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聚合物多相材料的制备作为丰富材料品种,扩展材料用途的重要手段受到了广泛地关注和深入地研究。传统的熔融共混法制备聚合物多相材料时,一般需要加入增容剂来改善各相之间的相容性,从而使多相材料的性能达到预期的目标。但是由于增容剂本身也存在分散状态的问题,所以它的加入对多相材料的性能的影响比较复杂。因此,本论文致力于用原位共聚接枝的方法和粒子破碎的方法解决多相材料的界面结合和相分散问题。首先,采用对分散相进行共聚功能化改性的方法,使分散相与乙烯共聚,聚合过程中原位生成聚乙烯接枝物,这种聚乙烯接枝物能起到增容两相的作用,提高两相界面的粘结性,将这种方法应用到有机聚苯乙烯粒子和无机磁性钴粒子体系中,并分别进行了详细的研究;其次,通过聚苯乙烯载体的结构设计,使聚苯乙烯载体催化剂具有较高并且可控的活性,在较高的活性下,聚苯乙烯载体可以破碎,破碎后的聚苯乙烯均匀地分散到乙烯聚合产物中,并且碎片达到纳米级,用这种方法可以改善多相材料的相分散。 本论文的主要工作和研究结果总结如下: 1、采用悬浮聚合制备了交联聚苯乙烯粒子(c-PS),并且在聚苯乙烯粒子的表面引入了双键;c-PS粒子在乙烯填充聚合时,可以与乙烯共聚,从而制备了表面接枝聚乙烯的聚苯乙烯微球(PS-g-PE);PS-g-PE微球上的聚乙烯的结晶温度与纯聚乙烯的结晶温度相比提高了6℃,说明聚乙烯与聚苯乙烯间的化学连接促进了PE的结晶;PS-g-PE与PE共混后,聚苯乙烯粒子与聚乙烯基体间的界面粘结增强。 2、采用乳液聚合制备了共聚型和不可共聚型交联聚苯乙烯乳胶粒子;将两种聚苯乙烯粒子用于乙烯填充聚合制备了聚苯乙烯/聚乙烯纳米共混材料,结果发现,共聚型聚苯乙烯/聚乙烯的断面上,两相间的界面模糊,并且拉伸断面上也没有不可共聚聚苯乙烯体系中由于拉应力作用而产生的空穴,超薄切片的透射电镜结果同样说明了可共聚型聚苯乙烯体系中界面粘结性的提高;当共聚型聚苯乙烯乳胶粒子的填充量较大(20 wt%)时,聚乙烯共混材料的凝胶含量比较高,说明有更多的共聚型聚苯乙烯在聚乙烯中充当交联点。总之,共聚型聚苯乙烯的填充量在非常少时(0.1 wt%)就能达到很好的改性效果。 3、采用阴离子共聚制备了两亲性的聚苯乙烯-b-聚-2-乙烯基吡啶嵌段共聚物(PS-b-P2VP)和聚4-(3-丁烯基)苯乙烯-聚苯乙烯-聚2乙烯基吡啶的三嵌段共聚物(PBSt-b-PS-b-P2VP);两个嵌段共聚物在甲苯中均能自组装形成以PVP为核、PS为壳的胶束;Co2(CO)8在PS-b-PVP和PBSt-b-PS-b-P2VP甲苯胶束中热分解得到了由胶束稳定分散的Co磁流体;无水无氧的钴磁流体与乙烯填充聚合后得到了磁性聚乙烯纳米复合材料;钴纳米粒子在聚乙烯中稳定分散,不会发生聚集;PBSt-b-PS-b-P2VP与乙烯共聚后,纳米粒子与聚乙烯基体的相容性进一步提高,从而解决了金属纳米粒子在聚合物中的分散以及界面增强的问题。 4、采用悬浮聚合制备了三种溶胀能力不同的聚苯乙烯交联粒子,研究了溶胀时间对聚苯乙烯载体溶胀程度的影响,以及溶胀程度对乙烯聚合和产物聚乙烯形态的影响;实验结果发现溶胀程度较大、溶胀能力较强的聚苯乙烯载体的负载量和活性都较高;通过提高载体的溶胀程度可以增加催化剂对乙烯聚合的催化活性,最终使载体充分破碎分散到乙烯聚合产物中,原位形成纳米级聚乙烯共混物;乙烯聚合的动力学研究表明载体的破碎是一个由外向内逐步发生的过程;适当的活性可以控制载体破碎的速度,从而得到颗粒形态较好的聚乙烯产物。


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The synthesis and reactivity of a series of sodium and rare-earth metal complexes stabilized by a dianionic N-aryloxo-functionalized beta-ketoiminate ligand were presented. The reaction of acetylacetone with 1 equiv of 2-amino-4-methylphenol in absolute ethanol gave the compound 4-(2-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl)imino-2-pentanone (LH2, 1) in high yield.


