300 resultados para Blue shift


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In a recent experimental work on the excess photon detachment (EPD) of H- ions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 243001] it has been found that the ponderomotive shift of each EPD peak increases with the order of the EPD channel. By using a nonperturbative quantum scattering theory, we obtain the kinetic energy spectra for the differential detachment rate along the laser polarization for several laser intensities. It is demonstrated that higher order EPD peaks are produced mainly at relatively higher laser intensities. By calculating the overall EPD spectra with varying laser intensities, it is found that the ponderomotive shift of each EPD peak increases with the order of the EPD channel. Our calculations are in good agreement with the experimental observation. It is found that different EPD channels occur mainly when the laser field reaches some values, thus the intensity distribution of the laser field is responsible for the varying ponderomotive shifts.


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The characteristics of backward harmonic radiation due to electron oscillations driven by a linearly polarized fs laser pulse are analysed considering a single electron model. The spectral distributions of the electron's backward harmonic radiation are investigated in detail for different parameters of the driver laser pulse. Higher order harmonic radiations are possible for a sufficiently intense driving laser pulse. We have shown that for a realistic pulsed photon beam, the spectrum of the radiation is red shifted as well as broadened because of changes in the longitudinal velocity of the electrons during the laser pulse. These effects are more pronounced at higher laser intensities giving rise to higher order harmonics that eventually leads to a continuous spectrum. Numerical simulations have further shown that by increasing the laser pulse width the broadening of the high harmonic radiations can be controlled.


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It is the first time in China that the phase variations and phase shift of microwave cavity in a miniature Rb fountain frequency standard are studied, considering the effect of imperfect metallic walls. Wall losses in the microwave cavity lead to small traveling wave components that deliver power from the cavity feed to the walls of cavity. The small traveling wave components produce a microradian distribution of phase throughout the cavity ity, and therefore distributed cavity phase shifts need to be considered. The microwave cavity is a TE011 circular cylinder copper cavity, with round cut-hole of end plates (14mm in diameter) for access for the atomic flux and two small apertures in the center of the side wall for coupling in microwave power. After attenuation alpha is calculated, field variations in cavity are solved. The field variations of the cavity are given. At the same time, the influences of loaded quality factor QL and diameter/height (2a/d) of the microwave cavity on the phase variations and phase shift are considered. According to the phase variation and phase shift of microwave cavity we select the parameters of cavity, diameter 2a = 69.2mm, height d = 34.6mm, QL = 5000, which will result in an uncertainty delta(Delta f / f0 ) < 4.7 x 10(-17) and meets the requirement for the miniature Rb fountain frequency standard with accuracy 10(-15).


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We have theoretically investigated the phase shift of a probe field for a four-level atomic system interacting successively with two fields tuned near an EIT resonance of an atom, a microwave field, and a coupling field. It has been found that the phase of retrieved signal has been shifted due to the cross-phase modulation when the stored spin wave was disturbed by a microwave. Because of the low relaxation rates of the ground hyperfine state, our proposed technique can impart a large phase rotation onto the probe field with low absorption of retrieved field and very low intensity of the microwave field.


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This paper investigates the influences of phase shift on superresolution performances of annular filters. Firstly, it investigates the influence of phase shift on axial superresolution. It proves theoretically that axial superresolution can not be obtained by two-zone phase filter with phase shift pi, and it gets the phase shift with which axial superresolution can be brought by two-zone phase filter. Secondly, it studies the influence of phase shift on transverse superresolution. It finds that the three-zone phase filter with arbitrary phase shift has an almost equal optimal transverse gain to that of commonly used three-zone phase filter, but can produce a much higher axial superresolution gain. Thirdly, it investigates the influence of phase shift on three-dimensional superresolution. Three-dimensional superresolution capability and design margin of three-zone complex filter with arbitrary phase shift are obtained, which presents the theoretical basis for three-dimensional superresolution design. Finally, it investigates the influence of phase shift on focal shift. To obtain desired focal shifts, it designs a series of three-zone phase filters with different phase shifts. A spatial light modulator (SLM) is used to implement the designed filters. By regulating the voltage imposed on the SLM, an accurate focal shift control is obtained.


