103 resultados para sine fatigue (cyclic loading)


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The dynamic stress intensity factor histories for a half plane crack in an otherwise unbounded elastic body are analyzed. The crack is subjected to a traction distribution consisting of two pairs of suddenly-applied shear point loads, at a distance L away from the crack tip. The exact expression for the combined mode stress intensity factors as the function of time and position along the crack edge is obtained. The method of solution is based on the direct application of integral transforms together with the Wiener-Hopf technique and the Cagniard-de Hoop method, which were previously believed to be inappropriate. Some features of solutions are discussed and the results are displayed in several figures.


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The nucleation of microdamage under dynamic loading was investigated through planar impact experiments accomplished with a light gas gun. The microscopic observation of recovered and sectioned specimens showed that microcracks were nucleated only by cracking of brittle particles inside material. However, for comparison the in situ static tensile tests on the same material conducted with a scanning electron microscope showed that the microcracks were nucleated by many forms those were fracture of ductile matrix, debonding particles from matrix and cracking of brittle particles. The quantitative metallographic observations of the specimens subjected to impact loading showed that most of the cracked particles were situated on grain boundaries of the aluminium matrix. These facts suggested the concept of critical size and incubation time of submicroscopic cavities in the dynamic case and the mechanism of embryo-damage induced nucleation by fracture of brittle particles in the aluminium alloy under impact loading was proposed.


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The influence of two secondary effects, rotatory inertia and presence of a crack, on the dynamic plastic shear failure of a cantilever with an attached mass block at its tip subjected to impulsive loading is investigated. It is illustrated that the consideration of the rotatory inertia of the cantilever and the presence of a crack at the upper root of the beam both increase the initial kinetic energy of the block required to cause shear failure at the interface between the beam tip and the tip mass, where the initial velocity has discontinuity Therefore, the influence of these two secondary effects on the dynamic shear failure is not negligible.


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The fracture toughness and fatigue fracture behaviour of carbon-fiber-reinforced modified bismaleimide (BMI) composites have been studied. These composites were found to have higher fracture toughnes, better damage tolerance and longer fatigue life than carbon-fiber composites with epoxy matrices. Delamination is the major mode of failure in fatigue and it is controlled by the properties of the matrix and interface. The improved performance is dire to the presence of thermoplastic particles in the modified BMI matrix which gives rise to enhanced fiber/matrix adhesion and more extensive plastic deformation. The fatigue behaviour also depends on the stacking sequence, with the multidirectional [45/90/-45/0] fiber-reinforced modified BMI composite having a lower crack propagation rate and longer fatigue life than the unidirectional laminate. This arises because of the constraint on the damage processes due to the different fiber orientation in the plies.


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The dynamic stress intensity factor history for a semi-infinite crack in an otherwise unbounded elastic body is analyzed. The crack is subjected to a pair of suddenly-applied point loadings on its faces at a distance L away from the crack tip. The exact expression for the mode I stress intensity factor as a function of time is obtained. The method of solution is based on the direct application of integral transforms, the Wiener-Hopf technique and the Cagniard-de Hoop method. Due to the existence of the characteristic length in loading this problem was long believed a knotty problem. Some features of the solutions are discussed and graphical result for numerical computation is presented.


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A series of experiments have been conducted on cruciform specimens to investigate fatigue crack growth from circular notches under high levels of biaxial stress. Two stress levels (Δσ1= 380 and 560 MPa) and five stress biaxialities (λ=+1.0, +0.5, 0, −0.5 and −1.0; where λ=σ21 were adopted in the fatigue tests in type 316 stainless steel having a monotonic yield strength of 243 MPa. The results reveal that fatigue crack growth rates are markedly influenced by both the stress amplitude and the stress biaxiality. A modified model has been developed to describe fatigue crack growth under high levels of biaxial stress.


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In this paper, the initial development of microdamage in material subjected to impulsive loading was investigated experimentally and analytically with controllable short-load duration. Based on a general solution to the statistical evolution of a one-dimensional system of ideal microcracks, a prerequisite to experimental investigation of nucleation of microcracks was derived. By counting the number of microcracks, the distribution of nucleation of microcracks was studied. The law of the nucleation rate of microcracks can be expressed as a separable function of stress and cracksize. It is roughly linear dependence on loading stress. The normalized number density of microcracks is in agreement with that of a second-phase particle.


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An empirical study is made on the fatigue crack growth rate in ferrite-martensite dual-phase (FMDP) steel. Particular attention is given to the effect of ferrite content in the range of 24.2% to 41.5% where good fatigue resistance was found at 33.8%. Variations in ferrite content did not affect the crack growth rate View the MathML sourcewhen plotted against the effective stress intensity factor range View the MathML source which was assumed to follow a linear relation with the crack tip stress intensity factor range ΔK. A high View the MathML source corresponds to uniformly distributed small size ferrite and martensite. No other appreciable correlation could be ralated to the microstructure morphology of the FMDP steel. The closure stress intensity factor View the MathML source, however, is affected by the ferrite content with View the MathML source reaching a maximum value of 0.7. In general, crack growth followed the interphase between the martensite and ferrite.

