173 resultados para Medicinal herb


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Using phylogenetic and population genetic approaches, the present study reports the phylogeographic structure of the sharp-snouted pitviper (Deinagkistrodon acutus), a threatened snake species with commercial and medicinal importance in China. The entire mitochondrial ND2 gene (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2) sequences of 86 individuals of D. acutus from 14 localities across its range in China were determined. Based on the results of phylogenetic analyses, distribution of diagnostic sites, haplotype network, and AMOVA hierarchical analysis, an cast-west division of the whole D. acutus population could be observed. Geographically, a line formed by a lake, river, and mountain chain (the Poyang Lake, Gan River to the southern end of the Wuyi Mountains), results in vicariance and approximately vertically splits the range into two and the whole population into two main lineages (western and eastern). The bifurcating tree suggested generally west to east dispersal trend. The data fit the isolation by distance (IBD) model well. Star-like clusters in haplotype network, significantly negative values of Fs statistics, and unimodal mismatch distributions all suggest recent demographic expansions in four areas. The results show that isolation, dispersal, bottleneck, and expansion jointly constitute the history of D. acutus. In a haplotype network, the excessive predominance of central haplotypes, few medium-frequency haplotypes, predominance (73.1 %) of the singletons among the derived haplotypes, most of which are connected to the central haplotype by only one mutational step, unsymmetrical campanulate unimodal curve of mismatch distributions and leftwards shift of the peaks, all suggest that the whole D. acutus population is a young population with low genetic diversity. Based on the data, the first priority for conservation action should be given to the Huangshan unit. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Data of classification, origin, pathway and environmental impacts of invasive alien micro-organisms, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, weeds, trees, and marine organisms in terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems of China, were analyzed, based on literature retrieval, field survey and consultation. Some 283 invasive alien species were recorded in China, including 19 invasive alien micro-organisms, 18 aquatic plants, 170 terrestrial plants, 25 aquatic invertebrates, 33 terrestrial invertebrates, 3 amphibians and reptiles, 10 fish, and 5 mammals. Of the invasive alien species, 55.1% originated from North and South America, 21.7% from Europe, 9.9% from Asia, 8.1% from Africa and 0.6% from Oceania. Many institutions and individuals in China lack adequate knowledge of ecological and environmental consequences caused by invasive alien species, with some ignorance of the dangerous invasion in the introduction of alien species. For instance, 50.0% of invasive alien plants were intentionally introduced as pasture, feedingstuff, ornamental plants, textile plants, medicinal plants, vegetables, or lawn plants, 25% of alien invasive animals were intentionally introduced for cultivation, ornament, or biological control, In addition, more efforts are being made in the introduction of alien species, and little attention is paid on the management of introduced alien species, which may cause their escape into natural environment and potential threats to the environment. There were also gaps in quarantine system in China. All microorganisms were unintentionally introduced, through timber, seedling, flowerpot, or soil; 76.3% of alien invasive animals invaded through commodity or transportation facility because of the failure of quarantine. Therefore, quarantine measures should be strictly implemented; and meanwhile the intentional introduction of alien species should be strictly managed and a system of risk assessment should be implemented.


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Immunostimulants are the substances, which enhance the non-specific defence mechanism and provide resistance against the invading pathogenic micro-organism. In order to increase the immunity of shrimps against the WSSV, the methanolic extracts of five different herbal medicinal plants like Cyanodon dactylon, Aegle marmelos, Tinospora cordifolia, Picrorhiza kurooa and Eclipta alba were selected and mixed thoroughly in equal proportion. The mixed extract was supplemented with various concentrations viz. 100 (A), 200 (B), 400 (C), and 800 (D) mg kg(-1) through artificial diets individually. The prepared diets (A-D) were fed individually to WSSV free healthy shrimp Penaeus monodon with an average weight of 8.0 +/- 0.5 g for 25 days. Control diet (E), devoid of herbal extract was also fed to shrimps simultaneously. After 25 days of feeding experiment, the shrimps were challenged with WSSV, which were isolated and propagated from the infected crustaceans. The shrimps succumbed to death within 7 days when fed on no herbal immunostimulant diet (E). Among the different concentrations of herbal immunostimulant supplemented diets, the shrimps fed on diet D (800 mg kg(-1)) significantly (P < 0.0001) had more survival (74%) and reduction in the viral load. Also the better performance of haematological, biochemical and immunological parameters was found in the immunostimulant incorporated diets fed shrimps. The present work revealed that the application of herbal immunostimulants will be effective against shrimp viral pathogenesis and they can be recommended for shrimp culture. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Primula obconica was introduced to Europe from Hubei, China in 1880, and has been cultivated worldwide as one of popular ornamental plants. The volatile oil of wild P. obconica collected from its original place, Yichang, Hubei was first investigated. A total of 43 compounds constituting 93.49% of the oil were identified by using GC and GC-MS. The major compounds were methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-5-methyl benzoate (30.41%), methyl 2,6-dihydroxy-4-methyl benzoate (29.27%), and hypnone (8.92%) etc. In comparison with the published data of some European cultivars, the native P. obconica seems to be allergen-free due to absence of primin and miconidin.


