127 resultados para Nucleon polarizabilities


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is proposed for describing the formation of superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions by incorporating the coupling of the relative motion to the nucleon transfer process. The capture of two heavy colliding nuclei, the formation of the compound nucleus, and the de-excitation process are calculated by using an empirical coupled channel model, solving a master equation numerically and applying statistical theory, respectively. Evaporation residue excitation functions in cold fusion reactions are investigated systematically and compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of superheavy nuclei in cold fusion reactions with stable neutron-rich projectiles are obtained. Isotopic trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z=110, 112, 114, 116, 118, and 120 are analyzed systematically. Optimal combinations and the corresponding excitation energies are proposed.


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The differential isospin-fractionation (IsoF) during the liquid-gas phase transition in dilute asymmetric nuclear matter is studied as a function of nucleon momentum. Within a self-consistent thermal model it is shown that the neutron/proton ratio of the gas phase becomes smaller than that of the liquid phase for energetic nucleons, although the gas phase is overall more neutron-rich. Clear indications of the differential IsoF consistent with the thermal model predictions are demonstrated within a transport model for heavy-ion reactions. Future comparisons with experimental data will allow us to extract critical information about the momentum dependence of the isovector strong interaction.


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The properties of hadronic matter at beta equilibrium in a wide range of densities are described by appropriate equations of state in the framework of the relativistic mean field model. Strange meson fields, namely the scalar meson field sigma*(975) and the vector meson field sigma*(1020), are included in the present work. We discuss and compare the results of the equation of state, nucleon effective mass, and strangeness fraction obtained by adopting the TM1, TMA, and GL parameter sets for nuclear sector and three different choices for the hyperon couplings. We find that the parameter set TM1 favours the onset of hyperons most, while at high densities the GL parameter set leads to the most hyperon-rich matter. For a certain parameter set (e.g. TM1), the most hyperon-rich matter is obtained for the hyperon potential model. The influence of the hyperon couplings on the effective mass of nucleon, is much weaker than that on the nucleon parameter set. The nonstrange mesons dominate essentially the global properties of dense hyperon matter. The hyperon potential model predicts the lowest value of the neutron star maximum mass of about 1.45 M-sun to be 0.4-0.5 M-sun lower than the prediction by using the other choices for hyperon couplings.


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Based on the relativistic chiral effective field theory, we study the effective mass of the Delta-resonance in medium by investigating the self-energy of the Delta-resonance related to the pi N decay channel in symmetric nuclear matter. We find that the effective mass of Delta-resonance decreases evidently with increasing nuclear density rho. In our calculation, we also consider the influence of the shifts of the nucleon mass, pion mass and its decay constant due to the restoration of chiral symmetry in medium. The results are roughly consistent with the data given by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


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A double folding method with simplified Skyreme-type nucleon-nucleon interaction is used to calculate the nuclear interaction potential between two nuclei. The calculation is performed in tip-to-tip orientation of the two nuclei if they are deformed. Based on this methods, the potential energy surfaces, the fusion probabilities and the evaporation residue cross sections for some cold fusion reactions leading to super-heavy elements within di-nuclear system model are evaluated. It is indicated that after the improvement, the exponential decreasing systematics of the fusion probability with increasing charge number of projectile on the Pb based target become better and the evaporation residue cross sections are in better agreement with the experimental data.


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In the frame of time-dependent density functional theory, the: dynamical polarizabilities of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are calculated using a time-dependent local density approximation. By using Fourier transformation, the optical absorption spectra of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are obtained from their dynamical polarizabilities. It is shown that experimentally measured optical absorption spectra of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are reproduced in our calculations. Furthermore, the calculations of Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are in good agreement with the results of configuration interaction method. Compared with the three-dimensional structure of Na-6, the calculated optical absorption spectra of Na-6 with the two-dimensional structure are more close to the experimental data.


