107 resultados para ACIDITY


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Electrochemical transfer behavier of the V~vMo_(11)-V_5~vMo_7 heteropolyanions at the water/nitrobenzene interface has been investigated by using cyclic voltammetry. The effect of the solution acidity on the transfer behavior and the stable pH range of heteropolyanions were observed. Mixed melybdovanadate anions are more stable than 12-molybdophosphoric acid, however, the stability of the former decreases with increasing number of vanadium atoms. The main transfer species within the "potential window" has t...


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Elemental sulfur and hydrogen sulfide emitted offshore of northeastern Taiwan known to local fishermen for generations, but never studied until recently, are found to have originated from a cluster of shallow (< 30 m depth) hydrothermal vents. Among the mounds is a massive 6 m high chimney with a diameter of 4 m at the base composed of almost pure sulfur and discharging hydrothermal fluid containing sulfur particles. The sulfur in the chimney has a delta(34)S= 1.1 parts per thousand that is isotopically lighter than seawater. A yellow smoker at shallow depths with such characteristics has never been reported on anywhere else in the world. Gas discharges from these vents are dominated by CO2 (> 92%) with small amounts of H2S. Helium isotopic ratios 7.5 times that of air indicate that these gases originate from the mantle. High temperature hydrothermal fluids have measured temperatures of 78-116 degrees C and pH (25 degrees C) values as low as 1.52, likely the lowest to be found in world records. Low temperature vents (30-65 degrees C) have higher pH values. Continuous temperature records from one vent show a close correlation with diumal tides, suggesting rapid circulation of the hydrothermal fluids. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A high performance capillary electrophoresis method with diode array detector detection for the determination of five bioactive ingredients in Tibetan medicine Elsholtzia, namely quercetin, rutin, saussurenoside, kaempferol, and oleanolic acid, has been developed. The effects of several factors, such as the acidity, concentration of running buffer, separation voltage, temperature, and SDS concentration were investigated. The optimal conditions were 44 mmol/L boric acid running buffer (pH 8.5), 45 mmol/L SDS, 16 KV voltage, 20 degrees C, and 10.0% (V/V) of acetonitrile. Under the optimum conditions, five components could be separated with a good baseline resolution within 17 min. The calibration curves showed good linear relationship over the concentration range of 5 x 10(-4)similar to 0.1 mg/mL for quercetin, rutin, saussurenoside, kaempferol, and 1 x 10(-3) similar to 0.1 mg/mL for oleanolic acid. The average recoveries of the method and RSD were ( 99.2%, 3.2%) for quercetin, (102.1%, 2.1%) for rutin, (99.4%, 1.5%) for saussurenoside, (98.9%, 1.8%) for kaempferol, and (99.0%, 2.9%) for oleanolic acid, respectively. The detection limits (S/N = 3) were 1.1 x 10(-4) mg/mL for quercetin, 2.6 x 10(-4) mg/mL for rutin, 1.8 x 10(-4) mg/mL for saussurenoside, 2.9 x 10(-4) mg/mL for kaempferol, and 6.3 x 10(-4) mg/mL for oleanolic acid, respectively. The method was simple, rapid, and reproducible and could be applied for the determination of quercetin, rutin, saussurenoside, kaempferol, and oleanolic acid in Tibetan medicine Elsholtzia, and the assay results were satisfactory.