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本论文主要由3 个相对独立的部分组成: 西夫韦肽抗HIV 活性机制研究及其 联合用药和耐药性研究,盐肤木提取物及其化合物抗HIV 活性机制研究和精子 顶体反应抑制剂AGB 抗HIV 活性及机制研究。 HIV 侵入抑制剂是抗HIV 药物研发的热点。该类抑制剂靶定在病毒复制周 期早期,为HARRT 疗法提供了更多新的药物组合,且该类抑制剂对临床中已产 生的耐药毒株也有较好的抑制作用。目前FDA 批准上市的侵入抑制剂仅有T-20, 急需开发新一类的HIV-1 侵入抑制剂。西夫韦肽是由36 个氨基酸组成的多肽, 我们对西夫韦肽进行了一系列体外抗HIV 药效学的实验来研究西夫韦肽体外抗 HIV 活性以及作用机制。实验结果表明西夫韦肽对多种HIV 宿主细胞毒性小, 可以有效抑制HIV-1IIIB 诱导的C8166 细胞的病变效应,EC50 值仅为7.8ng/ml , TI 值大于 384,615;在不同的检测方法中,西夫韦肽均表现出了比T-20 更好的抑 制活性,EC50 值低了13-42 倍。在对HIV-1 临床分离株、耐药株、两株HIV-2 毒株和SIVmac239 的抑制活性研究表明西夫韦肽也可以很好地抑制 HIV-1 临床株 HIV-1KM018 的复制,EC50 值低至4.4ng/ml,对耐药株HIV-174V、HIV-2 和 SIVmac239 的复制也均有较好的抑制作用。 在机制研究中,我们发现西夫韦肽极有效地抑制HIV-1慢性感染H9细胞与 正常C8166细胞间的融合作用,EC50 低至0.4ng/ml,表明西夫韦肽可以以极低的 浓度有效抑制HIV进入宿主细胞。用GST-pull down 实验进一步验证了西夫韦肽 和T-20可以很好地与HR1结合而不能与HR2结合,作用机制就是特异地与gp41的 HR1结合从而抑制了6-Helix的形成,阻断了HIV的融合过程。由于HIV的高变异 性,单一药物治疗容易产生耐药性,最终导致治疗失败。因此在新药开发中进行 药物与作用靶不同的已上市药物体外联合用药和耐药性研究是非常必要的,将对 临床应用有指导意义,我们的实验结果表明西夫韦肽与AZT联合用药体外抗HIV-1作用较单独用药好,不同检测方法联合用药比单独使用西夫韦肽的效果好 8.3-9.4倍;耐药性研究表明其体外诱导耐药性产生的时间与T-20相仿,与T-20有 交叉耐药。 我国传统的中医药是个巨大的宝库,有丰富的临床经验,中医药治疗艾滋病 有着一定的潜力。从我国国情出发,利用中医药的独特性及经济性,开发传统的 具有我国特色的艾滋病治疗天然药物成为AIDS 防治工作的当务之急。盐肤木是 中国的本土植物,在我国民间用作传统医药有着悠久的历史。盐肤木茎提取物尤 其是石油醚提取部分RC-1 具有较好的抗HIV 活性,且作用于病毒复制周期的后 期,从中分离得到的化合物1、2、4、5 和6 都是RC-1 的活性成份;盐肤木茎 提取物乙酸乙酯提取物RC-2 中也有较好的抗HIV 作用,其中的化合物8、9、 10 和13 是抗HIV 的活性成分,且作用机制各不相同,这些有效化合物的抗HIV 机制值得进一步的研究。 杀微生物剂是一种局部用药于阴道或宫颈的药物制剂,由女性自主控制防止 性传播疾病病原体包括HIV 的感染,是近年来的研究热点之一。AGB(4`-乙酰胺 苯基 4-胍基苯甲酸酯)是顶体酶的抑制剂,我们的实验表明AGB 有很好的杀精 子作用,还具有体外抗HIV-1 的作用,作用机制主要是阻断HIV-1 进入细胞。


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本学位论文报道了作为传统藏药材广泛使用的西藏产雪莲花化学成分的研究。论文由五章组成,第一章是三种西藏产雪莲花的化学成分的系统分离纯化和结构鉴定;第二章为西藏产雪莲花化学成分的液-质及串联质谱联用分析;第三章提出了以HPLC和TLC为检测方法的雪莲花药材质量标准草案;第四章给出了对西藏产雪莲花挥发油化学成分的气-质联用分析结果;第五章概述了雪莲花的化学成分及药理研究进展。 第一章包括三个部分。第一部分报道了绵头雪莲花(Saussurea laniceps Hand.-Mazz.)全草乙醇提取物化学成分的分离鉴定。采用正相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,从西藏产绵头雪莲花的乙醇提取物中共分离鉴定出15个化合物。其中11个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到,当中2个化合物系在凤毛菊属植物中首次发现。第二部分报道了水母雪莲花(Saussurea medusa Maxim.)全草乙醇提取物的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,共分离鉴定出15个化合物,其中1个为新化合物,另有4个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到。新化合物结构通过质谱和一维及二维核磁共振等波谱解析方法及碱水解反应确定为巴豆酰基-高车前苷(M-7)。第三部分报道了三指雪莲花 (Saussurea tridactyla Sch.-Bip. ex Hook. f.)全草乙醇提取物的化学成分。采用正相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,共分离鉴定出7个化合物,其中1个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到。 第二章也包括三个部分。