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We study the average property of the isospin effect of reaction induced by halo-neutron nuclei He-8 and He-10 in the intermediate energy heavy ion collisions using the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD). This study is based on the extended neutron density distribution for the halo-neutron nuclei, which includes the average property of the isospin effect-of reaction mechanism and loose inner structure. The extended neutron density distribution brings an important isospin. effect into the average property of reaction mechanism because the interaction potential and nucleon-nucleon(N-N) cross section in IQMD model depend sensitively on the density distribution of colliding system. In order to see clearly the average properties of reaction mechanism induced by halo-neutron nuclei we also compare the results for the neutron-halo colliding systems with those for the corresponding stable colliding systems under the same incident channel condition. We found that the extended density distribution for the neutron-halo projectile brings an important isospin effect to the reaction mechanism, which leads to the decrease of nuclear stopping R, yet induces obvious increase of the neutron-proton ratio of nucleon emissions and isospin fractionation ratio for all beam energies studied in this work, compared to the corresponding stable colliding system. In this case, nuclear stopping, the neutron-proton ratio of nucleon emissions and isospin fractionation ratio induced by halo-neutron nuclei can be used as possible probes for studying the average property of the isospin effect of reaction mechanism and extracting the information of symmetry potential and in-medium N-N cross section by the neutron-halo nuclei in heavy ion collisions.


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We give a general SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R) x U(1)(EM) sigma model with external sources, dynamical breaking and spontaneous vacuum symmetry breaking, and present the general formulation of the model. It is found that sigma and pi(0) without electric charges have electromagnetic interaction effects coming front the internal structures. A general Lorentz transformation relative to external sources J(gauge) - (J(A mu) J(A mu)(kappa)) derived, using the general Lorentz transformation and the four-dimensional current of nuclear matter of the ground si ate with J(gauge) = 0, we give the four-dimensional general relations between the different currents of nuclear matter systems with J(gauge) not equal 0 and those with J(gauge) = 0. The relation of the density's coupling with external magnetic field is derived, which conforms well to dense nuclear matter in a strong magnetic field. We show different condensed effects in strong interaction about fermions and antifermions, and give the concrete scalar and pseudoscalar condensed expressions of sigma(0) and pi(0) bosons. About different dynamical breaking and spontaneous vacuum symmetry breaking, the concrete expressions of different mass spectra are obtained in field theory. This paper acquires the running spontaneous vacuum breaking value sigma'(0), and obtains the spontaneous vacuum breaking in tenus of the running sigma'(0), which make nucleon, sigma, and pi particles gain effective masses. We achieve both the effect of external sources and nonvanishing value of the condensed scalar and pseudoscalar paticles. It is deduced that the masses of nucleons, sigma and pi generally depend on different external sources.


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In terms of the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD), important isospin effect in the halo-neutron nucleus induced reaction mechanism is. investigated, and consequently, the symmetrical potential form is extracted in the intermediate energy heavy ion collision. Because the interactive potential and in-medium nucleon-nucleon (N-N) cross section in the IQMD model sensitively depend on the density distribution of the colliding system, this type of study is much more based on the extended density distribution with a looser inner nuclear structure of the halo-neutron nucleus. Such a density distribution includes averaged characteristics of the isospin effect of the reaction mechanism and the looser inner nuclear structure. In order to understand clearly the isospin effect of the halo-neutron nucleus induced reaction mechanism, the effects caused by the neutron-halo nucleus and by the stable nucleus with the same mass are compared under the same condition of the incident channel. It is found that in the concerned beam energy region, the ratio of the emitted neutrons and protons and the ratio of the isospin fractionations in the neutron-halo nucleus case are considerably larger than those in the stable nucleus case. Therefore, the information of the symmetry potential in the heavy ion collision can be extracted through such a procedure.


