119 resultados para southern Yellow Sea


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The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Metastrongylidium distichum, isolated from the Yellow Sea, are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Metastrongylidium distichum is about 170 x 40 pm in vivo, clavate to elongate ellipsoidal with bluntly pointed posterior end, and has two macronuclear nodules, six distinctly large buccal and frontal cirri, three dorsal kineties and two each of spiralled ventral and marginal cirral rows. These features indicate a generic allocation in Strongylidium Sterki, 1878. However, the new ciliate has a distinct feature not recognizable in Strongylidiurn, viz., the presence of (three or four) transverse cirri. Thus, we propose a new genus Metastrongylidium for the new species, M distichum nov. gen., n. sp. Metastrongylidium belongs to the family Spirofilidae, where it differs from Mucotrichidium by the lack of postperistomial cirrus and the different frontal and ventral cirral pattern. Metastrongylidium distichum is easily distinguishable from the seemingly similar species Strongylidium californicum Kahl, 1932 by the macronuclear pattern (invariably 2 vs. many nodules). It highly resembles the poorly known species S. contortum (Gelei 1954) Borror, 1972 in the body outline and nuclear pattern, differing in the biotope, the posterior cirral pattern, and the arrangement of right marginal row.


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The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Kiitricha minuta n. sp., isolated from the Yellow Sea, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Kiitricha minuta represents a third member of the rarely known order Kiitrichida. It is unique in the subclass Hypotrichia in having many rows of small uniform cirri along the right side of the body and the dorsal kineties composed of dikinetids, most of which bear two cilia. Kiitricha minuta n. sp. is ovoid and measures about 60 x 45 mu m in vivo. It has a huge buccal cavity occupying about 80% of the body length, numerous body extrusomes, one macronucleus and two micronuclei, 27-27 adoral membranelles, 9-12 frontoventral cirral rows, a submarginal row of 7-9 cirri, 6 or 7 transverse cirri, and roughly 7-9 dorsal kineties. This new species differs distinctly from its only congener Kiitricha marina by its smaller size (60 mu m vs. 80-150 mu m), the presence of body extrusomes (vs. absent), the different macronuclear pattern (one vs. two nodules), and the lower number of frontoventral cirral rows (9-12 vs. 21-26), which terminate at the anterior two-thirds of body (vs. extend to the posterior). The new term "submarginal cirral row" is introduced to distinguish from the marginal cirral row in typical hypotrichs sensu lato. Based on our new observations and the literature, an improved diagnosis for the genus Kiitricha is provided and its phylogenetic importance is discussed.


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Two ectoparasitic ciliates, Trichodina fugu Imai et al., 1997 and T. jadranica Raabe, 1958, found on the gills and skin of the maricultured tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes on the China coast of the Yellow Sea, were studied using the dry silver nitrate method. Trichodina fugu is distinguished by its almost rod-shaped denticle blades. Trichodina jadranica is usually described as a small trichodinid with a clear central circle in the adhesive disc and with a low number of denticles. However, the data available suggest that the species is highly variable in morphometry and the Chinese population represents the largest in body size and denticle dimensions found to date. Based on the revision of T. jadranica, two major morphotypes, each represented by several populations are classified, differing in the shape of the blades, viz., distinctly curved and sickle-shaped with pointed distal ends (as in the classical T. jadranica) vs. less curved and more or less rectangle-like with rounded distal ends (as in T. domerguei gobii). Trichodina domerguei gobii Raabe,.1959, which was synonymised with T. jadranica, is thus elevated to species rank. Furthermore, Trichodina jadranica noblei Lom, 1970 has straight and stout blades with broadly rounded distal ends and is raised to species rank: T noblei Lom, 1970. Trichodina jadranica sensu Xu et al., 1995 shows high similarities in denticle shape and dimensions as well as the central granule pattern with T chlamydis Xu et al., 1999. Thus, it is synonymised with the latter species.


