97 resultados para Asymptotic Stability
Two three-dimensional structure models of the 21nt oligodeoxyribonucleotides, CPI (G3TG-2TGT2G5TG2TGT) and CP3 (TGTG2TGST2GTG2TG3), were constructed by InsightII (MSI) software in IRIS Indigo2 (SGI) workstation using the crystal structure of TAT tripler formation as the template. The initial structures subsequently were minimized by molecular mechanics. The final structures were believed as the dominant conformation. The results showed that the energy of CP1 is lower than that of CP3, and the former is more stable than the latter. Moreover, the results further proved that the 21nt oligodeoxyribo-nucleotide CP1 stably combines with the core promoter (Cp) fragment of hepatitis B virus (HBV) to form a tripler DNA, and CP1 specifically inhibits a specific cellular factor (DNA binding protein) binding to Cp fragment. These results indicated that specific repression of gene transcription of HBV DNA might be possible by tripler-formation DNA.