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Geopolymer gelatinous material was prepared by ferroalloy slag (signed with NKT in laboratory) and circulating fluidization bed slag (CFB slag, signed with NM in laboratory) produced from Heshan city, Guangxi zhuang autonomous region, China. The mechanical properties of the geopolymer made of high content ferroalloy slag can reach the standard of 42.5# portland blastfurnace-slag cement, and it’s processing technology is more simple and not need of mill and burn and will not produce harmful gas. By means of chemical and XRD analyses, it is concluded that NKT is a kind of acidity water-granulated slag with better activation and fit to be activated by alkali activators. Low-cost industrial gypsum (signed with NG in laboratory), analytic reagent oxide(signed with NH in laboratory) and sulfate(signed with NS in laboratory) were selected as alkali activation in the experiment. The results showed NH is a good alkali activator for NKT. Both NH and NG can activate ferroally slag’s activities, but NS can’t alone. The activation effect of superimposing activation of NH and NG excel by separateness. Based on those experiments, optimization compounds were carried out: (1) NKT: NH: NG = 80: 10: 10 and (2) NM: NKT: NS: NG: NH = 10: 70: 2: 8: 10。. The soundness of the test blocks is good by boiling examination. Through XRD, SEM, IR, NMR analyses of geopolymer, the reaction mechanism of geopolymer prepared by alkalescent activating in solid wastes was discussed in the thesis first. It is point out, there is difference in reaction mechanism between traditional geopolymer preparation and the preparation of alkalescent activating solid wastes because NG is a industry product. There is the similar process of depolymerization and reunion of Si-O bond. The latter preparation process generate new subtance but the former doesn’t. In the experiment, we found a performance of NKT that the water requirement of normal consistency of geopolymer reduces with increasing content of NKT. The result shows NKT has some ability to reduce water requirement. The performance is worthy of further research and utilization. Making use of solid wastes to prepare geopolymer, not only can settle environment problem caused by a great deal of dump of NKT, but also settle the shortage of natural resources. Moreover it could take economic, environmental and social benefits and settle thoroughly contradiction in the environment protection and regional economy development and promote circulation economy development.


