138 resultados para Perfect Pyramids


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By using the mass-analyzed low energy dual ion beam deposition technique, a high quality epitaxial, insulating cerium dioxide thin film with a thickness of about 2000 Angstrom, has been grown on a silicon (111) substrate. The component species, cerium and oxygen, are homogeneous in depth, and have the correct stoichiometry for CeO2. X-ray double-crystal diffraction shows that the full width at half maximum of the (222) and (111) peaks of the film are less than 23 and 32 s, respectively, confirming that the film is a perfect single crystal. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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The band structure of 2D photonic crystals (PCs) and localized states resulting from defects are analyzed by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique and Pade approximation. The effect of dielectric constant contrast and filling factor on photonic bandgap (PBG) for perfect PCs and localized states in PCs with point defects are investigated. The resonant frequencies and quality factors are calculated for PCs with different defects. The numerical results show that it is possible to modulate the location, width and number of PBGs and frequencies of the localized states only by changing the dielectric constant contrast and filling factor.


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The mechanism of self-organization of quantum dots (QDs) during the growth of InGaAs/GaAs multilayers on GaAs (1 0 0) was investigated with cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM), and double-crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXD). We found that the QDs spacing in the first layer can affect the vertical alignment of QDs. There seems to exist one critical lateral QD spacing, below which merging of QDs with different initial size is found to be the dominant mechanism leading to perfect vertical alignment. Once the critical value of QDs spacing is reached, the InGaAs QDs of the first layer are simply reproduced in the upper layers. The X-ray rocking curve clearly shows two sets of satellite peaks, which correspond to the QDs superlattice, and multi-quantum wells (QW) formed by the wetting layers around QDs. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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目前全球缺水、水污染、洪涝灾害以及水土流失仍然非常严重,尤其在我国北方地区。流域水文模型可用来进行不同需水管理的情景分析,为解决我国水问题提供科学依据。分布式水文模型是流域水文模型的发展方向,具有显著特点:1)应用前景广泛,不仅可以模拟流域水文过程,还可以协助模拟泥沙或污染物的运移过程,为水利工程设计、水土保持、环境保护等领域提供技术支持;2)能够预测流域土地利用或气候变化下的流域水文响应过程变化,为管理部门提供决策支持;3)模型所需要的参数全部具有物理意义,可通过实际测量确定,适合模拟实测系列较短或是无观测流域的水文过程;4)对于目前国际水文界的前沿问题—水文尺度转换提供了一种有效的解决途径。 然而分布式水文模型还不完善,如1)真实性问题。对一些水文过程和边界条件还不确定。2)尺度转换问题。目前很少考虑尺度对参数有效性的影响。3)检验问题。还无法判断对有些难以测量的水文状态变量的模拟正确与否。4)计算时间和数据存储的问题。有些分布式水文模型虽然具有很强的水文物理基础和完善的模型结构,但是计算时间过长和(或)数据存储过大,难以应用。上述问题的核心就是对分布式水文模型的核心—单元水文模型的研究不够,需要为进一步完善单元水文模型进行研究。 本文采用饱和入渗理论、Saint-Venant方程、Richards方程、Penman-Monteith方程等等构建了以有限差分法求解的适用于森林流域的单元水文模型,并通过实验室模拟试验和坡地径流场资料进行了验证,主要结论为: 通过不同坡度和不同雨强下的室内坡面产汇流实验模拟,表明:该模型模拟的坡面流和壤中流过程与实测过程基本一致,峰现时间、径流历时、峰值流量、出流总量模拟值与实测值的相对误差均较小,基本小于10%。模型的模拟精度较高,实用性较强,为深入研究壤中流机制和改进流域降雨-径流模型提供了理论依据。 通过坡地径流观测场实测资料的验证,表明:该模型模拟的坡面流过程精度较高,累计流量的精度更高于小时过程的精度,离差系数、效率系数、确定系数均较理想,具有应用价值,有助于改善分布式水文模型在森林流域的模拟效果。