Dividing the fatigue crack growth process into Stage I and II where the former would be highly sensitive to changes in ΔK and the latter would increase with ΔK depending on the View the MathML source ratio. The same data when correlated with the strain energy density factor range ΔS showed negligible dependence on mean stress or R ratio for Stage I crack growth. A parameter α involving the ratio of ultimate stress to yield stress, percent reduction of area and R is introduced for Stage II crack growth so that the View the MathML source data for different R would collapse onto a single curve with a narrow scatter band when plotted against αΔS.


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The dilatational plastic constitutive equation presented in this paper is proved to be in a form of generality. Based on this equation, the constitutive behaviour of materials at the moment of bifurcation is demonstrated to follow a loading path with the response as "soft" as possible.


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Short fatigue crack behaviour in a weld metal has been further investigated. The Schmid factor and the fractal dimension of short cracks on iso-stress specimens subjected to reversed bending have been determined and then applied to account for the distribution and orientation characteristics of short fatigue cracks. The result indicates that the orientation preference of short cracks is attributed to the large values of Schmid factor at relevant grains. The Schmid factors of most slip systems, which produced short cracks, are less than or equal to 0.4. Crack length measurements reveal that short crack path, compared to that of long crack, possesses a more stable and relatively larger value of fractal dimension. This is regarded as one of the typical features of short cracks.


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Fatigue tests were performed using a purpose designed triangular shaped specimen to investigate the initiation and propagation of short fatigue cracks in a weld metal. It was observed that short fatigue cracks evolved from slip bands and were predominantly within ferrite grains. As the test progressed, the short crack density increased with minor changes in crack length. The growth of short cracks, in the early stage resulted mainly from coalescence with other existing cracks. The mechanism of short crack behaviour is discussed.


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The mechanism of ductile damage caused by secondary void damage in the matrix around primary voids is studied by large strain, finite element analysis. A cylinder embedding an initially spherical void, a plane stress cell with a circular void and plane strain cell with a cylindrical or a flat void are analysed under different loading conditions. Secondary voids of smaller scale size nucleate in the strain hardening matrix, according to the requirements of some stress/strain criteria. Their growth and coalescence, handled by the empty element technique, demonstrate distinct mechanisms of damage as circumstances change. The macroscopic stress-strain curves are decomposed and illustrated in the form of the deviatoric and the volumetric parts. Concerning the stress response and the void growth prediction, comparisons are made between the present numerical results and those of previous authors. It is shown that loading condition, void growth history and void shape effect incorporated with the interaction between two generations of voids should be accounted for besides the void volume fraction.


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Fatigue crack growth and its threshold are investigated at a stress ratio of 0.5 for the three-point bend specimen made of Austenitic stainless steel. The effect of grain size on the crack tip plastic deformation is investigated. The results show that the threshold value Δkth increases linearly with the square root of grain size d and the growth rate is slower for materials with larger grain size. The plastic zone size and ratio for different grain sizes are different at the threshold. The maximum stress intensity factor is kmax and σys is the yield strength. At the same time, the characteristics of the plastic deformation development is discontinuous and anti-symmetric as the growth rate is increased from 2·10—8 to 10−7 mm/cycle.


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A dimensionless relation of the form for collating fatigue crack starting growth data is proposed in which Δkth represents the stress intensity factor range at the threshold. Based on experimental results, this relation attains the value of 0.6 for a fatigue crack to start growth in the Austenitic stainless steel investigated in this work. Metallurgical examinations were also carried out to show a transgranular shear mode of cyclic cleavage and plastic shear.


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Near threshold, mixed mode (I and II), fatigue crack growth occurs mainly by two mechanisms, coplanar (or shear) mode and branch (or tensile) mode. For a constant ratio of ΔKIKII the shear mode growth shows a self-arrest character and it would only start again when ΔKI and ΔKII are increased. Both shear crack growth and the early stages of tensile crack growth, are of a crystallographic nature; the fatigue crack proceeds along slip planes or grain boundaries. The appearance of the fracture surfaces suggest that the mechanism of crack extension is by developing slip band microcracks which join up to form a macrocrack. This process is thought to be assisted by the nature of the plastic deformation within the reversed plastic zone where high back stresses are set up by dislocation pile-ups against grain boundaries. The interaction of the crack tip stress field with that of the dislocation pile-ups leads to the formation of slip band microcracks and subsequent crack extension. The change from shear mode to tensile mode growth probably occurs when the maximum tensile stress and the microcrack density in the maximum tensile plane direction attain critical values.