104 resultados para Numerical Range


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This paper performed a numerical simulation on temperature field evolution for the surface layer of a metallic alloy subjected to pulsed Nd:YAG laser treatment. The enthalpy method was adopted to solve the moving boundary problem, I.e. Stefan problem. Computational results were obtained to show the temperature field evolution. Effects of latent heat and mushy zone width on the temperature field were investigated. The results also show very high values of temperature gradient and cooling rate, which are typical characteristics during the solidification process.


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A rectangular structural unit cell of a-Al2O3 is generated from its hexagonal one. For the rectangular structural crystal with a simple interatomic potential [Matsui, Mineral Mag. 58A, 571 (1994)], the relations of lattice constants to homogeneous pressure and temperature are calculated by using Monte-Carlo method at temperature 298K and 0 GPa, respectively. Both numerical results agree with experimental ones fairly well. By comparing pair distribution function, the crystal structure of a-Al2O3 has no phase transition in the range of systematic parameters. Based on the potential model, pressure dependence of isothermal bulk moduli is predicted. Under variation of general strains, which include of external and internal strains, elastic constants of a-Al2O3 in the different homogeneous load are determined. Along with increase of pressure, axial elastic constants increase appreciably, but nonaxial elastic constants are slowly changed.


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For understanding the correctness of simulations the behaviour of numerical solutions is analysed, Tn order to improve the accuracy of solutions three methods are presented. The method with GVC (group velocity control) is used to simulate coherent structures in compressible mixing layers. The effect of initial conditions for the mixing layer with convective Mach number 0.8 on coherent structures is discussed. For the given initial conditions two types of coherent structures in the mixing layer are obtained.


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Three-dimensional and time-dependent numerical simulations are performed For melt convection in horizontal Bridgman crystal growth tinder high gravity conditions by means of a centrifuge. The numerical results show that Coriolis Force can cause a stabilizing effect on the fluctuations of the melt flow under a specific relation direction and relation rates of the centrifuge as reported in previous experiments (Ma et al., Materials Processing in High Gravity, Plenum Press, New York, 1994, p. 61). The present simulation provides details of the now features associated with the effect of the Coriolis force. There are also some differences between the present three-dimensional and former two-dimensional numerical solutions particularly in the prediction of the critical conditions and flow patterns.


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In this paper. the effect of indenter tip roundness on hardness behavior for two typical elastic perfectly plastic materials is studied by means of finite element simulation. A rigid conical indenter of semi apex angle 70.3 degrees fitted smoothly with a spherical tip is employed. It is shown that as the indentation depth increases hardness first rises from zero, reaches a maximum and then decreases slowly approaching asymptotically the limiting value equal to that due to a conical indenter of ideally sharp tip. The range within which hardness varies appreciably is comparable to the radius of the indenter tip. The difference between the maximum value and the limiting value depends on the yield stress over the Young's modulus ratio. The smaller this ratio the greater the difference is. Numerical simulation also provides an opportunity for checking the accuracy and limitations of the widely used Oliver-Pharr method.


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In this paper, TASCflow3D is used to solve inner and outer 3D viscous incompressible turbulent flow (R-e = 5.6 X 10(6)) around axisymmetric body with duct. The governing equation is a RANS equation with standard k-epsilon turbulence model. The discrete method used is a finite volume method based on the finite element approach. In this method, the description of geometry is very flexible and at the same time important conservative properties are retained. The multi-block and algebraic multi-grid techniques are used for the convergence acceleration. Agreement between experimental results and calculation is good. It indicates that this novel approach can be used to simulate complex flow such as the interaction between rotor and stator or propulsion systems containing tip clearance and cavitation.


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The optimization of off-null ellipsometry is described with emphasis on the improvement of sample thickness sensitivity. Optimal conditions are dependent on azimuth angle settings of the polarizer, compensator, and analyzer in a polarizer-compensator-sample-analyzer ellipsometer arrangement. Numerical simulation utilized offers an approach to present the dependence of the sensitivity on the azimuth angle settings, from which optimal settings corresponding to the best sensitivity are derived. For a series of samples of SiO2 layer (thickness in the range of 1.8-6.5 nm) on silicon substrate, the theory analysis proves that sensitivity at the optimal settings is increased 20 times compared to that at null settings used in most works, and the relationship between intensity and thickness is simplified as a linear type instead of the original nonlinear type, with the relative error reduced to similar to 1/100 at the optimal settings. Furthermore the discussion has been extended toward other factors affecting the sensitivity of the practical system, such as the linear dynamic range of the detector, the signal-to-noise ratio and the intensity from the light source, etc. Experimental results from the investigation Of SiO2 layer on silicon substrate are chosen to verify the optimization. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The two-dimensional cellular detonation propagating in a channel with area-changing cross section was numerically simulated with the dispersion-controlled dissipative scheme and a detailed chemical reaction model. Effects of the flow expansion and compression on the cellular detonation cell were investigated to illustrate the mechanism of the transverse wave development and the cellular detonation cell evolution. By examining gas composition variations behind the leading shock, the chemical reaction rate, the reaction zone length, and thermodynamic parameters, two kinds of the abnormal detonation waves were identified. To explore their development mechanism, chemical reactions, reflected shocks and rarefaction waves were discussed, which interact with each other and affect the cellular detonation in different ways.