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海洋沉积环境中多氯联苯(PCBs)和多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究对于揭示其污染历史、来源途径、迁移转化以及评价其对环境的潜在生态风险都有重要的科学意义和应用价值,本研究选择我国典型近海中比较开阔的南黄海和受人为影响严重的渤海湾沉积物中的PAHs和PCBs作为主要研究对象,结合对生态环境对应关系的剖析,系统研究了沉积物中PAHs和PCBs的地球化学分布特征、影响控制因素、演变趋势、潜在生态风险等,获得了以下系统的认识: 1.南黄海表层沉积物中多环芳烃和多氯联苯的分布与沉积类型及模式相一致,受控于“沉积类型-动力过程-来源途径”。PCBs含量(范围:518~5848 pg/g,平均值:1715 pg/g)低于受人为影响严重的长江口、珠江口和渤海,分布具有中部海区>东部海区>西部海区的特征;PCBs随着沉积物粒径的减小和粘土含量的增加而增加,且与总有机碳(r=0.61,p<0.01)含量呈显著线性正相关,表明PCBs在沉积物中的分布受控于被水动力过程原动力控制的沉积类型与沉积模式。 2. 1914~2004年间,南黄海沉积物中PAHs和PCBs的变化比较显著,在时间序列上经历了三个明显的不同阶段。近90年来,PAHs和PCBs在柱状样中垂直分布随深度的增加而降低,即近年南黄海沉积物中PAHs和PCBs的残留水平比上世纪初明显增加。其中1914~1932年间,PAHs和PCBs保持在较低的水平;1932~1962年间,PAHs和PCBs的含量发生急剧的变化,在1932~1944和1956~1962年两个时间段,PAHs和PCBs的含量达到峰值;自1962年至今,PAHs和PCBs呈稍有增加趋势。PAHs的组成和特征组分比值分析显示,1920~1944年间PAHs主要来自石油产品泄漏,1944~1980年间,主要来自草/木材/煤燃烧,1980年至2004年则显示出石油和燃烧产物混合来源的特征。 3.渤海湾沉积物中的PAHs、PCBs、DDTs和HCHs的分布模式不同,反映了这四种污染物的地球化学行为存在着明显的差异性。PAHs、PCBs、DDTs和HCHs的含量范围为149.0~393.4 ng/g,360.8~1728.3 pg/g,462.2~2007.3 pg/g和4.31~33.8 ng/g。马颊河口、海河口和黄河口附近的海区的沉积物中PAHs和PCBs的含量显著高于渤海湾内其它站位,DDTs在湾外沉积物中的含量大于湾内,在海河口附近站位测得HCHs含量的最高值,在其它站位其浓度变化不大。PAHs特征成分的比值显示渤海湾沉积物中PAHs主要来源于草/木材/煤燃烧的产物经过大气的输运过程进入水体;DDTs和HCHs的组成显示,在DDTs和HCHs被禁用后仍有新的输入源。 4.南黄海沉积物POPs总体水平不高,其环境污染危害和潜在生态风险不大,从沉积物POPs的角度来说南黄海的环境质量较好。潜在生态危害指数评价表明,渤海湾沉积物中芴可能会产生潜在的生态风险,DDTs和HCHs的含量低于一类沉积物质量标准值,总体而言,其沉积物质量良好,潜在生态风险较低。 论文的创新性点在于:1)首次研究了近百年南黄海沉积物中多环芳烃和多氯联苯的演变趋势,判断了其来源并对近百年二者的潜在生态风险进行评价。2)系统剖析了南黄海及渤海湾的生态环境与PAHs和PCBs的耦合关系,对阐明POPs的毒理效应有重要的科学意义。3)系统解析了渤海湾沉积物中PAHs,DDTs和HCHs的污染现状,来源和迁移途径,可为科学开发和利用渤海海域提供重要的理论依据。


