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利用能量为 75— 95MeV19F束流 ,通过反应12 8Te( 19F ,5nγ) 142 Pm研究了双奇核142 Pm的高自旋态能级结构 .实验中进行了γ射线的激发函数、γ射线单谱和γ γ符合测量 .建立了激发能达 70 3 0 .0keV的142 Pm的能级纲图 ,其中包括新发现的 2 5条γ射线和 1 3个新能级 .基于实验测量的γ跃迁各向异性度 ,建议了142 Pm能级的自旋值
An attractive Fischer-Tropsch catalyst was prepared using an activated carbon as carrier to support cobalt based catalysts. Zr promoted Co/AC catalysts remarkably enhanced the activity and the selectivity toward diesel distillates and lower the methane selectivity. This modification may be attributed to specific behavior of activated carbon with high surface area and the weak interaction between metallic cobalt active sites and activated carbon. It was emphasized that the pore size of activated carbon played a very important role in restricting the growth of carbon chain to wax.
The Cu-Zr amorphous alloy was studied as an electrocatalyst towards the electrochemical hydrogenation of nitrobenzene. The electrocatalyst was activated by chemical etching in HF solution. Resulted changes in the morphology, chemical composition and crystalline structure of the electrocatalyst surface were characterised by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Auger electron spectroscopy. The electrocatalytic properties of the Cu-Zr amorphous alloy were assessed by voltammetric measurements. Due to the formation and aggregation of Zr residue modified Cu nanocrystals on the surface caused by the selective dissolution of Zr components in the chemical etching, the activated amorphous alloy is an effective electrocatalyst for the electrochemical reduction reaction of nitrobenzene with aniline as the main product. The positive shift of the peak potential and accompanying increase in the value of peak current in voltammograms with increasing Cu content and decreasing Zr content of the alloy surface in the chemical etching are indicative of improved electrocatalytic activity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
在实测资料的基础上借助流域水沙耦合模型中的产流模式 ,将水土保持减水型措施和植被型措施在减流中的作用定量分割开来 ,为区域水土流失综合治理提供基础数据 .结果显示 ,高度综合治理的插财主沟和杨家沟小流域平均减水分别为 6 6 .2 %和 5 8.7% .其中减水型措施分别减水 42 .0 %和 19.8% ,植被型措施分别为 2 4.2 %和 38.9% .与未治理小流域相比 ,综合治理使小流域拦蓄水程度明显提高 ,减水型措施拦蓄径流作用显著高于植被型措施
采用土壤淤浆方法对丹麦农田和山毛榉森林土壤反硝化过程中N2 O的产生与还原进行了研究 ,同时考察了硝酸根和铵离子对反硝化作用的影响 .结果表明 ,森林土壤反硝化活性大于农田土壤 ,但农田土壤中N2 O还原活性大于森林土壤 ,表现在农田和森林土壤中N2 O/N2 的产生比率分别为 0 .11和 3 .65 .硝酸根和铵离子能促进两种土壤中的N2 O产生 ,但可降低农田土壤中的N2 O还原速率 .与农田土壤相比 ,硝酸根可降低森林土壤N2 O的还原能力 ,而铵离子却表现出对N2 O还原的促进作用 .培养 1周内尽管农田土壤中硝酸根始终存在 ,但几乎所有产生的N2 O都被还原成N2 .然而 ,只有当硝酸根几乎耗尽 ,森林土壤中N2 O的还原才开始进行 .由于两种土壤 pH值的不同造成硝酸根对N2 O还原抑制作用的差异 ,因为酸性条件下硝酸根对N2O还原的抑制较强 .因此 ,土壤消耗大气N2 O的适宜条件为厌氧 ,pH中性和硝酸根含量低 .