95 resultados para Cassava wastewater
可持续发展的要求增强了人类有效利用资源和环境保护的意识,而城市污水处理过程是水环境保护的一项重要内容。本文针对我国城市污水处理系统能耗高、出水水质不稳定以及工业毒水经常入侵的现状,以A/O工艺城市污水生化处理过程为研究对象,研究通过建模、控制和优化手段提高污水处理系统运行性能和降低运行降耗的理论和方法。论文工作是在国际水协会发布的典型工艺与污水处理厂实际运行环境相结合的基础上完成,内容主要涉及活性污泥模型简化、基于简化模型的工艺改进与过程模拟、仿真平台的建立、关键控制回路设计、工业毒水诊断与应对系统开发以及优化控制方法与应用研究。具体内容包括: (1) 基于国际评价基准benchmark实现了污水生化处理过程的稳态模拟和动态模拟,对A2/O工艺的改进进行了仿真研究和分析,结果表明在保证出水水质稳定达标的前提下,改进工艺由于取消了内回流,大大节约了回流泵的能耗。 (2) 在国际水协会活性污泥模型ASM1模型的基础上,结合我国污水处理过程特点,并充分考虑我国污水处理厂现场测量信息严重不足的现状,对ASM1模型的组分和反应过程进行简化,建立了简化的活性污泥模型,研究了难以测量的模型组分浓度与易测的常规水质指标的转换方法,针对温度对反应速率的影响,研究了模型参数的校正方法。在此基础上,开发了A/O工艺污水生化处理过程模拟与仿真平台,并对辽宁某污水处理厂的实际运行过程进行了模拟,取得了较好的模拟结果。 (3) 建立了完整的城市污水处理过程控制系统设计框架,引入入水有机负荷和比耗氧速率分别表征微生物(活性污泥)的“食物”(有机物)数量和微生物活性,进行了系统动态特性分析,在此基础上完成了入水流量串级控制、污泥浓度前馈-反馈控制、溶解氧前馈-串级控制三个控制回路的设计。针对溶解氧控制过程采用了仿人智能控制方法,在实际应用中取得了较好的控制效果。 (4) 针对城市污水处理厂经常遇到的工业毒水侵入的问题,开发了基于专家经验的工业毒水诊断与应对系统,编写了较为完备的专家规则,系统能够在毒水侵入时及时发出警报,并采取相应的应对措施,最大程度的降低污水处理厂的损失,该系统在辽宁某污水处理厂取得了较好的应用效果。 (5) 在优化控制方面,针对污水处理过程能耗过高的问题,设计了A/O工艺城市污水处理过程的优化控制策略。建立了只考虑底物与微生物两种组分的简化活性污泥模型,以溶解氧浓度和污泥排放量为决策变量,以污水处理厂日运行费用为性能指标,以物料平衡、水质排放标准等限制为约束条件,建立了完整的优化控制模型,实现了污水处理过程的最优控制,采用基于最优步长参数动态搜索的改进型梯度法进行最佳运行工况寻优。通过对辽宁某城市污水处理厂的优化,获得了当前溶解氧浓度设定值和污泥排放量的最优值,在保证出水水质稳定达标的前提下,污水处理厂日运行费用显著降低,为污水处理厂的实际操作提供了指导。
With the continually increase both in the amount of wastewater disposal and in the treatment rate, more and more sewage sludge has been produced. An economic estimate was taken on the different sewage sludge disposal and treatment technologies, and led to the conclusion that compost is an effective way to make sewage sludge harmless, stable and resourceable. Normally, there are several ways to treat sewage sludge, such as landfill, compost, incineration and so on. These technologies will cost 300-1000 Y per ton of sludge. Among those ways, landfill is the cheapest one and operates easily, however, it just postpones the pollution instead of eventually eliminating the pollution; The amount of the sludge will reduce dramatically after incineration, while incineration will take a very high investment in the beginning, at the same time, it's very hard to maintain running; Sewage sludge will be resourceful after composting treantment, thus makes up the treatment cost, makes composting is the most economical way. Compost production is safe when correctly used, compost is a important way to treat sewage sludge. Oxygen is an important control factor in aerobic composting that has great effects on temperature and microorganisms. The gas gathering and transfering system of an online oxygen monitoring system for composting were bettermented to prolong the monitoring system's running period. The oxygen concentration changes in various aerobic composting stage were studied, and conclusions came to that oxygen concentration changes much faster in the oxygen concentration increasing stage than that in the declining stage; the better the aerobic condition is, the sooner the monitoring system starts to work. The minimal oxygen concentration during a ventilation cycle often falls at the beginning, then ascends in the composting period; at the same time, oxygen concentration changes fast in the early composting stage(temperature increasing stage), much slower in the middle stage(continouns thermophilic stage),and seldom changes in the late composting stage(temperature declining stage). With the help of the oxygen realtime-online monitoring system, oxygen concentrations was measured. During the composting period, water contents was analyzed after sampled. It's found that water contents (WC) and Oxygen