135 resultados para tidal trough migration


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The vertical growth of seagrasses in response to burial by migration of bedforms is combined with dating techniques to provide precise and rapid estimates of the migration speed of subaqueous dunes over seagrass patches. Two methods to estimate the time interval between the passage of successive dunes and the motion of single dunes through seagrass patches are described. The second method is more precise. The application of these methods to vegetated (Cymodocea nodosa) subaqueous dunes in the Alfacs Bay (NW Mediterranean) showed that the dunes traveled at an average speed of $13.0 \pm 0.6 m yr^-1$ and demonstrated that the methods can resolve migration speeds from 0.15 to $980 m yr^-1$ with this particular seagrass species. In areas vegetated with different seagrass species, bedform migration can be estimated over different time scales. The strong coupling between seagrass and sediment dynamics resembles the coupling of vegetation and land dunes.


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This study relates tidal channel cross-sectional area (A) to peak spring discharge (Q) via a physical mechanism, namely the stability shear stress ( tau sub(S)) just necessary to maintain a zero gradient in net along-channel sediment transport. It is assumed that if bed shear stress ( tau ) is greater than tau sub(S), net erosion will occur, increasing A, and reducing tau similar to (Q/A) super(2) back toward tau sub(S). If tau < tau sub(S) there will be net deposition, reducing A and increasing tau toward tau sub(S). A survey of the literature allows estimates of Q and A at 242 sections in 26 separate sheltered tidal systems. Assuming a single value of tau sub(S) characterizes the entire length of a given tidal channel, it is predicted that along-channel geometry will follow the relation Ah sub(R) super(1) super(/) super(6) similar to Q. Along-channel regressions of the form Ah sub(R) super(1) super(/) super(6) similar to Q super( beta ) give a mean observed value for beta of 1.00 plus or minus 0.06, which is consistent with this concept. Results indicate that a lower bound on tau sub(S) (and an upper bound on A) for stable channels is provided by the critical shear stress ( tau sub(C)) just capable of initiating sediment motion. Observed tau sub(S) is found to vary among all systems as a function of spring tidal range (R sub(sp)) according to the relation tau sub(S) approximately 2.3 R sub(sp) super(0.79) tau sub(C). Observed deviations from uniform tau sub(S) along individual channels are associated with along-channel variation in the direction of maximum discharge (i.e., flood-versus ebb-dominance).


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Very high-resolution seismic lines were collected offshore the Venice Lagoon in the framework of the Co.Ri.La'New very high resolution seismic methods to study the Venice Lagoon subsoil' project. The 140 km boomer profiles led to the identification of a convex-upward,lens-shaped body just outside the Lido inlet,one of the three lagoon inlets,which has been interpreted as an ebb-tidal delta.The comparison between the scismostratigraphic setting og this deposit, as revealed by the seismic lines,and the analyses of historicalbathymetric maps highlighted the key role of human interventions in the formation and evolution of the Lido inlet cbb-tidal delta.To preserve the lagoon environment but also to ensure a navigable way, human interventions at the Lidoinlet,performed since the fourteenth centtury, caused profound variations in the inlet dynamics,ldading to a progressive increase in the sediment dispersion from the lagoon interior towards the sea. The ebb-tidal delta of the Lido nilet is thus a very recent feature compared with the formation of the Venice lagoon and formed mainly as a consequence of the construction of the two jetties that have bound the inlet form AD 1886 to the present day.


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Biphenyl derivatives undergo extensive intraannular substituent migrations and subsequent intramolecular ipso substitutions giving rise to a fluorenyl cation and a biphenylene radical cation as common products in mass spectrometry. For biphenyls bearing an alkyl group, interannular substituent migration resulting in a substituted tropylium ion is also observed. Electron-withdrawing groups are found to be much more favourable to these reactions than the electron-donating ones.


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Energy transfer phenomena have been observed by activating the oxyapatite host-lattice Ca2Gd8(SiO4)6O2 with Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Sm3+. This is based on the energy migration in the Gd3+ sublattice and trapping by the activators. The trapping efficiency for G


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Small amplitude potential step experiments were carried out to study the counterion transfer process in oxidized poly(3-methylthiophene) (PMT) film. The results demonstrate that anion transfer process in PMT film is migration rather than diffusion. A porous metal electrode model-single hole model, which takes into account both the ionic resistance of the film and the uncompensated solution resistance, was found suitable to describe the potential step experiments. According to this model, the ionic resistivity of oxidized PMT film was calculated to be 5.0 x 10(4) OMEGA.cm, and, in turn, the diffusion coefficent of ClO4- ion in PMT film 3.7 x 10(-9) cm2/s.