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A novel phase-step calibration technique is presented on the basis of a two-run-times-two-frame phase-shift method. First the symmetry factor M is defined to describe the distribution property of the distorted phase due to phase-shifter miscalibration; then the phase-step calibration technique, in which two sets of two interferograms with a straight fringe pattern are recorded and the phase step is obtained by calculating M of the wrapped phase map, is developed. With this technique, a good mirror is required, but no uniform illumination is needed and no complex mathematical operation is involved. This technique can be carried out in situ and is applicable to any phase shifter, whether linear or nonlinear. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper an electrically controllable radial birefringent pupil filter is proposed. It consists of two polarizers and an improved electrically controllable optical azimuth rotator which has two lambda/4 retarders, one electro-optical crystal and one radial birefringent crystal. The evolution and distribution of polarization states of this pupil filter are discussed. The most interesting and useful advantage of such a structure is that the characteristic of transverse superresolution and axial extended focal depth or focal shift can be obtained merely by controlling the applied voltage on the electro-optical crystal. The radial birefringent crystal azimuth angle cooperating with different electrical inductive phase differences will determine the transverse and axial intensity distribution. It is shown that for particular ranges of electrical inductive phase difference it is possible to obtain transverse superresolution along with extended focal depth or with a focal shift.


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A four-frame phase shift method and an associated algorithm using unequal phase steps are presented. The unique advantage of this method is that it becomes insensitive to phase shifter nonlinearity because of the performance of a special procedure, in which the phase shifts are shared out between the reference beam and the object beam. By this means, any phase shifter can work as long as one phase shift is accurately known. On the basis of the technique, a simple calibration method for the linear phase shifter is suggested. The influences of phase shifter miscalibration, detector nonlinearity and random noise on the algorithm are investigated, and the optimal phase shifts are given.


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In this paper, the evolution of the gradient force pattern, focal shift, and focal switch induced by a three-portion pure phase-shifting apodizer is numerically investigated in detail. The results show that the proposed apodizer may induce tunable gradient force on the particles in the focal region, focal shift, and focal switch. By adjusting the geometrical parameters of the phase-shifting apodizer, multiple traps may occur with changeable distance between them, and the shape of the optical trap also evolves evidently. More interestingly, for certain geometrical parameters of the proposed apodizer, by changing the phase shift of inner annular portion, the considerable focal shift may occur with focal switch accompanying, which is discussed to show that this kind of apodizer may be a very promising method of transporting trapped particles. © 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Some kinds of rare earth beta-diketone complexes with blue-violet light absorption edge were synthesized using the ligands of thenoyltrifluoroacctone (HTTA), 2, 2'-dipyridyl (BIPY) and different metal ions (Gd3+, Sm3+ and La3+). Their contents, structures and optoelectronic parameters were monitored by elemental analysis, MS, IR and UV spectra. The solubility of rare earth beta-diketone complexes in 2, 2, 3, 3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol (TFP) and absorption properties of their films in the region 300-800 nm were measured. The influence on the difference of absorption maximum from rare earth beta-diketone complexes to beta-diketone ligand by different metal ions was studied. In addition, the thermal stability of rare earth beta-diketone complexes was also reported. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Blue ray optical storage is one of the important trends in the area of information storage, and attracts a number of researchers. Static tester for blue ray optical storage plays an important role in storage media research. We designed and constructed a static tester, in which modularization makes it very convenient to expand function. Employment of modulation/demodulation technique weakens test error so as to increase test precision. Focus move mode and the nano-positioners facilitate the relocation of recording marks. Only one laser with wavelength 406.7 nm is used. In this paper, system design and characteristics are represented in detail, and some experimental results are also given to show that the static tester can perform successfully, acting as research platform for blue ray optical storage. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The conventional TbFeCo magneto-optical (MO) medium has a relatively smaller Kerr rotation angle in the blue region than in the red. With the recording wavelength gradually moving to the short wavelength, if TbFeCo is still used as recording medium, the conventional MO disk structure must be optimized to get a larger carrier to noise ratio (CNR). Sabi et al. have found that adding a metal layer attached to the TbFeCo film as thermal control layer is a useful way to get a high CNR. In this paper, we proved this through calculation, and carried out optimization of the new type of disk. Calculation results showed that the new structure is useful in preventing an excessive temperature increase, and has a better thermal response. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.