83 resultados para Xinjiang


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The Sawuer gold belt is located in the transition belt between Siberian plate and Kazakhstan-Junggar plate. Based on the geological and geochemical studies on the Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits, in Sawuer gold mineralization belt, the time-space structure of mineralization and mineralizing factor are studied, the metallogenic regularity is concluded in thistheses. The ore bodies have the regularity that orebody are of the extensive and compressive in the sallow and depth of volcanic apparatue, respectively, and the vertical extension of orebody is more intensive than the horizontal extension. The gold deposits were controlled by the fractures of volcanic apparatus and regional faults, and featured by the hydrothermal alteration and metasomatism type disseminated mineralization and filling type vein mineralization. By virtue of the geological and geochemical studies on the two deposits that the formation of the two deposits are significantly related to the volcanic activity, we propose new ideas about their origin: (1) the two deposits are located in the same strata, and share the same genesis. (2) both of two deposits are volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits. Based on mapping of volcanic lithofacies and structure for the first time, it is discovered that a volcanic apparatus existed in the study area. Volcanic-intrusive activity can be divided into three cycles and nine lithofacies. where the two deposits are hosted in the same volcanic cycle, in this case, the wall-rock should belong to the same strata. The 40Ar-39Ar age method is employed in this work to analyze the fluid inclusions of quartz in the ore bodies from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits. The results show that the main mineralization occurred in 332.05 + 2.02-332.59 + 0.5IMa and 335.53 + 0.32Ma~336.78 + 0.50Ma for Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits respectively, indicating that the two deposits are formed almost at the same time, and the metallogenic epoch of the tow deposits are close to those of the hosting rocks formed by volcanic activity of Sawuer gold belt. This geochronological study supplies new evidence for determining the timing of gold mineralization, the geneses of gold deposits? and identifies that in Hercynian period, the Altai developed tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization of Early Carboniferous period, except known two metallogenic mineralization periods including tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization of Devonian period and Late Carboniferous-Permian period respectively. The study of fluid inclusions indicates that the ore-forming fluid is a type of NaCl-HbO fluid with medium-low temperature and low salinity, Au is transported by the type of auric-sulfur complex (Au (HS)2-), the ore is formed in reduction condition. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of fluid inclusions in the major mineralizating stage show that the solutions mainly originated from magmatic water and meteoric water. The fluid mixing and water-rock reaction cause the deposition of Au. The helium and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions hosted in pyrite have been measured from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits in Sawuer gold belt. The results show that the ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source and is a mixture of mantle- and partial meteoric water-derived fluid, and the reliability of He and Ar isotopic compositions in Hercynian period is discussed. Isotopic studies including H, O, He, C, S, Pb and Sr reveal the same result that the ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source: the water derived mainly from magmatic water, partially from meteoric water; the mineralizers and ore materials derived mainly from mantle beneath the island arc, and partially from crust. The ore-forming fluids of two deposits are a mixture of mantle-derived fluids being incorporated by crust-derived fluid, and shallow partial meteoric water. Based on these results, it is proposed that the geneses of the two gold deposits are the same, being volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits that the ore-forming fluids filled in fractures of volcanic apparatus and metasomatized the host rocks in the volcanic apparatus. It is the first time we carried out the geophysical exploration, that is, the EH-4 continuous electrical conductivity image system measurement, the results show that relative large-size mineralizing anomalies in underground have been discovered.lt can confirm the law and genesis of the deposits mentioned above, and change the two abandoned mines to current large-size potenial exploration target.