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The biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is a new type of natural gas genetic theory, and also an clean, effective and high quality energy with shallow burial depth, wide distribution and few investment. Meanwhile, this puts biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in important position to the energy resource and it is a challenging front study project. This paper introduces the concept, the present situation of study and developmental trend about biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in detail. Then by using heat simulating of source rocks and catalysis mechanism analysis in the laboratory and studying structural evolution, sedimentation, diagenesis and the conditions of accumulation formation and so on, this paper also discusses catalytic mechanism and evolutionary model of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas formation, and establishes the methods of appraisal parameter and resources prediction about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. At last, it shows that geochemical characteristics and differentiated mark of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas, and perfect natural gas genetic theory, and points out the conditions of accumulation formation, distribution characteristics and potential distribution region on the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas m China. The paper mainly focuses on the formation mechanism and the resources potential about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Based on filed work, it is attached importance to a combination of macroscopic and microcosmic analysis, and the firsthand data are obtained to build up framework and model of the study by applying geologic theory. Based on sedimentary structure, it is expounded that structural actions have an effect on filling space and developmental cource of sediments and evolution of source rocks. Carried out sedimentary environment, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary system and diagenesis and so on, it is concluded that diagenesis influences developmental evolution of source rocks, and basic geologic conditions of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Applying experiment simulating and catalytic simulating as well as chemical analysis, catalytic mechanism of clay minerals is discussed. Combined diagenecic dynamics with isotope fractionation dynamics, it is established that basis and method of resource appraisal about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. All these results effectively assess and predict oil&gas resources about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas-bearing typical basin in China. I read more than 170 volumes on the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas and complete the dissertation' summary with some 2.4 ten thousand words, draw up study contents in some detail and set up feasible experimental method and technologic course. 160 pieces of samples are obtained in oilfield such as Liaohe, Shengli, Dagang and Subei and so on, some 86 natural gas samples and more than 30 crude oil samples. Core profiles about 12 wells were observed and some 300 geologic photos were taken. Six papers were published in the center academic journal at home and abroad. Collected samples were analysised more than 1000 times, at last I complete this dissertation with more than 8 ten thousand words, and with 40 figures and 4 plates. According to these studies, it is concluded the following results and understandings. 1. The study indicates structural evolution and action of sedimentary basin influence and control the formation and accumulation the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Then, the structural action can not only control accommodation space of sediments and the origin, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbon matters, but also can supply the origin of energy for hygrocarbon matters foramtion. 2. Sedimentary environments of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas are lake, river and swamp delta- alluvial fan sedimentary systems, having a warm, hot and humid climate. Fluctuation of lake level is from low to high., frequency, and piling rate of sedimentary center is high, which reflect a stable depression and rapidly filling sedimentary course, then resulting in source rocks with organic matter. 3. The paper perfects the natural gas genetic theory which is compound and continuous. It expounds the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is a special gas formation stage in continuous evolutionary sequence of organic matter, whose exogenic force is temperture and catalysis of clay minerals, at the same time, having decarbxylation, deamination and so on. 4. The methodology is established which is a combination of SEM, TEM and Engery spectrum analysis to identify microstructure of crystal morphology about clay minerals. Using differential thermal-chromatographic analysis, it can understand that hydrocarbon formation potential of different typies kerogens and catalytic method of all kinds of mineral matrix, and improve the surface acidity technology of clay minerals measured by the pyridine analytic method. 5. The experiments confirm catalysis of clay minerals to organic matter hygrocarbon formation. At low temperature (<300 ℃), there is mainly catalysis of montmorillonite, which can improve 2-3 times about produced gas of organic matters and the pyrolyzed temperature decreased 50 ℃; while at the high temperature, there is mainly catalysis of illite which can improve more than 2 times about produced gas of organic matters. 6. It is established the function relationship between organic matter (reactant) concentration and temperature, pressure, time, water and so on, that is C=f (D, t). Using Rali isotope fractionation effect to get methane isotope fractionation formula. According to the relationship between isotope fractionation of diagenesis and depth, and combined with sedimentary rate of the region, it is estimated that relict gas of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in the representative basin. 7. It is revealed that hydrocarbon formation mechanism of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is mainly from montmorillonite to mixed minerals during diagenesis. In interlayer, a lot of Al~(3+) substitute for Si~(4+), resulting in a imbalance between surface charge and interlayer charge of clay minerals and the occurrence of the Lewis and Bronsted acid sites, which promote to form the carbon cation. The cation can form alkene or small carbon cation. 8. It is addressed the comprehensive identification mark of the biothermo - catalytic transitional zone gas. In the temproal-spatial' distribution, its source rocks is mainly Palaeogene, secondly Cretaceous and Jurassic of Mesozoic, Triassic, having mudy rocks and coal-rich, their organic carbon being 0.2% and 0.4% respectively. The vitrinite reflection factor in source rocks Ro is 0.3-0.65%, a few up to 0.2%. The burial depth is 1000-3000m, being characterized by emerge of itself, reservoir of itself, shallow burial depth. In the transitional zone, from shallow to deep, contents of montmorillonites are progressively reduced while contents of illites increasing. Under SEM, it is observed that montmorillonites change into illite.s, firstly being mixed illite/ montmorillonite with burr-like, then itlite with silk-like. Carbon isotope of methane in the biothermocatatytic transitional zone gas , namely δ~(13)C_1-45‰- -60 ‰. 9. From the evolutionary sequence of time, distribution of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is mainly oil&gas bearing basin in the Mesozoic-Neozoic Era. From the distribution region, it is mainly eastern stuctural active region and three large depressions in Bohaiwang basin. But most of them are located in evolutionary stage of the transitional zone, having the better relationship between produced, reservoir and seal layers, which is favorable about forming the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas reservoir, and finding large gas (oil) field.