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In two papers [Proc. SPIE 4471, 272-280 (2001) and Appl. Opt. 43, 2709-2721 (2004)], a logarithmic phase mask was proposed and proved to be effective in extending the depth of field; however, according to our research, this mask is not that perfect because the corresponding defocused modulation transfer function has large oscillations in the low-frequency region, even when the mask is optimized. So, in a previously published paper [Opt. Lett. 33, 1171-1173 (2008)], we proposed an improved logarithmic phase mask by making a small modification. The new mask can not only eliminate the drawbacks to a certain extent but can also be even less sensitive to focus errors according to Fisher information criteria. However, the performance comparison was carried out with the modified mask not being optimized, which was not reasonable. In this manuscript, we optimize the modified logarithmic phase mask first before analyzing its performance and more convincing results have been obtained based on the analysis of several frequently used metrics. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是世界上种植面积最大,总产量最高,食物加工种类最丰富的粮食作物,占世界人口35 %-40 %的人们以此为主要食物。因此小麦产量的高低和品质的优劣直接影响人们对食物需求的安全和满意程度,也影响着人类的营养平衡以及面粉和食品加工业的发展。随着生活水平的提高,人们对于小麦的品质越来越重视。培育优质专用小麦新品种,制定优质专用小麦品种品质生态区划,从而在不同程度上实现小麦的区域化种植和产业化经营具有重要的意义。 影响小麦品质的因素主要是遗传因素和环境因素,其中环境因素又包括各种自然生态因素和人为因素。研究表明,小麦品质的环境间的差异大于品种间的差异,气候条件是影响小麦品质的最重要的因子,小麦品质的地域间的差异反映出了小麦的品质区域分布规律。为了满足市场对不同品质小麦的需求,对小麦进行区域化研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本研究结合四川的地理、气候特点,研究不同品质类型与生态环境的关系,为在复杂的生态环境内进行品质区划提供依据。 本研究首先根据四川省小麦种植区域的生态特点,在四川省多个典型生态区:川南丘陵的荣县、川西南高原的西昌、川西平原的双流布点种植,采用的小麦试验材料为不同品质类型:中筋小麦川育12、川育14、川育16由本所提供;弱筋小麦川麦32和强筋小麦川麦36由四川省农科院作物所提供。通过研究品质性状与品种及各个生态因子包括地点、土壤土质差异等的关系,明确不同生态环境中适宜种植的小麦品种类型,强筋小麦、中筋小麦更适合于在荣县、双流地区种植,弱筋小麦更适合于在西昌地区种植,为品种品质区划奠定基础。 其次,选择了本课题组育成的稳定中间品系,对其品质性状SDS沉降值进行了多年测定。分析了品质性状SDS沉降值与多种气候因子的相关性,结果表明SDS沉降值与日均温、日照时数成正相关,与降水量成负相关,为品质育种提供了理论依据。 此外,以中筋小麦新品种小麦川育14为材料,应用三元二次正交旋转回归模型设计试验,研究主要栽培因子播期、密度和施肥量对产量的影响,并建立函数模型。经计算机模拟寻优,筛选出了高产高效栽培组合措施,并确定了置信域。结合四川省不同的地理情况,在平原和丘陵地区分别进行实验,并各自建立了高产高效栽培组合措施,为川育14品种的推广提供了理论指导。 Wheat is one of the most important crops in the world. About 35%-40% people all over the world, take the wheat as their most important food. So the quality, as well as the quantity of the wheat makes a direct effect on people’s demands of food and their satisfaction. It also effects on human’s healthy, and the development of the Food processing industry. With the development of the living standard, people pay more attention to the quality of wheat. So, we set a special ecology zoning for wheat. It is significant to carry out planting the wheat in special zoning in varying degrees. The main factors affecting wheat quality are heredity and environment including many ecological factors and the factors in cultivation. As to the quality,the difference between ecology and cultivation is more important than the difference between special wheat. In so many factors, climate is the most important one. From the difference in quality between different zones,we can conclude the rule of distribution abort quality of wheat. Finding out the intersection of numerous wheat not only can meet the demand of food production,but also has important signification in theory and realism。In our research, according to the complex geography in Sichuan province, we study the relationship between numerous kinds of quality characters in wheat and the ecology. So, we can set a foundation for more research. In this research, firstly, we plant wheat in some typical ecological regions of SICHUAN province: RONGXIAN(south of SC)、XICHANG(south of SC), SHUANGLIU(west of SC). The materials of the experiments: ChuanYu12, ChuanYu14, ChuanYu16(from our institute), Chuanmai32, Chuanmai36 (from the Chinese academy of agriculture sciences of Sichuan. Through the research on the relationship between the quality of wheat and those ecology factors, we can make a definition that which area is perfect matched with which kind of wheat. And it can satisfy the demand of people. Secondly, select many sorts of wheat from our research group. All of them are selected and bred more than 3 years(2003-2005). And we make every-year determination as well. We’ve gotten SDS value from those 9, and various data on factors of climate. We also got to know the relation ship between those numbers. Thirdly, use Chuanyu14 as material, the mathematical model of the relation between the production of wheat and main agricultural measures such as date, density and fertilizer. The model was established by association of three elements two return, rotate and regression. We set a suitable model and get a suitable method which can make high harvest. Based on various kinds of geographical regions in Sichuan province, we set different models which can be used in plain and hill. So, we can plant Chuan Yu 14 in Sichuan province under the result in research.