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With the progress of prospecting, the need for the discovery of blind ore deposits become more and more urgent. To study and find out the method and technology for the discovery of blind and buried ores is now a priority task. New geochemical methods are key technology to discover blind ores. Information of mobile components related to blind ores were extracted using this new methods. These methods were tested and applied based on element' s mobile components migrating and enriched in geophysical-geochemical process. Several kinds of partial extraction techniques have tested based on element' s occurrence in hypergenic zone. Middle-large scale geochemical methods for exploration in forest and swamp have been tested. A serious of methods were tested and applied effetely about evaluation of regional geochemical anomaly, 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system instead of the normal net. 1. Element related with ores can be mobiled to migrate upwards and be absorpted by surface soil. These abnomal components can be concentrated by natural or artificial methods. These trace metalic ions partially exist in dissovlvable ion forms of active state, and partially have been absorbed by Fe-Mn oxide, soil and organic matter in the soil so that a series of reaction such as complex reaction have take place. Employing various partial extraction techniques, metallic ions related with the phase of the blind ores can be extracted, such as the technique of organic complex extraction, Fe-Mn oxide extraction and the extraction technique of metallic ions of various absorption phases. 2.1:200000 regional geochemical evaluation anomaly methods: Advantageous ore-forming areas were selected firstly. Center, concentration, morphological feature, belt of anomaly were choosed then. Geological and geochemical anomalies were combined. And geological and geochemical background information were restrained. Xilekuduke area in Fuyun sheet , Zhaheba area in Qiakuerte sheet, the west-north part in Ertai sheet and Hongshanzui anomaly in Daqiao sheet were selected as target areas, in Alertai, in the north of Xinjiang. in Xilekuduke area, 1:25000 soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system was carried out. Cu anomaly and copper mineralization were determined in the center area. Au , Cu anomalies and high polarization anomaly were determined in the south part. Prospecting by primary halo and organic complex extraction were used to prognosis blind ore in widely rang outcrop of bedrock. 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system were used in transported overburden outside of mining area. Shallow seismic method and primary halo found a new blind orebody in mining area. A mineralization site was fou and outside of Puziwan gold mine, in the north of Shanxi province. Developing middle-large scale geochemical exploration method is a key technique based 1:200000 regional geochemical exploration. Some conditions were tested as Sampling density , distribution sites of sample, grain size of sample and occurrence of element for exploration. 1:50000 exploration method was advanced to sample clast sediment supplement clast sediment in valley. 1:25000 bedrock or soil geochemical methods sampling based on the net in dendritic water system was applied to sample residual material in A or C horizon. 1:2000 primary or soil halo methods used to check anomalies and determine mineralization. Daliang gold mineralization in the northern Moerdaoga was found appling these methods. Thermomagnetic method was tested in miniqi copper-polymetallic ore. Process methods such as grain size of sample, heated temperature, magnetic separating technique were tested. A suite of Thermomagnetic geochemical method was formed. This method was applied in Xiangshan Cu~Ni deposit which is cover by clast or Gobi in the eastern Xinjiang. Element's content and contrast of anomaly with Thermomagnetic geochemical method were higher than soil anomaly. Susceptibility after samples were heated could be as a assessment conference for anomaly. In some sectors thermo-magnetic Cu, Ni, Ti anomalious were found outside deposits area. There were strong anomal ies response up ore tested by several kind of partial extraction methods include Thermomagnetic, enzyme leach and other partial extractions in Kalatongke Cu-Ni deposit in hungriness area in the northern of Xinjiang. Element's anomalies of meobile were mainly in Fe-Mn oxide and salt. A Copper mineralization site in Xilekuduke anomaly area had been determined. A blind ore was foung by shallow seismic and geochemical method and a mineralization site was found outside this mining area in Puziwan gold deposit in shanxi province. A Gold mineralization site was found by 1:50000 geochemical exploration in Daliang, Inner Mongolia.


