104 resultados para HDE GEN


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The shell correction is proposed in the improved isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics (Im-IQMD) model, which plays an important role in heavy-ion fusion reactions near Coulomb barrier. By using the ImIQMD model, the static and dynamical fusion barriers, dynamical barrier distribution in the fusion reactions are analyzed systematically. The fusion and capture excitation functions for a series of reaction systems are calculated and compared with experimental data. It is found that the fusion cross sections for neutron-rich systems increase obviously, and the strong shell effects of two colliding nuclei result in a decrease of the fusion cross sections at the sub-barrier energies. The lowering of the dynamical fusion barriers favors the enhancement of the sub-barrier fusion cross sections, which is related to the nucleon transfer and the neck formation in the fusion reactions.


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The necessity of installing a forward tracking detector stack is discussed for the Hadron Physics LanzhoU Spectrometer(HPLUS). A local tracker is developed to solve the multi-track finding problem. The track candidates are searched iteratively via Hough Transform. The fake tracks are removed by a least square fitting process. With this tracker we have studied the feasibility of pp -> pp + phi(-> K+K-), a typical physical channel proposed on HPLUS. The single track momentum resolution due to the uncertainty of the positioning in FTD is 1.3%. The multiple scattering effect contributes about 20% to the momentum resolution in the FTD coverage. The width and the signal-to-background ratio of the reconstructed phi are 1.51 MeV and 4.36, respectively, taking into account the direct Kaon channel pp -> pp + K+K- as background. The geometry coverage of FTD for phi events is about 85.4%. Based on the current fast simulation and estimation, the geometrical configuration of FTD meets the physical requirement of HPLUS under the current luminosity and multiplicity conditions. The tracker is applicable in the full simulation coming next and is extendable to other tracking component of HPLUS.


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Charge state distribution of 0.8MeV/u uranium ions after transmission through a thin carbon foil has been studied. It is observed that the charge state distribution is equilibrated after the uranium ions have passed through a 15 mu g/cm(2) carbon foil. The equilibrated average charge state is 33.72 and the charge equilibration time of uranium ions in carbon foil is less than 5.4fs.


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is proposed for describing the formation of superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions by incorporating the coupling of the relative motion to the nucleon transfer process. The capture of two heavy colliding nuclei, the formation of the compound nucleus, and the de-excitation process are calculated by using an empirical coupled channel model, solving a master equation numerically and applying statistical theory, respectively. Evaporation residue excitation functions in cold fusion reactions are investigated systematically and compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of superheavy nuclei in cold fusion reactions with stable neutron-rich projectiles are obtained. Isotopic trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z=110, 112, 114, 116, 118, and 120 are analyzed systematically. Optimal combinations and the corresponding excitation energies are proposed.


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The differential cross sections for elastic scattering products of F-17 on Pb-208 have been measured. The angular dispersion plots of ln(d sigma/d theta) versus theta(2) are obtained from the angular distribution of the elastic scattering differential cross sections. Systematical analysis on the angular dispersion for the available experimental data indicates that there is an angular dispersion turning angle at forward angular range within the grazing angle. This turning angle can be clarified as nuclear rainbow in classical deflection function. The exotic behaviour of the nuclear rainbow angle offers a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomena.


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Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, the production of superheavy element Z = 117 in possible projectile-target combinations is analysed systematically. The calculated results show that the production cross sections are strongly dependent on the reaction systems. Optimal combinations, corresponding excitation energies and evaporation channels are proposed, such as the isotopes Bk-248,Bk-249 in Ca-48 induced reactions in 3n evaporation channels and the reactions Sc-45+Cm-246,Cm-248 in 3n and 4n channels, and the system V-51+Pu-244 in 3n channel.


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The properties of baryons in nuclear matter are analysed in the relativistic mean-field theory(RMF). It is found that the scalar field sigma meson affects the properties of baryon at high density. A density dependent scalar coupling g(sigma)(N) is determined according to the idea of quark-meson coupling model and extended to RMF. It is shown that g(sigma)(N), affects the property of nuclear matter weakly at low density, but strongly at high density. The relation between the scalar density rho(S) and the nuclear density rho and the effective mass of the pentaquark circle minus(+) are studied with the density dependent coupling constant. The density dependent scalar coupling obviously affects the effective masses of baryons in nuclear matter, especially at high density.


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The light calibration system is one of the key components of Neutron Wall detector. It is used to calibrate the electronics and to monitor the long-term stability of the detector modules. With the detaile investigations, a calibration system with high-power LED (3W) driven by the fast pulses has been carried out. It is also tested together with the detector module of the Neutron Wall and the result of the preliminary calibration demonstrates that it fulfills the needs. It's a new design proposal to the light calibration system of the fast scintillator detector.