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Based on current phi-mapping topological theory, a kind of self-dual equations in Jackiw-Pi model are studied. We first obtain explicit, self-dual solutions that satisfy Liouville equation which contains delta-function. Then we get perfect vortex solutions which reflect the system's internal topological structure, and consequently the quantization of flux.


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The relation between the input impedance and the characteristic parameters of a cavity, such as the resonance frequency, shunt impedance and. the quality factor, has been obtained based on the equivalent circuit of the cavity and the coupling system. Using the matching condition, the ratio of coupling capacitance to the equivalent capacitance of the cavity can be acquired as a function of the characteristic parameters of the cavity, the value of the coupling capacitance can be obtained with a help of a numerical simulation and the perturbation theory, and then the perfect matching between the cavity and the transmission line can be procured. The application of these results on a model cavity is presented too.


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The preparation of light alkenes by the gas phase oxidative cracking (GOC) or catalytic oxidative cracking (COC) of model high hydrocarbons ( hexane, cyclohexane, isooctane and decane in the GOC process and hexane in the COC process) was investigated in this paper. The selection for the feed in the GOC process was flexible. Excellent conversion of hydrocarbons ( over 85%) and high yield of light alkenes ( about 50%) were obtained in the GOC of various hydrocarbons including cyclohexane at 750 degreesC. In the GOC process, the utilization ratio of the carbon resources was high; CO dominated the produced COX (the selectivity to CO2 was always below 1%); and the total selectivity to light alkenes and CO was near or over 70%. In the COC of hexane over three typical catalysts (HZSM-5, 10% La2O3/HZSM-5 and 0.25% Li/MgO), the selectivity to COX was hard to decrease and the conversion of hexane and yield of light alkenes could not compete with those in the GOC process. With the addition of H-2 in the feed, the selectivity to COX was reduced below 5% over 0.1% Pt/HZSM-5 or 0.1% Pt/MgAl2O4 catalyst. The latter catalyst was superior to the former catalyst due to its perfect performance at high temperature, and with the latter, excellent selectivity to light alkenes ( 70%) and the conversion of hexane (92%) were achieved at 850 degreesC ( a yield of light alkenes of 64%, correspondingly).