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Under the direction of Geo-informatic Tupu theory, based on comprehensive natural division in Xinjiang and 1:100000 land use and land cover vector data in 2000 from resource and environment database of CAS, the paper gave out some distribution Tupu of land resource types in different regions of Xinjiang. GIS tools such as ARCTOOLS and ARCV1EW were used to clip the unit of each natural division. Some useful conclusions were established. Then the lower reaches of Tarim River were selected as typical area to analyze the ecological environment evolvement from 2000 to 2004 since the beginning of ecological water delivering. The comprehensive space-time analysis provided a method to monitor the effect dynamically. The main contents of the thesis are listed as follows: (1) Similarities and differences between North Xinjiang and South Xinjiang, 6 second-classified regions and 37 third-classified regions. The conclusion of each region emphasized the percentage of area of main land types, characteristic description and distribution of cultivated land > woodlands grassland-, water area^ urban and rural land and unused land. (2) Thematic Tupu of each region. It concluded artificial oasis Tupu, the proportion between dense-grass% moderate-grass and sparse-grass, pattern of land resources and the land use degree. The artificial oasis mean cultivated land^ woodland^ urban & rural land and other construction land. The proportion of grassland disclosed the quality of all grassland and showed the development of them. Pattern of land resources and the land use degree gave out the detailed development direction and development degree of each region. (3) Ecological environment evolvement of the lower reaches of Tarim River. The effects of each ecological water delivering were compared.