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Inferring how the Pleistocene climate oscillations have repopulated the extant population structure of Chondrus crispus Stackh. in the North Atlantic Ocean is important both for our understanding of the glacial episode promoting diversification and for the conservation and development of marine organisms. C. crispus is an ecologically and commercially important red seaweed with broad distributions in the North Atlantic. Here, we employed both partial mtDNA Cox1 and nrDNA internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS2) sequences to explore the genetic structure of 17 C. crispus populations from this area. Twenty-eight and 30 haplotypes were inferred from these two markers, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and of the population statistic Theta(ST) not only revealed significant genetic structure within C. crispus populations but also detected significant levels of genetic subdivision among and within populations in the North Atlantic. On the basis of high haplotype diversity and the presence of endemic haplotypes, we postulate that C. crispus had survived in Pleistocene glacial refugia in the northeast Atlantic, such as the English Channel and the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. We also hypothesize that C. crispus from the English Channel refugium repopulated most of northeastern Europe and recolonized northeastern North America in the Late Pleistocene. The observed phylogeographic pattern of C. crispus populations is in agreement with a scenario in which severe Quaternary glaciations influenced the genetic structure of North Atlantic marine organisms with contiguous population expansion and locally restricted gene flow coupled with a transatlantic dispersal in the Late Pleistocene.


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An orange-pigmented, Gram-negative, nonmotile, strictly aerobic and oxidase- and catalase-positive bacterium (SM-A87(T)) was isolated from the deep-sea sediment of the southern Okinawa Trough area. The main fatty acids were i15 : 0, i17 : 0 3OH, i15 : 1 G, i17 : 1 omega 9c, 15 : 0, i15 : 0 3OH and summed feature 3 (comprising i-15 : 0 2OH and/or 16 : 1 omega 7c). MK-6 was the predominant respiratory quinone. DNA G+C content was 35.8 mol%. Flexirubin-type pigments were absent. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain SM-A87(T) formed a distinct lineage within the family Flavobacteriaceae, with < 93% sequence similarity to the nearest strain of genus Salegentibacter. Moreover, strain SM-A87(T) could be distinguished from the nearest phylogenetic neighbors by a number of chemotaxonomic and phenotypic properties. On the basis of polyphasic analyses, it is proposed that strain SM-A87(T) be classified in a novel genus and a new species in the family Flavobacteriaceae, designated Wangia profunda gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is SM-A87(T) (CCTCC AB 206139(T)=DSM 18752).


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A Gram-negative, nonmotile, aerobic and oxidase- and catalase-positive bacterium,, designated D25(T), was isolated from the deep-sea sediments of the southern Okinawa Trough area. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain D25(T), fell within the genus Myroides, with 99.2%, 96.0% and 93.4% sequence similarities to the only three recognized species of Myroides. However, the DNA-DNA similarity Value between strain D25(T) and its nearest neighbour Myroides odoratimimus JCM 7460(T) was only 49.9% ( < 70%). Several phenotypic properties could be used to distinguish strain D25(T) from other Myroides species. The main cellular fatty acids of strain D25(T) were iso-C-15:0, iso-C-17:1 omega 9C, iso-C(17:0)3-OH and Summed Feature 3 (comprising C-16:1 omega 7c and/or iso-C(15:0)2-OH). The major respiratory quinone was MK-6. The DNA G+C content was 33.0 mol%. The results of the polyphasic taxonomy analysis suggested that strain D251(T) represents a novel species of the genus Myroides, for which the name Myroides profundi sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is D25(T) (=CCTCC M 208030(T) = DSM 19823(T)).


