112 resultados para MEAN-FIELD THEORY


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The photoluminescence of Mn2+ in ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles with an average size of 4.5 nm has been measured under hydrostatic pressure from 0 to 6 GPa. The emission position is red-shifted at a rate of -33.3+/-0.6meV/GPa, which is in good agreement with the calculated value of -30.4meV/GPa using the crystal field theory. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photoluminescence of Cd1-xMnxTe with x=0.25, 0.40, and 0.60 is investigated at 77 K and different pressures. The pressure coefficients of the photoluminescence bands Cd0.75Mn0.25Te and Cd0.6Mn0.4Te are found to be positive and the magnitudes are about 8 X 10(-3) eV/kbar, which is in good agreement with the pressure coefficients of the interband transition. The pressure coefficient of the photoluminescence bands for Cd0.4Mn0.6Te is found to be -6 X 10(-3) eV/kbar, which is quite different from the pressure coefficient of the interband transition. The possible transition mechanism is discussed in terms of group theory and crystal field theory.


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The isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR) in nuclei is studied in the framework of a fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA). In this method the contribution of the continuum spectrum to nuclear excitations is treated exactly by the single particle Green's function technique. The negative energy states in the Dirac sea are also included in the single particle Green's function in the no-sea approximation. The single particle Green's function is calculated numerically by a proper product of the regular and irregular solutions of the Dirac equation. The strength distributions in the RCRPA calculations, the inverse energy-weighted sum rule m(-1) and the centroid energy of the ISGMR in Sn-120 and Pb-208 are analysed. Numerical results of the RCRPA are checked with the constrained relativistic mean field model and relativistic random phase approximation with a discretized spectrum in the continuum. Good agreement between them is achieved.


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The newly developed multi-quasiparticle triaxial projected shell model approach is employed to study the high-spin band structures in neutron-deficient even-even Ce- and Nd-isotopes. It is observed that gamma-bands are built on each intrinsic configuration of the triaxial mean-field deformation. Due to the fact that a triaxial configuration is a superposition of several K-states, the projection from these states results in several low-lying bands originating from the same intrinsic configuration. This generalizes the well-known concept of the surface gamma-oscillation in deformed nuclei based on the ground-state to gamma-bands built on multi-quasiparticle configurations. This new feature provides an alternative explanation on the observation of two I = 10 aligning states in Ce-134 and both exhibiting a neutron character. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study of the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in heavy-ion collisions with the same neutron/proton ratio but different masses can help single out effects of the nuclear mean field on pion production. Based on simulations using the IBUU04 transport model, it is found that the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in head-on collisions of Ca-48 + Ca-48, Sn-124 + Sn-124, and Au-197 + Au-197 at beam energies from 0.25 to 0.6 GeV/nucleon increases with increasing the system size or decreasing the beam energies. A comprehensive analysis of the dynamical isospin fractionation and the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio as well as their time evolution and spatial distributions demonstrates clearly that the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio is an effective probe of the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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We generalize the Faddeev-Jackiw canonical path integral quantization for the scenario of a Jacobian with J=1 to that for the general scenario of non-unit Jacobian, give the representation of the quantum transition amplitude with symplectic variables and obtain the generating functionals of the Green function and connected Green function. We deduce the unified expression of the symplectic field variable functions in terms of the Green function or the connected Green function with external sources. Furthermore, we generally get generating functionals of the general proper vertices of any n-points cases under the conditions of considering and not considering Grassmann variables, respectively; they are regular and are the simplest forms relative to the usual field theory.


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We investigate the decomposition of noncommutative gauge potential (A) over cap (i), and find that it has inner structure, namely, (A) over cap (i) can he decomposed in two parts, (b) over cap (i) and (a) over cap (i), where (b) over cap (i) satisfies gauge transformations while (a) over cap (i) satisfies adjoint transformations, so close the Seiberg-Witten mapping of noncommutative, U(1) gauge potential. By, means of Seiberg-Witten mapping, we construct a mapping of unit vector field between noncommutative space and ordinary space, and find the noncommutative U(1) gauge potential and its gauge field tensor can be expressed in terms of the unit vector field. When the unit vector field has no singularity point, noncommutative gauge potential and gauge field tensor will equal ordinary gauge potential and gauge field tensor


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Within the hadronic transport model IBUU04, we investigate the effect of density-dependent symmetry energy on double neutron/proton (n/p) ratio of free nucleons in heavy ion collisions by taking four isotopic Sn+Sn reaction systems. Especially the entrance-channel asymmetry and impact-parameter dependence of the effect of symmetry energy are discussed. It is found that in both central and semi-central collisions the sensitivity of the double n/p ratio to the density-dependent symmetry energy is more pronounced in neutron-richer systems. Our results also indicate clearly that the effect of symmetry energy is stronger in central collisions than that in semi-central collisions.