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新疆阿尔泰南缘泥盆纪的构造背景一直存在争论。而且,该地区系统的地球化学工作还很薄弱。对阿尔泰南缘克朗和麦兹盆地内的斜长角闪岩和变流纹岩进行的系统的岩石学和地球化学研究,为阿尔泰南缘泥盆纪的构造背景和地壳演化提供了重要证据。获得的主要结论有: (1)斜长角闪岩的原岩为拉斑玄武岩。克朗盆地样品相对于N-MORB表现为“隆起型”曲线形式,而麦兹盆地样品相对于N-MORB表现为富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,而亏损高场强元素。另外,克朗盆地样品具有较高的εNd(t)值(+6.4~+7.4),而麦兹盆地样品则具有偏低的、较宽泛的εNd(t)值(+1.7~+7.3)。地球化学和Nd同位素组成表明,麦兹盆地部分样品可能受到了不同程度的陆壳物质混染。克朗盆地地幔源区表现为亏损上地幔和富集地幔组分的相互作用,而麦兹盆地的地幔源区为受俯冲板片流体/熔体交代的地幔楔。研究表明斜长角闪岩的原岩可能形成于具有陆壳基底的岛弧/弧后盆地环境。 (2)克朗和麦兹盆地的变流纹岩具有高SiO2、较高(Na2O+K2O)、低TiO2和CaO含量,属于亚碱性系列。稀土元素配分模式表现为富集轻稀土元素、Eu负异常强烈。变流纹岩的微量元素蛛网图曲线形式类似于智利岛弧花岗岩。在相关判别图上,它们落入火山弧花岗岩区。变流纹岩的εNd(t)值为-2.9~+1.3,它们的两阶段Nd模式年龄(TDM2)为1.04~1.38Ga。其成因与中元古地壳熔融有关,同时有一定量年轻地壳物质的参与。这些结果显示,变流纹岩形成于发育俯冲带的陆缘火山弧环境。 (3)根据本次研究结果并综合区域地质资料和前人研究成果,提出了阿尔泰南缘泥盆纪的构造岩浆模式。


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新疆北部地区属于中亚造山带的关键部位,有独特的构造岩浆活动和成矿作用,自二十世纪八十年代早期以来一直是国内外地质研究的热点地区之一。准噶尔盆地两侧大面积出露的A型花岗岩及相关矿床是该区的重要研究对象。尽管已有的研究积累了一定成果,但对一些关键问题,特别是对于A型花岗岩形成时代和成因的认识还存在较大争议。另一方面,传统观点认为锡矿床主要与演化的过铝质S型花岗岩有关,但在东准噶尔卡拉麦里构造带,多个中小型锡矿床产于A型花岗岩体内或岩体与围岩的接触带附近,花岗岩与锡矿的成因联系有待深入研究。 本论文以准噶尔盆地两侧的三条A型花岗岩带(包括东准噶尔的卡拉麦里和乌伦古河A型花岗岩带、西准噶尔的达拉布特A型花岗岩带)为研究对象,对其中的一些A型花岗岩体开展了详细的年代学和地球化学研究,并以这些资料为基础,探讨了A型花岗岩的岩石成因及其构造和成矿意义。概括起来,主要得到以下结论性认识: (1)锆石U-Pb年代学结果显示,卡拉麦里铝质和碱性A型花岗岩都形成于302~310Ma左右;乌伦古河碱性A型花岗岩形成于305~320Ma,而铝质A型花岗岩形成于270~280Ma;西准噶尔达拉布特铝质A型花岗岩形成于295~305Ma。这些高精度的同位素年龄资料进一步确证了准噶尔地区大面积发育的A型花岗岩是该区后碰撞阶段的岩浆作用产物。 (2)三个构造带的碱性花岗岩和碱长花岗岩都具有典型A型花岗岩的矿物学和地球化学特征。在主量元素上它们富硅、富碱、低铝、贫钙镁,在微量元素上它们明显富集Rb、K、Th等大离子亲石元素及Zr、Hf等高场强元素和稀土元素而亏损Ba、Sr、Eu。根据地球化学组成,苏吉泉黑云母碱长花岗岩是典型的铝质A型花岗岩,而不是前人提出的S型花岗岩。 (3)三个构造带的A型花岗岩均有较高的正Nd(T)值和大于成岩年龄的两阶段Nd同位素模式年龄,它们的地质特征和地球化学组成难以用幔源岩浆高度分异的成岩模式解释。这些A型花岗岩的岩浆很可能是花岗闪长质岩浆分异结晶作用的产物,而花岗闪长质岩浆则起源于具亏损地幔同位素组成的玄武质洋壳和少量陆壳物质的部分熔融。 (4)东准噶尔早二叠世A型花岗岩的发育表明该区后碰撞阶段的花岗岩浆作用持续时间较长(约60Ma),这些花岗岩与晚石炭世A型花岗岩在地球化学组成上的差异揭示了东准噶尔乃至新疆北部在早二叠世的陆壳垂向生长。 (5)萨惹什克锡矿石中辉钼矿的Re-Os同位素年龄值(307Ma)与赋矿的萨北碱性花岗岩中锆石的U-Pb年龄值(306Ma)有很好的一致性,而且辉钼矿的Re含量低,表明成矿物质可能主要源于地壳。时间和物源的证据反映该区A型花岗岩与锡矿床具有密切的成因联系。