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Anduo area is located in the Central Tibet, the middle segment of the Bangonghu-Nujiang suture. Anduo Block is the northern part of Lhasa terrane. The relationships among the different geological bodies were determined during the 1: 250000 regional geological surveying. Petrography, petrologic geochemistry, isotopic geochemistry and geochronology of igneous rocks from the suture and granitoids from Anduo Block were analyzed systematically as a whole for the first time. Then, their tectonic setting and history are discussed.Anduo ophiolitic melange consists of metamorphic peridotites, cumulates, plagiogranites, sheeted dykes swarm, pillow lava and radiolarian cherts. The concentration of Cr and Ni in the metamorphic peridotites is very high, with Mg# about 0.94 ~ 0.97, higher 87Sr/86Sr and Pb isotopic ratios, and lower 143Nd/i44Nd ratio. LREE is enriched relative to HREE and positive Eu anomaly is very clear. The REE distribution curve is U shape. Nb and Ta anomalies from cumulate gabbro and sheeted dyke swarm are not clear, while that are slightly negative from pillow lava. Plagiogranite belongs to strong calc-alkaline series with high Si, middle Al, low Fe, Mg and low K contents. Eu anomaly (~ 1.23) from plagiogranites is slightly positive. The character of all components of ophiolite is similar to that of the MORB, while to some extent the ophiolite was influenced by crustal material. Anduo ophiolite formed in a mature back-arc basin. Additionally, intermediate acidity volcanic rocks within Anduo phiolite melange are island arc calc-alkline rocks related to ocean subduction.The early-middle Jurassic plutonic rocks are tonalite, granodiorite bearing-phenocryst, magaporphyritic hornblende monzogranite, magaporphyritic monzogranite, monzogranite bearing-phenocryst and syenogranite in turn. They belong to calc-alkaline series which developed from middle K to high K series temporally. REE distribution curves of all plutonic rocks are similar and parallel to each other. SREE and negative Eu anomaly values decrease. In the multi-element spider diagram, the curves of different plutons are similar to each other, but troughs of Nb, Sr, P and Ti from young plutons become more evident. This suggests that thereare some closely petrogenetic affinities among plutonic rocks which make up amagma plutonism cycle of the early-middle Jurassic. Magma source is mainly crustal,but abundant mafic microgranular enclaves within granitoids indicate that crastalmagma should be mixed with mantle-derived magma and the mantle-derived magmadecreased subsequently. Tonalite has features of I-type granite, magaporphyriticmonzogranite is transition type, and monzogranite bearing-phenocryst is S-typegranite. The characteristic of granitoids from Anduo Block suggest that the formingtectonic setting is active continental margin.Reliable zircon U-Pb SHRIMP ages are obtained in the study area firstly. Plagiogranite from the Anduo ophiolite of the Bangonghu-Nujiang suture is 175.1 Ma, and granitoids from Anduo Block is 172.6-185.4 Ma. Additionally, plagioclase from the plagiogranite dates a 40Ar/39Ar age of 144 Ma, while biotite and hornblend from granitoids of Anduo Block give a 163-165 Ma.Similar cooling ages of plagiogranite from the Anduo ophiolitic melange and granitoids from Anduo Block and the spatial distribution of the ophiolitic rocks between Anduo, Naqu, and Shainzha area suggest that bilateral subduction of the Bangonghu-Nujiang oceanic basin took place in the early-middle Jurassic. During this subduction, Anduo ophiolitic rocks were related to north subduction of the Bangonghu-Nujiang oceanic basin and Anduo back-arc basin spreading, while granitoids from Anduo Block were related to south subduction.


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Ammonia adsorption studies reveal that the observed Lewis acidity in the zeolite MCM-22 is derived from at least two types of framework aluminum sites (Al(F)), that is, octahedral Al(F) and three-coordinate Al(F). Comparative ammonia or trimethylphosphine (TMP) adsorption experiments with MCM-22 confirm that octahedral Al species gives rise to the signal at delta(ISO) approximate to 0 in the (27)Al NMR spectrum; this is a superposition of two NMR signals from the different Al species on the water-re constructed zeolite surface. A sharp resonance assigned to framework Al reversibly transforms on ammonia adsorption to delta(ISO) (27)Al approximate to 55 from tetrahedral Al(F), while the broad peak is assigned to nonframework aluminium which results from hydrothermal treatment. This study also demonstrates the effectiveness of (27)Al magic angle spinning (MAS) and multiple quantum (MQ) MAS NMR spectroscopy as a technique for the study of zeolite reactions.


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Titanium silicalite (TS-1) was successfully synthesized by using TPABr as the template and silica sol as silicon source in a 100 l stainless steel autoclave. IR, XRD, UV--vis, elemental analysis, and (2)7Al and (3)1P MAS NMR were used to characterize the synthesized products. The results show that the synthesized material has an MFI structure with high crystallinity and large crystal size and two kinds of titanium species. Trace aluminum in silica sol is also incorporated into the zeolite framework. The synthesized TS-1 exhibits high activity in the epoxidation of propylene with dilute H2O2 with high selectivity to methyl mono-ethers and low selectivity to propylene oxide (PO). The low selectivity toward PO is due to the residual acidity onto TS-1. The selectivity of PO can reach up to 90% through adjusting the pH of the reaction mixture. Extra amounts of base decrease the H2O2 utilization and the H2O2 conversion. However, in over acid-treated TS-1 in which part removal of extra-framework titanium takes place, the utilization of H2O2 is quite different: for the low Si/Ti ratio of TS-1, the H2O2 utilization increases. But the utilization of H2O2 does not change for the high Si/Ti ratio TS-1. Thermal analysis shows that the as-synthesized TS-1 exhibits high activity and thermal stability in the calcined range 540-900 degreesC.


