67 resultados para rotational pasture


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A three-dimensional MHD solver is described in the paper. The solver simulates reacting flows with nonequilibrium between translational-rotational, vibrational and electron translational modes. The conservation equations are discretized with implicit time marching and the second-order modified Steger-Warming scheme, and the resulted linear system is solved iteratively with Newton-Krylov-Schwarz method that is implemented by PETSc package. The results of convergence tests are plotted, which show good scalability and convergence around twice faster when compared with the DPLR method. Then five test runs are conducted simulating the experiments done at the NASA Ames MHD channel, and the calculated pressures, temperatures, electrical conductivity, back EMF, load factors and flow accelerations are shown to agree with the experimental data. Our computation shows that the electrical conductivity distribution is not uniform in the powered section of the MHD channel, and that it is important to include Joule heating in order to calculate the correct conductivity and the MHD acceleration.


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We study the statistical properties of the image speckles produced by strong-scattering objects in the 4f optical imaging system. Using the generic expression of the complex amplitude of speckles and the approximation of the double-exponential function, we first obtain the ensemble average of the speckle intensity. Then we derive the variance of the speckle intensity based on the rotational transformation of the real and imaginary parts of the complex amplitude of speckles. We finally obtain the expression for the contrast of the. speckles, which is explicitly related to the statistical parameters of random surface and to the parameters of the imaging system. Our results are an obvious improvement compared with those reported in the literature, where the relations including such implicit quantities as the average size of the scattering grains of the random surface and the number of scattering grains are usually used. The results of this paper would be helpful for the characterization of random surface by speckle contrast.


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提出一种精确测量波片相位延迟的方法。将待测波片置于起偏器和检偏器之间,转动待测波片和检偏器至不同的位置并探测输出的光强,得到波片的相位延迟。采用光源调制技术和解调技术,抑制了连续光所无法克服的背景光干扰和电子噪声的干扰;将光路分为测量光路和参考光路,采用软件除法技术,消除了光源波动的影响,从而实现波片相位延迟的精确测量。详细分析了影响测量精度的误差因素,主要有光源波长变化、温度变化、入射角倾斜、转台转角误差和光源波动,计算了1064 nm波长时厚度为0.52 mm的λ/4多级结晶石英波片产生的相位延迟误差


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The local structure of Na-Al-P-O-F glasses, prepared by a novel sol-gel route, was extensively investigated by advanced solid-state NMR techniques. Al-21{F-19} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) results indicate that the F incorporated into aluminophosphate glass is preferentially bonded to octahedral Al units and results in a significant increase in the concentration of six-coordinated aluminum. The extent of Al-F and Al-O-P connectivities are quantified consistently by analyzing Al-27{P-31} and Al-21{F-19} REDOR NMR data. Two distinct types of fluorine species were identified and characterized by various F-19{Al-27}, F-19{Na-23}, and F-19{P-31} double resonance experiments, which were able to support peak assignments to bridging (Al-F-Al, -140 ppm) and terminal (Al-F, -170 ppm) units. On the basis of the detailed quantitative dipole-dipole coupling information obtained, a comprehensive structural model for these glasses is presented, detailing the structural speciation as a function of composition.


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FSodium phosphate tellurite glasses in the system (NaPO3)(x)(TeO2)(1-x) were prepared and structurally characterized by thermal analysis, vibrational spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and a variety of complementary solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Unlike the situation in other mixed-network-former glasses, the interaction between the two network formers tellurium oxide and phosphorus oxide produces no new structural units, and no sharing of the network modifier Na2O takes place. The glass structure can be regarded as a network of interlinked metaphosphate-type P(2) tetrahedral and TeO4/2 antiprismotic units. The combined interpretation of the O 1s XPS data and the P-31 solid-state NMR spectra presents clear quantitative evidence for a nonstatistical connectivity distribution. Rather the formation of homootomic P-O-P and Te-O-Te linkages is favored over mixed P-O-Te connectivities. As a consequence of this chemical segregation effect, the spatial sodium distribution is not random, as also indicated by a detailed analysis of P-31/No-23 rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiments. ACHTUNGTRENUNG(TeO2)1 x were prepared and structurally characterized by thermal analysis,vibrat ional spectroscopy,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and a variety of complementary solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Unlike the situation in other mixed-network-former glasses,the interaction between the two network formers tellurium oxide and phosphorus oxide produces no new structural units,and no sharing of the network modifier Na2O takes place. The glass structure can be regarded as a network of interlinked metaphosphate-type P(2) tetrahedral and TeO4/2 antiprismatic units. The combined interpretation of the O 1s XPS data and the 31P solid-state NMR spectra presents clear quantitative evidence for a nonstatistical connectivity distribution. Rather,the formation of homoatomic P O P and Te O Te linkages is favored over mixed P O Te connectivities. As a consequence of this chemical segregation effect,the spatial sodium distribution is not random,as also indicated by a detailed analysis of 31P/23Na rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiments.


