279 resultados para Double addition de réactifs de Grignard vinyliques


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In plants and less-advanced animal species, such as C.elegans, introduction of exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into cells would trigger degradation of the mRNA with homologous sequence and interfere with the endogenous gene expression. It might represent an ancient anti-virus response which could prevent the mutation in the genome that was caused by virus infection or mobile DNA elements insertion. This phenomenon was named RNA interference, or RNAi. In this study, RNAi was used to investigate the function of basonuclin gene during oogenesis. Microinjection of dsRNA directed towards basonuclin into mouse germinal-vesicle-intact (GV) oocytes brought down the abundance of the cognate mRNA effectively in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. This reduction effect was sequence-specific and showed no negative effect on other non-homologous gene expression in oocytes, which indicated that dsRNA can recognize and cause the degradation of the transcriptional products of endogenous basonuclin gene in a sequence-specific manner. Immunofluorescence results showed that RNAi could reduce the concentration of basonuclin protein to some extent, but the effect was less efficient than the dsRNA targeting towards tPA and cMos which was also expressed in oocytes. This result might be due to the long half life of basonuclin protein in oocytes and the short reaction time which was posed by the limited life span of GV oocytes cultured in vitro. In summary, dsRNA could inhibit the expression of the cognate gene in oocytes at both mRNA and protein levels. The effect was similar to Knock-out technique which was based on homologous recombination. Furthermore, hairpin-style dsRNA targeting basonuclin gene could be produced by transcription from a recombinant plasmid and worked efficiently to deplete the cognate mRNA in oocytes. This finding offered a new way to study the function of basonuclin in the early stage of oogenesis by infection of primordial oocytes with the plasmid expressing hairpin-style basonuclin dsRNA.


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Using directional freezing, Our objective was to cryopreserve rabbit semen and achieve fertility that was equal or higher than that achieved with conventional freezing. The working hypothesis was that controlling the ice-front propagation would allow redu


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The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-dependent protein kinase PKR is thought to mediate a conserved antiviral pathway by inhibiting viral protein synthesis via the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2 alpha). However, little is known about the data related to the lower vertebrates, including fish. Recently, the identification of PKR-like, or PKZ, has addressed the question of whether there is an orthologous PKR in fish. Here, we identify the first fish PKR gene from the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (PoPKR). PoPKR encodes a protein that shows a conserved structure that is characteristic of mammalian PKRs, having both the N-terminal region for dsRNA binding and the C-terminal region for the inhibition of protein translation. The catalytic activity of PoPKR is further evidence that it is required for protein translation inhibition in vitro. PoPKR is constitutively transcribed at low levels and is highly induced after virus infection. Strikingly, PoPKR overexpression increases eIF2 alpha phosphorylation and inhibits the replication of Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV) in flounder embryonic cells, whereas phosphorylation and antiviral effects are impaired in transfected cells expressing the catalytically inactive PKR-K421R variant, indicating that PoPKR inhibits virus replication by phosphorylating substrate eIF2 alpha. The interaction between PoPKR and eIF2 alpha is demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation assays, and the transfection of PoPKR-specific short interfering RNA further reveals that the enhanced eIF2 alpha phosphorylation is catalyzed by PoPKR during SMRV infection. The current data provide significant evidence for the existence of a PKR-mediated antiviral pathway in fish and reveal considerable conservation in the functional domains and the antiviral effect of PKR proteins between fish and mammals.