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A unique templating approach for the synthesis of hexagonal mesoporous aluminosilicates via self-assembly of pre-formed aluminosilcate nanoclusters with the templating micella formed by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) is described. The obtained materials of MAS-5 are hydrothermally stable, which is shown by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Furthermore, as characterized by NMR technique, MAS-5 has stable tetrahedral aluminum sites that is the major contributions to the acidity of aluminosilicate molecular sieve, and on non-framework aluminium species in the samples was observed.


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The variations in structure and acidity on the internal and external surfaces of HY zeolites modified by MgO and SiO2 have been studied by MAS NMR, together with the selective adsorption of perfluorotributyl-amine. Al-27 and Si-29 MAS NMR spectra revealed that the modifications led to significant changes of the framework owing to the migration of some non-framework Si and Al into the framework in the course of the modifications. H-1 MAS NMR spectra showed that the modifications decreased the acidity of the zeolite surfaces. With an increasing of the loading of the oxides, the acidity of the surface decreased further. Both of the two kinds of Bronsted acidity of the MgO-modified HY zeolites decreased, particularly those in the supercages, while those of the SiO2-modified HY zeolites decreased less, and this result is consistent with that of NH3-TPD, from the adsorption of perfluorotributyl-amine, it was found that the acidic sites on the external surface of the HY zeolite can be completely covered by SiO2 after being modified by the chemical liquid deposition (CLD) method.


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The capacity factors of a series of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) were measured in soil leaching column chromatography (SLCC) on a soil column, and in reversed-phase liquid chromatography on a C-18 column with different volumetric fractions (phi) of methanol in methanol-water mixtures. A general equation of linear solvation energy relationships, log(XYZ) = XYZ(0) + mV(1)/100 + spi* + bbeta(m) + aalpha(m), was applied to analyze capacity factors (k'), soil organic partition coefficients (K-oc) and octanol-water partition coefficients (P). The analyses exhibited high accuracy. The chief solute factors that control log K-oc, log P, and log k' (on soil and on C-18) are the solute size (V-1/100) and hydrogen-bond basicity (beta(m)). Less important solute factors are the dipolarity/polarizability (pi*) and hydrogen-bond acidity (alpha(m)). Log k' on soil and log K-oc have similar signs in four fitting coefficients (m, s, b and a) and similar ratios (m:s:b:a), while log k' on C-18 and log P have similar signs in coefficients (m, s, b and a) and similar ratios (m:s:b:a). Consequently, log k' values on C-18 have good correlations with log P (r > 0.97), while log k' values on soil have good correlations with log K-oc (r > 0.98). Two K-oc estimation methods were developed, one through solute solvatochromic parameters, and the other through correlations with k' on soil. For HOCs, a linear relationship between logarithmic capacity factor and methanol composition in methanol-water mixtures could also be derived in SLCC. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To study the transport mechanism of hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOCs) and the energy change in soil/solvent system, a soil leaching column chromatographic (SLCC) experiment at an environmental temperature range of 20-40 degreesC was carried out, which utilized a reference soil (SP 14696) packed column and a methanol-water (1:4 by volume ratio) eluent. The transport process quickens with the increase of column temperature. The ratio of retention factors at 30 and 40 degreesC (k'(30)/k'(40)) ranged from 1.08 to 1.36. The lower enthalpy change of the solute transfer in SLCC (from eluent to soil) than in conventional reversed-phase liquid chromatography (e.g., from eluent to C-18) is consistent with the hypothesis that HOCs were dominantly and physically partitioned between solvent and soil. The results were also verified by the linear solvation energy relationships analysis. The chief factor controlling the retention was found to be the solute solvophobic partition, and the second important factor was the solute hydrogen-bond basicity, while the least important factors were the solute polarizability-dipolarity and hydrogen-bond acidity. With the increase of temperature, the contributions of the solute solvophobic partition and hydrogen-bond basicity gradually decrease, and the latter decreases faster than the former. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Variations in the structure and acidity properties of HZSM-5 zeolites with reduction in crystal sizes down to nanoscale (less than 100 nm) have been investigated by XRD, TEM and solid-state NMR with a system capable of in situ sample pretreatment. As evidenced by a combination of Al-27 MAS NMR, Si-29 MAS, CP/MAS NMR and H-1 MAS NMR techniques, the downsize of the zeolite crystal leads to an obvious line broadening of the Al-27, Si-29 MAS NMR spectrum, an increasing of the silanol concentration on the external surface, and a pronounced alteration of the acidity distribution between the external and internal surfaces of the zeolite. In a HZSM-5 zeolite with an average size at about 70 nm, the nonacidic hydroxyl groups (silanols) are about 14% with respect to the total amount of Si, while only 4% of such hydroxyl groups exist in the same kind of zeolite at 1000 nm crystal size. The result of H-1 MAS NMR obtained using Fluorinert(R) FC-43 (perfluorotributyl amine) as a probe molecule demonstrates that most of the silanols are located on the external surface of the zeolite. Moreover, the concentration of Bronsted acid sites on the external surface of the nano-structured zeolite appears to be distinctly higher than that of the microsized zeolite.