首先是采用液-质联用(HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn)分析方法,对7个西藏不同产地的三指雪莲花化学成分进行了分析,通过与标准品的 UV和MS数据比较,共鉴定出14个峰,并对其中8个共有成分进行了定量测定。其次是关于八种西藏产雪莲花化学成分的液-质联用(HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn)分析,通过与标准品的UV和MS数据比较,共鉴定出15个峰,并对其中8个共有成分进行了定量检测。最后通过对八种西藏产雪莲花主要化学成分的多级串联质谱(ESI-MSn)分析,快速、灵敏地鉴定出10个黄酮和3个香豆素化学成分。 第三章同样包括三个部分。首先是以绵头雪莲花中主要香豆素成分东莨菪素和伞形花内酯为对照品,通过TLC定性检测和HPLC含量测定,草拟出较严谨的药材质量标准。其次是将绵头雪莲花、三指雪莲花和雪兔子作为一个药材看待,草拟了以东莨菪素和伞形花内酯的TLC检测为指标的药材质量标准。最后是针对水母雪莲花,以主要黄酮成分芹菜素-7-O-b-D-葡萄糖苷为对照品作TLC检测,并草拟出该药材的质量标准草案。 第四章报道了西藏产雪莲花挥发油的化学成分分析。采用传统水蒸气蒸馏法分别从八种雪莲花全草中提取挥发油,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术分别从水母雪莲花、绵头雪莲花、槲叶雪莲花、云状雪兔子、拉萨雪兔子、小果雪兔子、雪兔子和三指雪莲花中分别鉴定出83、83、56、34、21、20、24和20个化学成分,分别占其挥发油总量的70.7%、76.0%、82.2%、55.4%、49.7%、70.4 %、76.2%和 76.7%。 第五章为综述,总结和概括了雪莲花的化学和药理研究进展。 The dissertation reports the investigation of the chemical constituents of the genus Saussurea. Quite a lot of species in this genus are traditional Tibetan medicinal plants, and hence have been widely used in traditional Tibetan medicine. This dissertation consisted of five chapters. The first chapter is on the chemical constituents of three Saussurea plants. The second section is about the analysis of chemical constituents of Saussurea plants using HPLC-MS and ESI-MS/MS. In the third chapter, we proposed quality-control standards for the Genus Saussurea based on TLC (thin layer chromatography) and HPLC. The fourth chapter is about chemical compositions of the essential oil from the whole plant of Saussurea plants. The last chapter reviews the research progress of the Genus Saussurea. The first chapter consists of three parts. The first part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea laniceps Hand.-Mazz. Fifteen compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. Among them, eleven compounds were isolated from this plant for the first time, and two compounds were isolated from Genus Saussurea for the first time. The second part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea medusa Maxim. Fifteen compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase, reversed phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. Five of them were isolated from this plant for the first time, and there is one new flavonoid glucoside which was identified as 6″-O-crotonoyl-homoplantaginin (M-7) based on the evidence of one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry analysis, and alkaline hydrolysis reaction. The last part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea tridactyla Sch.