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The strong polar group, sulfonic acid, has successfully been introduced into ethylene/allylbenzene copolymers without degradation or crosslinking via chlorosulfonation reaction with chlorosulfonic acid as a chlorosulforiating agent in 1, 1,2,2-tetrachloroethane followed by hydrolysis. The degree of sulforiation (DS) can be easily controlled by changing the ratio of chlorosulfonic acid to the pendant phenyls of the copolymer. The microstructure of sulfonated copolymers were unambiguously revealed by H-1 NMR and H-1-H-1 COSY spectral analyses, which indicates that all the sulforiation reactions exclusively took place at the para-position of the aromatic rings.


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Treatment of anilido-phosphinimine-ligated yttrium mono(alkyl) complex 1a, LY(CH2Si(CH3)(3))(THF) (L = o-(2,6-(C6H3Pr2)-Pr-i)NC6H4P(C6H4)(C6H5)N(2,4,6-C6H2Me3)), with 2 equiv of phenylsilane in DME afforded methoxy-bridged complex 2, [LY(mu-OCH3)](2), via the corresponding hydrido intermediate. When excess isoprene was added to the mixture of la and phenylsilane, a eta(3)-isopentene product, 3, LY(CH2C(CH3)=CHCH3)(THF), was isolated. A lutetium chloride, LLuCl(DME) (4), was generated through the reaction of lutetium mono(alkyl) complex 1b, LLu(CH2Si(CH3)(3))(THF), with [Ph3C]-[B(C6F5)(4)]center dot LiCl accompanied by the formation of [Li(DME)(3)](+)[B(C6F5)(4)](-). Metathesis reaction of 1b with excess AlMe3 at room temperature gave a methyl-terminated counterpart, 5, LLu(CH3)(THF)(2). In all these reactions, the Ln-C-phenyl bonds of complexes 1 remained untouched.


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The strong polar group, carboxylic acid, has triumphantly been introduced into ethylene and allylbenzene copolymers without obvious degradation or crosslinking via Friedel-Crafts (F-C) acylation reaction with glutaric anhydride (GA), succinic anhydride (SA) and phthalic anhydride (PA) in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride in carbon disulfide. Some important reaction parameters were examined in order to optimize the acylation process. In the optimum reaction conditions, almost all of the phenyls can be acylated with any anhydride. The microstructure of acylated copolymer was characterized by Fr-IR, H-1 NMR and H-1-H-1 COSY. All the peaks of acylated copolymers can be accurately attributed, which indicates that all the acylation reactions occur only at the para-positions of the substituent of the aromatic rings. The thermal behavior was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), showing that the melting temperatures (T(m)s) of acylated copolymers with GA firstly decrease slowly and then increase significantly with the increase of the amount of carboxyl acid groups.


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The first and second generation carbosilane dendrimers with silicon hydride terminated were synthesized, and then reacted with bis(imino)pyridyl containing allyl [4-CH2==CHCH2-2,6-(Pr2C6H3N)-Pr-i==CMe(C5H3N)MeC==N(2,6-'Pr2C6H3)], in the presence of H2PtCl6 as a hydrosilylation catalyst, to afford the first and second generation carbosilane supported ligands. Complexation reactions with FeCl(2)(.)4H(2)O give rise to iron-containing carbosilane dendrimers with FeCl2 moieties bound on the periphery. The metallodendrimers were used as catalyst precursors, activated with modified methylaluminoxane, for the polymerization of ethylene. In the case of low Al/Fe molar ratio, the metallodendrimers display much higher catalytic activity towards ethylene polymerization and produce much higher molecule weight polyethylenes than the corresponding single-nuclear complex under the same conditions.