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本论文在解析了南黄海生态环境的基础上,首次研究揭示了浮游植物固碳强度的年际变化及生态反馈机制,获得了东中国近海浮游植物固碳强度及对海域源/汇格局的影响程度;同时,用室内模拟实验探讨了重金属和有机污染物胁迫下海水无机碳体系和源汇格局的变化过程,获得了一些新的认识。主要结论如下: 1. 南黄海浮游植物固碳强度具有明显的时空变化特征,与海域光照、流系和水团变化、海水磷的浓度等因素密切相关,并在一定程度上决定海区碳源/汇的性质。2005年秋季浮游植物日固碳量达9.5万吨,1983-2005年间,南黄海浮游植物固碳强度有降低的趋势,与海水关键营养盐-磷的限制有关。东中国近海浮游植物年总固碳量约为2.2亿吨,约占全球近海浮游植物的年固碳量的2.0%。 在综合分析秋季南黄海水文、化学、生物背景的基础上,系统阐明了海域浮游植物固碳体系的生物地球化学机制。结果表明,2005年秋季南黄海浮游植物固碳强度,即初级生产力变化在 97−701 mgC m-2 d-1之间,平均为307 mg C m-2 d-1;与其关系比较密切的环境因子为海水透明度、盐度、pH、氨氮 (NH4-N)、磷酸盐 (PO4-P) 以及Chl a。在这些因素中,PO4-P对初级生产力的影响最大,显然11月份南黄海的磷是浮游植物生长的限制因子,次之的影响因素是Chl a和NH4-N。 对南黄海源汇格局的研究发现,如果除去涌升流较为活跃的站位(A9、B7、B8、B9、C8、C9、 D9和A1),2005年秋季表层海水pCO2与浮游植物固碳强度明显负相关(r=-0.8,n=23, p<0.001)。在南黄海东部浮游植物固碳强度较高,pCO2值较低;而在西部海区浮游植物固碳强度较低的区域,其pCO2值较高。碳源/汇转折点浮游植物固碳强度为230 mgC m-2 d-1,即小于此值,海区为大气二氧化碳的源,反之为汇,并且CO2汇区浮游植物固碳强度平均值约是CO2源区的2倍多;浮游植物固碳作用,在某一时间和空间尺度内,基本决定了海区的源汇格局。估算结果显示,东中国近海浮游植物固碳量约为222×106t a-1,约为东中国近海通过海-气界面总表观碳汇强度每年1369万吨的16.2倍,仅就浮游植物的年固碳量而言,东中国近海约占全球近海浮游植物的年固碳量的2.0%。 研究揭示了近年来南黄海浮游植物固碳强度具有区域与年际变化明显这一显著特点。一般,近岸区(由黄海沿岸水和表层水控制)内,光照是浮游植物固碳的主要限制因子;从2001年后的大多数年份中,中央区(黄海冷水团控制)的浮游植物固碳强度均与磷酸盐浓度显著正相关,但与氮浓度的相关性不大,说明南黄海生态系统普遍存在着磷限制而非氮限制;混合区终年受黄、东海混合水控制,受到光照条件和营养盐浓度同时影响。根据本次观测所获数据,结合以前研究者的调查资料,我们发现从1983年到2005年,南黄海浮游植物优势种由Bacillariophyta变为Pyrrophyta,浮游植物细胞丰度和Chl a明显下降,浮游植物固碳强度几乎下降了二分之一 (由569.50 mgC m-2 d-1下降至306.83 mgC m-2 d-1),说明南黄海在世界边缘海固碳过程中的作用在降低。经过相关水质参数及生态环境变化的分析,以上现象是对关键营养盐磷的限制以及光限制响应的缘故。此外,研究还发现,由于南黄海初级生产者产量下降所引起的一些生态反馈信息,如浮游动物固碳量的下降和鱼类产量的锐减。 2. 室内模拟实验显示,重金属(铅、铜、镉和锌)及有机污染物(乙醇、丙酮、尿素和多灭磷)对水体生物固碳体系有重要影响,较低浓度时可提高水体的固碳能力,相应水体中的DIC、HCO3-和 Pco2 与对照组相比都明显下降 (P<0.01);当污染物达到一定浓度后,水体生物的固碳能力明显下降,其有机碳可降解转化为无机碳。当污染物小于转折浓度水体为大气二氧化碳的汇,反之为源。 水体固碳体系对于不同种类、不同浓度的污染物质所表现的受胁迫情况不同,低浓度各污染物(包括重金属和有机污染物)添加组中(对于重金属为0.1和1µmol•L-1,醇和酮分别为<0.5 mol L-1和<0.75 mol L-1),藻干重及固碳量均要大于初始值,说明适量的外源污染可能会促进藻类生长,提高水体的固碳能力,相应水体中的DIC、HCO3- 和PCO2与对照组相比都明显下降 (P<0.01)。当污染物达到一定浓度后,由于其毒害作用,使得水体内生物的固碳能力下降,甚至分解并转化为无机碳,从会引起DIC、HCO3- 和PCO2含量的升高,其含量上升幅度会因固碳体系对不同种类污染物耐受程度的差异而不同。对于尿素和多灭磷,二者浓度分别达到80和20mgL-1时,水体中二氧化碳各参数仍呈现下降趋势,说明在该浓度范围内,大型藻类(如石莼)仍可利用添加物中的氮和磷,将其做为氮源或磷源,促进水体总固碳量的增加。 污染物胁迫对水体碳源汇能力及格局可起到一定的调控作用,与污染物的浓度密切相关,污染物存在着一转折浓度,分别为5µmol L-1(铜)、20µmol L-1(镉) 0.75mol L-1(酮),当污染物添加小于转折浓度并排除其他影响因素时,水体表现为大气CO2的汇,并且适量的增加污染物浓度会使海洋碳汇能力有所增强;而当污染物超出转折浓度时,水体成为CO2的源,其CO2的释放量是随着污染物浓度的增加而增大。对与研究中其他种类的污染物,在实验室设计范围内,水体始终表现为大气CO2的汇。


