101 resultados para pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate


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1、喜树碱类衍生物抗HIV构效关系与作用机制研究 喜树碱为传统的抗肿瘤药物。本研究对经过化学结构修饰的喜树碱类衍生物进行抗HIV活性及作用机制的研究,并初步探讨了其抗HIV构效关系。 我们对喜树碱类衍生物A系列化合物A1(喜树碱)、A2(10-羟基喜树碱)及A3(7-羟基喜树碱)进行了抗HIV活性检测。化合物A1和A3有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,化合物A2没有显示抗HIV活性。表明化合物A1的C-10位上-OH基团修饰可能会降低抗HIV活性,化合物A1的C-7位上-CH2OH基团修饰和C-20位-CH3缺失可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物A3和A1的抗HIV机制研究发现:二者对整合酶有一定的结合活性,对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB 和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对重组的HIV-1蛋白酶和逆转录酶没有抑制活性。化合物A1和A3不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9和Jurkat细胞系的作用。进一步进行化合物A3诱导 H9和H9/HIV-1ⅢB、Jurkat和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB的凋亡实验显示,化合物A3诱导感染HIV-1ⅢB和未感染病毒细胞的凋亡没有选择性。据此我们初步认为化合物A3和A1的抗HIV作用可能与抑制整合酶活性有关,该化合物可能还作用于其它靶点。 喜树碱类衍生物B系列中化合物B1为20(S)-O - [-O-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基哌啶-4'-丁二酸)]-20-喜树碱酯,化合物B2为20(S)-O - [-N-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基-1',2',5',6'-四氢吡啶酰胺)-4'-丙氨酸)]-20-喜树碱酯)。我们对化合物B1和B2进行了抗HIV活性检测。结果显示:化合物B2有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-21、喜树碱类衍生物抗HIV构效关系与作用机制研究 喜树碱为传统的抗肿瘤药物。本研究对经过化学结构修饰的喜树碱类衍生物进行抗HIV活性及作用机制的研究,并初步探讨了其抗HIV构效关系。 我们对喜树碱类衍生物A系列化合物A1(喜树碱)、A2(10-羟基喜树碱)及A3(7-羟基喜树碱)进行了抗HIV活性检测。化合物A1和A3有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,化合物A2没有显示抗HIV活性。表明化合物A1的C-10位上-OH基团修饰可能会降低抗HIV活性,化合物A1的C-7位上-CH2OH基团修饰和C-20位-CH3缺失可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物A3和A1的抗HIV机制研究发现:二者对整合酶有一定的结合活性,对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB 和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对重组的HIV-1蛋白酶和逆转录酶没有抑制活性。化合物A1和A3不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9和Jurkat细胞系的作用。进一步进行化合物A3诱导 H9和H9/HIV-1ⅢB、Jurkat和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB的凋亡实验显示,化合物A3诱导感染HIV-1ⅢB和未感染病毒细胞的凋亡没有选择性。据此我们初步认为化合物A3和A1的抗HIV作用可能与抑制整合酶活性有关,该化合物可能还作用于其它靶点。 喜树碱类衍生物B系列中化合物B1为20(S)-O - [-O-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基哌啶-4'-丁二酸)]-20-喜树碱酯,化合物B2为20(S)-O - [-N-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基-1',2',5',6'-四氢吡啶酰胺)-4'-丙氨酸)]-20-喜树碱酯)。我们对化合物B1和B2进行了抗HIV活性检测。结果显示:化合物B2有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,而化合物B1的抗HIV活性差。表明化合物B1的C-4’位-CH2被-NH取代,同时C-3’位-CH3修饰可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物B2的抗HIV机制研究发现,化合物B2对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对HIV-1蛋白酶、重组的HIV-1逆转录酶及整合酶没有抑制活性。化合物B2不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9细胞系的作用。化合物B2抗HIV的作用机制还需进一步研究。 2、HIV/AIDS患者疱疹病毒感染状况及性病患者的HIV感染状况分析 疱疹病毒是AIDS患者合并感染的常见病原体。引起人类疾病的8种疱疹病毒与HIV感染及AIDS进展、机会性感染、恶性肿瘤密切相关。为了解HIV/AIDS患者人类8型疱疹病毒感染状况,我们检测了30例AIDS患者、40例HIV携带者及70例正常对照的液标本中8型疱疹病毒感染状况。采用ELISA法检测单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)、单纯疱疹病毒2型(HSV-2)、水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)和巨细胞病毒(CMV);采用PCR法检测EB病毒(EBV)、疱疹病毒6型(HHV-6)、疱疹病毒7型(HHV-7)及疱疹病毒8型(HHV-8)。结果显示,HIV/AIDS患者中HSV-1、HSV-2、VZV、CMV、HHV-6、HHV-8 阳性率均高于健康体检者,其中AIDS患者VZV感染率与HIV携带者有显著性差异;在AIDS患者中多种疱疹病毒共感染普遍存在,必须重视HIV/AIDS患者合并疱疹病毒感染的防治。 性病可促进HIV的传播,了解性病患者的HIV感染状况及临床特征具有重要的意义。在自愿接受HIV咨询检测的基础上,对临床确诊的412例性病患者进行HIV-1/2抗体检测,并对其临床特征进行分析研究。结果显示412例性病患者的HIV检出率为2.9%。性病患者中检出HIV阳性率依次为:尖锐湿疣(6.2%)、生殖器疱疹(4.2%)、梅毒(3.4%)、淋病(1.5%)及非淋菌性尿道炎(1.0%)。83.3%合并感染HIV的性病患者存在多性伴,商业性行为普遍存在,安全套使用率极低现象。感染HIV的尖锐湿疣及生殖器疱疹患者以频繁复发为突出表现,1例合并感染HIV的梅毒患者半年即进展为神经梅毒。性病患者是HIV感染的重要高危人群,危险性行为是其感染HIV和其它性病的主要原因,应该加强性病患者的HIV检测。对临床上频繁复发的尖锐湿疣及生殖器疱疹患者、快速进展的梅毒患者应高度怀疑合并HIV感染的可能。