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UV radiation is one of many harmful factors found in space that are detrimental to organisms on earth in space exploration. In the present work, we examined the role of antioxidant system in Nostoc sphaeroides Kutz (Cyanobacterium) and the effects of exogenously applied antioxidant molecules on its photosynthetic rate under UV-B radiation. It was found that UV-B radiation promoted the activity of antioxidant system to protect photosystem 11 (PSII) and exogenously applied antioxidant: sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) had an obvious protection on PSII activity under UV-B radiation. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, catalase (CAT, EC, peroxidase (POD, EC and content of NIDA (malondialdehyde) and ASC (ascorbate) were improved by 0.5 mM and 1 mM SNP, but 0.1 mM SNP decreased the activity of antioxidant system. Addition of exogenous NAC decreased the activity of SOD, POD, CAT and the content MDA and ASC. In contrast, exogenously applied NAC increased GSH content. The results suggest that exogenous SNP and NAC may protect algae by different mechanisms: SNP may play double roles as both sources of reactive free radicals as well as ROS scavengers in mediating the protective role of PSII on algae under UV-B radiation. On the other hand, NAC functions as an antioxidant or precursor of glutathione, which could protect PSII directly from UV-B radiation. (c) 2007 COSPAR, Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Micronutrients play an important role in biological processes for wastewater treatment. Many industrial wastewaters lack in nutrients required for microbial growth, and this is one of the problems at many activated sludge plants treating them. In this study, the effects of the micronutrient niacin on the COD removal rates of textile wastewater, together with the effect of Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) on niacin, were studied. Certain improvement effects were found on the removal rates of COD, when 0.5 similar to 2.0 mg/L niacin was added to the textile wastewater. The optimal concentration of niacin was 1.0 mg/L, which was continuously added during textile wastewater treatment, and removal rates were 1.31 times compared to those of the control system. The concentration of MLSS was probably one of the factors influencing treatment efficiency, and the biological performance of treatment system could be optimized through micronutrient niacin supplements.


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Production of zebrafish by modifying endogenous growth hormone (GH) gene through homologous recombination is described here. We first constructed the targeting vectors pGHT1.7k and pGHT2.8k, which were used for the knockout/knockin of the endogenous GH gene of zebrafish, and injected these two vectors into the embryos of zebrafish. Overall, the rate of targeted integration with the characteristic of germ line transmission in zebrafish was 1.7x10(-6). In one experimental patch, the integrating efficiency of pGHT2.8k was higher than that of pGHT1.7k, but the lethal effect of pGHT2.8k was stronger than that of pGHT1.7k. The clones with the correct integration of target genes were identified by a simple screening procedure based on green fluorescent protein (GFP) and RFP dual selection, which corresponded to homologous recombination and random insertion, respectively. The potential homologous recombination zebrafish was further bred to produce a heterozygous F-1 generation, selected based on the presence of GFP. The potential targeted integration of exogenous GH genes into a zebrafish genome at the P-0 generation was further verified by polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analysis. Approximately 2.5% of potential founder knockout and knockin zebrafish had the characteristic of germ line transmission. In this study, we developed an efficient method for producing the targeted gene modification in zebrafish for future studies on genetic modifications and gene functions using this model organism.


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The signals of dolphins and porpoises often exhibit a multi-pulse structure. Here, echolocation signal recordings were made from four geometrically distinct positions of seven Yangtze finless porpoises temporarily housed in a relatively small, enclosed area. Some clicks demonstrated double-pulse, and others multi-pulse, structure. The interpulse intervals between the first and second pulse of the double- and multi-pulse clicks were significantly different among data from the four different positions (p < 0.01, one-way ANOVA). These results indicate that the interpulse interval and structure of the double- and multi-pulse echolocation signals depend on the hydrophone geometry of the animal, and that the double- and multi-pulse structure of echolocation signals in Yangtze finless porpoise is not caused by the phonating porpoise itself, but by the multipath propagation of the signal. Time delays in the 180 degrees phase-shifted surface reflection pulse and the nonphase-shifted bottom reflection pulse of the multi-pulse structures, relative to the direct signal, can be used to calculate the distance to a phonating animal. (c) 2005 Acoustical Society of America.


