147 resultados para finite-dimensional quantum systems


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A mesoscopic Coulomb blockade system with two transport channels is studied in terms of full counting statistics. It is found that the shot noise and skewness are crucially affected by the quantum mechanical interference. In particular, the super-Poisson behavior can be induced as a consequence of constructive interference, and can be understood by the formation of effective fast-and-slow transport channels. Dephasing and finite temperature effects are carried out together with physical interpretations.


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We introduce the concept of the Loschmidt echo (LE) to the space of the reduced density matrix of spin and fermionic systems to study the density matrix LEs (DMLEs) of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model and the transverse field Ising model. Our results show that the DMLEs are remarkably influenced by the criticality of the system, and the method is a convenient way to study quantum phase transitions.


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We investigate plasmon excitations in a quantum wire that consists of an infinite one-dimensional array of vertically coupled InAs/GaAs strained quantum dots (QDs). The research is carried out in the framework of random-phase approximation using effective-mass theory. Our formalism is capable of studying plasmons with strong tunneling among QDs, which frustrate the conventionally adopted tight-binding approximation. Based on this formalism, a systematic study on the intraminiband or intrasubband plasmon in vertically coupled InAs/GaAs strained QDs is presented. It is found that an increase of the dot spacing will inevitably reduce the plasmon energy. In contrast, the role of dot height is relatively complex and depends on the dot spacing. The results demonstrate the possibility to engineer collective excitations in low dimensional systems by simply changing their geometric configuration.


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Double-state lasing phenomena are easily observed in self-assembled quantum dot (QD) lasers. The effect of inter-level relaxation rate and cavity length on the double-state lasing performance of QD lasers is investigated on the basis of a rate equation model. Calculated results show that, for a certain cavity length, the ground state (GS) lasing threshold current increases almost linearly with the inter-level relaxation lifetime. However, as the relaxation rate becomes slower, the ratio of excited state (ES) lasing threshold current over the GS one decreases, showing an evident exponential behavior. A relatively feasible method to estimate the inter-level relaxation lifetime, which is difficult to measure directly, is provided. In addition, fast inter-level relaxation is favorable for the GS single-mode lasing, and leads to lower wetting layer (WL) carrier occupation probability and higher QD GS capture efficiency and external differential quantum efficiency. Besides, the double-state lasing effect strongly depends on the cavity length. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A hierarchical equations of motion formalism for a quantum dissipation system in a grand canonical bath ensemble surrounding is constructed on the basis of the calculus-on-path-integral algorithm, together with the parametrization of arbitrary non-Markovian bath that satisfies fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The influence functionals for both the fermion or boson bath interaction are found to be of the same path integral expression as the canonical bath, assuming they all satisfy the Gaussian statistics. However, the equation of motion formalism is different due to the fluctuation-dissipation theories that are distinct and used explicitly. The implications of the present work to quantum transport through molecular wires and electron transfer in complex molecular systems are discussed. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The photoluminescence (PL) of Mn-implanted quantum dot (QD) samples after rapid annealing is studied. It is found that the blue shift of the PL peak of the QDs, introduced by the rapid annealing, decreases abnormally as the implantation dose increases. This anomaly is probably related to the migration of Mn atoms to the InAs QDs during annealing, which leads to strain relaxation when Mn atoms enter InAs QDs or to the suppression of the inter-diffusion of In and Ga atoms when Mn atoms surround QDs. Both effects will suppress the blue shift of the QD PL peaks. The temperature dependence of the PL intensity of the heavily implanted QDs confirms the existence of defect traps around the QDs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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On the basis of the finite element approach, we systematically investigated the strain field distribution of conical-shaped InAs/GaAs self-organized quantum dot using the two-dimensional axis-symmetric model. The normal strain, the hydrostatic strain and the biaxial strain components along the center axis path of the quantum dots are analyzed. The dependence of these strain components on volume, height-over-base ratio and cap layer (covered by cap layer or uncovered quantum dot) is investigated for the quantum grown on the (001) substrate. The dependence of the carriers' confining potentials on the three circumstances discussed above is also calculated in the framework of eight-band k (.) p theory. The numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental data of published literature.


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We find that the Rashba spin splitting is intrinsically a nonlinear function of the momentum, and the linear Rashba model may overestimate it significantly, especially in narrow-gap semiconductors. A nonlinear Rashba model is proposed, which is in good agreement with the numerical results from the eight-band k center dot p theory. Using this model, we find pronounced suppression of the D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation rate at large electron densities, and a nonmonotonic dependence of the resonance peak position of the electron spin lifetime on the electron density in [111]-oriented quantum wells, both in qualitative disagreement with the predictions of the linear Rashba model.


