215 resultados para COHERENT


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It is shown that in a closed equispaced three-level ladder system, by controlling the relative phase of two applied coherent fields, the conversion from absorption with inversion to lasing without inversion (LWI) can be realized; a large index of the refraction with zero absorption can be gotten; considerable increasing of the spectrum region and value of the LWI gain can be achieved. Our study also reveals that the incoherent pumping will produce a remarkable effect oil the phase-dependent properties of the system. Modifying value of the incoherent pumping can change the property of the system from absorption to amplification and enhance significantly LWI gain. If the incoherent pumping is absent, we cannot get any gain for any value of the relative phase. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the nonlinear propagation of ultrashort pulses on resonant intersubband transitions in multiple semiconductor quantum wells. It is shown that the nonlinearity rooted from electron-electron interactions destroys the condition giving rise to self-induced transparency. However, by adjusting the area of input pulse, we find the signatures of self-induced transmission due to a full Rabi flopping of the electron density, and this phenomenon can be approximately interpreted by the traditional standard area theorem via defining the effective area of input pulse.


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We demonstrate an ultrafast transient, ring-shaped population grating induced by an ultrashort hollow Gaussian laser bullet by solving the three-dimensional full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations. Through adjusting the beam waist and the area of the pulse, we can control the number of lines and the period of the grating. Based on this coherent control scheme, a door to produce gratings with complex transverse structure is opened.


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The effects of vacuum-induced coherence (VIC) on the properties of the absorption and gain of the probe field in an equispaced three-level ladder atomic system are investigated. It is found that lasing without inversion (LWI) is remarkably enhanced due to the effect of VIC in the case of the small incoherent pump rate.


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An optimal feedback control of two-photon fluorescence in the ethanol solution of 4-dicyanomethylene-2-methyl-6-p-dimethyl-amiiiostryryl-4H-pyran (DCM) using pulse-shaping technique based on genetic algorithm is demonstrated experimentally. The two-photon fluorescence of the DCM ethanol solution is enhanced in intensity of about 23%. The second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating (SHG-FROG) trace indicates that the effective population transfer arises from the positively chirped pulse. The experimental results appear the potential applications of coherent control to the complicated molecular system.


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An optimal feedback control of two-photon fluorescence in the Coumarin 515 ethanol solution excited by shaping femtosecond laser pulses based on genetic algorithm is demonstrated experimentally. The two-photon fluorescence intensity can be enhanced by similar to 20%. Second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating traces indicate that the optimal laser pulses are positive chirp, which are in favor of the effective population transfer of two-photon transitions. The dependence of the two-photon fluorescence signal on the laser pulse chirp is investigated to validate the theoretical model for the effective population transfer of two-photon transitions. The experimental results appear the potential applications in nonlinear spectroscopy and molecular physics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The giant enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity in a four-level tripod type system is investigated theoretically. By tuning the value of the Rabi frequency of the coherent control field, owing to the double dark resonances, the giant-enhanced Kerr nonlinearity can be achieved within the right transparency window. The in fluence of Doppler broadening is also discussed.


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To attempt to control the quantum state of a physical system with a femtosecond two-colour laser field, a model for the two-level system is analysed as a first step. We investigate the coherent control of the two-colour laser pulses propagating in a two-level medium. Based on calculating the influence of the laser field with various laser parameters on the electron dynamics, it is found the electronic state can be changed up and down by choosing the appropriate laser pulses and the coherent control of the two-colour laser pulses can substantially modify the behaviour of the electronic dynamics: a quicker change of two states can be produced even for small pulse duration. Moreover, the oscillatory structures around the resonant frequency and the propagation features of the laser pulses depend sensitively on the relative phase of the two-colour laser pulses. Finally, the influence of a finite lifetime of the upper level is discussed in brief.


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A technique for enhanced generation of selected high harmonics in a gas medium, in a high ionization limit, is proposed in this paper. An aperiodically corrugated hollow-core fiber is employed to modulate the intensity of the fundamental laser pulse along the direction of propagation, resulting in multiple quasi-phase-matched high harmonic emissions at the cutoff region. Simulated annealing (SA) algorithm is applied for optimizing the aperiodic hollow-core fiber. Our simulation shows that the yield of selected harmonics is increased equally by up to 2 orders of magnitude compared with no modulation and this permits flexible control of the quasi-phase-matched emission of selected harmonics by appropriate corrugation. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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An ultrafast transient population grating induced by a (1+1)-dimensional, ultrashort dipole soliton is demonstrated by solving the full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations. The number of lines and the period of the grating can be controlled by the beam waist and the area of the pulse. Of interest is that a polarization grating is produced. A coherent control scheme based on these phenomena can be contemplated as ultrafast transient grating techniques.


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In this paper, we apply an analytical model [V.V. Kulagin et al., Phys. Plasmas 14, 113101 (2007)] to describe the acceleration of an ultra-thin electron layer by a schematic single-cycle laser pulse and compare with one-dimensional particle-in-cell (1D-PIC) simulations. This is in the context of creating a relativistic mirror for coherent backscattering and supplements two related papers in this EPJD volume. The model is shown to reproduce the 1D-PIC results almost quantitatively for the short time of a few laser periods sufficient for the backscattering of ultra-short probe pulses.


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简述了相干布居陷俘(coherent population trapping,CPT)效应的基本原理,介绍了CPT原子钟的研制概况,包括主要方案、特点及研制水平等,最后展望了CPT原子钟的发展和应用前景。


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