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In this study, a novel sol-gel method is used to synthesize amorphous silica-alumina materials with a narrow mesoporous distribution and various Si/Al molar ratios without using any templates and pore-regulating agents. During the preparation procedure, only inexpensive inorganic salts were used as raw materials, instead of expensive and harmful alkoxides. The precursor sol was dried at room temperature in a vacuum box kept at 60 mmHg until it began to form the gel. The results of a nitrogen sorption experiment indicate that the synthesized materials with different Si/Al molar ratios have similar mesoporous distributions (within 2-12 nm). Moreover, it was found that the material's pore size distribution remains at a similar value during the heat treatment from room temperature to 550 degreesC. On the basis of the nitrogen sorption, TEM, and AFM characterization results, a formation mechanism of mesopores which accounts for the experimental data is also suggested. This suggested mechanism involves rearrangement of the primary particles during the drying process to form the precursors of the similarly sized mesopores. The synthesized materials were characterized by XRD, thermal analysis (TG/DTA), Al-27 and Si-29 MAS NMR spectroscopy, SEM, TEM, and AFM. The results of Al-27 and 29Si MAS NMR indicate that the distribution of silicon and aluminum in the synthesized materials is more uniform and homogeneous than that in the mixed oxides prepared via the traditional sol-gel method even at high alumina contents. The type and density of the acid sites were studied using pyridine adsorption-desorption FTIR spectroscopy. It was shown that the acidity of the synthesized materials is higher than that of the silica-alumina materials prepared by conventional methods.


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Titania sols were prepared by acid hydrolysis of a TiCl4 precursor instead of titanium alkoxides. The effect of acid concentration on the particle size and stability of sol was investigated. Stable titania sols with mean particle size of 14 nm could be obtained when the H+/Ti molar ratio was 0.5. The titania sols were modified with Pt, SiO2, ZrO2, WO3 and MoO3 to prepare a series of modified catalysts, which were used for the photocatalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at 37 degreesC. They showed different photocatalytic activities due to the influence of the additives. Comparing with pure TiO2, the addition of silica or zirconia increased the photocatalytic activity, while the addition of Pt and MoO3 decreased the activity, and the addition Of WO3 had little effect on the activity. It is of great significance that the conversion of formaldehyde was increased up to 94% over the SiO2-TiO2 catalyst. The increased activity was partly due to higher surface area and porosity or smaller crystallite size. A comparison of our catalyst compositions with the literature in this field suggested that the difference in activity due to the addition of a second metal oxide maybe caused by the surface chemistry of the catalysts, particularly the acidity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.