99 resultados para Power Engineering, Current Control, Hysteresis, Random Pulse Width Modulation (RPWM)


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The characteristics of harmonic radiation due to electron oscillation driven by an intense femtosecond laser pulse are analyzed considering a single electron model. An interesting modulated structure of the spectrum is observed and analyzed for different polarization. Higher order harmonic radiations are possible for a sufficiently intense driving laser pulse. We have shown that for a realistic pulsed photon beam, the spectrum of the radiation is red shifted as well as broadened because of changes in the longitudinal velocity of the electrons during the laser pulse. These effects are more pronounced at higher laser intensities giving rise to higher order harmonics that eventually leads to a continuous spectrum. Numerical simulations have further shown that by increasing the laser pulse width broadening of the high harmonic radiations can be limited. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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基于动量守恒和光参变过程中的三波耦合波方程, 和负单轴非线性光学晶体CsLiB6O10的色散方程, 研究了在光参变效应中超短激光脉冲由于群速度色散引起的展宽和形变。数值模拟显示, 在超短脉冲波形为双曲正割形和无啁啾调制时, 高阶群速度色散引起的超短脉冲为50 fs时, 晶体长度为10 mm, 紫外光213 nm作为基波入射时的脉冲展宽是波长为532 nm绿光在同等条件下的1.6倍。脉冲展宽程度与入射波长和晶体长度有关, 波长越短和晶体长度越长则脉冲展宽和波形变化越严重,高阶色散引起的超短高斯脉冲展宽, 将


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When a Dammann grating is used to split a beam of femtosecond laser pulses into multiple equal-intensity beams, chromatic dispersion will occur in beams of each order of diffraction and with different scale of angular dispersion because the incident ultrashort pulse contains a broad range of spectral bandwidths. We propose a novel method in which the angular dispersion can be compensated by positioning an m-time-density grating to collimate the mth-order beam that has been split, producing an array of beams that are free of angular dispersion. The increased width of the compensated output pulses and the spectral walk-off effect are discussed. We have verified this approach theoretically and validated it through experiments. It should be highly interesting in practical applications of splitting femtosecond laser pulses for pulse-width measurement, pump-probe measurement, and micromachining at multiple points. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Based on electro-optic switch effect in crystal, a novel laser ranging method is proposed. CW-laser emitted by laser transmitter propagates forward to the measured target, after being reflected by the target, and then goes back to the transmitter. Close to the transmitter, a special mono-block LiNbO3 crystal is added into the round-trip light beams. High-voltage pulses with the sharp enough changes in rising edges are loaded on the crystal. Based on electro-optic effect, double refraction and internal double reflection effect in crystal, the crystal cuts off the round-trip light beams, and reflects a light pulse cut out by the crystal to a detector aside from the original beam path. The pulse width T is the period that laser propagates forward and back between the crystal and the target. The feasibility of the new idea is proved by our experiments and a brand-new way for the laser ranging is provided. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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采用反射式达曼光栅对飞秒激光进行分束,可以避免材料色散的影响。搭建了利用反射式1×2达曼光栅为基础的频率分辨光学开关(FROG)装置,并把测量结果与传统多发频率分辨光学开关装置的测量结果进行了对比。理论和实验结果表明,当输入脉冲宽度大于50 fs时,用达曼光栅作为分光器和使用分光镜分光的效果是一样的;当输入脉冲的宽度小于50 fs时,用达曼光栅作为分光器引入的展宽量明显小于分光镜引入的展宽量,尤其是当输入脉冲的宽度小于20 fs时用达曼光栅作为分光器的效果更为突出。