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Matrix-bound phosphine (MBP) concentrations in surface sediments collected from 37 stations along the coast of China in 2006 are reported. MBP was found in all samples and the average concentration was 6.30 ng kg(-1) dry weight (dw). The distribution of MBP showed certain spatial variation characteristics with high MBP concentrations at stations near to the coast. The average concentrations of MBP in the northern Yellow Sea (NYS), the southern Yellow Sea (SYS), the northern area of East China Sea (NECS), the southern area of East China Sea (SECS), and South China Sea (SCS) were 5.57 +/- 3.78, 3.78 +/- 2.81, 5.27 +/- 3.07, 5.48 +/- 4.05 and 13.52 +/- 7.86 ng kg(-1) dw. respectively. The correlations between MBP and influencing factors, such as the sedimentary environmental characteristics (sediment type, the grain size, contents of phosphorous, organic matters and redox potential) and the aquatic environmental characteristics (temperature, salinity, depth and hydrodynamics) were studied. The results indicated that MBP was strongly influenced by various factors, such as total phosphorus (TP), organic phosphorus (OP), organic carbon (OC), the grain size and hydrodynamics, all of which not only offered reasonable interpretations for the distribution characteristics of MBP but also provided evidence to support the viewpoint that phosphine originated from OP decomposition. This work is the first comprehensive study of the distribution of MBP along the coast of China and its relationships with environmental factors which will lead to a better understanding of the phosphorus (P) biogeochemical cycle in the sea. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The theoretical solution of the model of the Northern Yellow (Huanghai) Sea Cold Water Mass (NYSCWM) reveals that the NYSCWM is mainly formed through the continuous temperature increase of the overwintered water body above the Northern Yellow Sea Depression (NYSD) after spring when heat is continuously conducted from the sea surface to the deeper layer. In the NYSCWM's growing period, (June-July), nonlinear vertical convection and advection effects continuously increase, and are gradually balanced by the heat diffusion effect as the temperature increases from the surface to the bottom, which leads to the formation of an intensive thermocline and lateral front. Meanwhile, the three-dimensional circulation correspondingly occurs. In the NYSCWM's entire growing period, the horizontal circulation is always in the cyclonic motion, while the vertical circulation passes through a transition from a period with the cold centre as downwelling to a period with the cold centre as upwelling.