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Metallocene, a newer generation of commercial polymerization catalysts for polyolefins, is best known for its "single sitednss", and the intermolecular structural homogeneity of metallocene polyethylene copolymer is a very interesting research issue. The molecular segregation effects on the crystallization, melting and crystal morphologies of metallocene SCBPE have been investigated with DSC and TEM. The multiple endothermic peaks were observed in the DSC thermograms during heating experiments. The heterogeneity increases as branching content increases, the lamellae becomes thinner, and lamellae distribution becomes broader. Both macroscopic segregation (between two crystal aggregates) and microscopic segreation (between two lamellae) have been observed when SCBPE crystallized from phase separated melt.


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Seven new binuclear titanocenes with different linking bridges, unsubstituted or substituted on the Cp rings, were synthesized and tested for their effect on ethylene polymerization in the presence of MAO. The polyethylenes thus obtained had broad MWD or even bimodal GPC curves, as compared with that from two reference mononuclear titanocenes. This is explained by the difference in degree of steric hindrance around the active center sites imposed by the bulky substituted ligands assuming different configurations in the rotation of the catalyst molecules. Lower polymerization temperatures alleviate the effect of these configuration differences, as reflected in change in MW and (M) over bar(w)/(M) over bar(n). This effect is not caused by decomposition or disproportionation of the binuclear titanocenes as evidenced by the stability of the catalyst.


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The influence of the syndiotacticity on the crystallization behaviour of syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) has been investigated. The syndiotacticity has been measured by C-13-NMR spectroscopy and the phase formation has been observed by electron diffraction of oriented samples. It is shown that the crystal phase formation depends strongly on the perfection of the tacticity of the macromolecules.


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The copolymerizations of ethylene with polar hydroxyl monomers such as 10-undecen-1-ol, 5-hexen-1-ol and 3-buten-1-ol were investigated by the vanadium(III) catalysts bearing bidentate [N,O] ligands (1, [PhN=C(CH3)CHC(Ph)O]VCl2(THF)(2): 2, [PhN=CHC6H4O]VCl2(THF)(2); 3, [PhN=CHC(Ph)CHO]VCl2(THF)(2)). The polar monomers were pretreated by alkylaluminum before the polymerization. High catalytic activities and efficient comonomer incorporations can be easily obtained by changing monomer masking reagents and polymerization conditions in the presence of diethylaluminium chloride as a cocatalyst. The longer the spacer group, the higher the incorporation of the monomer. Under the mild conditions, the incorporation level of 10-undecen-1-ol reached 13.9 mol% in the resultant copolymers was obtained. The reactivity ratios of copolymerization (r(1) = 41.4, r(2) = 0.02, r(1)r(2) = 0.83) were evaluated by Fineman-Ross method. According to C-13 NMR spectra, polar units were located both on the main chain and at the chain end.


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Neutral Ni(II) salicylaldiminato complexes activated with modified methylaluminoxane as catalysts were used for the vinylic polymerization of norbornene. Catalyst activities of up to 7.08 x 10(4) kg(pol)/(mol(Ni) (.) h) and viscosity-average molecular weights of polymer up to 1.5 x 10(6) g/mol were observed at optimum conditions. Polynorbornenes are amorphous, soluble in organic solvents, highly stable, and show glass-transition temperatures around 390 degreesC. Catalyst activity, polymer yield, and polymer molecular weight can be controlled over a wide range by the variation of the reaction parameters such as the Al/Ni ratio, monomer/catalyst ratio, monomer concentration, polymerization reaction temperature, and time.


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A novel polymer-supported metallocene catalyst with crosslinked poly(styrene-co-acrylamide) (PSAm) as the support has been prepared and characterized. The probability of long sequences of acrylamide (Am) in PSAm is still low even at an Am amount of 32.8 mol %, implying the relatively homogeneous distribution of Am. The infrared spectra of PSAm and the supported catalyst substantiate that an amide group in PSAm coordinates with methylaluminoxane through both oxygen and nitrogen atoms. Ethylene/alpha-octene copolymerization showed that the catalytic activity is not markedly affected by adding alpha-octene. C-13 NMR analysis of the ethylene/alpha-octene copolymer indicated that the composition distribution of the copolymer is uniform. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.