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双泉金矿床是地质工作者最近在东准噶尔地区金矿勘探中的一个新突破,地质研究和勘探程度低导致其成因还不清楚。本文通过对双泉金矿床的控矿特征、矿石矿物组成和结构构造、不同矿化阶段的矿物组合及变形特征、矿石稀土元素、氢氧同位素地球化学特征等方面的研究,探讨了双泉金矿床地质地球化学特征及成矿时代、成矿流体、成矿物质来源等,提出了该矿床的矿床成因,取得如下认识: 双泉金矿床产于下石炭统南明水组地层中,并受控于清水-苏吉泉韧性剪切带。矿石中金矿物主要以显微 (0.2mm~0.2μm)和次显微 (<0.2μm)的裂隙金、晶隙金等形式存在。矿化阶段划分为三阶段,第Ⅰ阶段黄铁矿-毒砂,第Ⅱ阶段金-石英-毒砂-黄铁矿为主要矿化阶段,第Ⅲ阶段矿化弱。利用金矿化相关的热液矿物稳定范围和毒砂的主要成分含量,通过相图得出第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ阶段温度范围分别为330~450℃和300~430℃。对矿石及近矿围岩亲硫元素组合的相关性分析和R类聚类分析得出成矿元素组合为Au-Ag-As-Sb。 卡拉麦里强应变构造带基本控制了金矿带的分布,而其中韧-脆性剪切部位控制了双泉金矿床、矿脉、矿体的产出。韧性剪切带的后两期走滑脆-韧性、脆性剪切变形控制了第Ⅰ、Ⅱ矿化阶段的金矿化。最早于中石炭世开始的区域走滑脆-韧性变形和区域最新赋矿地层主要为石炭系大致限定了双泉金矿床成矿时代为晚石炭世。 双泉金矿床成矿流体的δD为-86~-99(‰),第Ⅰ、Ⅱ矿化阶段的δ18O值随温度降低而降低,根据水岩反应模拟计算得出初始水为变质水。两种矿石稀土元素球粒陨石配分模式呈右缓倾斜型,轻重稀土属弱分离型,δEu弱负异常,与矿区围岩(南明水组地层)基本一致。矿石轻重稀土分异程度介于围岩与蛇绿岩之间,以及热液中有大量与镁铁质、超镁铁质有关的Co、Ni、Cr、Zr、V 等组份,显示成矿流体对蛇绿岩的淋滤迁移和对围岩的叠加改造。这些反映了成矿物质来源与蛇绿岩体与围岩变质有关。 双泉金矿床形成于晚石炭世,是与韧性剪切带有关的,中高温的变质热液型金矿床。


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萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床是我国90年代金矿地质工作者在新疆西南天山地区寻找穆龙套型金矿床的一个突破。本文通过对新疆萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的矿石矿物组成、稀土元素地球化学、同位素地球化学以及流体包裹体特征等方面的研究,探讨了萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床地质地球化学特征、金的赋存状态及成矿流体特征、成矿流体来源,提出了该矿床的成矿机制,取得如下认识:1.流体包裹体岩相学研究表明,萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的流体包裹体主要为V+L相和富CO_2相包裹体,前者为NaCl-H_2O体系,后者主要有L_(CO2)、L_(CO2)+L、V_(CO2)+L、V_(CO2)+L_(CO2)+L相包裹体;并发现极少量含子晶流体包裹体。2.通过流体包裹体显微测温学研究,表明金矿床的均一温度成矿早阶段为270~320 ℃,成矿主阶段为170~250 ℃,成矿晚阶段为110-250 ℃,呈逐渐降低的趋势,低温成矿作用明显。3.单个流体包裹体的激光拉曼分析表明,流体包裹体中除含有CO2之外,还含有一定量的N_2和CH_4。4.成矿物质来源的复杂性。萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床矿石中微量元素组成、稀土配分模式大都反映了成矿金属物质主要来自赋矿地层本身。金属硫化物的6345:-3.4‰~+2.6‰,西南天山地区下古生界地层中广泛存在各类火山岩可能是该矿床的主要硫源,部分可能有深部物质的参与。矿石中主要脉石矿物石英和菱铁矿 中包裹体水的氢氧同位素组成为δD = -72%~-62‰,δ~(18)O = -11.6‰~+5.4‰。成矿流体主要为大气降水补给的地下卤水,并有少量岩浆水的混合。5.Ar-Ar同位素地球化学研究表明,萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的主要成矿时代为印支晚期,210 Ma。6. 对矿石中的流体包裹体进行了温度、压力、成分、pH、含盐度等的分要的,并系统的进行了矿床形成时的物理化学条件的理论计算,基中包括EH、PH、f_(O_2)、f_(S_2)等及金在矿液运移中的搬运形式。指出减压过程或伴生沸腾的减压过程,是矿床形成过程中矿质卸载的基本机制,此外,酸蚀变过程(如绢云母化等)中由于H~+的消耗促进了溶液中pH值的升高;含高炭质的围岩,降低了矿液的氧逸度以及含矿热液与地表下渗冷水的混合等诸多因素,则是矿订形成的辅助机制。