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A minicapillary viscometer utilizing <0.5 ml of sample at a volume fraction of <0.1% is described. The calculated a/b of DPPC/DPPG multilamellar liposome was 1.14 as prolate ellipsoids and a/b of dioleoylpropyltrimethyl ammonium methylsulfate-DNA complex at a charge ratio of 4: 1 (+/-) was 3.7 as prolate ellipsoids or 4.9 as oblate ellipsoids. The deviation of shape from perfect sphere is thus expressed quantitatively in more than two significant figures. In these measurement, the necessary amount of DNA is <0.5 mg.


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A metal ions (Ag, Bi, V, Mo) modified sol-gel method was used to prepare a mesoporous Ag0.01Bi0.85V0.54Mo0.45O4 catalytic membrane which was used in the selective oxidation of propane to acrolein. By optimizing the preparation parameters, a thin and perfect catalytically active membrane was successfully prepared. SEM results showed that the membrane thickness is similar to5 mum. XRD results revealed that Ag0.01Bi0.85V0.54Mo0.45O4 with a Scheelite structure, which is catalytically active for the selective oxidation of propane to acrolein, was formed in the catalytic membrane only when AgBiVMoO concentrations were higher than 40%. Catalytic reaction results demonstrated that the selective oxidation of propane could be controlled to a certain degree, such as to acrolein, in the catalytic membrane reactor (CMR) compared to the fixed bed reactor (FBR). For example, a selectivity of 54.85% for acrolein in the liquid phase was obtained in the CMR, while only 8.31% was achieved in the FBR. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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研究黄土高原主要农田土壤重金属Cd的形态与生物有效性的关系,为评价本区土壤重金属Cd污染程度及其生物有效性提供一定的理论与数据依据。【方法】以黄土高原自北向南采集的12个0~20 cm耕层土壤为供试土样,通过室内分析和盆栽试验,研究了黄土高原石灰性土壤中不同形态Cd的分布特征及其生物有效性。【结果】黄土高原农田土壤Cd各形态总体分布特征为:有机结合态Cd、铁锰氧化物结合态Cd>碳酸盐结合态Cd>交换态Cd>残渣态Cd,自北向南各形态Cd含量均呈不同程度的增加趋势。各土壤类型间铁锰氧化物结合态Cd及碳酸盐结合态Cd平均含量均表现为:干润砂质新成土<黄土正常新成土<简育干润均腐土<土垫旱耕人为土,自北向南依次增加。碳酸盐结合态Cd和全Cd含量主要受到全氮、有效磷和砂粒含量的影响,且全氮和有效磷含量对其的影响为正效应。铁锰氧化物结合态Cd含量主要受全氮、有效磷、砂粒和粉砂粒含量的影响,且全氮、有效磷和粉砂粒含量对其的影响为正效应。土壤中各形态Cd含量与有机质、C/N、pH、CaCO3、粘粒含量的相关性均不显著,其中与C/N、pH、粘粒含量呈负相关。Cd在小麦茎叶层的含量小于根系;而作物不同部位Cd累积量表现...


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A simple hydrothermal method has been developed to synthesize monodisperse beta-NaLuF4 microplates in a large scale. The microcrystals have a perfect hexagonal shape with a diameter of about 5.2 mu m and a thickness of 300 nm. Trisodium citrate (Cit(3-)), which is introduced into the reaction mixture and acts as the chelating agent and shape modifier, plays a key role in fine-tuning the microstructures. The dominant adsorption of Cit(3-) onto the {0001} facets lowers the surface energy of these facets.


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Uniform Fe3O4 octahedral microcrystals with perfect appearance have been successfully synthesized by a Triton X100-assisted polyol process. During the polyols process for the preparation of Fe3O4 octahedra. the introduction of Triton X100 decreases significantly the needed concentration of NaOH. The results show that Fe3O4 octahedra are composed of eight triangular sheets, which are equilateral triangles. The edge size of Fe3O4 octahedron is about 4 mu m. The magnetic properties of Fe3O4 octahedral particles were evaluated on a SQUID magnetometer at room temperature.