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利用能量为 16 4— 180MeV的 3 5Cl束流 ,通过重离子核反应 14 9Sm(3 5Cl ,5n)研究了 179Au的高自旋态能级结构 .实验进行了γ射线的激发函数、X γ和γ γ t符合测量 .基于对实验测量结果的分析 ,首次建立了 179Au的 1 2 [6 6 0 ](πi13 2 )转动带 .结合已有的实验数据 ,着重讨论了奇AAu核中1 2 [6 6 0 ](πi13 2 )转动带的带头激发能随中子数的变化


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目的: 应用我国自主研发的重离子加速器产生的12C6+重离子束治疗复发性软组织肉瘤,评价其高线性能量传递 (LET)及低 LET在临床应用中的优劣. 方法: 3例经病理证实为软组织肉瘤自愿接受重离子束照射的患者,其中 2例病变位于腹部,1例在背部. 所有患者均为手术复发 2次以上,最多达 6次,并经手术行常规放疗失败. 应用 80~100mev/u重离子束对 3例患者分别给予总剂量 72~120 GyE/6212 f照射,生物效应剂量 (RBE) =3. 结果:2例患者 3mo后病变完全消失,达临床治愈;1例缩小 75%,达临床部分缓解,总有效率为100%.治疗中及治疗后照射野皮肤无破溃等放射性损伤.结论:12C6+重离子束具有治疗精度高,疗程短,对肿瘤周围正常组织损伤小等特点. 特别在射线抗拒的难治性肿瘤中可达到常规放疗难以实现的疗效,具有很好的临床应用前景.


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A 2-kW-class chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) using nitrogen buffer gas has been developed and tested since industrial applications of COIL devices will require the use of nitrogen as the buffer gas. The laser, with a gain length of 11.7 cm, is energized by a square pipe-array jet-type singlet oxygen generator (SPJSOG) and employs a nozzle bank with a designed Mach number of 2.5. The SPJSOG has advantages over the traditional plate-type JSOG in that it has less requirements on basic hydrogen peroxide (BHP) pump, and more important, it has much better operational stability. The SPJSOG without a cold trap and a gas-liquid separator could provide reliable operations for a total gas flow rate up to 450 mmol/s and with a low liquid driving pressure of around 0.7 atm or even lower. The nozzle bank was specially designed for a COIL using nitrogen as the buffer gas. The cavity was designed for a Mach number of 2.5, in order to provide a gas speed and static temperature in the cavity similar to that for a traditional COIL with helium buffer gas and a Mach 2 nozzle. An output power of 2.6 kW was obtained for a chlorine flow rate of 140 mmol/s, corresponding to a chemical efficiency of 20.4%. When the chlorine flow rate was reduced to 115 mmol/s, a higher chemical efficiency of 22.7% was attained. Measurements showed that the SPJSOG during normal operation could provide a singlet oxygen yield Y greater than or equal to 55%, a chlorine utilization U greater than or equal to 85%, and a relative water vapor concentration w = [H2O]/([O-2] + [Cl-2]) less than or equal to 0.1.


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Quantum-chemistry methods were explored to investigate the electronic structures, injection and transport properties, absorption and phosphorescence mechanism of a series of blue-emitting Ir(III) complexes {[(F-2-ppy)(2)Ir(pta -X/pyN4)], where F-2-ppy = (2,4-difluoro)phenylpyridine; pta = pyridine-1,2,4-triazole; X = phenyl(1); p-tolyl (2); 2,6-difluororophenyl (3); -CF3 (4), and pyN4 = pyridine-1,2,4-tetrazolate (5)}, which are used as emitters in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). The mobility of hole and electron were studied computationally based on the Marcus theory. Calculations of Ionization potentials (IPs) and electron affinities (EAs) were used to evaluate the injection abilities of holes and electrons into these complexes.