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Within the isospin-dependent Brueckner framework, we investigate the contribution of three-body force ( TBF) rearrangement to isospin symmetry potential as well as its momentum and density dependence. In particular, we investigate the TBF rearrangement effects on the isospin splitting of neutron and proton effective masses in neutron-rich nuclear matter. We show that the rearrangement contribution of TBF to neutron and proton single-particle potentials is repulsive and increases rapidly with increasing density and momentum. At low densities, the influence of the TBF rearrangement on symmetry potential is rather small, and the TBF rearrangement effect becomes more and more pronounced as the density rises. At high densities, the contribution of TBF rearrangement increases considerably the symmetry potential and modifies remarkably the momentum dependence of the symmetry potential. In both cases with and without including the TBF rearrangement contribution, the predicted neutron effective mass in neutron-rich matter is greater than the proton effective mass. The TBF rearrangement effect is to decrease remarkably both the proton and neutron effective masses, and reduce the magnitude of neutron-proton effective mass splitting in neutron-rich matter at high densities.


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Assuming Theta(+) interacts with nucleon or Theta(+) by exchanging isoscalar mesons sigma and omega, the equation of state of {p, n, Theta(+)} and possible metastable state are studied in the framwork of the density dependent relativistic hadron field theory(DDRH). The ratio of the proton isospin to the neutron isospin with different baryon densities and the effect of the Theta(+) component on the binding energy per baryon of the system are also discussed. It is shown that when the binding energy per baryon of the system takes the maximal value, Theta(+) might be bound in the nuclear matter.


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The double neutron-proton differential transverse flow taken from two reaction systems using different isotopes of the same element is studied at incident beam energies of 400 and 800 MeV/nucleon within the framework of an isospin- and momentum-dependent hadronic transport model IBUU04. The double differential flow is found to retain about the same sensitivity to the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy as the single differential flow in the more neutron-rich reaction. Because the double differential flow reduces significantly both the systematic errors and the influence of the Coulomb force, it is thus more effective probe for the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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A density-dependent delta interaction (DDDI) is proposed in the formalism of BCS-type pairing correlations for exotic nuclei whose Fermi surfaces are close to the threshold of the unbound state. It provides the possibility to pick up those states whose wave functions are concentrated in the nuclear region by making the pairing matrix elements state dependent. On this basis, the energy level distributions, occupations, and ground-state properties are self-consistently studied in the RMF theory with deformation. Calculations are performed for the Sr isotopic chain. A good description of the total energy per nucleon, deformations, two-neutron separation energies and isotope shift from the proton drip line to the neutron drip line is found. Especially, by comparing the single-particle structure from the DDDI pairing interaction with that from the constant pairing interaction for a very neutron-rich nucleus it is demonstrated that the DDDI pairing method improves the treatment of the pairing in the continuum.


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We study the average property of the isospin effects of reaction mechanism induced by neutron-halo nuclei within the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model. We find that the extended neutron density distribution for the neutron-halo projectile brings an important isospin effect into the reaction mechanism, which induces the decrease of nuclear stopping R; however, it induces the obvious increases of the neutron-proton ratio of nucleon emissions (n/p)(nucl) for all of the beam energies in this work, compared to the same mass stable colliding system.


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Within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock framework, the equation of state and the properties of newborn neutron stars are investigated by adopting a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction AV(18) supplemented with a microscopic three-body force or a phenomenological three-body force. The maximum mass of newborn neutron star and the proton fraction in the newborn beta-stable neutron-star matter are calculated. The neutrino-trapping and the three-body force effects are discussed, and the interplay between the effects of the trapped neutrino and the three-body force are especially explored. It is shown that neutrino trapping considerably affects the proton abundance and the equation of state of the newborn neutron star in both cases with and without the three-body forces. The effect of neutrino trapping remarkably enhances the proton abundance, and the contribution of the three-body force makes the equation of state of the newborn neutron star much stiffer at high densities and consequently increases the proton abundance strongly. The trapped neutrinos significantly reduce the influence of the three-body force on the proton abundance in newborn neutron stars.