-Bip. ex Hook. f.. Seven compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. There is one compound which was isolated from this plant for the first time. The second chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, we analyzed the chemical constituents of S. tridactyla collected from seven different places in Tibet using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn. Fourteen peaks in the HPLC were identified by comparison of UV and MS spectra with those of authentic compounds, among which eight common peaks were quantified. In the second part, we analyzed the chemical constituents of eight Saussurea species using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn method. Fifteen peaks in the HPLC were identified by comparison of UV and MS spectra with those of authentic compounds and eight main peaks of them were quantified. In the last part, we analyzed the chemical compounds of the above eight Saussurea plants directly by ESI-MS/MS. Thirteen major compounds, including 10 flavonoids and 3 coumarins were easily rapidly identified. The third chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, we proposed a comparative high quality-control standard for S. laniceps, based on quality detection by TLC and quantity analysis by HPLC using two major compounds (umbelliferone and scopoletin) as standard compounds. In the second part, in viewing S. laniceps, S. tridactyla and S. gossypiphora as the members of one family of medicinal herbs, we suggested a quality-control standard based on the TLC detection of the two major compounds (umbelliferone and scopoletin). In the last part, we proposed a quality-control standard for S. medusa based on the TLC detection of its major component (apigenin 7-O-glucoside). The four chapter analyzed the chemical constituents of essential oil of eight Saussurea species. The essential oils were extracted from the whole plants of these samples with water stream distillation. By GC-MS analysis, we identified eighty-three compounds from S. medusa, eighty-three from S. laniceps, fifty-six from S. quercifolia, thirty-four from S. aster, twenty-one from S. kingii, twenty from S. simpsoniana, twenty-four from S. gossypiphora, and twenty from S. tridactyla respetively, which accounted for 70.7%, 76.0%, 82.2%, 55.4%, 49.7%, 70.4 %, 76.2% and 76.7% of the total essential oil, respectively. The last chapter reviews the research progress of the Genus Saussurea.