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The Southern Okinawa Trough is an area of focused sedimentation due to particulate matter export from the shelf of the East China Sea and the island of Taiwan. In order to understand the geomicrobiological characteristics of this unique sedimentary environment, bacterial cultivations were carried out for an 8.61 m CASQ core sediment sample. A total of 98 heterotrophic bacterial isolates were characterized based on 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic analysis. These isolates can be grouped into four bacterial divisions, including 13 genera and more than 20 species. Bacteria of the gamma-Proteobacteria lineage, especially those from the Halomonas ( 27 isolates) and Psychrobacter ( 20 isolates) groups, dominate in the culturable bacteria assemblage. They also have the broadest distribution along the depth of the sediment. More than 72.4% of the isolates showed extracellular hydrolytic enzyme activities, such as amylases, proteases, lipases and Dnases, and nearly 59.2% were cold-adapted exoenzyme-producers. Several Halomonas strains show almost all the tested hydrolases activities. The wide distribution of exoenzyme activities in the isolates may indicate their important ecological role of element biogeochemical cycling in the studied deep-sea sedimentary environment.


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A pollen record of core PC-1 from the northern Okinawa Trough, East China Sea (ECS), provides information on vegetation and climate changes since 24 cal. kaBP. A total of 103 samples were palynologically analyzed at 8 cm intervals with a time resolution of 230 a. Four pollen zones are recognized: zone I (812-715 cm, 24.2-21.1 cal. kaBP), zone II (715-451 cm, 21.1-15.2 cal. kaBP), zone III (451-251 cm, 15.2-10.8 cal. kaBP), zone IV (251-0 cm, 10.8-0.3 cal. kaBP), corresponding to Late MIS 3, Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), deglaciation and Holocene, respectively. The LGM is characterized by the dominance of herbs, mainly Artemisia, and high pollen influx, implying an open vegetation on the exposed continental shelf and a cool and dry climate. The deglaciation is a climate warming stage with Pinus percentage increased and Artemisia percentage decreased and a rapid sea-level rise. The Holocene is characterized by predominance of tree pollen with rapid increase in Castanea-Castanopsis indicating the development of mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest and a warm, humid climate. Low pollen influx during the Holocene probably implies submergence of the continental shelf and retreat of the pollen source area. The vegetation indicated by pollen assemblage found in this upper zone is consistent with the present vegetation found in Kyushu, Japan. Originating from the humid mountain area of North Luzon of the Philippines, Tasmania and New Zealand, Phyllocladus with sporadic occurrence throughout PC-1 core probably suggests the influence of Palaeo-Kuroshio Current or intense summer monsoon. The observed changes in Pinus and Herbs percentage indicate fluctuations of the sea level, and high Pinus percentage corresponds to high sea level. Spectrum analysis of the pollen percentage record reveals many millennial-scale periodicities, such as periodicities of 6.8, 3.85 2.2, 1.6 ka.


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As a high-sedimentation rate depocenter along the path of the Kuroshio Current, the southwesternmost part of the Okinawa Trough is a key area to understand the Kuroshio history and sediments transportation. A 34.17-m-long sediment core was obtained by the advanced piston corer of Marco Polo/IMAGES XII MARION DUFRESNE during the May 2005 from the Southern Okinawa Trough at site MD05-2908. The recovered sediments were analyzed by AMS C-14 dating, coarse size fraction (> 63 mu m) extraction and moisture content determination in order to study its sedimentation flux and provenance. The depth-age relationship of core MD05-2908 was well constrained by 17 C-14 dating points. The sediments span across the mid-Holocene (6.8 ka B.P.) and have remarkablely high sedimentation rates between 1.8 and 21-2 m/ka, which is well consistent with the modern observations from sediment traps. We identified five 70-200 a periods of abnormally rapid sedimentation events at 6790-6600 a B.P., 5690-5600 a B.P., 4820-4720 a B.P., 1090-880 a B.P., and 260-190 a B.P., during which the highest sedimentation rate is up to 21-2 m/ka. In general, the lithology of the sediments were dominated by silt and clay, associated with less than 5% coarse size fraction (a parts per thousand << 63 mu m). As the most significant sediment source, the Lanyang River in northeastern Taiwan annually deliver about 10Mt materials to the coastal and offshore region of northeast Taiwan, a portion of which could be carried northward by currents toward the study area. Therefore, we concluded that the 5 abnormally rapid sedimentation events may be related to intensified rainfall in Taiwan and thus increased materials to our study area at that time. However, a few extreme-rapid sedimentation events cannot be explained by normal river runoff alone. The large earthquakes or typhoons induced hyperpycnal discharge of fluvial sediment to the ocean may also act as a potential source supply to the Okinawa Trough.