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We discuss the non-Abelian topological objects, in particular the non-Abrikosov vortex and the magnetic knot made of the twisted non-Abrikosov vortex, in two-gap superconductor. We show that there are two types of non-Abrikosov vortex in Ginzburg-Landau theory of two-gap superconductor, the D-type which has no concentration of the condensate at the core and the N-type which has a non-trivial profile of the condensate at the core, under a wide class of realistic interaction potential. We prove that these non-Abrikosov vortices can have either integral or fractional magnetic flux, depending on the interaction potential. We show that they are described by the non-Abelian topology pi(2)(S-2) and pi(1)(S-1), in addition to the well-known Abelian topology pi(1)(S-1). Furthermore, we discuss the possibility to construct a stable magnetic knot in two-gap superconductor by twisting the non-Abrikosov vortex and connecting two periodic ends together, whose knot topology pi(3)(S-2) is described by the Chern-Simon index of the electromagnetic potential. We argue that similar topological objects may exist in multi-gap or multi-layer superconductors and multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates and superfluids, and discuss how these topological objects can be constructed in MgB2, Sr2RuO4, He-3, and liquid metallic hydrogen.


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A shape phase transition is demonstrated to occur in W-190 by applying the projected shell model, which goes beyond the usual mean-field approximation. Rotation alignment of neutrons in the high-j, i(13/2) orbital drives the yrast sequence of the system, changing suddenly from prolate to oblate shape at angular momentum 10h. We propose observables to test the picture.


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We investigate the solitons in the CPN supercript stop model in terms of the decomposition of gauge potential. Based on the phi-mapping topological current theory, the charge and position of solitons is determined by the properties of the typical component. Furthermore, the motion and the bifurcation of multi-soliton is discussed. And the knotted solitons in high dimension is explored also.


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By including the scalar isovector meson delta, we extend the relativistic mean field model and the one-boson exchange model of changing K-meson in the framework of Schaffner's relativistic mean field model. We re-consider the coupling constants for the interactions between the meson and the baryon and the interactions of the K meson with different mesons as well in various parameter sets. Using our model, we discuss the effective masses of K mesons in the hyperon-rich nuclear matter. We find that the density modification of the K meson mass in the strange nuclear matter is smaller than that in the pure nuclear matter. The influence of the scalar isovector meson 6 on the effective mass of kaon is rather evident. But the extent of the influence is different in different parameter sets.


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Based on the relativistic chiral effective field theory, we study the effective mass of the Delta-resonance in medium by investigating the self-energy of the Delta-resonance related to the pi N decay channel in symmetric nuclear matter. We find that the effective mass of Delta-resonance decreases evidently with increasing nuclear density rho. In our calculation, we also consider the influence of the shifts of the nucleon mass, pion mass and its decay constant due to the restoration of chiral symmetry in medium. The results are roughly consistent with the data given by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


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Influences of the isospin dependence of the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section and the momentum-dependant interaction (MDI) on the isotope scaling are investigated by using the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD). The results show that both the isospin dependence of the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section and the momentum-dependent interaction affect the isoscaling parameters appreciably and independently. The influence caused by the isospin dependence of two-body collision is relatively larger than that from the MDI in the mean field. Aiming at exploring the implication of isoscaling behaviour, which the statistical equilibrium in the reaction is reached, the statistical properties in the mass distribution and the kinetic energy distribution of the fragments simulated by IQMD are presented.


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We give a general SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R) x U(1)(EM) sigma model with external sources, dynamical breaking and spontaneous vacuum symmetry breaking, and present the general formulation of the model. It is found that sigma and pi(0) without electric charges have electromagnetic interaction effects coming front the internal structures. A general Lorentz transformation relative to external sources J(gauge) - (J(A mu) J(A mu)(kappa)) derived, using the general Lorentz transformation and the four-dimensional current of nuclear matter of the ground si ate with J(gauge) = 0, we give the four-dimensional general relations between the different currents of nuclear matter systems with J(gauge) not equal 0 and those with J(gauge) = 0. The relation of the density's coupling with external magnetic field is derived, which conforms well to dense nuclear matter in a strong magnetic field. We show different condensed effects in strong interaction about fermions and antifermions, and give the concrete scalar and pseudoscalar condensed expressions of sigma(0) and pi(0) bosons. About different dynamical breaking and spontaneous vacuum symmetry breaking, the concrete expressions of different mass spectra are obtained in field theory. This paper acquires the running spontaneous vacuum breaking value sigma'(0), and obtains the spontaneous vacuum breaking in tenus of the running sigma'(0), which make nucleon, sigma, and pi particles gain effective masses. We achieve both the effect of external sources and nonvanishing value of the condensed scalar and pseudoscalar paticles. It is deduced that the masses of nucleons, sigma and pi generally depend on different external sources.