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本论文由四章组成,第一、二、三章为实验论文,分别报道了中药羌活、菊花、全缘叶绿绒蒿的化学成分的高效液相色谱(HPLC)和液相色谱-质谱(LC-MS)联用分析以及挥发油的气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用分析。第四章概述了重要藏药材化学成分的研究进展。 第一章首先对28批不同产地的羌活药材进行了HPLC分析,建立了羌活的指纹图谱。结果表明,不同产地羌活的化学成分基本相似,但是各组分在含量上存在较大差异。其次,对羌活的主要化学组分包括紫花前胡苷、紫花前胡素、6'-O-反式阿魏酸紫花前胡苷、茴香酸对羟基苯乙酯、羌活醇和异欧前胡素进行了定量分析。此外,针对同一产地不同采集时间的羌活挥发油进行系统分析,结果表明它们的化学成分基本相似,主要含有a-蒎烯、b-蒎烯、柠檬烯和龙脑乙酸酯等,只是各组分含量有所变化,这说明采集药材时要注意采集时间。 第二章分别报道了不同产地不同品种菊花非挥发性成分的液相色谱-二极管阵列检测-串联质谱(LC-PDA-MSn)分析和挥发性成分的气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用分析比较。首先通过液相色谱-质谱-串联质谱对各色谱峰进行定性分析,通过与标准品对照,以及UV和MSn提供的结构信息,结合文献报道共鉴定了11个化学成分,包括绿原酸和10个黄酮化合物,并比较了不同品种菊花的化学成分相同之处和不同之处。另外,对七种不同品种不同产地的菊花挥发性成分通过GC-MS分析表明其主要挥发性成分为单萜类、倍半萜类化合物,共有成分樟脑、龙脑和龙脑乙酸酯等,各成分在不同挥发油中的含量变化明显。 第三章为藏药全缘叶绿绒蒿不同部位挥发油成分的气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用分析,比较其挥发油化学成分及其含量变化的异同点。研究结果表明,全缘叶绿绒蒿花精油的化学成分明显多于全草部位,且两者主要成分有较大的差别。 第四章综述了青藏高原重要藏药材化学成分的研究进展。分别对藏药的资源特色和110多种常用重要藏药材的化学成分的研究情况以及藏药未来发展思路进行了阐述,以期对相关的研究提供一些信息。 This dissertation consists of four parts. The first part reports studies on the fingerprint of Notopterygium incisum and N. forbesii by HPLC-PDA-MSn, and on the constitutents of essential oil by GC-MS. The second part elaborates the chemical constitutents of Chrysanthemum L. by LC-MS and GC-MS analysis. The third part reports the chemical compositions of the essential oil from the different parts of Meconopsis integrifolia. The fourth part reviews on the progress of the studies on the chemical constitutents in Tibetan medicines. The first chapter is about HPLC analysis of a traditional Chinese herbal medicine Qiang-huo (Notopterygium incisum and N. forbesii ). Firstly, based on analyzing and contrasting the relative retention time and relative paek area in chromatographic fingerprint, the HPLC chromatographic fingerprint of Notopterygium incisum was established, which can used as a scientific basement for the quality evalution of this herb. Secondly, quantitative analysis were performed on the main chemical constitutents of Notopterygium incisum and N. forbesii including nodakenin, nodakenetin, 6’-O-trans-feruloylnodakenin, p-hydroxypenethylanisate, notopterol and isoimperatorin. The results indicated that the contents were variable related to different growth regions. Lastly, the essential oil of Notopterygium incisum collected in different harvest times is analyzed by GC-MS. The second chapter is about HPLC-MS and GC-MS analysis of several species of Chrysanthemum L. Firstly, eleven compounds including chlorogenic acid and ten flavone compounds were identified in the methanol extract of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. from different regions by HPLC-MS analysis. Secondly, the essential oil of seven different species of Chrysanthemum L.were extracted by steam distillation, and its compositions were isolated and identified by GC-MS. The main active constitutents such as camphor, borneol and bornyl acetate were detected, but the relative content varied notably. The third chapter is about GC-MS analysis of the essential oil from different parts of Meconopsis integrifolia. It indicated great difference of the chemical compositions of their oil in the flowers and residual overground part. The last chapter is a review of the research progress of the Tibetan medicines, which includes their features and their main chemical constitutents.