concentration can both influence the composting process, and the control rule varies in the various composting stages. Essentially, the rule that water and oxygen control the composting process comes from water counterchecks the oxygen transferring to the composting substrate. The most influential factor to the WC and to the oxygen is the components in the composting pile. In the temperature increasing stage, seldom microorganisms exist in the composting pile with low activity, thus oxygen can meet with microorganisms' need, and WC is the dominant factor. In the high temperature (continouns thermophilic) stage, composting process is controlled by WC and oxygen, essentially by WC, at the same time, their influence somehow is not remarkable. In the temperature declining stage, WC and oxygen influence the composting process little. It's also found that the composting process will differ even if under the same components, thus to equably mix the components can avoid WC focusing in some place and let the composting pile to be aerobic. In one sentence, aerobic state is the most important factor in the composting process, suitable bulking material will be useful to the composting control.
2002年12月,国家环保总局颁布了《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002),对我国城镇污水处理厂的出水水质,尤其是对出水的氮、磷指标提出了更加严格的要求。这不仅对污水处理厂的工艺设计提出了挑战,而且对其运行工艺提出了更高要求,因此污水处理厂面临着进行工艺优化及达标改造以满足新的污水排放标准的问题。 本文以沈阳北部污水处理厂为研究对象,结合国际水质协会(IWA)开发推荐的活性污泥模型(ASM2D),按照设备评估和分析、数据收集和分析、活性污泥模型的设计和校正、方案评估及改造建议4个阶段对该污水处理厂进行了工艺优化分析及模拟优化技术研究,并运用收集到的原始数据对活性污泥模型(ASM2D)进行了校正。随后,在模型校正成功基础上,对北部污水处理厂三种可能的污水设计处理工艺(A2/O工艺、5段式 Bardenpho工艺、组合工艺)进行了预测及筛选,选定了组合工艺作为北部污水处理厂的最佳脱氮除磷改造方案,确保了沈阳北部污水处理厂污水排放稳定达标。同时,为沈阳市其它城市污水处理厂的污水排放达标改造提供了借鉴。 该研究对提高城市污水处理厂设计和运行管理水平,减少投资和运行成本,提高处理效果,逐渐缩小我国在模型研究和应用方面与国外的差距,在实际应用方面及理论研究方面都具有重要意义。
The combination of chemical and biological water treatment processes is a promising technique to reduce recalcitrant wastewater loads. The key to the efficiency of such a system is a better understanding of the mechanisms involved during the degradation processes. Ozonation has been applied to many fields in water and wastewater treatment. Especially for effluents of textile finishing industry ozonation can achieve high color removal, enhance biodegradability, destroy phenols and reduce the COD. However, little is known about the reaction intermediates and products formed during ozonation. This work focuses on the oxidative degradation of purified (>90%), hydrolyzed Reactive Red 120 (Color Index), a widely used azo dye in the textile finishing processes with two monochlorotriazine anchor groups. Ozonation of the dye in ultra pure water was performed in a laboratory scale cylindrical batch reactor. Decolorization, determined by measuring the light absorbance at the maximum wavelength in the visible range (53 5 nm), was almost complete after 150 min with an ozone concentration of 12.8 mg/l. The TOC/TOC0 ratio was about 74% and the COD was diminished to 46% of the initial value. The BOD5/COD ratio increased from 0.01 to 0.14. To obtain detailed information on the reaction processes during ozonation and the resulting oxidation products organic and inorganic anions were analyzed. Oxidation and cleavage of the azo group yielded nitrate. Cleavage of the sulfonic acid groups of aromatic rings caused an increase in the amount of sulfate. Formic acid and oxalic acid were identified as main oxidation products by high performance ion chromatography (HPIC). The concentrations of these major products were monitored at defined time intervals during ozonation.