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A new iron(III) coordination compound exhibiting a two-step spin-transition behavior with a remarkably wide [HS-LS] plateau of about 45 K has been synthesized from a hydrazino Schiff-base ligand with an N,N,O donor set, namely 2-methoxy-6-(pyridine-2-ylhydrazonomethyl) phenol (Hmph). The single-crystal X-ray structure of the coordination compound {[Fe(mph)(2)](ClO4)(MeOH)(0.5)(H2O)(0.5)}(2) (1) determined at 150 K reveals the presence of two slightly different iron(III) centers in pseudo-octahedral environments generated by two deprotonated tridentate mph ligands. The presence of hydrogen bonding interactions, instigated by the well-designed ligand, may justify the occurrence of the abrupt transitions. 1 has been characterized by temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements, EPR spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and Fe-51 Mossbauer spectroscopy, which all confirm the occurrence of a two-step transition. In addition, the iron(III) species in the high-spin state has been trapped and characterized by rapid cooling EPR studies.


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A new hydrogen-bonded dinuclear copper(II) coordination compound has been synthesized from the Schiff-base ligand 6-(pyridine-2-ylhydrazonomethyl)phenol (Hphp). The molecular structure of [Cu-2(php)(2)(H2O2)(2)(ClO4)](ClO4)- (H2O) (1), determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, reveals the presence of two copper(II) centers held together by means of two strong hydrogen bonds, with O center dot O contacts of only 2.60-2.68 angstrom. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements down to 3 K show that the two metal ions are antiferromagnetically coupled (J = -19.8(2) cm(-1)). This exchange is most likely through two hydrogen-bonding pathways, where a coordinated water on the first Cu, donates a H bond to the O atoms of the coordinated php at the other Cu. This strong O center dot H (water) bonding interaction has been clearly evidenced by theoretical calculations. In the relatively few related cases from the literature, this exchange path, mediated by a (neutral) coordinated water molecule, was not recognized.


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利用差示扫描量热仪、X射线衍射仪、正交偏光显微镜研究了成核剂 1,3 :2 ,4-二 (亚苄基 ) -D山梨醇(DBS)对聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PET) /聚 2 ,6-萘二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PEN)共混体系的结构及结晶形态的影响。结果表明 :成核剂的加入 ,使PET/PEN共混体系熔融起始温度升高 10℃左右 ,结晶峰形变尖锐 ,说明加入成核剂后有效促进了PET/PEN共混体系的结晶。实验结果表明 :成核剂含量低于 1%时 ,PET/PEN共混体系晶体的球晶完整。成核剂含量大于 3 %时 ,PET/PEN /DBS共混体系晶体的球晶碎小。成核剂的加入 ,能够有效地减小球晶尺寸和降低球晶的完善性


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Two new Cull coordination polymers, namely [Cu-2(BDC)(2)(L)(4)(H2O)(2)]center dot 14H(2)O (1) and [Cu-1.5(BTC)(L)(1.5)(H2O)(0.5)]center dot 2H(2)O (2), where L = 1,1'-(1,4-butanediyl)bis(imidazole), BDC = 1,4-benzene dicarboxylate, and BTC = 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate, have been synthesized at room temperature. Complex 1 exhibits an unusual, square-planar, four-connected 2D (2)(6)4 net, which has been predicated by Wells. Interestingly, three types of water clusters, namely (H2O)(6), (H2O)(8), and (H2O)(10), are observed in the hydrogen-bonded layers constructed by the BDC ligands and water molecules. The BTC anion in compound 2 is coordinated to the Cu" cation as tetradentate ligand to form a (6(6))(2)(4(2)6(4)8(4))(2)(6(4)810) net containing three kinds of nonequivalent points, Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) and IR spectra for 1 and 2 are also discussed in detail.


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根据稀土有机配合物 Na3Eu(DPA) 3(DPA:2 ,6-pyridine dicarboxylic acid)的发光强和热稳定性高的特点 ,采用加热方法将 Na3Eu(DPA) 3掺入 PC树脂中 ,制成发光塑料树脂 .其发光性能结果表明 ,Na3Eu(DPA) 3掺入 PC树脂后 ,仍保持稀土有机配合物原有的发光特性 ,制成的 Na3Eu(DPA) 3-PC树脂复合材料具有良好的发光性能 ,其发光强度与稀土有机配合物 Na3Eu(DPA) 3掺入的比例量有关 ,但没有一定的线性关系 .


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New copolyether sulfones containing 2,6-bis(p-oxo-benzylidene)cyclohexanone and 2,6-bis(o,p-dioxo-benzylidene)cyclohexanone moieties were prepared in the conventional literature manner by condensing the dipotassium salts of 2,6-bis(p-hydroxybenzylidene)cyclohexanone (III), 2,6-bis(o,p-dihydroxybenzylidene)-cyclohexanone (V), and 2,2-bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)propane (Bisphenol A, VII) with 4,4'-dichlorodiphenyl sulfone (VI), or by condensing the dipotassium salts of III and VII with a new benzylidene cyclohexanone sulfone macromer (X). Finally, the polycondensation reaction of sulfonyl bis(p-benzaldehydeoxo-p-phenylene) (IX) with cyclohexanone leads to an unsaturated copolymer (XVI). The resulting copolyether sulfones were confirmed by IR, H-1-NMR, viscometry, elemental analysis, thermooptical (TOA), x-ray, and thermogravimetric (TGA) measurements.


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