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本学位论文共有5章。第一章报道白芍的化学成分及芍药苷的微生物转化研究成果;第二章报道天山雪莲的化学成分研究;第三章报道两面针的化学成分研究;第四章报道通关藤的化学成分研究成果;第五章概述了花椒属植物中最近十年报道的新化合物及药理研究情况。 在第1章的第一部分报道了白芍(Paeonia lactiflora Pall.)的化学成分。我们采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从白芍的干燥根中共分离出14个化合物,其中1个为新化合物,其结构通过波谱分析证实为没食子酰白芍苷,另外还有2个为首次从该植物中分离得到。第二部分报道了芍药苷的微生物转化生产芍药苷代谢素-I的研究,从15株厌氧菌中筛选出10株有转化活性的菌株,其中短乳杆菌Lactobacillus brevis AS1.12的转化活性最好,对其转化条件进行了初步的筛选,确定了相对合理的转化工艺。 在第2章报道了天山雪莲(Saussurea involucrate Kar.et Kir.)全草乙醇提取物化学成分的分离纯化和结构鉴定。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离纯化和MS、NMR等波谱解析,共分离鉴定了28个化合物,结构类型分属于黄酮、倍半萜和木脂素等,其中2个新倍半萜化合物的结构分别表征为6α-羟基云木香酸6-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷和11βH-11,13-二氢去氢云木香内酯8α-O-(6′-乙酰)-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷。 第3章报道了两面针(Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.)DC.)干燥根的乙醇提取物化学成分的分离纯化和结构鉴定。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离纯化和MS、NMR等波谱解析以及X-射线单晶衍射,共分离鉴定了16个生物碱,结构类型分属于苯并啡啶类、喹啉类和阿朴啡类等,其中2个新苯并啡啶类生物碱的结构分别表征为二聚双氢两面针碱和丙酮基双氢崖定椒碱。 第4章报道了通关藤(Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight et Arn.)水提取物化学成分的分离纯化和结构鉴定。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离纯化和MS、NMR等波谱解析以及X-射线单晶衍射,共分离鉴定了14个化合物,结构类型均属于C21多羟基甾醇,其中4个新化合物tenacigenoside A, tenacigenoside B, tenacigenoside C和tenacigenoside D的结构分别表征为3-O-6-deoxy-3-O-methyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→4)-β-D-oleandropyranosyl-17β-tenacigenin B (62), 3-O-2,6- dideoxy-4-O-methyl-D-lyxo-hexopyranosly-11α-O- methylbutyryl-12β-O-acetyl-tenacigenin B (63), 3-O-6-deoxy-3-O-methyl-β-D- allopyranosyl-(1→4)-β-D-oleandropyranosyl-11α-O-tigloyl-tenacigenin C (64)和3-O-6-deoxy-3-O-methyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→4)-β-D-oleandropyranosyl-11α-O-2- methylbutyryl-tenacigenin C (65)。 第5章概述了花椒属植物的化学成分及药理活性研究进展。 This dissertation consists of 5 chapters. The first chapter elaborate the phytochemical investigation of Paeonia lactiflora Pall., and microbial transformation of paeoniforin. The second, third and four chapters elaborate the phytochemical investigation of Saussurea involucrate Kar.et Kir., Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC. and Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight et Arn., respectively. Chapter 5 is a review on chemical constituents and bioactivities of Zanthoxylum species. The part one of chapter 1 focus on the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from P. lactiflora. Fourteen compounds were isolated from the roots of P. lactiflora by repeat column chromatography over normal and reversed phase silica gel. Among them, one is a new compound and the structure was suggested as galloyl-albiflorin by spectral evidence. In addition, two compounds were firstly reported in this plant. The part 2 is about microbial transformation of paeoniforin. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 were isolations and identifications of chemical constituents from S. involucrate, Z. nitidum and M. tenacissima, respectively. From the aerial parts of S. involucrate, 28 compounds including 7 flavonoids and 13 sesquiterpenoids were isolated and identified. Among them, 2 new compounds were characterized as 6α-hydroxycostic acid 6-β-D-glucoside and 11βH-11,13-dihydrodehydro- costuslactone 8α-O-(6'-acetyl)-β-D-glucoside, respectively, by means of spectroscopic analysis. Otherwise, 11 ones were firstly reported from this plant. The third chapter is about the phytochemical investigation of Z. nitidum. Sixteen compounds were isolated and identified. Among them, 2 new benzophenanthridine alkaloids were characterized as 8-acetonyldihydrofagaridine and 1,3-bis(8-dihydronitidinyl)-acetone by spectroscopic analysis. The fourth chapter is about the phytochemical investigation of M. tenacissima. Fourteen compounds were isolated and identified. Among them, 4 new compounds, tenacigenosides A~D, were characterized as 3-O-6-deoxy-3-O-methyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→4)-β-D-oleandropyranosyl-17β- tenacigenin B, 3-O-2,6-dideoxy-4-O-methyl-D-lyxo-hexopyranosly-11α-O-methyl butyryl-12β-O-acetyl-tenacigenin B, 3-O-6-deoxy-3-O-methyl-β-D-allopyranosyl- (1→4)-β-D-oleandropyranosyl-11α-O-tigloyl-tenacigenin C, and 3-O-6-deoxy-3-O- methyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1→4)-β-D-oleandropyranosyl-11α-O-2-methylbutyryl- tenacigenin C. Chapter 5 is a review on recent progress in bioactive constituents from plants of Zanthoxylum species.