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The reduced velocity correlation functions of the Intermediate Mass Fragments (IMFs) were measured in the reactions of Ar-36+ Sn-112,Sn-124 at 35MeV/u. The anti-correlation at small reduced velocities is more pronounced in Ar-36+ Sn-124 system than that in Ar-36+ Sn-112 system. The difference of the correlation functions between the two reactions is mainly contributed by the particle pairs with high momenta. A three-body Coulomb repulsive trajectory code (MENEKA) is employed to calculate the emission time scale of IMFs for-the both systems. The time scale is 150fm/c in the Ar-36+ Sn-112 system and 120fm/c in the Ar-36+ Sn-124 system, respectively. A calculation based on an Isospin dependence Quantum Molecular Dynamics code (IQMD) reveals that the emission time spectrum of IMFs is shifted slightly leftwards in Ar-36+ Sn-124 compared with that in the Ar-16+ Sn-112 system, indicating a shorter emission time scale. Correspondingly, the central density of the hot nuclei decreases faster in Ar-36+ Sn-124 than in Ar-36+ Sn-112


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The dinuclear system model has been further developed by introducing the barrier distribution function method in the process of heavy-ion capture and fusion to synthesize superheavy nuclei. The capture of two colliding nuclei, formation and de-excitation process of compound nucleus are decribed by using empirical coupled channel model, solving master equation numerically and statistical evaporation model, respectively. Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, the fusion-evaporation excitation functions of the systems Ca-48(Am-243, 3n-5n) (288-286)115 and Ca-48(Cm-248, 3n-5n)(293-291)116 are calculated, which are used for synthesizing new superheavy nuclei at Dubna in recent years. Isotopic dependence of production cross sections with double magic nucleus Ca-48 bombarding actinide targets U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm to synthesize superheavy nuclei with charged numbers Z=112-116 is analyzed systematically. Based on these analysis, the optimal projectile-target combination and the optimal excitation energy are proposed. It is shown that shell correction energy and neutron separation energy will play an important role on the isotopic dependence of production cross sections of superheavy nuclei.


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A transverse field gas ionization chamber as Delta E detector at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL) is described. A high detection efficiency and long plateau are achieved with the mixed gas Ar(80%)+CO2(20%). The energy resolution is 3.25% for 4.94MeV alpha particle. This ionization chamber has been tested in the experiment with 50MeV/u Ni-58 bombarding Ta at RIBLL. All the fragments can be identified clearly by the ionization chamber.


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The differential cross-sections for elastic scattering of F-17 and O-17 on Pb-208 have been measured at Radioactive Ion Beam Line at Lanzhou (RIBLL). The variation of the logarithms of differential cross-sections with the square of scattering angles, viz. angulax dispersion plot, shows clearly that there exists a turning point in the range of small scattering angles (6 degrees-20 degrees) for F-17 due to its exotic structure, while no turning point was observed for O-17. The experimental results have been compared with previous data of other groups. Systematical analysis on the available data seems to conclude that there is an exotic behavior of elastic scattering angular dispersion of weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure as compared with that of the stable nuclei. Therefore the fact that the turning point of the elastic scattering angular dispersion plot appears at small angle for weakly bound nuclei can be used as a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomenon.


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The differential cross-sections for elastic scattering of F-17 and O-17 on Pb-208 have been measured at Radioactive Ion Beam Line at Lanzhou (RIBLL). The variation of the logarithms of differential cross-sections with the square of scattering angles shows clearly that there exists a turning point in the range of small scattering angles (6 degrees-20 degrees) for F-17 having exotic structure, while no turning point was observed in the O-17 elastic scattering. The experimental results have been compared with previous data. Systematical analysis on the available data seems to conclude that there is an exotic behavior of elastic scattering differential cross-sections of weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure as compared with that of the ordinary nuclei near stable line. Therefore the fact that the turning point of the logarithms of differential cross-sections appears at small angle for weakly bound nuclei could be used as a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomenon.


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With the construction of the neutron detection wall at the external target position on Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou-Cooling Storage Ring (HIRFL-CSR), it will be possible to detect high energy neutron. A BUU model is applied to simulate the flow in both symmetric (Ni+Ni, Pb+Pb) and asymmetric(Pb+Ni) systems. It is shown that at above several hundreds MeV/u, the flow signals are very obvious and depend clearly on the centrality of the collisions. Based on the products in the forward angle less than 20 degrees, the simulation also reveals that the determination of the reaction plane and the selection of the impact parameter, both of which are essential in the flow measurement, are well implemented. The double event and its influence on the determination of the neutron flow are also simulated.


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Excitation functions are measured for different charge products of the F-19+(27) Al reaction in the laboratory energy range 110.25-118.75MeV in steps of 250keV at theta(lab) = 57 degrees, 31 degrees and -29 degrees. The coherence rotation angular velocities of the intermediate dinuclear systems formed in the reaction are extracted from the cross section energy autocorrelation functions. Compared the angular velocity extracted from the experimental data with the ones deduced from the sticking limit, it is indicated that a larger deformation of the intermediate dinuclear system exists.