227 resultados para Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs)


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This work presents a study of the correlation between the electrical properties and the structural defects in nominally undoped InN films. It is found that the density of edge-type threading dislocations (TDs) considerably affects the electron concentration and mobility in InN films. The Hall-effect measured electron concentration increases, while the Hall mobility decreases with the increase in the edge-type TD density. With the combination of secondary ion mass spectrometry and positron annihilation analysis, we suggest that donor-type point defects at the edge-type TD lines may serve as dominant donors in InN films and affect the carrier mobility.


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Heavily iron-implanted silicon was prepared by mass-analyzed low-energy dual ion beam deposition technique. Auger electron spectroscopy depth profiles indicate that iron ions are shallowly implanted into the single-crystal silicon substrate and formed 35 nm thick FexSi films. X-ray diffraction measurements show that as-implanted sample is amorphous and the structure of crystal is partially restored after as-implanted sample was annealed at 400degreesC. There are no new phases formed. Carrier concentration depth profile of annealed sample was measured by Electrochemical C-V method and indicated that FexSi film shows n-type conductivity while silicon substrate is p-type. The p-n junction is formed between FexSi film and silicon substrate showing rectifying effect. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In our work, nitrogen ions were implanted into separation-by-implantation-of-oxygen (SIMOX) wafers to improve the radiation hardness of the SIMOX material. The experiments of secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analysis showed that some nitrogen ions were distributed in the buried oxide layers and some others were collected at the Si/SiO2 interface after annealing. The results of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) suggested the density of the defects in the nitrided samples changed with different nitrogen ion implantation energies. Semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor (SIS) capacitors were made on the materials, and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements were carried out to confirm the results. The super total dose radiation tolerance of the materials was verified by the small increase of the drain leakage current of the metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor with n-channel (NMOSFETs) fabricated on the materials before and after total dose irradiation. The optimum implantation energy was also determined.


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The effects of lattice vibration on the system in which the electron is weakly coupled with bulk longitudinal optical phonons and strongly coupled with interface optical phonons in an infinite quantum well were studied by using Tokuda' linear-combination operator and a modified LLP variational method. The expressions for the effective mass of the polaron in a quantum well QW as functions of the well's width and temperature were derived. In particular, the law of the change of the vibration frequency of the polaron changing with well' s width and temperature are obtained. Numerical results of the effective mass and the vibration frequency of the polaron for KI/AgCl/Kl QW show that the vibration frequency and the effective mass of the polaron decrease with increasing well's width and temperature, but the contribution of the interaction between the electron and the different branches of phonons to the effective mass and the vibration frequency and the change of their variation with the well's width and temperature are greatly different.


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We theoretically investigate the energy spectra of two-electron two-dimensional (2e 2D) quantum dots (QDs) confined by triangular potentials and bowl-like potentials in a magnetic field by exact diagonalization in the framework of effective mass theory. An in-plane electric field is,found to contribute to the singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of the 2e 2D QDs confined by triangular or bowl-like potentials in a perpendicular magnetic field. The stronger the in-plane electric field, the smaller the magnetic field for the total spin of the ground states in the dot systems to change from S = 0 to S = 1. However, the influence of an in-plane electric field on the singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of two electrons in a triangular QD modulated by a perpendicular magnetic field is quite small because the triangular potential just deviates from the harmonic potential well slightly. We End that the strength of the perpendicular magnetic field needed for the spin singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of the QD confined by a bowl-like potential is reduced drastically by applying an in-plane electric field.


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The Hamiltonian of the wurtzite quantum dots in the presence of an external homogeneous magnetic field is given. The electronic structure and optical properties are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The energy levels have new characteristics, such as parabolic property, antisymmtric splitting, and so on, different from the Zeeman splitting. With the crystal field splitting energy Delta(c)=25 meV, the dark excitons appear when the radius is smaller than 25.85 A in the absence of external magnetic field. This result is more consistent with the experimental results reported by Efros [Phys. Rev. B 54, 4843 (1996)]. It is found that dark excitons become bright under appropriate magnetic field depending on the radius of dots. The circular polarization factors of the optical transitions of randomly oriented dots are zero in the absence of external magnetic field and increase with the increase of magnetic field, in agreement with the experimental results. The circular polarization factors of single dots change from nearly 0 to about 1 as the orientation of the magnetic field changes from the x axis of the crystal structure to the z axis, which can be used to determine the orientation of the z axis of the crystal structure of individual dots. The antisymmetric Hamiltonian is very important to the effects of magnetic field on the circular polarization of the optical transition of quantum dots.


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The Ga1-xMnxSb samples were fabricated by the implantation of Mn ions into GaSb (1 0 0) substrate with mass-analyzed low-energy dual ion beam deposition system, and post-annealing. Auger electron spectroscopy depth profile of the Ga1-xMnxSb samples showed that the Mn ions were successfully implanted into GaSb substrate. Clear double-crystal X-ray diffraction patterns of the Ga1-xMnxSb samples indicate that the Ga1-xMnxSb epilayers have the zinc-blende structure without detectable second phase. Magnetic hysteresis-loop of the Ga1-xMnxSb epilayers were obtained at room temperature (293 K) with alternating gradient magnetometry. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structures in the hierarchical self-assembly of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots are investigated theoretically in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The electron and hole energy levels and optical transition energies are calculated. In our calculation, the effect of finite offset, valence-band mixing, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in different regions, and the real quantum dot structures are all taken into account. The results show that (1) electronic energy levels decrease monotonically, and the energy difference between the energy levels increases as the GaAs quantum dot (QD) height increases; (2) strong state mixing is found between the different energy levels as the GaAs QD width changes; (3) the hole energy levels decrease more quickly than those of the electrons as the GaAs QD size increases; (4) in excited states, the hole energy levels are closer to each other than the electron ones; (5) the first heavy- and light-hole transition energies are very close. Our theoretical results agree well with the available experimental data. Our calculated results are useful for the application of the hierarchical self-assembly of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots to photoelectric devices.