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涡度相关技术是唯一能直接测定大气与植被间CO2通量的标准方法。随着全球变化研究的深入,人类活动干扰下陆地生态系统碳通量研究越来越受到关注,对草地生态系统的研究更是备受关注。本研究选择位于内蒙古典型的农牧交错区——多伦县的典型克氏针茅草地和被开垦的农田为研究对象,利用涡度相关技术,结合各环境因子,在不同时间尺度上探讨了控制内蒙古草地生态系统碳通量可能的生理机制。利用一年多净生态系统CO2气体交换(NEE)通量的观测,量化了这个地区草地生态系统的碳储备量,并进一步阐明了开垦对该区域生态系统物质能量流动的影响。我们还利用Keeling同位素曲线与微气象技术相结合的方法把生态系统夜间呼吸区分为自养呼吸和异养呼吸;同时利用同化箱式法,把草地生态系统白天群落呼吸进行了区分,进一步了解了不同生态过程对净碳通量的贡献。 结果表明,控制该地区生态系统碳通量主要的环境因子是土壤含水量(VWC)和温度。两个生态系统的植被叶面积指数(LAI)和生物量在非干旱季都要高于干旱季,因而两个生态系统在非干旱季不同环境因子的不同梯度下的NEEmax都比干旱季的要高。两个生态系统NEE的最大日变幅和日最大值在非旱季与旱季十分接近,说明即使土壤水分有所改善,但由于这个地区贫瘠的土壤限制了生态系统的净碳交换量而使这两个生态系统的固碳能力依旧不高。无论是旱季还是非旱季,草地生态系统呼吸的温度敏感系数Q10都随土壤含水量的增加而增加,这除了水分的促进作用外,另外就是生长旺季根生物量的增加。而在两个生长季里农田生态系统的Q10都随土壤含水量的变化不是很规则,这主要是因为农作改变了植被类型和土壤的物理结构从而引起生态系统微环境、微生物活性以及根生物量的改变,结果影响生态系统呼吸对温度的敏感性。 在连续两个生长季里,两个生态系统碳通量随季节的变化都有明显的日变化,7月份的日变化最大,而且农田生态系统的NEE日变幅大于草地生态系统NEE的日变幅。两个生态系统每个月NEE的日最大值都出现在上午8~9点左右,而生态系统的呼吸(RE)的日最大值都发生在下午14~16点左右。冬季两个生态系统各组分碳通量的日进程几乎都没有差异,系统基本处于碳平衡状态。进入春季,幼小的植被限制了生态系统的碳同化。期间的耕作促进了土壤CO2的大量释放,同时较频繁的降雨不仅影响植被吸收光以进行光合固定碳,同时也进一步加大了农田CO2的释放,结果农田生态系统释放的CO2比草地生态系统多。夏季,两个生态系统都是吸收碳的库,农田生态系统因较高的LAI和较低的生态系统呼吸温度敏感性使其NEP远高于草地生态系统的NEP,是一个较强的碳库。秋末,草地生态系统几乎处于碳平衡的状态。农作物的收割,使得大量含不溶性物质较低枯叶和秸秆残留在地里,农田生态系统呼吸释放的碳量显著高于同期草地释放的碳量。通过2005~2006年对两个生态系统碳通量进行一整年的观测,发现两个生态系统年净固碳量相当,草地净固定71.3 g C m-2,农田净固定64.4 g C m-2。但秋季的收获使农田生态系统近70%的生物量被收走,降低了该系统的固碳能力。 为进一步了解不同生态过程对净碳通量的贡献量,我们利用浓度梯度-同位素法与微气象技术相结合的方法,初步将生态系统呼吸区分为自养呼吸和异养呼吸。草地生态系统在生长旺季自养呼吸占总呼吸80%以上,而农田生态系统在生长季阶段异养呼吸所占整个生态呼吸的比例从60%上升至作物成熟时的80%以上。降雨不仅显著增加草地生态系统呼吸的释放量,而且主要是显著增加了异养呼吸的释放量。此外,我们还利用同化箱式法对草地生态系统的群落呼吸进行区分,结果显示群落总呼吸(Re)有明显的季节变化,最高值在生长季中期。凋落物分解、土壤有机质呼吸、根呼吸和地上植被呼吸在整个生长季平均分别占总生态系统呼吸的19.4%、37.8%、9.8%和32.9%。构建各组分呼吸通量与温度的指数关系,结果显示根呼吸的温度敏感系数最大,土壤有机质的温度敏感性最低。降雨后首先促进了异养呼吸,随后植物的呼吸也开始变大,群落呼吸释放的最高峰出现在雨后第二天。 本研究初步分析了控制内蒙古农牧交错区草地生态系统碳通量的主要因子,量化了该区域草地生态系统的碳储备量,并进一步阐述了开垦对该区域生态系统碳通量的影响。同时尝试不同方法对生态系统碳通量进行了区分,得出了一些具有生态学意义的结果,为进一步探讨控制生态系统碳通量的生理机制提供了可能。