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Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of supercritical CO2 turbulent channel flow has been performed to investigate the heat transfer mechanism of supercritical fluid. In the present DNS, full compressible Navier-Stokes equations and Peng-Robison state equation are solved. Due to effects of the mean density variation in the wall normal direction, mean velocity in the cooling region becomes high compared with that in the heating region. The mean width between high-and low-speed streaks near the wall decreases in the cooling region, which means that turbulence in the cooling region is enhanced and lots of fine scale eddies are created due to the local high Reynolds number effects. From the turbulent kinetic energy budget, it is found that compressibility effects related with pressure fluctuation and dilatation of velocity fluctuation can be ignored even for supercritical condition. However, the effect of density fluctuation on turbulent kinetic energy cannot be ignored. In the cooling region, low kinematic viscosity and high thermal conductivity in the low speed streaks modify fine scale structure and turbulent transport of temperature, which results in high Nusselt number in the cooling condition of the supercritical CO2.


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The horizontal migration of proppant was numerically investigated with a two-fluid model, in which the interaction between fracturing fluid and proppant, along with that among proppants was taken into account through interphase forces. The migration process and the volumetric concentration of the proppant were examined under various conditions, and the. averaged volumetric concentration of the proppant was obtained. The present research might be useful in the process design of the hydraulic fracturing in the oilfields.


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Cylindrical cellular detonation is numerically investigated by solving two-dimensional reactive Euler equations with a finite volume method on a two-dimensional self-adaptive unstructured mesh. The one-step reversible chemical reaction model is applied to simplify the control parameters of chemical reaction. Numerical results demonstrate the evolution of cellular cell splitting of cylindrical cellular detonation explored in experimentas. Split of cellular structures shows different features in the near-field and far-field from the initiation zone. Variation of the local curvature is a key factor in the behavior of cell split of cylindrical cellular detonation in propagation. Numerical results show that split of cellular structures comes from the self-organization of transverse waves corresponding to the development of small disturbances along the detonation front related to detonation instability.


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Direct numerical simulation of transition How over a blunt cone with a freestream Mach number of 6, Reynolds number of 10,000 based on the nose radius, and a 1-deg angle of attack is performed by using a seventh-order weighted essentially nonoscillatory scheme for the convection terms of the Navier-Stokes equations, together with an eighth-order central finite difference scheme for the viscous terms. The wall blow-and-suction perturbations, including random perturbation and multifrequency perturbation, are used to trigger the transition. The maximum amplitude of the wall-normal velocity disturbance is set to 1% of the freestream velocity. The obtained transition locations on the cone surface agree well with each other far both cases. Transition onset is located at about 500 times the nose radius in the leeward section and 750 times the nose radius in the windward section. The frequency spectrum of velocity and pressure fluctuations at different streamwise locations are analyzed and compared with the linear stability theory. The second-mode disturbance wave is deemed to be the dominating disturbance because the growth rate of the second mode is much higher than the first mode. The reason why transition in the leeward section occurs earlier than that in the windward section is analyzed. It is not because of higher local growth rate of disturbance waves in the leeward section, but because the growth start location of the dominating second-mode wave in the leeward section is much earlier than that in the windward section.


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The bonding of glass wafer to aluminum foils in multi-layer assemblies was made by the common anodic bonding process. The bonding was performed at temperatures in the range 350-450 degrees C and with an applied voltage in the range 400-700 V under a pressure of 0.05 MPa. Residual stress and deformation in samples of two-layer (aluminum/glass) and three-layer (glass/aluminum/glass) were analyzed by nonlinear finite element simulation software MARC. The stress and strain varying with cooling time were obtained. The analyzed results show that deformation of the three-layer sample is significantly smaller than that of the two-layer sample, because of the symmetric structure of the three-layer sample. This has an important advantage in MEMS fabrication. The maximum equivalent stresses locate in the transition layer in both samples, which will become weakness in bonded sample.


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This short communication presents our recent studies to implement numerical simulations for multi-phase flows on top-ranked supercomputer systems with distributed memory architecture. The numerical model is designed so as to make full use of the capacity of the hardware. Satisfactory scalability in terms of both the parallel speed-up rate and the size of the problem has been obtained on two high rank systems with massively parallel processors, the Earth Simulator (Earth simulator research center, Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan) and the TSUBAME (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan) supercomputers.