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A polyploid hybrid fish with natural gynogenesis can prevent segregation and maintain their hybrid vigor in their progenies. Supposing the reproduction mode of induced polyploid fish being natural gynogenesis, allopolyploid hybrid between common carp and crucian carp into allopolyploid was performed. The purpose of this paper is to describe a lineage from sexual diploid carp transforming into allotriploid and allotetraploid unisexual clones by genome addition. The diploid hybrid between common carp and crucian carp reproduces an unreduced nucleus consisting of two parental genomes. This unreduced female pronucleus will fuse with male pronucleus and form allotriploid zygote after penetration of related species sperms. Allotriploid embryos grow normally, and part of female allotriploid can produce unreduced mature ova with three genomes. Mature ova of most allotriploid females are provided with natural gynogenetic trait and their nuclei do not fuse with any entrance sperm. All female offspring are produced by gynogenesis of allotriploid egg under activation of penetrating sperms. These offspring maintain morphological traits of their allotriploid maternal and form an allotetraploid unisexual clone by gynogenetic reproduction mode. However, female nuclei of rare allotriploid female can fuse with penetrating male pronuclei and result in the appearance of allotetraploid individuals by means of genome addition. All allotetraploid females can reproduce unreduced mature eggs containing four genomes. Therefore, mature eggs of allotetraploid maintain gynogenetic trait and allotetraploid unisexual clone is produced under activation of related species sperms.


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The gene targeting technique is a powerful tool for analyzing functions of cloned genes and for generating transgenic animals with site-directed integration of foreign genes. In order to develop this technique in fish, positive-negative selection (PNS) and homologous recombination vectors were constructed, and their expression was examined in fish cells. A vector (pNK) for PNS consists of the neomycin resistance gene (neo) as a positive selectable marker gene and the herpes simplex virus (HSV) thymidine kinase (tk) gene as a negative selectable marker gene. Positive selection with geneticin (G418) of epithelioma papulosum of carp (EPC) cells transfected with linearized pNK vector yielded 350 colonies, while double selection of transfected EPC cells with G418 and gancyclovir (Gc) resulted in nearly complete cell death, demonstrating that the PNS procedure is effective in fish cells. Homologous recombination vectors consist of the Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase (X mrk(Y)) gene as homologous sequence in addition to the neo and tk genes. Conditions for homologous recombination vector transfection and drug selection were established. After verification of the feasibility of expression of homologous recombination vectors in EPC cells, the first gene targeting experiments were attempted in the Xiphophorus melanoma cell line, PSM. Positive-negative selection of the targeting vector-transfectants led to a low enrichment in this particular cell line. The reasons for the low enrichment in PSM cells were discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using first-principles band structure methods, we have systematically studied the electronic structures, magnetic stabilities, and half-metal properties of 3d transition-metal (TM) doped Rocksalt MgO compounds TMMg3O4 (TM = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni). The calculations reveal that only CrMg3O4 has a ferromagnetic stability among the six compounds, which is explained by double-exchange mechanism. The magnetic stability is affected by the doping concentration of TM if the top valance band is composed of partially occupied t(2g) states. In addition, CrMg3O4 is a half-metallic ferromagnet. The origins of half-metallic and ferromagnetic properties are explored. The Curie temperature (T-c) of CrMg3O4 is 182 K. And it is hard for CrMg3O4 to deform due to the large bulk modulus and shear modulus, so it is a promising spintronic material. Our calculations provide the first available information on the magnetic properties of 3d TM-doped MgO.


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We investigate interference effects of the backscattering current through a double-barrier structure in an interacting quantum wire attached to noninteracting leads. Depending on the interaction strength and the location of the barriers, the backscattering current exhibits different oscillation and scaling characteristics with the applied voltage in the strong and weak interaction cases. However, in both cases, the oscillation behaviors of the backscattering current are mainly determined by the quantum mechanical interference due to the existence of the double barriers.


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Photon quantum statistics of light can be shown by the high-order coherence. The fourth-order coherences of various quantum states including Pock states, coherent states, thermal states and squeezed vacuum states are investigated based on a double Banbury Brown Twiss (HBT) scheme. The analytical results are obtained by taking the overall efficiency and background into account.