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The bioactivity screening of fractions from two inter-tidal sponges collected from the north of China Yellow Sea and one sponge collected from the South Chinese Sea was reported in this study. In sponge Hymeniacidon perleve there were 9 fractions out of 15 from CHCl3 extract with anti Staphylococcus aureus activity, 9 fractions out of 19 from BuOH extract with anti Escherichia coli activity, and three fractions from CHCl3 extract which had moderate to strong activity in inhibiting Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, and Aspergilus niger. The fractions of Reniochalina sp. showed bioactivity against bacteria and fungi. The fractions of Acanthella acuta Schmidt showed bioactivity against S. aureus and fungi. One compound from H. perleve obtained by the bioactively directing isolation was tested for bioactivity against the human hepatoma cell line Qgy7701 (IC50 10.1 mug/ml), Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Raji (IC50 9.76 mug/ml) and chronic myelogenous leukemia K562 (IC50 1.90 mug/ml). (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Samples of two cores, Cores M5-5 and M7-4 in the Bohai Sea were analyzed in isotopes, grain size, heavy minerals, chemical compositions, and 14 C dating to reconstruct the sedimentation during the Holocene. Abrupt change in carbon and oxygen stable isotopes was recognized at Core M5-5 at about 6400 a BP, which was likely due to the intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) extension into the Bohai Sea. At Core M7-4, sediments between 5900 and 6600 a BP (150-260 cm depth) became coarse-grained, containing rich garnet, high manganese content, and nil autogenic pyrite, indicating a very dynamic sedimentary event during which the ambience was transformed from reductive to oxidative, and sedimentation boosted. Meanwhile, the YSWC had invaded into the Bohai Sea indicated by rich planktonic foraminifera in this event. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We detected the responses of summertime extreme wave heights (H-top10, average of the highest 10% of significant wave heights in June, July and August) to local climate variations in the East China Sea by applying an empirical orthogonal function analysis to Htop10 derived from the WAVEWATCH- III wave model driven by 6 hourly sea surface wind fields from ERA-40 reanalysis over the period 1958-2002. Decreases in H-top10 in the northern East China Sea ( Yellow Sea) correspond to attenuation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon, while increases in the south are primarily due to enhancement of tropical cyclone activities in the western North Pacific.


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The relationship between monthly sea-level data measured at stations located along the Chinese coast and concurrent large-scale atmospheric forcing in the period 1960-1990 is examined. It is found that sea-level varies quite coherently along the whole coast, despite the geographical extension of the station set. A canonical correlation analysis between sea-level and sea-level pressure (SLP) indicates that a great part of the sea-level variability can be explained by the action of the wind stress on the ocean surface. The relationship between sea-level and sea-level pressure is analyzed separately for the summer and winter half-years. In winter, one factor affecting sea-level variability at all stations is the SLP contrast between the continent and the Pacific Ocean, hence the intensity of the winter Monsoon circulation. Another factor that affects coherently all stations is the intensity of the zonal circulation at mid-latitudes. In the summer half year, on the other hand, the influence of SLP on sea-level is spatially less coherent: the stations in the Yellow Sea are affected by a more localized circulation anomaly pattern, whereas the rest of the stations is more directly connected to the intensity of the zonal circulation. Based on this analysis, statistical models (different for summer and winter) to hindcast coastal sealevel anomalies from the large-scale SLP field are formulated. These models have been tested by fitting their internal parameters in a test period and reproducing reasonably the sea-level evolution in an independent period. These statistical models are also used to estimate the contribution of the changes of the atmospheric circulation on sea-level along the Chinese coast in an altered climate. For this purpose the ouput of 150 year-long experiment with the coupled ocean-atmosphere model ECHAM1-LSG has been analyzed, in which the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases was continuously increased from 1940 until 2090, according to the Scenario A projection of the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change. In this experiment the meridional (zonal) circulation relevant for sea-level tends to become weaker (stronger) in the winter half year and stronger (weaker) in summer. The estimated contribution of this atmospheric circulation changes to coastal sea-level is of the order of a few centimeters at the end of the integration, being in winter negative in the Yellow Sea and positive in the China Sea with opposite signs in the summer half-year.


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Ocean color and sea surface temperature data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Terra satellite are used to study the cross-shelf circulation and transport of suspended sediments in the Yellow and the East China Seas. The ocean color images show a significant turbid water plume extending in the southeast direction from the Subei coasts of China to the shelf edge south of Cheju during fall-winter, suggesting significant cross-shelf currents in the Yellow Sea/East China Sea in winter. The currents transport suspended sediments from the area of the old Huanghe mouth into the Okinawa Trough. Part of the turbid plume joins the Yellow Sea Warm Current to enter the Yellow Sea trough in winter. The satellite images suggest that the time scales of cross-shelf transport and surface-to-subsurface descending of the suspended sediments are a few weeks. The turbid plume grows in fall, reaches its maximum expansion and intensity in winter-spring, and subsides in late spring. In summer, the plume becomes coastally trapped. Substantial interannual variations of the intensity and coverage of the turbid plume are indicated by the observations. In comparison, the Changjiang Diluted Water in summer only transports a small amount of the Changjiang suspended sediment to the outer shelf south of Cheju, which does not enter the Yellow Sea owing to the weak intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current in summer. The dynamics of the cross-shelf circulation in the Yellow Sea in winter are hypothesized to be associated with (1) the convergence of the Yellow Sea Coastal Current and the Taiwan Warm Current off the Changjiang mouth and (2) the time-dependent forcing of the northerly wind bursts that drives the intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sea surface salinity is a key physical parameter in ocean science. It is important in the ocean remote sensing to retrieve sea surface salinity by the microwave probe technology. Based on the in situ measurement data and remote sensing data of the Yellow Sea, we have built a new empirical model in this paper, which can be used to retrieve sea surface salinity of the Yellow Sea by means of the brightness temperature of the sea water at L-band. In this model, the influence of the roughness of the sea surface is considered, and the retrieved result is in good agreement with the in situ measurement data, where the mean absolute error of the retrieved sea surface salinity is about 0.288 psu. This result shows that our model has greater retrieval precision compared with similar models.


