to the early Holocene. This phenomenon indicates that its growing season during different period is significantly different. It tends to grow in summer in last glacial maximum. With climate warming, it prefers growing in spring with relatively low temperature. While the shell δ18O value of P. orphana varies in a little range, which shows that its activity season is shorter and mainly in summer. These results further support that the change of the snail growing season is one of the main factors of differences of carbon isotopic compositions among different snail species and varies with time. Furthermore, it is consistent that changes in magnetic susceptibility and trend of differences of shell δ18O values and δ13C values respectively between the two snail fossils. It is further testified that 13CV. tenera-P. orphana and 18OV. tenera-P. orphana may have a potential to indicate mean annual temperature or the length of biological growing season.