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The shape dependence of electronic structure, electron g factors in the presence of the external magnetic field of InSb quantum ellipsoids are investigated in the framework of eight-band effective-mass approximation. It is found that as the increasing aspect ratio e, the electron states with P character split into three doublets for the different physical interaction and the light-hole states with S character come up to the top of valence bands at e = 2.6 in comparison with the heavy-hole states. In the presence of the external magnetic field, the energy splits of electron states are different for their wave function distribution direction, and the hole ground state remain optical active for a suitable aspect ratio. The electron g factors of InSb spheres decrease with increasing radius, and have the value of about two for the smallest radius, about -47.2 for sufficiently larger radius, similar to the bulk material case. Actually, the electron g factors decrease as any one of the three dimensions increase. The more dimensions increase, the more g factors decrease. The dimensions perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field affect the g factors more than the other dimensions. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure, electron and hole g factors and optical properties of CdTe quantum ellipsoids are investigated, in the framework of eight-band effective-mass approximation. It is found that the light-hole states come down in comparison with the heavy-hole states when the spheres are elongated, and become the lowest states of valence band. When the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid length to diameter (e) changes from smaller than 1 to larger than 1, the linear polarization factors change from negative to positive. The electron g factors of CdTe spheres decrease with increasing radius, and are nearly 2 when the radius is very small. Actually, as some of the three dimensions increase, the electron g factors decrease. More dimensions increase, the g factors decrease. more. The dimensions perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field affect the g factors more than the other dimension. The light-hole and heavy-hole g factors of quantum spheres are equal, and change from 0.88 to -1.14 with increasing radius. When e < 1 (e > 1) the light-hole g factor is smaller (larger) than the heavy-hole g factor. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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GaAs-based InAs quantum dots using InGaAs composition-graded metamorphic layers have been investigated by molecular beam epitaxy. Emission with the wavelength similar to 1.5 mu m from the dots was obtained at room temperature with the relatively large full width at half maximum. The emission wavelength is relatively stable when subjected to fast annealing. The number density of dots reached similar to 6 x 10(10) cm(-2). Undulated morphology was observed on the surface of the sample, which has some influence on the dot size and distribution. In epilayers, misfit dislocations were confined within the step-graded InGaAs metamorphic buffer layer. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By viewing the non-equilibrium transport setup as a quantum open system, we propose a reduced-density-matrix based quantum transport formalism. At the level of self-consistent Born approximation, it can precisely account for the correlation between tunneling and the system internal many-body interaction, leading to certain novel behavior such as the non-equilibrium Kondo effect. It also opens a new way to construct time-dependent density functional theory for transport through large-scale complex systems. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An n-InP-based InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well wafer was bonded with p-Si by chemical surface activated bonding at 70 degrees C, and then annealed at 450 degrees C. Different thermal expansion coefficients between InP and Si will induce thermal stresses in the bonded wafer. Planar and cross-sectional distributions of thermal stress in the bonded InP-Si pairs were analyzed by a two-dimensional finite element method. In addition, the normal, peeling, and shear stresses were calculated by an analytic method. Furthermore, x-ray double crystalline diffraction was applied to measure the thermal strain and the strain caused by the mismatching of the crystalline orientation between InP (100) and Si (100). The wavelength redshift of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum due to thermal strain was investigated via the calculation of the band structure, which is in agreement with the measured PL spectra.


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We report the photocurrent response in a double barrier structure with quantum dots-quantum well inserted in central well. When this quantum dots-quantum well hybrid heterostructure is biased beyond + 1 or -I V, the photocurrent response manifests itself as a steplike enhancement, increasing linearly with the light intensity. Most probably, at proper bias condition, the pulling down of the X minimum of GaAs at the outgoing interface of the emitter barrier by the photovoltaic effect in GaAs QW will initiate the r,-X-X tunneling at much lower bias as compared with that in the dark. That gives rise to the observed photocurrent response. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Hamiltonian of the zinc-blende quantum rods in the framework of eight-band effective-mass approximation in the presence of external homogeneous magnetic field is given. The electronic structure, optical properties and electron g factors of GaAs quantum rods are investigated. We found that the electron g factors are very sensitively dependent on the dimensions of the quantum rods. As some of the three dimensions increase, the electron g factors decrease. The more the dimensions increase, the more the electron g factors decrease. The dimensions perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field affect the electron g factors more than the other dimension. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.