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Dependence of performances of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) communication systems on atmosphere visibility is investigated numerically by correlating the propagation of UV radiation with the visibility. A simplified solar-blind UV atmospheric propagation model is introduced, and the NLOS UV communication system model is constituted based on the single scattering assumption. Using the model, numerical simulation is conducted for two typical geometry configurations and different modulation formats. The results indicate that the performance of the NLOS UV communication system is insensitive to variation of visibility in quite a large range, and deteriorates significantly only in very low-visibility weather, and is also dependent on the geometry configuration of the system. The results also show that the pulse position modulation (PPM) is preferable due to its high-power efficiency to improve the system performance. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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在拼接光栅和拼接光栅压缩器的设计中,子光栅调节偏差不可避免,各维偏差与拼接光栅的时间特性之间的关系很关键。通过脉冲压缩理论分析得到各维偏差和聚焦脉冲时间宽度展宽之间的解析关系,从数值计算结果分析,面平行左右偏差对脉冲的时间宽度影响较大,必须控制在21.08 μrad内;条纹密度差异对脉冲宽度的影响很显著,相对条纹密度的比值应控制在10-5以内;从消除角色散的角度分析,面平行俯仰偏差和条纹平行度偏差可以相互补偿,条纹密度差异和面平行左右偏差也可以相互补偿。


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为了有效地补偿激光二极管(LD)侧向抽运1000 Hz重复率电光调Q Nd:YAG激光器棒状增益介质内存在的热致双折射损耗,设计了一种新颖的双调Q晶体开关复合谐振腔结构。实验结果表明,设计的双调Q晶体开关结构Nd:YAG激光器输出激光脉冲能量比单调Q晶体开关结构的非补偿腔输出能量提高了56%,当侧面抽运半导体激光器输出功率达到450 W时,激光输出达到30 mJ/pulse,输出光束偏振度优于10:1,激光脉冲宽度约14 ns。并获得6.7%的光-光转换效率。通过对双调Q开光激光谐振腔进行建模,并用求解速


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报道了激光二极管泵浦的被动传导冷却的Q开关Nd:YAG zigzag 板条激光器,谐振腔采用平平腔和非稳腔。在20Hz运转时,得到脉宽均为10ns的150 mJ,光光效率19%的多模输出和100 mJ、13%光学效率的单模输出,并进行了相关的热效应测试,结果表明该激光器具有效率高、结构紧凑、光束质量好,在空间环境应用具有很好的发展潜力。


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利用激光诱导等离子体开关技术,对355 nm脉冲激光自削波进行了实验和理论研究。分别采用5种不同焦距的透镜,集中讨论了透镜焦距及激光器输出单脉冲能量对脉宽压缩的影响,发现采用焦距为200 mm的透镜能够获得最佳的脉冲压缩效果。在聚焦透镜焦距200 mm,单脉冲能量160 mJ时,获得最短脉宽3.47 ns;在激光电离Cu小孔内壁表面及空气击穿共同作用下,获得了脉宽最短达2.11 ns的脉冲激光输出。此外,根据实验结果得到了355 nm激光空气击穿阈值,并与理论估算值进行比较,两者结果较为一致。


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We report the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of the femtosecond laser operation by using a new alloyed Yb:GYSO crystal as the gain medium. With a 5 at. % Yb3+-doped sample and chirped mirrors for dispersion compensation, we obtained pulses as short as 210 fs at the center wavelength of 1093 nm. The average mode-locking power is 300 mW, and the pulse repetition frequency is 80 MHz. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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ZrO2, films were deposited by electron-beam evaporation with the oxygen partial pressure varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to I I X 10(-3) Pa. The phase structure of the samples was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The thermal absorption of the films was measured by the surface thermal lensing technique. A spectrophotometer was employed to measure the refractive indices of the samples. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was assessed using a 1064, nm Nd: yttritium-aluminium-garnet pulsed laser at pulse width of 12 ns. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the microstructure and LIDT of ZrO2 films was investigated. XRD data revealed that the films changed from polycrystalline to amorphous as the oxygen partial pressure increased. The variation of refractive index at 550 nm wavelength indicated that the packing density of the films decreased gradually with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The absorptance of the samples decreased monotonically from 125.2 to 84.5 ppm with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The damage threshold, values increased from 18.5 to 26.7 J/cm(2) for oxygen partial pressures varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to 9 X 10(-3) Pa, but decreased to 17.3 J/cm(2) in the case of I I X 10(-3) Pa. (C) 2005 American Vacuum Society.