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本论文由四部分组成。第一部分报道了佛手参提取物的化学成分研究,建立了活性成分含量测定的高效液相测定和指纹图谱研究,采用液质联用技术鉴定了主要色谱峰;第二部分报道了丹参及其复方制剂的特征图谱研究;第三部分探讨了两面针生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,并采用液质联用技术分离鉴定了提取物中的多种生物碱。第四部分概述了液质联用在药物代谢研究中的运用。 第一部分包括第一、第二和第三章。第一章针对佛手参(Gymnadeniaconopsea)块茎的甲醇提取物,采用大孔树脂和反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,共分离鉴定出4 个化合物,通过波谱分析将它们的结构确定为dactylorhin B (1)、loroglossin (2)、dactylorhin A (3)和militarine (4)。这4 个化合物均是首次从佛手参中分离得到的琥珀酸葡萄糖苷类成分。第二章采用高效液相色谱法对西藏、四川、河北、青海和尼泊尔等不同地区产的十个佛手参样品进行腺嘌呤核苷和对羟基苯甲醇的定量分析,结果表明这2 个成份可视为佛手参的特征成分,但也注意到产地不同该2 个特征成分的含量也有所不同。第三章采用标准中药指纹图谱相似度计算软件,以10 个佛手参样品HPLC 图谱的平均值为相似性评价对照模板,对10 个样品进行了相似度评价,并经液质联用分析指认了7 个共有峰,分别为腺嘌呤核苷(1)、对羟基苯甲醇(2)、对羟基苯甲醛(3) 、dactylorhin B(4) 、loroglossin(5)、dactylorhin A(6)和militarine(7)。 第二部分包括第四、第五、第六和第七章。第四章运用电喷雾质谱检测了对照药材和五个不同产地的丹参药材中脂溶性和水溶性成分,系统地探讨了多种成分的电喷雾质谱规律,并以对照药材为标准建立了特征指纹图谱。五个产地的药II材通过与对照药材相对比,采用聚类分析的方法,得到了定性的鉴别与判断。并采用液质联用技术对丹参药材提取液中的化学成份进行分析,推测了九个特征峰,并对六样品的液相色谱图进行了聚类分析。第五章探讨了三七皂苷的电喷雾质谱电离和裂解规律,并采用电喷雾质谱法对三七标准药材,血通片中的皂苷成分进行了分析。第六章运用电喷雾质谱研究复方丹参片提取液的特征图谱,并和单味药材丹参和三七的特征图谱进行了对比研究。并运用HPLC-ESI MSn 分析鉴定了复方丹参片提取液中的化学成分,推测了12 个色谱峰。第七章总结了电喷雾质谱和液质联用技术在丹参药材,三七药材及复方丹参制剂中的运用的优势和局限性。 第三部分(第八章)研究了两面针生物碱中二氢白屈菜红碱(1)、二氢两面针碱(2)、8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱(3)、8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱(4)、两面针碱(5)、和1,3-二(8-二氢两面针碱)丙酮(6)等六个苯并菲啶型生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,其中二氢两面针碱和二氢白屈菜红碱,8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱和8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱是两对二个甲氧基分别在C-9 和C-10,C-10 和C-11 的同分异构体。实验结果表明,在相同的碰撞能下,这类位置异构体的ESI MS2 质谱二级碎片离子的相对峰度存在很大差异,这可以用于区分该类同分异构体,采用液-质联用可以对两面针的总生物碱提取物中的这些同分异构体加于区分。同时在本实验采用的液相色谱条件下,多种生物碱得到较好的分离,通过和对照品的保留时间,紫外吸收光谱及电喷雾质谱图对照,鉴定了11 个主要色谱峰。 第四部分(第九章)对液质联用技术在药物代谢中的运用进行了综述。 This dissertation consisted of four sections. The first two sections elaborated thephytochemical investigation of the rhizomes Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br., methoddevelopment for rapid identifying and qutifying the chemical condtituent of thistibetant medicine, and the chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea,Salviae miltiorrhiza and P. notoginseng. The third section studied the fragmentationmechanism of six alkaloids from Zanthoxylum nitidium and method development forrapid identifying varieties of alkaloids from the extract of this herbal medicine. Thefourth section reviewed HPLC- MS method in drug metabolism studies. The first section consisted of chapters 1, 2, 3. Chapter 1 elaborated the phytochemicalinvestigation of Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br. Four succinate derivative esters wereisolated from the methanol extract of the rhizomes of G. conopsea through repeatedcolumn chromatography on normal and reversed phase silica gel, their structures weredetermined by ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR evidence. They were firstly discoveredfrom this species. In chapter 2, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection (HPLC-DAD) method has been firstly developed for quantitation oftwo characteristic constituents, adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, from theextract of rhizomes of G. conopsea. All 10 samples of G. conopsea contained differentamount of adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. Adenosine and the4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol can be applied in identification and quality control for theroots of G. conopsea. In chapter 3, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection.tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MSn) method has been firstly developed for chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea andrapid identification of major compounds in the fingerprints. Comparing the UV andMS spectra with those of authentic compounds, seven main peaks in the fingerprintswere identified as adenosine, 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzyl aldehyde,dactylorhin B, loroglossin, dactylorhin A and militarine. The Computer AidedSimilarity Evaluation System for Chromatographic Fingerprint of TraditionalChinese Medicine (CASES) was employed to evaluate the similarities of 10 samplesof the rhizomes of G. conopsea collected from Sichuan, Qinghai and Hebei provincesand Tibet autonomous region of China, and Nepal. These samples from differentsources had similar chemical fingerprints to each other. The second section consisted of chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. In chapter 4,both thecharacteristic spectra of liposoluble tanshinones and aqueous-soluble salvianolic acidswere established by the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS)technique and the differences between standard and crude rhizomes of Salviaemiltiorrhiza Bge. from 5 sources were analyzed. The law of electrospray ion trap mass(ESI ITMS) of typical tanshinones and salvianolic acids is studied.The analysis of the chemical constituent of rhizomes of Salviae miltiorrhiza Bge. byliquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrum (LC/MS) technique wasestablished,and the distances among standard herb and crude herb from 5 sourceswere calculated by clustering analysis. According the DAD spectra and MS2 data,9tanshinones could be speculated. In chapter 5, the character spectra of total saponinsin P. notoginseng extracts were established by ESI ITMS and selective ion monitoring(SIM) technology. The law of notoginsenosides by ESI MS2 was studied. In chapter 6,the characteristic spectra of Compound Danshen Tablet established and compared byESI-MS and HPLC/DAD/MS, 6 known tanshinones and 3 saponins were speculated.In chapter 7, the advantage and disadvantage of the strategy, using the ESI ITMS andLC/MS techniques for study of characteristic spetra of danshen and Compound Danshen Tablet, were summerized. The third section (chapter 8) studied the fragmentation mechanism of six alkaloids,dihydronitidine, dihydrochelerythrine, 8-acetonyl dihydronitidine,8-acetonyldrochelerythrine, nitidine and 1,3-bis (8-dihydronitidinyl)-acetone, by ESIMSn. Tandem mass spectrometry experiments indicated that different substitutionsites of the methoxyl groups at C-9 and C-10 or at C-10 and C-11 determined thedifferent abundances of the MS2 fragmentation ions using the same collision energy.According to the different abundances of MS2 product ions, positional isomericbenzo[c] phenanthridine alkaloids can be differentiated. Moreover, ten constituents inthe crude alkaloids extract from the roots of Zanthoxylum nitidium were rapidlyidentified by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem massspectrometry (HPLC-MSn), through comparing the retention times and ESI MSn spectra with the authentic standards. The fourth section (chapter 9) is a review on HPLC-MS method development in drug metabolism studies.