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对古龙咀周围浅海区沉积物的粒度进行了测试与分析,结合相关的地质水文资料,探讨了海岸形态对沉积物粒度的影响。研究区表层沉积物平均粒径在海湾浅海区呈带状由岸向海变细,中等水深和岬角处分布着细粒区,向外海粒径相对变粗;除险岛湾砂质区外,分选差;偏态多数为正偏或近正态;整体峰形极窄,峰型多样。底质类型以粘土质粉砂和砂质粉砂为主,由东北经古龙咀岬角向西南形成S形粘土质粉砂分布带,险岛湾地区沉积物呈带状由砂逐渐过渡到粉砂。潮汐和波浪是本区沉积物输运的主要水动力,岬角的存在影响了沉积物粒度的分布。粒度趋势分析表明沉积物整体有向岬角汇聚的输运趋势。 对收集到基于1954年、1969年、1982年测量绘成的地形图水深数据进行数字化,结合2005年测量的水深数据,分别建立各时期DEM图,在此基础上分析研究区的地形特征。四个时期海底DEM呈现出大体一致的趋势,在险岛湾及白沙口海湾内为浅水区,水深值在-1~-4 m之间,深水区主要分布在南黄岛南端至古龙咀连线以南区域,呈扇形展布,水深由南黄岛两侧向中间逐渐加深,水深值在-10~ -17 m之间。从整体上看,研究区海底地形呈NW-SE方向逐渐加深。 将数字化后的水深数据统一校正到1956黄海高程系,分别建立DEM,运用GIS的栅格计算分析得出冲淤变化图。相关结果表明:1954~1969年研究区整体近岸为冲(险岛湾除外),离岸海域为淤;1969~1982年研究区总体处于弱淤积状态;1982-2005研究区海域近岸为淤,外海以弱冲刷状态为主。


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During spring (April/May 1999) and autumn (September/October 1998) cruises in the Bohai Sea, China, copepods were the dominant components of mesozooplankton, the most abundant species being Calanus sinicus, Centropages mcmurrichi, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia bifilosa and Oithona similis. Pigment ingestion rates by three size classes of copepods (200-500, 500-1000 and > 1000 mum) were measured. In the south of the investigation area, gut pigment content (GPC), individual pigment-specific ingestion rates and grazing impacts on phytoplankton were lower in spring than in autumn. In the central area, GPC and individual pigment-specific ingestion rates were higher in spring than in autumn. The grazing impact on phytoplankton by the copepod assemblages was lower in spring than in autumn, however, because of the relatively smaller biomass in spring. In the western area where the Bohai Sea joins the Yellow Sea, GPC, individual pigment-specific ingestion rates and grazing impacts on phytoplankton were higher in spring than in autumn. Among the three size groups, the small-sized animals (200-500 mum) contributed more than 50% (range 38-98%) of the total copepod grazing during both cruises. The grazing impact on phytoplankton by copepods was equivalent to 11.9% (range 3.0-37.1%) of the chlorophyll-a standing stock and 53.3% (range 21.4-91.4%) of the primary production during the spring cruise. Grazing impact was equivalent to 6.3% (range 2.0-11.6%) of the chlorophyll-a standing stock and >100% (range 25.7-141.6%) of the primary production during the autumn cruise. The copepod community apparently consumed only a modest proportion of the standing stock of phytoplankton during spring and autumn blooms. They did, however, sometimes graze a significant proportion of daily primary production and hence were presumably able to limit the rate of further accumulation of phytoplankton, or even to prevent it. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.