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The electronic structures of InSb1-xNx nanowires are investigated using the ten-band k center dot p method. It is found that nitrogen increases the Rashba coefficient of the nanowires dramatically. For thick nanowires, the Rashba coefficient may increase by more than 20 times. The semiconductor-metal transition occurs more easily in InSb1-xNx nanowires than in InSb nanowires. The electronic structure of InSb1-xNx nanowires is very different from that of the bulk material. For fixed x the bulk material is a semimetal, while the nanowires are metal-like. In InSb1-xNx bulk material and thick nanowires, an interesting decrease of electron effective mass is observed near k=0 which is induced by the nitrogen, but this phenomenon disappears in thin nanowires.


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A novel 10-period SiC/AlN multilayered structure with a SiC cap layer is prepared by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD). The structure with total film thickness of about 1.45 mu m is deposited on a Si (111) substrate and shows good surface morphology with a smaller rms surface roughness of 5.3 nm. According to the secondary ion mass spectroscopy results, good interface of the 10 period SiC/AlN structure and periodic changes of depth profiles of C, Si, Al, N components are obtained by controlling the growth procedure. The structure exhibits the peak reflectivity close to 30% near the wavelength of 322 nm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of growth of the SiC/AlN periodic structure using the home-made LPCVD system.


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We deduce the eight-band effective-mass Hamiltonian model for a manganese-doped ZnSe quantum sphere in the presence of the magnetic field, including the interaction between the conduction and valence bands, the spin-orbit coupling within the valence bands, the intrinsic spin Zeeman splitting, and the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and magnetic ion in the mean-field approximation. The size dependence of the electron and hole energy levels as well as the giant Zeeman splitting energies are studied theoretically. We find that the hole giant Zeeman splitting energies decrease with the increasing radius, smaller than that in the bulk material, and are different for different J(z) states, which are caused by the quantum confinement effect. Because the quantum sphere restrains the excited Landau states and exciton states, in the experiments we can observe directly the Zeeman splitting of basic states. At low magnetic field, the total Zeeman splitting energy increases linearly with the increasing magnetic field and saturates at modest field which is in agreement with recent experimental results. Comparing to the undoped case, the Zeeman splitting energy is 445 times larger which provides us with wide freedom to tailor the electronic structure of DMS nanocrystals for technological applications.


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The electronic structures of coupled quantum dots grown on (11N)-oriented substrates are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory. The results show that the all-hole subbands have the smallest widths and the optical properties are best for the (113), (114), and (115) growth directions. Our theoretical results agree with the available experimental data. Our calculated results are useful for the application of coupled quantum dots in photoelectric devices.


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With different implantation energies, nitrogen ions were implanted into SIMOX wafers in our work. And then the wafers were subsequently annealed to form separated by implantation of oxygen and nitrogen (SIMON) wafers. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) was used to observe the distribution of nitrogen and oxygen in the wafers. The result of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was suggested by the dandling bonds densities in the wafers changed with N ions implantation energies. SIMON-based SIS capacitors were made. The results of the C-V test confirmed that the energy of nitrogen implantation affects the properties of the wafers, and the optimum implantation energy was determined. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The band structures of wurtzite ZnO are calculated using the empirical pseudopotential method (EPM). The 8 parameters of the Zn and O atom pesudopotential form factors with Schluter's formula are obtained. The effective mass parameters are extracted by using k.p Hamiltonian to fit the EPM results. The calculated band edge energies (E-g, E-A, E-B, and E-C) at Gamma point are in good agreement with experimental results. The ordering of ZnO at the top of valence band is found to be A(Gamma(7))-B(Gamma(9))-C(Gamma(7)) due to a negative spin-orbit (SO) splitting. Based on the band parameters obtained, the valence hole subbands of wurzite ZnO/MgxZn1-xO tensile-strained quantum wells (QWs) with different well widths and Mg compositions are calculated using 6-band k.p method. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The laterally confining potential of quantum dots (QDs) fabricated in semiconductor heterostructures is approximated by an elliptical two-dimensional harmonic-oscillator well or a bowl-like circular well. The energy spectrum of two interacting electrons in these potentials is calculated in the effective-mass approximation as a function of dot size and characteristic frequency of the confining potential by the exact diagonalization method. Energy level crossover is displayed according to the ratio of the characteristic frequencies of the elliptical confinement potential along the y axis and that along the x axis. Investigating the rovibrational spectrum with pair-correlation function and conditional probability distribution, we could see the violation of circular symmetry. However, there are still some symmetries left in the elliptical QDs. When the QDs are confined by a "bowl-like" potential, the removal of the degeneracy in the energy levels of QDs is found. The distribution of energy levels is different for the different heights of the barriers. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.