78 resultados para trophic cascades


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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were measured in plant populations and plateau pikas to determine enrichment in stable isotopes of three alpine meadow ecosystems at different elevations in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results indicated that stable carbon isotope signatures of plant populations at the three locations showed significant variations, delta C-13 of plant populations showed an enrichment of 0.86 parts per thousand per 1000 in over the linear proportion of the altitudinal response, while stable nitrogen isotopes showed no apparent difference. The stable nitrogen isotopes of plateau pikas became significantly isotopically heavier along altitudinal gradients and showed an enrichment of 3.17 parts per thousand/km. Stable carbon isotopes showed no significance, however, and the enrichment of 0.448 parts per thousand/km. delta C-13 and delta N-15 in plateau pikas were not significantly correlated. There appeared to be segregation between the metabolism of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of plateau pikas. Variances in metabolic rate at lower water availability and temperatures are presumed to be the main cause of enrichment of stable nitrogen isotopes along altitudinal gradients. Attention should be paid to construct trophic positions and to trace food chain information based oil an isotopic enrichment model.


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We measured the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios for muscles of the upland buzzards (Buteo hemilasius) and their potential food sources, plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae), Qinghai voles (Lasiopodomys fuscus), plateau zokors (Myospalax fontanierii), and several passerine bird species at the alpine meadow in Maduo county, Guoluo prefecture of Qinghai province, People's Republic of China, to provide diet information of upland buzzards, highlighting different diet composition of upland buzzards exposed to different locations. The results demonstrated that stable carbon isotope ratios of upland buzzards, passerine birds, plateau pikas, plateau zokors, and Qinghai voles were -24.42 +/- 0.25parts per thousand, -22.89 +/- 1.48parts per thousand, -25.30 +/- 1.47parts per thousand, -25.78 +/- 0.22parts per thousand, and -25.41 +/- 0.01parts per thousand, respectively, and stable nitrogen isotope ratios were 7.89 +/- 0.38parts per thousand, 8.37 +/- 2.05parts per thousand, 5.83 +/- 1.10parts per thousand, 5.23 +/- 0.34parts per thousand, and 8.86 +/- 0.06parts per thousand, respectively. Fractionation of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios between upland buzzards and their food were 1.03parts per thousand and 2.11parts per thousand, respectively. Based on mass balance principle of stable isotopes and the Euclidean distance mixing model, upland buzzards depended mainly on plateau pikas as food (74.56%). Plateau zokors, Qinghai voles, and passerine birds only contributed a small proportion (25.44%) to diets of upland buzzards. The results were closely accordant with analyses of stomach contents and food pellets, which firmly supported the feasibility of using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios to investigate diet information of upland buzzards. Another study based on stable carbon isotopes showed that upland buzzards living in the Haibei prefecture (another prefecture located in the southeast Qinghai province) mainly preyed on passerine birds (64.96% or more) as food supply. We were alarmed by the preliminary results that widespread poisoning activities of small mammals could reshape the food composition of upland buzzards, influencing the stability and sustainability of the alpine meadow. Bio-control on rodent pests should be carried out rather than the chemical measures.


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A continuous long (224m) and high-resolution core TY2 was recovered from paleo-maar-lake Tianyang, tropical South China. Based on the diatom records of the upper 130-m core, this paper focuses on exploring climate change and the lake evolution history in tropical South China during the past 240ka. The most typical and unique characteristics of the diatom assemblages is that, Aulacoseira granulata was dominant or absolutely dominant species (80-90%) during most parts of the 130-m core, while Cyclotella stelligera var. tenuis and Fragilaria construens var. venter were subdominant species in only limited parts of the lower and upper core, respectively. Time scale is always the biggest problem for the study of TY2 core, so although diatom is seldom used for establishing time scale, here we attempt this by correlating the diatom-reconstructed temperature sequence with the time scale of ODP core 806B from Equatorial Western Pacific. Verified by the few most reliable ages from TY2 core and the parallel core TYl, a rather reasonable and reliable time scale was established. 01S 7/6 falls at the depth of 100m (ca. 194kaBP), OIS 6/5 at 75m (ca. 132kaBP), OIS 5/4 at 46m (ca. 75kaBP), OIS 4-3 at 35m (ca. 60kaBP). Qualitative and quantitative environmental reconstructions are made on the basis of diatom assemblage ecotype and EDDI dataset. Correlation of diatom-reconstructed temperature and moisture changes of Core TY2 with pollen-reconstructed temperature and rainfall sequence of Core TYl proves that the results are quite consistent in most periods. Thus the reconstruction results from diatom are quite reliable, and probably have a much higher resolution than pollen results. Combined with lithological and magnetic susceptibility variations, the diatom analysis reveals that, the general climate in tropical South China during the past 240ka was warm and wet. On the time scale of glacial-interglacial, warm and wet, cool and dry are not always synchronous. It was relatively warm-wet during the penultimate interglacial, cool-dry during the penultimate glacial, warm-dry during the last interglacial, and cooler-drier during the last glacial. In contrast, on the time scale of subglacial-subinterglacial scales, warm and dry, cool and wet corresponds very obviously, showing very clear 21-23 ka precession cycle. Analysis also shows that, the water of Tianyang paleo-maar-lake was generally warm, turbulent, turbid, meso-trophic, slightly alkaline, low conductivity and fresh during the past 240 kaBP, with small variations in some parts. Tianyang paleolake experienced shallow to semi-deep lake in OIS7d, open shallow lake in OIS7c-OIS5b, shallow coastal lake in OIS5a-OIS4c, swamp in OIS4b, and then completely dried up in OIS3c. The lake evolution was mainly controlled by temperature and precipitation changes in tropical China. While temperature and precipitation changes were probably controlled by the migrations of monsoon rainband and the evaporation rate, which was in turn controlled by the evolution of East Asian monsoon. Therefore, when the summer monsoon was strongest the climate was warm-dry, when stronger the climate was warm-wet; when the winter monsoon was strongest the climate was cool-dry, stronger cool-wet. This mechanism caused the warm-dry sub interglacial and cool-wet subglacial climate in the tropical South China.